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Delayed Prompting/Constant Time Delay Procedure

WHEN?: When student does not react to being enticed by reinforcer.

Physical Prompter Student Communication Partner

Entices student from across the room

No reaction (INCORRECT)

Waits designated amount of time

Takes student back to book, assists Hands symbol to CMM partner Differentially reinforces student (gives
them in grabbing symbol and reinforcer but for shorter amount of
traveling to CMM partner time, gives smaller piece of reinforcer)
Entices student from across the room

Goes to book and gets symbol, takes Offers appropriate praise and
it to CMM partner (CORRECT) reinforces student accordingly

Backstep Error Correction Procedure

WHEN?: When student makes an error following the sequence of an activity (drops PECS card, pauses, moves to
CMM partner rather than to CMM book)
Physical Prompter Student Communication Partner

Entices student from across the room

Goes to communication partner

instead of getting symbol from book
Takes student back to book, assists Hands symbol to CMM partner Differentially reinforces student (gives
them in grabbing symbol and reinforcer but for shorter amount of
traveling to CMM partner time, gives smaller piece of reinforcer)
Entices student from across the room

Goes to book and gets symbol, takes Offers appropriate praise and
it to CMM partner (CORRECT) reinforces student accordingly

4-Step Error Correction Procedure

WHEN?: When student gives an incorrect response.
Step Teacher Student
“What day is it?” “Tuesday”
MODEL/SHOW “No, it’s Wednesday” “Wednesday”
PROMPT “What day is it?” “Wednesday”
SWITCH “That’s right! What’s your name?” “Mike”
REPEAT “What day is it?” “Wednesday”

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