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Cair+ Uai';ersity r Fluid Mechamics

\ /, O ' 2== year Mech.

Facutty of Engteeering

Slzea# 6

furgulal: Monaentsm EqEatio+ Applicatiqus

6.1 Crutie oil (SG : 0.95) &om a tanker Q - 0.58--J

dock flows tbrough a PiPe of 0'4rn
o llI

a = 3c5kPa I
t .

dia:neter in the configr:ratisn shown- The ll t -,'o*


D= or-*1F
flow rate is 0.58 m3/s, and the gage l(_-- i

pressures ?re shown in the diagram' "-H.- +

vla = 332 LPr

De:termine the force and torque that are
exerled by &e pipe assemblY on its

62 T'*,osrai$rt prpes re connected by the a=z,sL-

trvo 45 degress elbow shown in &e figure.
Find the moment required about point 0 to
prevent rotalion of the two pipes' Water is
flowing in pipes.
Sicarvr lactt

6.3 Calculete the torque required to drive the

uater pump shoipn ia the figure at 300llz
(cycle/s) aud to deliver water at 3.0 n 3/mL"

(Hint:for water atH}" C, p:998 kg&n31.

6.4 Find the torque required about point o g= ior*rti

of the box in tle figurc to keep the box

ftom rotating. The top and bottom are
each 1.0 m long; and flre two sidss are 0-8
m long Use the clockwise moments as
6=l .!.tttii
positive. Y= i;rrr:

6.5 A lossless motor &ives thefan in the

figure at 4000 Hz. The Power input to the
motor is 16 amps at 110 voits- Forthe
gBometry sho*e, fiod the flow rate of
15oC air througb the fcu Assume the
tangential , componert of the velociry
leaving the impeller is equal to that of the
impeller at that poirr
6.6 The Figrrre shox's a simplified sketch
of a dishvrasher inater suppiy ma*ifold-
. 45',
Find the manifolds rotational sp*d co.? \ '.1
Neglect air resistance and baring friction
oooo i- i,l I 15r-,
and take Q: 1.6x10-5 o}s. ';1 ?

6,7 Tlte tfuee arrr lawn sprinkler shown

in frgure receives water through the cerrter
at nAA mUsec. If collar friction is
negligible; what is the steady rotation rate
in revolution per rninute for the two cases
(a) 0:0" &) e:30'(c) 0:90o

6,8 Atr axial fan operdes in a duct where

density changes can be neglected. The fan
is operating at a speed of 2lO0rpmand rclor stalpr
geaeratesa flow rate of 15 m3/sec- The
density of the air is 1.2 Kg/ m3. The
diameter of the duct is l.2mandthe stator
blades are280 rnm long.
a) The flow upslream has a zero
tangential velocity component (no swirl)
but the florv leaving the rotor Las a
tangential l:elocity component such that
l'--.! I

the srvirl ergle is 49- Calculate the power
required to drive the rotor. Neglect
Ll I

mechanical frietion.
b) If the friction due to the bearing
ll Rotor Sla1oi

decreases the effi.ciency of the faaby 7ak

s,hat is the rnean flow velocity at the
annulus aad th€ pov/er consumed is
equivalent to that found in part (a) ;
c) If the flow downskeam of the stator has
zero swirl, what is tbe total torque tftat the
fluid transfers to the stator ? Perfonn all
the calculations at the m€an blade radius.
Clairo Ljniversity Fluid h{echanics
.nd -'
Fa cult-v o f Engineeriag z ! ear lYtecn.
Sheet# 8

Bernoulli & Enersv Equations


1-The device shorvn in the figure is used to

dete.rmhe the velocig'of liquid at point 1.
It is a tube in'ith its lon'er end directed /\z=z qa
upsh'eam and its other leg vertical and
open to the atmosphere. The impact of
liquid against the opening 2 forces liquid
to rise in the vertical legtothebeightZ
above the free surface. Determine the I li> lLl*:
veiocity at 1 in m./s, when ZisZ cm

2-A beil mouse of 0.4 m diarneter is used to

meter the flow rate into a compressor as
shown. \4rhat will the manometer indicate
in mm of water if the flow rate is 5.5
*3/r? P=1OI .3 KF'e

3-The losses up to section A are 4
and the nozzle losses are 0.05 .

Determine the discharge and pressure at

section A

4-In the system shown, d: 15 cm, D = 30

cm, Z1:2m,22:4m.If the discharge cfthe
rvater in the system is 0.06 m3ls, what are
the pressure at the points A and B? is the
machine a pump or a tarbine? Neglect lread
5-A U tube act as a water siphon. The band
ia tjre tube is I m-above tbe r,laier surface;
the f,:be ouflet is 7 m belorp' the water
'surface. lftlie flow is ffctionless as a f;rst
approximation, and the fluid issues from
tha bottom of the. siy,\on m a freejetat
atinospheric pressure, determine the
vetocity of the free jet and the absotute
p{essure of the fiuid in the florv at Lhe
s]:.6 rF#fr

6-Water flows from a very large reservoir, I

as shown ia the figure. Neglecting friction

in the pipes a::d assuming the density is
constan! determine the ouput of the
turbine for the data given in the figure.

7-The airloil of the figure moves through the --'It-t

air at ?5 m,is at analtitudeof2kur-The ilnd;anrl*C
fluid at point 3 moves dowastream at 25 ,l.r(

mls relative to the grounC W-hat are the tti


values of the static pressure at points 1, 2,

and 3? At altitude of 2 ksa, P:595. -?09

8-Water at 10oC enters the horizontal

ftrtsri ifi &e figtre with a urifurm
and steady veJociry of 2.0 m/s and inlet
pressure of
150 kPa. Find the pressure at -+*1, l-
the throat 2 arid the exit 3; D: 6.0 cm, d: -*r 6
.h t-
3.0 cm. Y2 lt

9-In the frgure the flo*'ing fluid is co2 at
2SoC. li€L=+ect }asses. If Pl : i7O kPa ald
the manometer fluid is neriam red oil (SG
: 0.827), estiinate {a} n ard (b)thegzs ---t

florv rate ia m' / h. Sarg


I0-W-iren the pump in the figure draws 220

,-J /1' ua <rrn+ay
IIJu @ 4zv lftc/a Luur.,r.lLrMtL.&
{:.^* +1'a .o.o^,^ir
^f ^+
the total friction head
loss is 5 m. the flow
'discharges +hro+gh *
*ozzle ro the
atmosphere. Estimate the pump power in
kW delivgred tothr wat^.r,

11-A sharp edged orifice of i2.5 mril

diameter is situated in the base of the
ciosed taak shown in tlie flgure. At a givtn
instant, the head of water above the orifice
is l-8 m. If the riischarge of water is to k
90 kg/min at this instant , tind the pressure
of ab which Br*st be puuped iaabove the
rvater. Take the discharge coefficient Cp:
Cairo Universitr' Fiaid E{echalrics
Xa-gfu*eri*g E t
^d-. f*i-it?€gir.

Shea# 9
Dimeesional Analysis Applica#ans
& Similaritv

9-1a) The drag force F of a "noisernaker" depends on the towing sped V, noisemal<er
a{ea q-ft*id donsiryr p, and fluidviscosilv p. Derivethe dimensioniess groupst:at
goYem the noisemaker motion.

b ) The "noisemaker" B in
tlie figule is towed behind tlie
minesweeper A to set ofr
enemy acoustic mines such as
at C. The drag force of*re
"noisemaker" is to be stgdied
in a water tunnel at a ll4-
scale ratio (noodel is l/4the *r;'.,;,
size of the fu1l scale). Then if
the full-scale towing speed is 3 m/s, what should be the water velociry in the water
tunnel for the two tests to be exactly simiiar? What will be the protof pe drag
force ii the model drag force is found to te 868 N? Assume sea q'ater at the same
temperature is used in both the full-scale a-nd the model tests.

9-2 The thrgst force due to any one of a farniiy of geomekicaiiy simiiar airplans
propellers is to be detern:ined experinientally frorn a rvind- tulnel test on a lnodel.
By means of dimensional analysis find suitable parameters for piottiag test results.
The thrust, Ft is known to depend upon speed of rotation ro speed of advance V,
diameter D, air viscosity p, air density p, and speed of sound a'

9-3 The power P required to drive afanorblower(ofacertaingeometricaishape)

dep.ends or1 fluid densigr, fluid tiscosity, 'rlie irnpeller diameter, the fluid
discharge, and the rotatioral speed Develop an expression for the required power.

9-4 a) The pressure drop AP in a valve depends on the fi:rid velocity Y, the fluid
density p, the fluid dynarnic viscosity l, and valve diameter D. Find an expression
for the presswe drop by the use of dimeruional analysis. Use p, V, D as repeated

b) The valve K: AP/ $Y2 n) for a 600-mmdiameter valve are to be

coeffi cients
determined from tests on a georuetrically similar 3O0-mm-diameter valve Bsing
atmospheric air at 80oF {v: I .672 xt O-5 m2is)- The ranges of teslq should be for
flow of .urater at TooF (v : 3.23 1O'5 m2ls)atveiocitiesof 1to 2.5mls.WAat
ranges of airflorv rates are needed?
9-5 Tire radiator ft.n in an automobileis a source of considerablenoise. Thesound
pcwer P (energy per unit tirne) radiateC by a fan depends on its diaraeter, ugular
. r,elocity rc, the fluid density p. and soaic speed c. Determine tbe depndeoce of P
on o using dimensional analysis- Chome p, c, andD as repeatilgvariables-

g-O A centrifugal pump has an impeller of 20 cm, Outer diameter gived at maximum
efficiency poitt a discharge of 3 n?min of fresh water at 1800 rpm agahst a head
of 4-Z m. What shouid.!e the speed of rotationof asimilarrmpellerof 40 ctn
dianeter to give +S niTt'f sea water, and w-hat pressure it would generate? *'hat
would be the ratio of porver required by the pump? (Assume that the trvo pumps
lra.;e the sa:re sfiiciency and aeniity of seawa'rer :1025 Kgrins).

9-7 A large centrifugal pump designed to deliver a capacity of 7 m3/s., a head of

i30 m and a speed of 350 rpe A model of this pump is to be tested iaa hydrauiic
engineering to demonskate that it can meet the performance specifications. The
laboratory facilities impose a maximurn capacrty of 0.15 m-'/s a*d a " power
consumption of /?OKW. (IJsing water at 1000 Kdm) If the modei and the
prototype effrcienciss are estimated to be 70 ?'oattheoperatingpoirf,findthe
speed of the model, and the scale ratio.

Best wishes
Cairo -tniversiry Fluld l?lechaaics
Facuifr cf Engineeriag 2d Year Mech.
Shea# 1A

Losses in Pipes Calculatians

L0.1- trrhat is the pressure drop per kilometer of a horizontal pipe w:hen *ater at l5oC
(v :1.14 +106 m'is) flows in a 25 cra diameter cast iion at a flox' rateof
225 liters/s?

10.2- Calculate the stea&' rarl atwhich oil (v :10-s ra will flow through a casl iron
pipe 100 mm diameter aad 120 m long uader a head differeace of 5 m-

10.3- Detsrroine the size of galvanized steel pipe needed to eatry water
(v:i.i4 +10{:azls) a distance of 180 m at 85 literVs with a bead loss of 9 m.

10.4- How large a *rought iron pipe is required to convey oil (S.G
:0.9, viscosity :
0.035 Pa-s) from one tark tg aoother al arate Of 0.03 *3lt if g" P.if is 1000 m
long and the difference in elevation of the free liquid surface is 12 m?

10.5-Oi1 raith kinematic viscosity (v :10-5 m'ls;and a density of 800 K9 *3 is piimped

througb a casl iron horizontal pipe L0 crn in diameter at atate of 23 liters/s,
(a) What is the pressure drop ia 100 m of the pipe?
(b) WAat size (dianeter) of the pipe would reduce the pressure drop to one-third this
value for the same flow rate aod pipe length?

L$.GTwo reservoirs containfulg water are coflrlected by a coostant area, galvatized iron
pipe that has one righi angle bend, as shown in Fig (9.3), The surface pressure at
tnl opp". ressrvoir is atnospheric, whereas the gage pressure at the lower
rese*oir sr:rface is 70IGa The pipe diemeter is 75 rnm. Assume that only
sigaificaat losses occl]r in the pipe and bend. Determine the rnagnitude and
direction of the volume flow rate.

10.7- A smooth pipe ccrsists of 15 ra of 200 mm oipe fcilow.-d by 100 m of 600 mm pipe
with an abruE:t chaage of cross sec,tion at th.e j-,mction it has a flush eatrance and a
submerged discharge.
If it canies \&?ter at 15 C in the smaller pipe rn'ith a velocity of 5.4 ir--is, u,hat is the
total heaC loss?

'9.9-fne pipes in the system showt ia Fig (9.9) arg ali casr kon.

a) Wiih a flor* of 0,6 m 3/s, find the head loss from.A tc


b) What should be the diarneter of a single pipe from B to C such that it replaces

pipes 2, -: and 4 t',isout altering the capacity for the same head loss from A to D?

IOSO nn d 35 cB+t

ffi rzt fficx l500m # ?5trn

rt E E

S0m d 4Scn*

9,l0-Suppose that, in the figure, pipe 1 is 90 cm smooth concrete, 1500 m long: pipe 2 is
60 cm cast iron 450 m long and pipe 3 is 45 cm cast irorq i200 m long. The
elevations of water surfaces in reservoirs A and B are 60 and 45 m, respectively,
and the discharge Q1 is 1.4 n3/s. Findthe elevation of the surface of reservoir C,
Neglect minor losses.


.9.11- Heavy machine oi1 having a specific gravityof0.S5,andaaabsolute

viscosity of 400 x 10-3 Ns/rn2 is pumped through 20 m long of 0.052 m inside
diameter PYC pipe. The pipeline coniains cne swing check vah'e, two gate

valves, four 45" standard elborvs, and a *ozzle with a throat diarneter of 0.026

m. A manometer connecting the inlet and tl:roat of the nazzle reads 2.0 m of

mercury. All fittings and valves have cemented connections" Find the presswe
loss be8veen points 2 and 3.

1- Assume frictioniess flow in the nozzle
2- Assume that cemented connections are equivalent to sgrewed connections.

Best rxrishes

*Iazeriai {.nt It mm

&ircrd st-erl 0.003-0.03 0,9-9,0

Coacr:ie o.col -0.01 0.3-3.0
lYao<i st:ve ]-086-0.00i 0.18-0-9
Cast irsn 0.000s-i 0-26
G:riranizcd iron r 0-cvJ0_i 0.I i
Asph;ltcd ca5t iroB 0.0.r)1 0.1:
Co;lclcrci:rl srcel t'rr *'rought iron 0.000 _i 0.046t

Drerr';1 tubing 0.000005 0.mii

6Lrss -.srirooth- "Srnooth'

Daa ,< Soruct
r:lt r/d K.
Prp< cni:-ance .l
0.0 0t0
/--1-- 0-t 0. l:
h. = X,r'lng >0-2 0.0]

K. Kd
Lo[tnGrcc DyiD, o=5,r.r d:18ir
c.c c.o8 0.5c
o-:0 c.t6 0..{9
,-t.,to l.].,l; 0,.{:
O. f{l 0.,-s 1l.l:
q_so o.c-i t. its
ir. = K. 9ji,'a a-90 0 (:i 0. tC

3r."Dr 0=:.f.r' 0=i{f
.i',_ c0 ].rt
.ll i1 Yr Ol1 1)qa
- .---=\r- 1' c-$ 0.ri 0.:?
o.b(r o.Cti 0..+l
Irr - F. !'irt o bI] n.c_i 0.:6

.-5- \rncr S'irhour

ill' c-t:= bcrd
!! Y':.
lt vaEa9

lfd lJt
.- i
1 Kr = 0'35 t t:t
9tf snec*5
z 019
fr lK
t 0.2r
I 0.28
. o.32

Glcbc vdvr-wrdc opcn K, - 10.0 /11r

Anglc vzlvc-uride opn K, = 5.0
Gare vrlve*'*i& c'pcn K, - 0.2
C:r: valva-lreH opqn K, = 5.6
R<turn bmd Kt:2'2
srr: ighr-rhrougli llo* K, = 0.1
srde*urlrr iios' X, = 1.8
w E!rcw Kr- 09
+-: 3ll'J'i A-, = (r-4
gJl3.g? I Utr''t-t

L-" G
({, {-t t-
tt' tr \
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MEP 214 2nd MECH Spring 2020

Measurement sheet
1. For the pitot-static pressure arrangement, the manometer fluid is (colored) water at
20°C. Estimate the centerline velocity (ρ=998 kg/m3, μ=0.001 Pa.s)

2. Kerosine at 20°C flows at 18 m3/h in a 5-cm-diameter pipe. If a 2-cm-diameter thin-

plate orifice with corner taps is installed, what will the measured pressure drop be, in
Pa? (ρ=804 kg/m3, μ=0.00192 Pa.s)

3. Gasoline at 20°C flows at 105 m3/h in a 10-cm-diameter pipe. We wish to meter the
flow with a thin-plate orifice and a differential pressure transducer which reads best
at about 55 kPa. What is the proper β ratio for the orifice? (ρ=680 kg/m3, μ=0.000292

4. A 10-cm-diameter smooth pipe contains an orifice plate with D:2D taps and β=0.5. The
measured orifice pressure drop is 75 kPa for water flow at 20°C. Estimate the flow
rate, in m3/h. What is the nonrecoverable head loss? (ρ=998 kg/m3, μ=0.001 Pa.s)

5. Gasoline at 20°C flows at 0.06 m3/s through a 15-cm pipe and is metered by a 9-cm
long-radius flow nozzle. What is the expected pressure drop across the nozzle? (ρ=680
kg/m3, μ=0.000292 Pa.s)

6. Ethyl alcohol at 20°C flowing in a 6-cm-diameter pipe is metered through a 3-cm long-
radius flow nozzle. If the measured pressure drop is 45 kPa, what is the estimated
volume flow, in m3/h? (ρ=789 kg/m3, μ=0.0012 Pa.s)

7. Kerosine at 20°C flows at 20 m3/h in an 8-cm-diameter pipe. The flow is to be metered

by an ISA 1932 flow nozzle so that the pressure drop is 7000 Pa. What is the proper
nozzle diameter? (ρ=804 kg/m3, μ=0.00192 Pa.s)
8. It is desired to meter a flow of 20°C gasoline in a 12-cm diameter pipe, using a modern
venturi nozzle. In order for international standards to be valid, what is the permissible
range of (a) flow rates, (b) nozzle diameters, and (c) pressure drops? (ρ=680 kg/m3,
μ=0.000292 Pa.s)

9. Ethanol at 20°C flows down through a modern venturi nozzle If the mercury
manometer reading is 4 in, as shown, estimate the flow rate, in gal/min. ( ρ=1.53
slug/ft3, μ=2.51×10-5 slug/ft.s)
Data Sheet (For Measurment Sheet)

1. Orifice

2. Nozzle
Long Radius nozzle

short-radius ISA 1932

3. Venturi (ReD=1.5×105-2×105) & (0.316 <𝛃 <0.775)

Discharge coefficient for a thin-plate orifice with D:1/2D taps

Discharge coefficient for long-radius nozzle and classical Herschel-type ventur

Discharge coefficient for a venturi nozzle.

Nonrecoverable head loss in Bernoulli obstruction meters

67730_04_ch04_p126-201.qxd 11/29/10 9:12 PM Page 198

198 Chapter 4 / The Integral Forms of the Fundamental Laws

4.148 Modern jet engines have vanes that are deployed 4.152 The 20-in.-diameter propeller on a boat moves at
to produce a reverse thrust just after a plane 20 mph by causing a velocity of 40 mph relative to
touches down on a runway. The air flow rate the boat. Calculate the required power and the
through a particular engine is 100 kg/s, and the mass flux of water through the propeller.
combustion gases exit the engine at a speed of
800 m/s relative to the engine. The fuel-air ratio 4.153 A jet boat takes in 0.2 m3/s of water and dis-
is 1 to 40 in this case. Calculate the reverse thrust charges it at a velocity of 20 m/s relative to the
produced by the vanes for the configuration boat. If the boat travels at 10 m/s, calculate the
shown in Fig P4. 148. thrust produced and the power required.

4.154 Calculate the change in the momentum flux of the

y water flowing through the plane contraction
shown in Fig. P4.154 if the flow rate is 0.2 m3/s.
Engine Reverse x The slope of the two profiles is the same. The
thruster upstream profile is created by a plate containing
slots of various widths.

20° 100 cm wide

20 cm 10 cm

Fig. P4.148
Fig. P4.154
4.149 A 20-slug vehicle is required to have an initial
acceleration of 6 ft/sec2. It is proposed that a 4.155 Determine the momentum correction factor for
212-in.-diameter water jet strike a vane built into the following profile shown in Problem 4.154:
the rear of the vehicle that will divert the water (a) The entering profile
through an angle of 180°. What jet velocity is nec- (b) The exiting profile
essary? What speed will be achieved after 2 sec?
4.150 The swamp boat shown in Fig. P4.150 is propelled 4.156 Water at 60°F flows in a 121 -in.-diameter horizontal
at 50 km/h by a 2-m-diameter propeller that pipe and experiences a pressure drop of 0.03 psi
requires a 20-kW engine. Calculate the thrust on over a 30-ft length of pipe. Calculate the velocity
the boat, the flow rate of air through the pro- gradient at the wall. Recall that t  m 兩 du/dr 兩.
peller, and the propeller efficiency.
4.157 Find the drag force on the walls between the two
sections of the horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P4.157.

1.2 cm dia.

V1 = 8 m/s Water

p1 = 150 kPa p2 = 110 kPa

Fig. P4.150
Fig. P4.157
4.151 An aircraft is propelled by a 2.2-m-diameter pro-
peller at a speed of 200 km/h. The air velocity
downstream of the propeller is 320 km/h relative 4.158 The velocity distribution downstream of a 10-m-
to the aircraft. Determine the pressure difference long circular cylinder is as shown in Fig. P4.158.
across the propeller blades and the required Determine the force of the air on the cylinder.
power. Use r  1.2 kg/m3. Use r  1.23 kg/m3.

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