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Examination Control Bivision

!!. i F;Il-ur*'- 80

Pass Marks 32
2073 Bharda Year !Part t/t Time 3 hrs.

_ €t:!i_ggr.. --.
Fy_ldamenral of Thermcd.r,namics and Heat-Trans fer (htE

/ Attempt *tl questions.

,/ The Jigures in the margin indicate Ful! .M*rks.
l. Nnrettorv trtblus At
/ suitcble aow
As,s'ume ifiinsirl;. --
1' Defirle a ttrermodynamic properiy a.lrJ thennocynami* state. List t.*,o importa,rt
of a i.hermcrlynamic property.
2" Deiinc u'crk transfer and heat transfer with examples. AIso ij*rive a mathematical
expression of displacement u'ork for an ideal gas undeigcing
an ariiabatic process.
3. Explain ho'"v satumtion curve is formed cn T_V diagranr.
4' Define unsteady state r'vork applications. Derive general niass
alici eiiergy conser.ratio.n
equations for an open system undergoing n procesJin w,hich
a l"luici rs b.ift .-p;li.J irro
a piston cyiinder device throul:li u ,ulu*.
5. Defind refrigeralor and its ccp. Explain hor.v firsi raw anci second law of
thermodynamics can be applied to analyze the perfcrman.*
olaih" refrigerator.
6' Derive an expression of thermar efiiciency of an idear Rankine
cycl.e. sk-eich p-v and T-s
diagrams of the cvcle.
7 ' Define thermal resistance. Write the expression of thermai
resistance for plane waii,
hollow cylinder and convective layer. Dilferentiate between
fiee anci forc*d convection
with examples.
8' A piston cylinder arrangement as shcs,n in ligure below-
contains gas initiallv at
P1:P,6n:lO0klla and rr:20"C. The cross secrionaiarea of the
mass of 50kg and is initiaily resting r;n the hoftom stops.
lieat is,jed to the sysiem until
it touciies the upper stops.
a) Sketch the process on P-V and T-V diagrams.
b) Determine the total work transfer
9. A rigid container rvith a volume of 0.2 m3 is initiali','fiiled u'ith steafii Lit 200kPa,
It i:: rooled io 100"c" t8l

a) At whar tciitirel.sture anrl pressure d-oes a phase change start to {}ccur?

b) Wha-t is lrri,iral Pressure?
.!, iiaiction of iire rvater is liqui;i 'il the finai state?
d) Sketch ilri: D-rccess an ir-1j and T-V ci: '.'.-''r''i'
propertir:'i i siea:.r'i
fRefer atta,:hed tar:ia ibr the -:

rxits at 100 ki'a

i0. Air etitcrs ihe turbine tt 1lv{Pa s1:i, i:?cc lvlii,;t vei**ity of 100rn/s and
trom tire surface is l200kJ/min and power
and27,C,vi.rh 1,,-r+,reiccity. Hel:i !r.,is t,-:ri:rine
output ci rhe iurbine is 240!:V. For iin inlet area of turbine B00c;n2, detemrine the

velocit-r- ani rolrimetric flow rate of a:. ,rr rurbine exit. I lake R:287 J/kgK and
(1 -l Ofr( I -r :k IB]
' ":^-, .

il.Air en'*:s a girs turbine at ilu{Ps and lSrllilil and exists at iet0kPa. If its isentropic
efijciencv is 3,;gi, determine the turbine c:li':'rln:rreraure. ( Take r: 1.4 and co-
j,'i:gK) l8l
12. A. Ottc cycle has a compression i:iiii +f 8. At the beginning of the cornpression
llrt:ciSSr air is ai pressure y5kfa ancl i...,:r:,:raitue Z?oC, and ?50 kj&g
cf heat is
iri:t:.i:ffed to air during the l:eai airdition prii':i''j' Determine:
Irj i-lessuie and temperaixi a.i tne end of i}:e, iri:a: addition process,
,..i) the llct worli output pcr i g trf air-:nd
and Cv = 718 J&gKl t8l
iiii)tt . ther::r1sl effieiency of ltre c1'ole' [Tai;e R=2fi
"]/kgK (k=0'4 WixK) rvall
13. The walls of furnace 4m,x3rn aie consinir.:ted from u ir,.ner fire brick
30cm thick, a layer of'ceramic blanke.t ilsulation ft == 0.2 \\"imK) 10cm thick and steel
protective iayer it: 50 WimK) 4 mn rhick. The inside ternperature of the fire brick la-ver
*u, *"ur,r.ed as 50C'C and ihe renLrerature of the cutside of the insuiation as 50'C.

a) The rate oflheat ioss through the v;aii'

h) The temperature at the inter{ace i:cr"+sen fire brick iayer and insulation layer, and
c) The ternperature at the outside sur?l'Li-'e of the steel la'"'*r' I6l
Exarnination Control Division Progr.amme BCE, BMF, BCE Pass Marks 32
2078 Kartik Year / Paff i/r Time 3 i:rs.

--]d.1 ::srq"?s* i,i gtftrryfiirrtry1g. "li He

-ij;: &; d;"gg;_
Canriidates are required to give their answers in their
or,r'n *,ords as lar as practicable.
Attcmpt 4!J questions.
The Jigures in the ntargin irulicate Falt Mnrb
&c ess c ry Tn b I es ftr?s ttq.: h e ( h e rew ilii.

T*ke Cn-1605J/kgK, R:ZSZJ/hgK,

7-l 4for air.

I E'xpiain how you would firid out whcther a given variabie

is a thenncrii namic properl), or
noi' Also differentiate between state fi-rnction arrii path function
ir:it1: e xamnles.
2' !e!ne -Polyropic process and polytropic index. Fin,l thc vaiue of poll,rropic incer ii;r
'rsochoric reduction.
3. Define the following tcrms: j
i: f [4x 1]
a) Saturation pressure
b) Superheated rrapor
c) Criticalpoint .gBRARY
d) Degree of super heat
4. Expiain first larv of therrnodynemics for a control mass undergoing
cyclic process. \\rnte
clorrr staiements of first larv for rower cycie and reftigeration
_{. Explain second Iaw of thermodynamics for e coutrol rnass with
necessary cerivations.
6" Explain the working princirle of vapour comprcssion Refrigeration cycle *,itii
corrcsponding prooesses on p-h and'f-S ,Jiagrani.
a i6l
Derive an expression for-radiai steady state heat transfer
through a composite cylinder
with two different materials with a con'ective iayer on trre
B. At the inlet and exhaust of aturbine the absolute steam pressure arc
5000kpa a.nd 5-0 cm
Hg, respectively. Barometric pressr,ire is 75cm of Hg. Calcuiate
9f the gauge pressure for
the entering steam and the vacuuin gauge pressure for the
exhalst steam.
PHg=l 3600kg/m3 and g : 9.8 I m/s21
9. A piston cylinder device
thown in figure beiou, contains 2kg of water wirh an initial
temperature and volume of 80"C aiid 0.05m3. It requires
u pr..-rur* of 400kpa io Iift the
piston fiom the stops. The system is heated untii iis
t**p*rut*" reaches 250.C. Sketch
the process on P-v diagram and determine the total work
transfer. rRl
l0' Air at 90kPa' 27oc and
ai a rare of
rr,. ,i. i. -,ii*-i"a J kg/s and reaves at 42oc.
lH#ltl''ff"-t*:$"#ffi:,-r:"',i. Io ro." hear at u,u* orzsrur.
a) thc inier ;:.,,;r ,if.the diffuser
b) the exit v..ioi i11, arrd
c) the exit pressure ofthe
ll'An air cort.ritionii:i.
'rriit having - a,l;,:.i:, i-ri',he theoretical maximum
house ar
'r rempercari-ire of i70i"t-'.' *ooring it,*r;;,#.L"rraing maintains zi
temperature. The
l,lTi,Xli,;i :?"i:;*ii,:
rlaxlnlum surrounding temperature u *u*i**
;|;ff,|,: [:'j.'^,11y---*,r.*i,,Jo,rrerenie ro.
provides sutficient cooling fo. ,rrri.r, it
i2' The li:',cr'ing irata rerate to an air stancarciL-rirsel tBl
cycre. The r
*ffi i'l:;i:i:i,fi""t"irJ:$::;*-,*"1"Hi'T"i;:'ffi :,Hxf ffil',T:#
a) ths pcrcentage ol stroke
at r,, I:ich cui_r,l{ il i:r,s place
h.l tjrc t:rnpu.rattrre irt end o:.,\p*rin_ , :ruie. and
c) iheri::aj elficienc1,.
I3. .l' i {)Omm diamr IB]
1rr.= wmii** ; fi
0 il L
.uter surface of insuratio*
. q;.?:' :?,Iffii, ; ;#,;,x,,'J.
: :"
iirickness of
anc rrr. on,Li..t
ancther.insuil;'i;d:il., *r**1,h_;;;;;" ,.'r. l?,#l*t "HJ;,.ii*
r)etennine the required
rransfer by 4')% assuming added ro reduce the reat
truirir* n.iit*.,'r., coef,sient remains the same.
+,4 t6l
INSTTTUTE OF ENGINEERING tevel BE i Futl ltarts i go

n.. 'iBCE,BME,
Examination Control Division rrogramme Pass Marks 32
2076 Chaitra Year I Part Ut Tirne 3 hrs.

Subject: - Fundamental of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer gnE 402)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable,
r' Attumpt All questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicote Full Milrks.
{ Necgssarv tables are a.ttachgd herewith.-
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. State andexplain equality of temperature" t4l

2. Derive a generai expression for the displacement rvork transfer for a piston cylinder
device. Also reduce it for an ideal gas unde.rgoing isothermal process. t4l
Dcfine quality and write why it is necessary. Derive an expression for specific volume of
a two phase mixture in terms of quality. I4l
4. $/rite the general mass and energy equation for a control volume operating under
unsteady state condiiion. Derive the mass conservalion anC energy corrserr,'ation equation
for a process in rn'hich gas is supplied to piston cylinder device through a valve anci it can
produce some \r,,ork by displacing the piston. t6]
5. Del'rno an isentropic process. Also derive isentropic relaticlts for an ideai gas. t6]
6. Sketch an ideal Ctto cycle on P-V and T-S diagrams. Also derive an exorcssion for its
cfficiency in terms of compression ratio. 16]

7. Derive an expression for steady state heat transfer througir a composite cylinder
consisting of tkee layers. 16]

Three pressure gauges are connected to a conlainer consisting of trvo ccrnpartments as

shorvn iir figure below.'If the locai barorneter reads 760mm of Hg and ptessure gaugcs A
and ll read 250kPa and 150kPa respectively, determine the absolute pressure in each
compartmeni and reading of pressure gauge C. [Take p:i3500 kg/m3 and g:9.31r.2r. t6]
r?il (:)
,ra* C

9. A closed rigid container of vclun:e cr.5m3 is placeci cn a plaie. Initiall1' thc container'holds
trvo phase mixture of saturat*,j iiquiC rvatel aud saiurated rn,atei' vapor at initial pressure
Pl==i00kPar.vithaqualityaf iit:n.t. Atrcrhcaling,thcpressureinthe contait:erisPz=i50
kPa. Drarv the P-V and T-V -Jii:;'ri:rs ct'ihe heatrng prccess aiti detr:rniine:
a) tilc ien:peraiure at each stiiir;.
b) the mass of ihe vapor pt'esrlii .ii .toh state. TfiI
/Rofn, ihe atlcched table Jbr iira;;srtir:s a{weterJ
10. An adiabatic diftuser has air entering at 100kPa,.3i)0K lvith a velocity of 200mls. The
inlet cross scctional area of thc diffuser is 100rnm2. At the exit, the area is 850 rnm2 and
velocity is 20n/s. Deteni:ine the exit temperature and pressure of the air. [Take cr:1005
J/kgI! R=2.87 J&gKl IB]
11.2 kg of rvater a:i 100"C is mixed rvith 4kg of *'atcr at 20oC in an isolated system.
Cali:ulate the ncat change in entropy due to tire mixing process. [Take specific heat of
water, c:4.18 kJ,(j t8I
12" Air is used as the rvorking fluid in a simple ideal Bral4cn cycle that has a pressue ratio of
12, a compressor iruet temperature of 300K, and a turbine inlet temperature of i000K.
I)etermite the required mass flow rate of air lar a net pow€r output of 90MW. Also
calculatc thermal etficiency of the cycle. [Take co=1C05 J&gK, R:287 JflrgK. y: i"4] IB]
13. An exterior r,vall of a house consists of 1Ocm of common -brick (K:0.8WlmKi follor,.red
b-v a 4cm layer of gypsum plaster K:0.5 WmK). $r&at thickness of rock u,ool insulation
(k:0.055 \\?mK) should be added io reduce the heat tra.nsfer though the wall by 5002i,? I5l

Pronerties of Saturated lYatcr-Pressure Tablg

P T !1 vq v. ll1 uls u- Itt h,.. h8 j; Sr. 5,,

oc mt/kg
kPa kilkg kJ/ks kl/kg kl/kg N/ks ItJlkg kJ/kg.X kJ/kg.K kt/kg.K
"{*g "fnS
100 99.632 0.00 I 043 1.6933 t.6943 4t7 "41 2088.3 2505.7 417.51 2257.6 26?5.1 13421 6.0562 '7.3589

I0t.32 100.00 0.00r043 t.672? 1.6i3'r 4 r 8.96 208?. r 2506. I 4 r 9.06 2256.6 267s.1 r.3069 6.0476 7.354-{
125 r 05.99 0.001048 t.3'142 1.3752 444.25 2068"9 2513.2 444.18 2240-7 2685.1 1.374' 5.9 t00 1A9,11

r50 i 1.38 0.00i051 1.1584 1.1 595 467.02 2052.4 25 19.4 467. r I 2226.2 2693.4 L4338 5.?814 1)11')
175 r 16.07 0.001057 t.0427 r.0038 486.89 2037.8 2524:t 487.08 2213.3 2?00.4 1.4851 5.6866 7.1717
200 120.21 0.001060 0.8848 0.88s9 504.59 2024.8 2529.4 504.80 2201.7 2706.5 1.5304 5.5968 7.1212
.,, : r,li;i;4134gL.,t,1':,,Ia',r.',r1;.
Level BE Full Marks 80
BME,BCE, BGE Pass }tlarks 32
Examination Control Division Programme
2A76 Ashwin Year / Part Ul Time 3 irrs,


i. Differentiate between the microscopic and ntacroscopic view

point in thermodynamic
rvith examples. t4l
with examples' t4l
2. Differer-itiate betweeu the stored energy and transient energy
Define pure substance. Explain how saturation curv-e is fonned on T-v
diagram' t6l
4. Write down general energy equation for a heat exchanger, condenser, comp-ressor,
;;;;;;;;;iti,*itiine u4".. 1 , 1.-

5. Deriv.e an expressicn for control mass formulation of second larv of thermodynamics' 17)

Sketch the cycle on P'v and T-s diagrarns for an ideai Diesel cycle
and derive an
fo, its emciency in terms of Jompression ratio and cut-off ratio' t6]
"rfr", an expression
1 Differentiate bet'*eenisteady state and tursteady state heat transfer' Derive
state heat transier through a composite cylinder consisting of tu'o
for steady
ntaterials. t6l

A piston cylinder arrangemcnt *'ith two set of stops is restrained by a linear spring
pressure of the gas is 500 kPa and the
Gj12 kN/m) as showri ii figure below. The initial
Dressure required to lift th; piston is 1000 kPa. Cross sectional
area of the piston is
#. ifi"r Ir supptied to the gas until its pressute reaches 6000 kPa' Sketch the
;;;;.;;;ti dirs*,; anci determlne the total work transfer' t8l


9. A closed rigid container rvith a volume of 0.2 ml, initially contains a nixtut'e of saturated
iiquid ivatei and saturatc<i water vsiiour at a pressure of 100 kPa rvith a quality of
process on P-r'
I{eat is added to the systcm untii iti :j:+ssurs reaches 200 kPa. sketch the
and T-v diagram and determine,
a) The temperattue at eacir state.
b) The mass of vapour prcsent at eaclr state'
rj IftU* ireating is contin*ecl, detcimire the pressure at rvhich thre contai,er holds
saturated vapour. L'l
:400oC and velocity
10. Steam enters a nozzleoperating at steady state with P1 = 10 bar, T1
of l0 m/s. The steam flows ttrough the horizontal adiabatic noztle- At the exit, P2: 1.5
bar and the velocity of 1075 m/s. the mass flow rate is }kgls. Determine the exit area
the nozzle. i6l
11. 4kg of water at11oCis mixed with 1 kg of ice at OoC in an isolatedsy$ern. C-alculate
chaige entropy due to rnixing process. [Take latent heat of ice L : 335 kj&g, specific
heat of water C:4.18 kjlkg'k]. t6l

i2. An ideal Brayton cycle has a pressure ratio of 12. The pressure d tenperature at
compressor intet are 100 kPa ind 27"C respectively. The maxinmsm trreaperature
the cycle 1Z00oC. If the mass flow rate is 8 kg/s, determine tlac power output and
effieiency of the cycle. [Take Cp i.005 kj/kg'k, T = 1'47 l7l
13. A square plate heater (10 cm x 10 cm) is inserted between trlo sl&q travrng the same
sectional *rur. TL. left slab is 100 mm thick (k = 50 WlmK) and the right slab is
50 mm thick ft = 0.ZS WmK). The heat transfer coefficients for le&sud right slab
surlace are ZiO Wm2K and 50 Wrn2K respectively. The arn&ism air temperature is

25'C. If the rating of the heater is I kW, deterrnine,

a) Temperature at the heater surface
b) Outer surface temperature of each slab 171
rt* tl.
iNSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING i Level i Bn, F'ull Marks 80
Exa m i n a ti o nc o n r ro I D ivi s io n i "rir -;3**; -[_yir.l"u;* Pass lWarlrs 32

-_?"9"75_"-c-Idtx*."- __"" _ _II:3y_HL__Lyl___ "i Time 3 hrs.

zct: - Fundamental o1'l'hermodynamics
of Thermodynamics and Heat
H, Transfer (ME 402)
-f*e*Aid;i;#;GA;ir.d t" ;*ffi;'d' a'
si;e iheiff sweil;ld;i'
/ Anernpt All
,/ Thefigures in the morgin indicate {WqWqllq. d3u
./ steam tnblfs arg #ggh.g{ h.eJgwjt?. l'"
y' Assurne suitable data if necessary,
q '
1. State and explain zercthlaw of thermodynamics. Write down its application. t4l
2. Derive an expression for displaceraent of work transfer, tsl
3. Define the term saturation curve for two phase mixhue, Quality and moisture content. t6l
4. Derr:ive general energy conservation equation for oontrol volume. 16l
5. Nefnereversible and in'eversible process with reference to entropy. t3l
5. 'Sketch otto cycle on P-v and T-s diagram. Derive expression for its efficiency to relate to
eompression ratio. t6]
7'. Explain mode of heat transfer with their types and specific differences with thsm. t6]
8. During operation of a lift, it can be subjected to a maximum gauge pressure of 500 kPa If
it is designed to lift a mass upto 900 kg, what should be diameter of piston-cylinder?
9'. A pistrln cylinder device with a linear spring initially contains water at a pressure of
4 MPa and 500'C with the initial volume being 0.i m', as shorn in figure below. If the
piston is at the bottom, the system presswe is 300 kPa. The system now cools until the
pressure reaches 1000 kPa. Sketch the process on P-v diagram and determine tgl
a) the mass of HzO
b) the final temperature and volume, and
c) the total work transfer

10.Air expands through an adiabatic turbine from 1100 kpa, 1000 K to 100 kla, 100 K. The
inlet velocity is 10 m/s and exit velocity is 100 m/s. The power' output of turbine is
3600 kw. Detennine mass flow rate of air and inlet and exit areas.
fTake r=287 J/I(gK,

Co = 1005 J/KgKl
11. Steam enters into aturbine at 2 MPa, 400"C with a veiocity 200 rnlsec and saturated
vapour exits from turbine at 100 kPawith velocity 80 m/s. The power output of
tur.bine is
800 kw, when mass flow rate is 1.5 kg/sec.,Turbine rejects heat to surrounding
at 300K.
Determine rate at which entropy is generated rvithin the turbine,
{fu=3247.5 kJ/kg, sr = 7.1269 kJikg}
12.An air standard diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 22 and expansion ratio of ll.
Determine its cut off ratio and the efficiency.
13. A hollow cylinder with inner and outer diameter of 8 cm and 12 cm respectively has
inner surf'ace temperature of 200oC and the outer surface ternperatr.*e
of 50oC. if the
thermal conductivity of rhe cylinder material is 60 WrnK, deterrnine heat
transfer frsm
the unit length"s; the pipe. Also determine the tempergglrle at the surface at a
distancs of 5 crn fromthe axis ofthe cvlinder-
04 | | rruuHuvenuNlvERsrrY Exanr. ',t

Examination Control Division Programme BCE, BME, BGE Pass Marks 32

2075 Ashwin Year / Part t/r Time 3 hrs.

*4Jssi,:&U:s9g9*:f Il's-lls-9v-n"?r$$e-l-{l-{sttf:vr!s:!Y{1!2
/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt Allquestions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicote Full Marks.
/ Necesiary taWes are attached herewith.
/ Assunzg suitable data if necessary.

l. D{ne thermodynamic property. Explain intensive ancl extensive property with examples. t4l
2. Define polytrgpic process. Sketch polytropic processes with n : 0, l, y and co on a
courmon P-V diagram. Derive and enprossion for work transfer for a polytropic process. I4l
3. Dedve an expression for the specific volume of a two phase mixture in term of quality.
Which takes fiore energy to vaporize t kg of saturated liquid water at 100"C or 120oC?
whv? i4l
4. Define a cyelic proc€ss. Derive of thermodynamics for a control mass
undergoing at cyclic process. Also write down the statements for a power cycle and
refrigeration cycle. t6l
5. Define heat errgire, lrat pump and refrigerator. Explain how first and second law are
applied to deterrrinel*rformance of heat engine. t6l
6. Explain the wo*irg principle of a Brayton cycle. Sketch.the cycle on p-v and T-s
7. Derive the overall heat transfer goelficient foJ coryposite for plane wall consisting of two
layers with convecion on both sides. l6l

8. A pis,ton-cylinder device contains 0.05 m3 of a gas initially at 200 kPa- At ttris state, a
Iinear springfhat has a spring constant of 150 ki.{/m is touching the piston but exerting no
force on ie Now heat is transferred to the gas, causing the piston to rise and to compress
the spring'uritil lhe volume inside the cylinder doubles. If the cross-sectional area of the
piston -is A.25 m',- determine : I6l
..i ' ! .-.'.i,'

li) i The final pressure inside the cylinder i

--ii)i Tfietptal work done by thegas

9. A piiton +ylinder device shown in figure below contain 2 kg of HzO with an initial
t"*pBrut nt" Lnd volume of 80oC and 0.05 m3 respectively. It requires a pressure of 400
kPa to lift tbc piston from the stops. The system is heated until its temperature reaches
250"C; Sketch the process on P-v and T-v diagrams and determine the tptal work transfer.

10. Air flows at a rate of 1.2 kgls through a compressor, entering at 100 kP4 25oC, with a
velocity of 60 m/s and leaving at 500 kPa, 150"C, with a velocity of 120 rn/s. Heat lost by
the compressor to the surrounding is estirnated to be 20 kJ&g. Calculate the power
requiredio drive the compressor and diameters to inlet and exhaust pipes. IB]
[Take R:287 JikgK and co = 1005 J/kgK]
ll.Five kg of water at 30lC is mixed with I Kg of ice at OoC. Assuming the process of
mixing is adiabatic, find the change in entropy. Latent heat of ice - 336kJ&g, Co for
water:4.2kJikgK. t8l
12. In a Rankine cycle stream leaves the boiler and enters the turbine at 4Mpa, 400'C. The
condenser pressure is 10 kPa. Determine the cycle efficiency. t8]
13. A steel pipe having an outer diagrarn of 4 cm is maintained at a temperature of 80oC in a
roo* r,th*r. the ambient temperature is 25oC. The emissivity of the surface is 0.8 and the
convection heat transfer coefficient between the surface and air is 10 Wm2K. Determine
the total heat loss from the unit length of the pipe. [Take o = 5.67x10-8 wt#tt t6]

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