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USN t0EC46

I.-ourth Sernester B.B. Degree Examination. Dec.20l5lJan.20ld

Linear lCs and Applications
'l'iruc: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
Note: /. Attswer onJ, I'-lVE./itll q estiorls, selccting
o east Tlf'O qaestiotts ./'ron, eecll Ir rt.
2. Missing tlata, i/ any, ntay hp usstunetl suitahly.

:. PAR'I' A

I a. With a neat circuit dtagr-ant, cxplain tlrc basic op-antp cir.cuit. (06 Ntar.ks)
lr non invet'ting anrplifier uses prA 741 op-anrp with Rr - R3:2.2K and Rr - 220 K.
Dctcrmine rlaxintum possible output o ff-sct voltagc duc to :
i) input o flie t volta{:rc of 5 rnV
ii) inpLrt bias cullent of ls 1,,,,,^1 : 50011A
-- iii) Input offlet current of I;1n51:200 r1A
iv) rv) resistancc tolerancc ol+ l0%. (10 Marks)
c- Obtain thc cxprcssiou fbr output voltage fbr thc two input inverting sumlning amplifler
A* circuit. (04 Marks)

:9 a. Dt'arv a neat circuit diagram ofa capacitor coupled voltage follower and explain its operatron
.,vith neccssary clestgn stcps. (0lt Nlarks)
a b. Dcsign a high irtrpcdance capacitor - couplcd non-inverting antplilicl to lrave a krw cLrtofT
ficquency of200 Hz. Tlrc input and output voltages arc to bc l(r mv and 4v respectivcly
!- and nrinirlum load rcsistance is l0 KO. Sclcct R: : I MO and C1 : 0. I prF. (06 NtarLs)
c. L.xPlain how thc uppel cutofl ficcluency can be sct fbr inverting arnplificr rvith the help ol
ncat citcuit cliagram and also explain design stcps. (06 Marks)

-t il. Dcfinc loop gain, Ioop phasc shifl. polc fiequency and phase margin. (04 Marks)
b. F xPIl111 1r'I11.' etlccl erlnt1l.'nsittiun. (06 Nl alks)
c. For thc circuit shown in I-ig Q3(o), calcul:rtc :
i) Irull power bandwidth of I V pcak input and op-arnp slerv r.ate of 251) V/ps
-6 ii) Maxrmum pcak output voltage obtain fbr input signal ol 100 KHz and with slcr,v tate o1'
0.5 V/prs. (0.1 N'larks)

7i 4.+k

!< V;
l./ o

z (. 31k

Fig Q3(c)
d. t-ist the precautions to be obscrvcd for op anrl'r cilcuit stability. (06 Marks)

l of 2
t 0EC46
ll. Dcsign thc curlent source circuit shown in Fig. Q4(a) to producc a I 00nrA output to a .10 O
Ioad. Usc a + l2V supply and an LM lOtl op-amp. (06 NI arks)

*V cc
I t- ?r


F ig.Q4(a)
b. Skctch thc circuit of a ctlrl'cltt auplificr with lloating load. Explain circuit operation and
tlcrivc ar ccluation fbr cLrl|ent.qui . (06 Marks)
c. what arc thc advanta.qcs o1'plecision rcctificr over ordinary rectifier? Explain the working
ofa tirll wavc precision lcctitier. (08 Nlirks)

5 a. with [elcvant diagfam, cxplain thc opcration olne-eativc clanrpc.r'circLrit usrrrg,l]-ilnrll.
(06 N{arks)
b. Dcsi-qn a triangular wavefornr geltcrator to produce a +2V. I KHz output. Usc a +15V
supply. Also calculate the llinimurl op anrlt slcw ratc. (08 Marks)
c. Ilxplain tlrc working ofphasc shifl oscillator using op-arrrp. (06 Ntarks)

a. With rclcvant diagrarrs, cxplain trasic iuvcrting and non-irrvcrting col.ltparatot circuit rvith

lr With a ncat circuit diagram. cxplair thc opcration of inve'ting Schnrirt rr.igger..f:Jl":i:
discLrss thc dcsign proccclurc. (l{) Nlrrks}
Usirrg 7z1l op-antp, dcsign thc fir-st ortlcl active low-pass filtcr kr havc a cutoff tictluer.rcy ol
1 .2 l( Flu (04 Nlarks)

7 Lr. Brictly cxplain the starttlard lcpresentation of TliXX serjes 3 terntinal lC regulators and
crlulreratc tltc charactc|istics of this typc of'r'egulators. (08 N,larks)
b. With thc hclp o1'ncat diagrant. cxplain the operation of adjustable regulator using fixed
3 tcr nrina I lctulator. (06 Nlarks)
c. Explain the opcration ofbasic high voltagc rcgulator using lC 72-j. (06 Nlarks)

tl a. L:plain the opcration of a ntono stablc multivibrittor using -555 IC tirlcr-s. (06 i\larks)
Lr' F.rplain thc o1'rclation ol plusc Iockecl loop (PLL) with thc hclp o1'ncat block schenratic
d iaglaur. (08 Marks)
c. What output voltage would bc produced by DAC whose output t-angc is 0 to l0 V and whose
input brnary nunrbcr is
i) l0 (2 trit DAC)
ii) 0ll0(4birDAC)
iii) I 0 I I I I 00(fbr8bitDACI). (06 Nlarks)


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