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MQCh~nlca! Pow~r Engin~uring D~partment

Rnfri r;;;""r"U on "'"d Air Condi ti oni ng


r· - A ref ri '""'ration syst""" follows the r"1versed Carnot eye 1<1 - betwaGn
the te<>perature limits 0-f O 0 c and 30 Of:. Find:
f>.The- coefficient Dif per-forcsa.nce wtlen it ~kS · .i!s a;
,;md ·as a heiat pump. !<!hat "10Uld be the co<e-f-Hcients o-f perfor·--
Ol\<illnCe if the heat-Sink te10perature .....,,s increased to 40 oC'>
Tha pow.,,,- in kW required for a re-frigeration load of 58.15 >cw· in
both C<>s-'25?
The r;,te of heat in kW, in both case<>?

A rAew r-efrig.\::!-;-o-:tt..:.'Or is said to require 1.103 kW for a duty of 2.791

ki<! >"'1"'1 "'orki ng between the temperature limits of -15 °c and 30
OJ.: .. Can this be true?
z_ . .·n heat pW<llp syste<o is used to serve a heating load o-f 116.3. kW at. a
/ teu>perature level · ·o-f 40 oe. I-f the heat-source· temperature is 0
0 c, detenai ne the power-input requi.'re!Olent in. kW as5u~i ng that the
relative efficincy is 70 z.

A systema warks- on the reversed Carnot cycle between a. high

t "'"'Per at ur e of 40 0 °'"'
c' and a 1 temperature o-f
(i) -50 °c ( i i ) -25 De ( i i i ) 0 oC ( iv) 20 °c
D-et.,.-1~ine the C.O.P o-f the system as a refri>;Eirator and as a heat
pump. Represent. the results· on a suital:lle diagram. Repeat the
results if the high temperature is lowered do....-. to 30. be. Comment
on tJ-te reS{ll ts ..

,1~ 1~ re·fr·igera-tibn -syst·E!il.11 -fol low-s· the reversed Carnot ·cycl·e between er..
1;.,.at source and sink ·temperatures of Ti and Tz respectively. It
5.s possible either ta raise T 1 or reduce T2 by t_wo · d-egrees~
~- !)etero!line whiclt ·o-f the tWo alternatives . i's more e-ffecti ve -for
inc~easing the C.O.P


Mec:h.;e.nic~l· Pr)wer Enyineerir:ig Depart;._~-~nt;.

4th Year (Power>

Single-Stage V"pour--C°""JJression Systems.

In a _t.h'2"0Cet:ical single stage ~ia vapat-11"":" i;:OSlpressirn:-i system~

1 iqui. ct leave<> the> condenser a.t 2 !4Pa and 40 · 0 c. E;vaporator
pressure is 0. 15 NP a, vapour leaves the evaprn··ato..- . at ~18 oC~ The
systei'·~ produces 15 tons of Re-frigeration. Deter-Oline:
a) The cOE~::ficient of perform.a.nee ..
b} The piston t1i<.;pl.·~c12me~t . in rn3 per sec .. C~ssumirlq volumetric
efficienc:'/ o+ ~00 X.) A

A vapm.1r·-·c:°"'9n>Jssion n:<·frigeration .. a.chine is used for ice JO\<lking.

The .evaporation and cor.densation te"'Peratures are -8 °c and 45
oc resf,J.~~tively" 'The. cycle refrigeration 2f.fiC:iency is 40 X.n
Water is avai l·abl e · · d<t 30 Pc ··and······ ice ., is prbduced· at ··~4 °c. The
c012!l1ir>ed electric--;notor and belt---drive e-f'ficient is 81 'l'. and the
coropresscw ""?ichanicaJ effciency is BO. 4 X. If the daily electric-
ene:-gy consumption is 1.8x107 kJ, calculate· the daily output in tons.
o-f ice.

A a>e<::hani cal vapour-coropressi on heat puap is· to be used for heating

"' bU:ildi,ng "'ith a design load o'f 58.15 kW. water at io 0 c is
available as a. h-eat s.ource and the air supplied to the bui is
to be at 3B 0 c. A 5 °c di'ffereotial is necessary between
condensing refrigerant and 5uppl y air and between evaporating
refriger·ant and heat source. If the relative· e-fficieni::y is 70 :i::;
calculate the brake power in kW requir,.,.d to ..eet thi's heating .load,
<lm = 0.9)

······1 A r>echanical 'rapocu-~ompres>'ion

refrigerator has a capacity of 5·
It folluWS a refrigeration cycle with a C.O.P o-f 2.5. rt is
ass1.1ffiert -c.t1a.t no heat exchanges occur ci.lcJng the interconnecting
..-.,.,_ -,· pipLng betc;een the system components. The coo>pcess~on is adiabatic~
The ·ll!lachi ne is fitted . with a. 1-<atef"-cDbled condenser, and· the water
temperature rise in it is 7 oc. Estimate the required ftow rate
o-f cooling water in m3/se(=~ · .

CatalO<Jue_dat;' +or a. re'frigerant-12 compresS<:>r with •a displacement.

af 0.028-> mv/sec., show; the capacity to be 13.7 T.R •. and brake
.... ;.
po"'er 10.371 kW; when the suction candiqons· ·are·+18 oc and 0.3
MP-a ar1d the condensing temp·E?'r"ature i s 35 oC~ The re-fr-i gera.nt
1 eaves the conde-r1ser as saturated 1 i qui de cul ate the actual
volumetric efficiency and the adiabatic co111pres.sion e'f'ficiency of
the C°"'(JressCT· ( lrn = 90 :o .
I·f ·the electri.c power requ.ired to drive a .frean-12 re-frig ...rating
mach~r!.'i' costs. '7 "'.ill.imes per kWH, .. and the. "'1ter consumption· costs.
I2 ip,illime-S·. 1=- ;r cubic nteter, find oUt wh,ather a riSe in the
condenser coaling water temperature o-f 5 °c or 18 oc would be
mare- economical in .the operating exp_ense of the machine :when
working at an evaporation temperature of -·,12 °c and with cooling ....
w.a.ter at 21 oe,
and allowing 84 x 'for .the mechanical e'f'ficiency
of the co"'Pressor, 85 X for ooator efficiency and 90 :C. for belt
efficiency~ A-ss.ume a s.a.turo:tion '"cycle~
fo 1
( A single-stag'"
te""\).,,.-'ltun;; a-f
-5 oc.
12, re-frigeratoc oper·ates at an evaporating
Vapour leavin<;J th"1 evaporator to u,., ..
compresso,- had a superheat of 5 UC. A long suction line conn"'1'.:t;;o
th<! r""'°t<>l y-locat...ct O!Vaporator to th., cospr.,,..'1<Dr- Due to "'<;lin<;i,
th" thoi;r.,.;;.l in:~ul<lhticm .cJf the! suction !.ine d<>terioratll?d, illfld a .n..,..
y&pour-t""~~.,,,-c·:':.ur"' ,-1"""' of 20 oc t"1k<Hl pl;;o.c11> .;i;long .th<1 '1uction
lin<t'?o C.;f~J:;uiJ,.;;i'te. tf'ot:;t ·rrtot:i!K:t on thQ r~riger-2tici·n C.tAp,acityv

8. A sin\jle-'rD'D<ll cold store has a storage capacity of 1.000 tons o·f .?a·
certain product. The r~ ha£ a square floor area. The 9torage
densit·i J.s 3.2 11>3/ton. The reach of the fc1-k-lift trucks lir"1ted'
the ceiU.r.g h•?ight to 8 !Ill- The rOO«I is 0>.aintai'ned "t a t""'Perature
of 0 oC <>nd the average, ""1lbient-air temperature is 30 °c.
The r·e,J.:rig~a:tion plant lnQf--ks. ~ith a~ia: and -follows· a simple
s,;tt1J.r.at1lon cycl~ be-i;iroe-En evaporating c.lnd condensing t~erat~J..rss
·of -10 °c .and 40 °c respectively. Th,g CO•••p.ressor is driven by
ari eJ.e-'i..'..tric iwtJtc'fl- th;~ough · ai belt d'rive~ The ·wechanical·i;- dri·.,,r~'i <iEJJ"1i:_i
mDtor e-ffici.encies are 0.93, 0.98, and 0.95 •re-ipectively. Electric
energy, at the storoc, .location, costs 30 rnill/kwti. Th.e over<1rll
coefficient o·f heat transfer of the store envelope is. 2.326x1o-4
klrl/0>2 "c. I t is proposed to increase the ther.,<:i:l insulation o-f
the e><ter·i:or· ·surfalces· '('e><cept the· ··f'loor)" by · addin<;1 · 0.1· "' d-f a
ther ..,.1 insulating .,.,.teria.l having .. ther·. conductivity o.f
2.90Ehdo-5 kW/m 0 c. The cost o-f this "'aterial is 50 LE/m3.
The re1il!<>i nder of the expected life of the plant is 10 years and
t~lB dc;i ly opef""a.ting peric\d o~ the refritjeration equipm.ent
considere-d to be 20 hour.s. Deter.,,ine whether this proposal
eco.nom.ical l y feas~ble or not-

9. It is wanted to choose a coaipresscr for a creamery installation

operating Lmder the following conditions; capacity o-f 18.5 T.R.,
ccin~ensi_ng pr.essure o-f 1 .. 5 MPa., ammonia· leaVe-s condenser at
saturate<:! conditions, arM>0r1ia liquid enters the. expansion .valve at
24.5 °L, ·evaporating temper-ature of -12 °c, .vapour leaves
e·vaporat-or at saturated cnndi ti O-f1S 1 vapour is superheated 11. 0 c

in coo>.press.or suction line. A c°"'pressor of the fallm<ing is available; 4 cylinders~ vi.~tical,,_ reciprocating_
"--·' single· acting 1 single stage., ~.3te-r jacket:ed com.pressar with a
n1axirn>u.on R.P.H o.f 600 1 cylinder- di~ter is. 0.1 m and s:tri:Jke o.f
O .. !.2 ~ .. The following r-·-~pplernental assurnptionS to· a.llo!>-$ -for
further- cal~ulations are taken; cl-ea.ranee ra~:io- o+ 4 % 1 pre-ss·ure
.dr·op in suc'tion valve is 0.03 HPa, vapour i1;; superheated 8 °c in
cylinder on intake stroke a-fter passin1_-J ·the sUctiOn valve,
Polytropit: C°"'\)ression ..,ith n=l. 27, pressur-e drop in discharge
valve is o .. 05 HPa, CD<llpressa..- mechanical e-ffi;:ien.i:y is SQ ?:.
al Deter.,.ine if the available compressor c 13Sl ·be used and at what
R.P.M should i t operate?
b) Esti~ate the kW req~ired to drive the comp~e~sar?

10.A frean-12 refrigerating machine is used in· a meat -factory to cool

10 tons o-f meat fr0<0 38 · oc to -10 °c in 12 hour-s. Th.e
CD"''lf""t::~•;sor used is. single Stage and has 8-cyl i nde-rs and ru.ns at
900 li.P .. M~ Th~ ~.achi.nG is fittAd with ;•Ol he.-J1t
exchang·er. Give"' the f.mJlowing ·data: .. ,., .. ·
Suction and de lvery pressures are 0.15 and 0.8 MPa, respectively .
. The liquid is saturated at outlet -from the cqndenser.
Te~erature a-.t outlet from the:- eva.Porator = _: 8 °c~
Temperature at COU!-pr-essor gUCti on valve .:::: -!-· 3 °c ..
There is a pressurP ui fference due to suet ipn and discharge valves
- 0.01 Hf'.a .. J-kating. in the compress.ex- during suction raises the
1{) fJ
Specific !•eat o·f Wiea.t above freezi.ny -:;:; 1
2_ 1:~1 .u11J i.lcl11w 11 J~•i'.'":ti<•.~
t. bT5 Id /k<J 0 c. heat o-f fr12e2ii·1g o.f ~ea,t = :::!09. 35 kJ/kt;J · ,J.nd freezinq
t.e~·e\"·atu\""21_'.5 °c . := -
Calculate th" fol lO»Jir.cp
a) P~r nee-d.11.::::-d fo; ~-:tl··,,\2 c~r-~ss.4:;-il" if t!:!lech.;iinic.a.1. e-ffi.ciency =
c~ .. 85~
b) &are a;ro·i:J ::;:.t1'·cc,c::re· ·~::-f th.~ co.ftl-preSsO<" if L./D =.·.l-2, clear-J.nce ratio
= 3 x.
C) Coe--Fficient of perforraa.nce of tt1e re-friger-ating R;"Chine .:?;'i1d the
relati\e efficiency of the cycie.

tt .. A fr-e-on-t'l n.iacf,ine is required to· cool 5w6x1o-3

v,;;;3 o.f 11ai l k per- sc-~:; ~ f rora · 26 °c to 5. 0 -c _ · Tl'le C~i>ressor
ha<:J six cyl indei.~s of 0- 15 im bor-,.g .and 0- 20 m stroke and rur1s at 760
R~P-~"'~~ The r;\\"l..?Jchir~e i5 fi tte<l 0-Jit.!1 liquid-suet.ion. h~at exchan_g~=r.
Th:re fol.lOk"llinq 'li'ata. i s qiven::
CDo"l!'of:O!~essor- StH:: t i on f)rE:'5St.trr2 .,..... oti 25 MPa.:_
C~p-<essor d~Z!l i ''l""!ry p1-ll::.'ss;ure ::::: 0- 7 HP.a·_. at compres.<::.OF" suction = + 8 oc_
1-eil'l-p"G.o,,....attJ/e ;;lit cqa;;.presso1 discharge := 52 °c_·
Te-m-~•ei-ature at condenser outlet = 26 oc_ at e·..raporator outlet == - 1 oc_
The sr~eci f i c gravity o·f mi 1 Ix: is 1-03 an~ its speci~ic heat =
::S. 87"3. If the c""'1:li roed "'echani cal and ~otor-·e+ficiency = 65 X,
C;}} C1Jl&.tP.:
al 1·ne pi:_)wei- of tJ-1e electric: mo·tor· in ·kW ..
b) Co~pr-e-ssqr i ser1tropi c and volumetric ef f i ci enci es-
c > C.O.P of the m~chine and the relativ~ .<refrigerat~on1

12. A R-·12 tour cylinder~s, 0~05 m diameter by 0-06 m str.akei

compressor run.s at 1500 R-P-M. The condensing temperatUre is 30
0 c with 6 °c sub cooling and the evaporat.i ng temperature is -2 ·
Oc with no superheating. It is proposed to instal a
:tiqciid-suction vapCJ-L1r heat exchanger to :.Jrevent condensin·g of
at'1l11o-Spheric moisture on the suction pipe wt-1en the surrounc;ling
r:ttin:.Jspheric condition is 36 DC dry bulb tE·mperature and 26 oc
wet bt11b teft.f.JeratL1re; draw a di.?.gra.matic arr·angement of the plaf'.t;
and det2r1mi ne:
a.) \~ight of refr-igerant h.anc5.1~d by the c~presstJr 1 . allowirH.'j :3«
volumetric e-fficiency o+ 84 7.:.
bl The capacity o-F the plant in T.R.
cl Condition o-f refrigerant on leaving 'the heat excha('1ger, at
SLtction valve of the comp~~ssor.
d) %age e-ffect which the heat exchanger has on the capacity of the
el 1.age effect on the C.O.P.

1.3. A single-stage freon-12 re-frigerator wol-ks' o.n tf,e sirnple

saturatiori _cycle and has an air-cool~d cotid~nser .. The compressor
has a clearance ratio 'of 4 7.. The evapor,~tion temperature i s -5
0 c "".!
the compressor discharge temperature is 50 °c. The
raited capacity '..',nc~er theS·e· de-sign ccndi tions is 20 tQfls. During 3
\-".(1t s.pel 1 the 'condensing temperature · increased to 55 cc.
c:,~lculate th0 re~rigeration capacity under t~is s2ver2 conditio~.
J.Ji th the condensing t2mp2rature a!: ·55 °c, deter~ine tr.e
c:vapcratinq ter.iper-ature .at. -....i:---.ich the :-e~rigEiraticn capa.::ity '.NC1ul.:l
di~inish tc Lero_

.t 4. An
a..m1nan i a
a r?f,--igeratiwn
~rine-cccling p:ant '
ca~aci t.·; o.i: ·.3~=: tcris. T;-;e a·.,13ilabl2
co1.:il ~n9-;-1"2.te1 t:ri;-;e
l\(.•r:1'.;l~,,-:,i.. 1-.:it-P ,:\ r:nndi:?risP.r press1_1r2 ~
of MF}6 c\llLi cl lJr tll~ -c:o<Jler
pre·sstJr~:::a (Jf. 0-}~,/ Hl'd. \lit.:~ I 1·•m11P·r·.-•t11r~t; will ·_f:•x i c;t-_ .-"l.t tt""\R
f 1.11ltJ1>-1l111J
pc;ints deslqn'e-d-: comprEi!ssor disch;;.rqe 100 °c., .c:ompr-essrJr sucti.rJri
-14 °C,. leavir'\I;;-,\ COf)defiser 16 0.C, a·t RKp;;:;;iiOn_ V.1.lVe 20 oc,
and ev~porator
leaving -20 °c. Pressure drops in suction
dischari:;ie valves aire 0~0'5 .Ji.nd O~ l tiPa. respect_fvely- A tl>'«J-cylinlier
singlQ-.;:tCtinq c~pres-;;or i s to be used at a me·.:?..f\ p~st0<1 sPeed o-f 2
m/sec- Mechanical efficier1cy is 0-88- R ..~tio of: to bc>re is;·
0.9. Clearanc'1 factor is 5 percent. C.alculate'
al Indicate-<:! and brake po~ of compressor.
bl He~t rejected from CD""!Jressor per sec.
c) Heat rejected in condenser per sec~
d) Bore, stroke, and speed of compressor.
el C.O.P of the ~achine.

----·· ------·~·--.---------------· - ---·--------- --- -

·Hech<?nicriil Power Engi.neering Departnient

4th Year· <Power)

r:cH'orJatJnd v a:pO<.Jr -CCJi;J;"'.J'",._}-f' 12'-SS ion Sy'5 t ems
lp The follo~...,ing ccniJitions apply to 100 t(}!;1" alll!'JiMOOid. coa:apot11icJ v.;i;.pottr
coi:mpr2s5ion S)lstem with ~ate1'7 i·nteU'"-cO'Oler .. Condens~ pressure is
1 .. 5 MPa 11 eva.pordjtor pr·e-ss.ure is 0_ 15 MPav intercooler press.Ure is_
0.5 MP21, and volu«1.etric efficiency as: low pressure = 85 X, high
prg-:_:;;-;,;~_e.r-E~ = 7B X~ Ass~.1~12 prr,?.SSu.r-12 dro'IJ' coapressoir va.1 ves .a;s
f~J]. loW<tS~ l0¥.i prt? suc::t.ion :::: 0 .. 0I.:5 HP~v l.ot-a pressure di schargs
i.s-, 0~035. HPafl iiigh p1essure s~.J.ction = 0-03 MP.a.,. high pressu.r-.:-!;-ge ::::: 0 •. 07 MP.:11 .. A~1iai ra.ay be coaled to ·32 oc .ir1
intercoale..-" and. Sl.tb-cooled liQl1id from condensl;?'r. is at 30 0Ci
st.act.ion tempe-r<l.ture i-~°' -18 °c~ Temperature leaving . the brine
cooler ::::: 21 oe.. Lo~ pressure comp•Messior'r is adiabatic.. i-iig:t1
pre-ss-1Jre compres:si on has an index ( n) o-f · l - 27 ... ·Bc::fth cy ~ i nd_er·s: a re
double acting .. Calculate: (Assum~ 'le:: 100 •t. of L.P.C)
a) Atulll"'K:Jnia to be circul3ted per secor1dv
b) Indicated power of high pressure cylinder.
c} Indicated power cf low ;:Jressure cylinder.
d) Heat re·jectecl to intercoole1· \k~-1&) ..
c) P:istor-1 displace~·t _of l~ p.r-essur.~ cyl.inder
cylinder, m3/sec ..
f) Coe.ffi-cient of per-formia:nce based o-n I_ .. kWv

2... a) A cold-store for frozen f-ish is to be rm.aintained at a

temperature o.f 7 °c_ The estimated heat load for the store
is 174 .. 45 kW, and is to 'be perf"orm-et:i by an alJf..monia brine plant working at a condens':~ pressure o-f 1. HP-a,·
and at an evaporator pressure of 0. 25 MP,;. If a 4-cyl inder
compressor running at 600 R.P.11 is us.ed and ha.ving a
compr-ession ef.ficiency of 80 %, volumet.ric r:!ffi~iency of 75 7-,
and mechanical efficiency o~ 80 %. Calculat~!:
( i) Tno brnke pow,r ;n kW of the compressor.
{ii} The bore and strokf"" cif the c6mpressor.
(iii) The C.O.P p-f the plant, and its relative tt1ermodynamic-

b} If the ab-ove ~ i a co1npressor ·i S: to be t-1.,a-Stage w~ th dl water

intercooler, !Jklke a suitable design o.f the plant, and
Ci> The inter~diate pressure~
. <ii) ·The Xage s.aving in the hrake power 0f the cornpressor.

An amr.t1Gnia plant is to be designed for an i::·e-factory· having, a

daily L7Utput of 65 tons of ice under the foll"'"4ing design
;..l.v12rage terupe·rature o-f water a·.1ai lab le is- 22 °c·,
Te,·oo.i-.,;t·r::iiture of ic.e produc~d is - 6 °c,
Fre! tim€ .i·" 19 hours, and the estirnate;d .heat gain from the
;;urrou.ndings in .0 ice tank amounts to 10 x· of the freezing ·l.oad.
a.i Select suitable operating conditions for. a simpl-e ·ammoni.a
system and. then calculate the B. kW o.f the colllpressor,
a compression efficiency of 84 X and a mechanical ef-fi.ciency of
90 x.
using compressor-
bl If a
d-eterooine the Xa:ge saving
in the pcwer
in terc-col er:
cor.:lpressor r
a.ssu.r~i ng a comp1ession o-F 84 .: for 1 OW pressure
I J1
5t,,_11l,Je iHH.I 8{1 x. F(J!l 11 i qh µr1::1s.;;1_1i''i;~ r.~t.::o.CJP. C.:.t1 cul J.ltrR ~1 "'JO the' "X..aqlll
im~Jrc1vew;;e11t in t/·1<~· l:.t.l_P rif t.he c-~ysl_v•n1 dt11_• !',1_1 r._c>mp1>11111Ji111.1-

"'l Tr"' C _ fl_ P -
b ) The ma.x "i. 111ium cycle temperature-
c) The tot;n l f:»i::;.tori. di..splact?fl'i\ent per sec- p'31 tor'), for _th&?
theoretical single stage Cy~le .,"lfl·d for t:he cycle shor,.,rn in
For' e~ch cycle assLtme an evaporatir·HJ temper,ature o·f 40 °c,
conde-nsinq temp·er-~~tur-e of 38 °c, ""'''d •"ll C(Jrapressor r:lP.~r..;Ance of 5
%.. Th~ re·friger.,1nt is a..Glf\lH'.Jnir~- FcJf""" tf-le cycle., assume
interBl€'diate sattJration temperature is 11 °c,. that the vapour_
leaves the water inter-cooler at 38 oC, and· that· the CDt1'pression
is isentropic.

1--------- Cond.

i .~------------~~~] H. P Cylmdcc

Cooling water
- --IMl--1

Flash inter ~~--1 Waler inter-cooler


L. P Cylinder

5, An industrial plant uses a R-12 system with· one compressor to

~-;erve beth _ar1 air--ccndi t i ontng evaporator and a. lry...i temperature
·evaporator for process refrigeration,.
air.-ccnditioning T-he.
evaprn-ato.r is- a liquid cl1iller operating 1~ith a capacity of 80
tuns and is ma.intain_ed a·t a temperature of 4-.5 oc by means o-f ·a
pressure r-ec;iLLlating valV:e located at th_e oul:let o.f the evapOl-a.tor.
1-h.e low p_r·essure evaporator has a ty Jf 25 tons a11d operates·
at-_·,_;_ temper-atu·-2 of 12 °c, the compress..or suction pressuri? is
the same as t{,e pressure in the low tern-per·ature. evaporator, and
the condensing temperature is 32 °c. Calculate the pe>-ter
required by the compr~ssor.

6. A.'"1 ~nia system havin·g a 45 ton evaporatcr opera.ting at· - 1.0

c, and a LO ton evaporator operating at 40 °c; utilize~
flash. gas removal and intercooling~ The teinperature is
.SL r:~
fhr? ~r.. r~1nqem~nt: is ~i.s sl·u.lwt1 i f)
1l!l 8

power re-qiJire<.1 for ec.l.Ct""I compr·,essorD


L ~=-­


7~ An ammonia vapour compression system· is arranged as shown in

figure. Assl1me isentropic compression,_ and t:he given data are:.
t 1 -- 3::z 0 c, t 10 -7 oc, t5 - -40 °c, t 3 = 4.5
0 c, ty = 38 °c.
I-f th.e low pr~SS-Ure evaporator- j:Jtoduces t.l<'ii ce the capacity - of the
high pressur2 evaporator. Flnd the C.O.P of the cycle.



9 10
[XJ ·Evap

··-· ---· --------
Sm A cascade refrigerating systraim tJSG'S .as~mor1lfj in the low trgi,Mpe£r~ture
unit and freon-12 in the high tef.!iPe<"""ture unit. The syst"""'
d~velops d 50 TmRm The fr~~1-t2 syste~ c:Perates at -20 ot
evapo.--Hii:ion tE".:~im'lper.~ttJre~ ..;i;_n-fJ 35 oc cof1dRfls.atior' t91Gprilr~ture.
·.Frt::p~) liquid l'3ll 9'\JbCu..:JX~-'!-t.,~ t_::-..'' or: ir~ the C<:.M"l(iftrlSE?r·a .Tt\e
syst!>m op•=rates ;;,t -46 oc evaporating te.,.,erature, and -15 oC<?.;in'~ t1·'fw'l}-~~v-.~ture, ""1hlch is byprovided
tt1e freon-12
ev.:npor~tor-m i~<!ll!.t'-<iD>1~dl. Jtg~ves the eva.porat.Or-:·.
with 5 oC of
superheiJltm There is 2 ac teri:ainal diff~rence bet~en
a~ia and freon-12 in the evaporator/cqndenSer~
a) Dra!.>.J! th~ f::.o~, d'iagra.m o-f the syste·:ooa
b) Ca\lculate the total power required.
c) wlculate th"' C.D .. P of each system and that of the ..nole plant·

9. A re-fri gerant-I.2 syst""" is arr<mge<l ills shDWfi_ in figure. AssuBJ-e

is..en.trop.:ic C:Oii!'1ipression and frictJi.onle-s£ flo~"4 .. The fol lo~i-ng daita
,; given: Cond.ensing ter;opera.turre is 3:1 evaporator CA) a °c,
c~paci ty of 5 to..-,5 ~nd an eva.pora.t ing tl21'R!l} o-f -29 °c,
evapor.?.itor· (8) has a capacity of 10 ·tans and an e·vaporation
t~pe-rature Of -4()· °L, and vapour 1E?.:4Ve'S each evapor.ator in dry
-and s.a.t1.ira.t€'d conditionQ
ti = +29 °c, t6 = -20.5 °c, = -7 =
\._ .. -20 .. 5 °c !It ti7 = -31.5 °c.
E..;t:h c°"'Pressor has 5".l cl ear ance.
Draw schematic (P-h) and (T-s')
diagrams for the ·cycle,and
a.l Tt1e coefficient o-f pe<·fon1'ance of the system.
b) The piston displacement in cu.m/sec. of each compressor.
cl The theoretical power input to ~ach compressor.

~-----•--<\ Cond.11--------.-- - - - - --~


6 7 19


'----fl><l 4 Evap 5
(B) .

i6 17
9 ( B)

Liquid 13
"--1-1..,,.1_+---lt><J,._,1_2__, Evap_
t~Q A t~o--stage vapour-compression a~@ania ref~igerator is shown in
f i. qure~ Cu:r1der1ser pressure is 1 ~ 5" t1P.a Tiie l ~-tenpero;t.1.1r-€

ev.11por;-i_trtc i.s ke-t.-:ot'. ;z..t ..11 ;,1r·~ssure of 0 .• 08 NP;n ~i le t.h~

high-tew.p.(-?laitcire e·.,- 0:·•• c·· ;,:,--~i'-'.r~i;:>.1r i ~~ ·"5:lt O .. 4 MF'a... Lic:1u.i.d la;;).vinq tt1e
ccnder~se-r :~·,•l-d .,,,<.:-tJG~.·r l ea\f·i ng evapo.rci.tor are s.atur a tad ..
Te1.'llJ{.'Je::-a>.1!::.1J<~e -r~-f W--a\ter ·inetercool2r "is 30 °c_
the laavi['Q'
Both compressior,·1 st.ayes f"'lave ,<kn i.9'_~11tiropic f;!-fficiency o-f 0 .. 8:5 .. The
conden!:,"~r is 1;>#.21Ler-cool edf t.h~ cool in-g~.<iter -t~er.ra.t.ur-e rises in
the cond2nsc;' is 9 · oC and its fl°"' rate iS: 20 cu ... /hr. The C.O.P
of t.h:e .c·y 1::le is 3~ 5~ rn-.a_rni .:ti. p-i di of. the cycl"e .and c:a.lculti:te'.
th·~ r·~,~rtgercttior1 _c.a.p;:;.city of eact-~ eval.por-ator in tons-;.

L Cond. --.!-~,,,.----,~.

----····-! lj HPC
l--l~·-1---Qvap,_--f!_\~\-~ _J . ~. I
c . .
~ •I I J 7 Wo ". r inte.rcool€.·r

'-'---I-1/,t. I • _J '.:)--~ • : ~ LPC

~I Evap_ · B j ... --2::J
l 1. A cold store has one above-zero room and two below-zero -rcio.msm A
tv-!io stage"""
i s use-cl; ti1e arrangement <:rf eqU.ipment is shown
in figure. The high-te"1perature evaporator operates at 0 °c.
fy':fhi le the lo~~ tefl'! e~-1aprn-ators ar-e l\'lainta.ined at an
e·v< temperature o{ -30 oc .. The F"C'.fri9eration· capacit.y :i,~-;;~
30 tons for the high-temperature. evaporator· and 40 tons_ for each
of the tl+O low-temperature evaporators. '. Liquid · leaving the
condenser "is sa.tur-ated at 40 °cg Amrnoni.ti.. is coaled in the water
intercooloer down to 30 °c. The high-pre·c>sure circulating pu"'p
circulates 0.833 kg/sec. while each o-f .the low-pressure pumps
circulates L056 kg/sec. Compression in btJth stage·s is consider.ed
to be adiabatic with· a compressibn e-ffic'iency of 90 7-. Plot all
the points on the p-i plane then ·determine:
·al The state of the refr'igerant returni·:.,g from the air-c6o1 i·ng
coils to each of the two surge drunis.
bl The required brake p.ower <mechanical efficiency for both stages
is 90 Xl.
r:l r:,,O.P of tfi;c.0 ·~.vstem (neglecting pumping worl<l.
ell Condenser :uty in kW. ,.
1/~ 11

~-------•--------'! Cond.


5 6
Surge drum


Circulation pump----J

l"2. A three-?tage ammonia refrigeration ro.acl'1ine operates between

evaporating and cDndensing teftlpera.tures of -70 and 40 °c.. Two
open-typ.e flash intercoole-rs are installed; ('.ITTe at each of the two
intermediate press.ures 0.07 and 0.35 M'Pa. Moreover, a. w.ater
intercooler is used at each o-f the interi:ne-dia~e pressures to coal
t:-he vapour down to 25 oc_ Refri geraht le.aves tt1e condenser and
evaporator at s..a.turatiori. .'Conditions. Co~pres~ion in all stages has
a ~:-ompre-ssi011 e--fficiency o-f 85 1.... Draw a block diagram and plot
the cycle en the p-i plane; then deter.,ine the C.0.P o-f the cycle.
If, fer s~? reason, :the w..ate-r suppl·t ta the twa water
intercoolers "'"'3S cut off: find the- percentage effect on the C. 0. P.

:S. A three---stage F-12 va..poc1r--c~ression re-friq-eration system is

arranged as shown in figure~ The sy·ste-m s..erv-~ an a.i;-cond'.'t.ioning
coaling loa.d on evaporator A i-n addition to t~ p:-ocess cooling
loads o-f 10 a.nd 15 tan-s on evaporators 8 and 1: respectively.
Condensinq pre-r;;sure is MP a and -1 iqu·i_d is SJ.J.bccaled in t:he
condenser to 30 oc. All compr- e--ss: ion are assurrred· ttJ t::-G
-- 116
ic;C?n-t.~npic. l.iqui.d is subcooled to -20 c in the cl osad fl '1Sh
interc.:ooler~ r11e rat:.i.1J of the i·nttir:. ..t.l:P.t1 pc1w~-v-. r>F \-.h~
Gt->q"' to th .. t of th" inter.-.di atP.-pressure sti>qe i,.; [ _ 7_
Evap-orkll.ting pr-e-ssur-es are O .. Ol5, O .. OB,· ;1t1d .o .. :;.5 t1P.:a.. Tfi~
refriger.,,nt js s.>tur.llt<E'd at exit frn«I each evapor;i.tor- Dr;i.,,. the
p-i d·i~Qra.oo, aind. d.c:'terr~in-ia:
.a)· Reff-iq-er~ti.on ty of the a i r-cOnd it ion i ng
\"",;>teer c!<ill,l?f") in tons.
bl Tot.;,l _ ind.ic_at~d- p,awer input.
cl C.G~P ,qf ;the ,5y~te;,.'·_ c..e,Chanical

i5.~Q;~~s~.~~)::·~.. ,.-,.~~r'·· ~:-·,.~-~ _~ ~L~,:~:~ ~·:,,.'
-Apprcqxi,,,,,te,;;_pistoc,i,.,. __ di,s-PJi~_eroent

o-f al_l coe.spr~s?Ors

.,/sec. l. for each

- -_- -c~r::ess,i-9'1 ;5:tage _if -'the clearance ratio is 0_04 for all
-compr:.essors~-Woulc(-it 8~"-ad,/i-sable 'to interch .. nge th"' pl;;ices of
the- op.;,n and- clo.,;-ed -fl ash inlercool ers-


,~:-__-1-;_---.-E-va~p- - -A- -1-1- 6~- -'-17~

f----11X1i--__... HPC



3 !PC
10 11 12
Evap_ 8

~~--, _s_]
Evap. C ~

14- The re-friqerants F--t2 a.n<Y F~13 d·~1,·e used in the CB"Sc.~.ujfi' 5y-stmt!l'!I.
"$hl)Wql itl fifJllrn_ filn lowv1-.. t_p~)Qr.::AtlJF~ CyClP.' follCJW<r; ii 'ii.~Mipl.G!!
saturation cycle betlh--een P.vd:>~:?a.·w.r dlliisi .au\d C.ol\l1t.!nslr1y t:.P-m{Jer·-'tlJr·e.: ...J. ·
Llf -llO :u~rJ .. -)() c~f:_ Tf-,p ifi,cfjf: ...:i.~:~J·-pow~r- input to the F-13
co.:.~ressor is 1~4>"~ kW/tort_ 1·t1e 1:--12 cycle h.2'1.'S lw-i:.J evdJJrfl'·~t_ur-·~:a
op~r..l:tinG ;:it th,..;c ~~.wrJ pr~<I;;.SUr@'S'o 0.35 ·,a,n.d Ow08 HPa.; their
r!dlfriQimr~tion .co:li1.?ic:itie-s are l7 and 4-0 tons .rraspect_ivelya Liq~id
l~.-bvlniJ LhP? t:1.l~\dt:'"n-:tITTrr" ll\1. q,.1otur.~tQd ri>.t 40 O(:_ TI1~ llt1t.1lc:f_ SL1ppll~rl
to tit-@' exp.-0n~io-e1 _v..llvR o-f the low-tR~Jr.ra.tur~ cv..1.por.a.tc1r· l.'Th &t 2()
0 c. V"pour leavinq the hiqh-te0>per;,.ture ev.>.porritor is at !O
0 c. The low temperature eva.porator is a flooded one; and the.
vapour leaving it is superheated in the liquid-to-suction heat
e-x:change-r 'to -20 °cm The F-12 -f2d to the cascade condenser- has a:
quality at inlet x+0.1 and a te<0>perature of -20 °c at exit.
Consider CD"'fJressicm in both stages to be isentopic. Dra., the p-i
diagr~ and deter~ine:
..;ri) Re·fri(jrrrr·."\tlon C~l.p.'l.City o-f the F-13 evapc•rd!.tor in ton's-
b) P~ input_ t<.)- tf.l.-!' overall blnar·y sys.tern < 2..P!i, is ()_'} ~u..-· ~l l
cl C"Q"P of the system.


16 15

3 14
5 5.~--'

r- l. 8 ----

,14-·_1_3_ _, Evop
f- 10
t:1' l l ~( J l·ft-1 l "11_H~; I r Y
Hecha1ni.C-<)1 l-"ow11C.,s:! EtH;l~.nee·r·ing DefJ.-1rtnu·~11f.:.

---------------·- ----·---. -- - ·-·---·-·--·-----.-----·---------

t. A clo·s.ed~ycle re·friger<?-ti._0~1
..Joir systera ,prtxJt.1ces LO 1·~Rp Air
enter"s the
coSN;pressor a.t 0_412 t'Wa. and "i__ 7 oc :!.t is th~n
c0o>pres.sed to L "l 7 MP a (n 1- :SS) _ The = t!etepel)_..?.tu·re o:f
the aic-
l~~ving the cc.1£.::;ler i s 28 0c.. EXo..;-.r"l:sioin inde>( ·is 1 .. 30 .. Assum~
fricti~1le~s flow~ find the C-0-P of ·the 'syo;test and the
l.hermK_)1Iy~'"·,,,,.,! '- rt_•l . .,! ~ -,,,~ 1.~f- fici{°:~ncy.

2. The sct1~:-a;.~.t.ic air·.:..c,1,r:le cooling systEm -f1y a _fet:pl~ne. is as show-n:


P.•;;":".;,'11~ tllal: ~l.r- i.s ble{"J ·fr-oc;1 the jet-engine at 3"30 °c· and 0-69,
i"tl·.ia ?it .-1 ra.te o-f 0-.13:) Kg ';;ec:~ Air er"'lte1s tt1e tur-bine at:· 101 nc_
Fn-r-· the,' tLu·bine a.ssu;::ne .a pc11 yt:ropi;.:;. i::?:.<pr_-;nent ~ ':=· 1-20 ~nd.. a
nh:ch.:u1ic.::\l C)·f o_a_ The ca1.bin- pre~~.i..1re is ·o~08'1 ·HPa and.
th2· is-. exha.L1sted -frc11n the cabin at 23 °c ... Assume' that nb air
i ·~ t~-1-pasr.;ed around th.e t.Ltrbine- Determine:
a) Tt1e tur·bine po.,er output;.
bl The T.R. produced-
., fol~.owing performance of
-·· Dn certain beat strap unit .the
f..:{_}f"1iporien ts is given:
Tu.r·bine e:fficier1cy· 85 X. 1 se~cnda1y corapr-_e_ssar· efficiency ·TTr-., and
secr.1;<~i.:ar·y heat-exchanger. e-ffe-ct.iveness 90. -·x. The unit· is designed
·i1.:w·· .:.i l::.3bin pressure o.f· 0-098, an a.mbf_ent. a.i·r tc?mperature 32
0 t:., and. compressed air lea".'inQ the prim...3.ry :-~eat ·exch.anger ·.at 65
~ 1 C- For .:1ir· t~·: ente-r a.t 5 calculate: °c,
;_~) Tf-1e oture o-f the a.i;-- 1 e:a.ving the set.:ond.:i.ry·
iJ) The press<.11'-e at turbine entrance.
c) The ten!per-a.ture. o-f tt1e air enteri_ng the tiirbine.
d) The pressu.r.e entering th~ second·a.ry compr.?ssGr-

4. A boot-strap air refrfgera.tic;.n systern i·s used for an air plane to

give 10 ton of refrige1d..tior1. The a.'7'-bient condi tion::.o are t := 5
c and r - o. 083 r-tPa.. The air pr-essure i "'lcrea.seS to 0. 108 MPa
1 '.i

'f 19 isentrapically before

bled fro"' th-. .,,.in
c°"'pressor. Pressure of air
at 0.343 MPa and thi"' air is
further cooopresse<j in t.he seco~d..:u... y compressor. to Od 441 HPaa ,The
is.entropic ~Ff"icieny o·f each cocmpressor .is 90 t. and th.;).t o-f the
cooling turbii::d~ :ts BO 'X- Hea.t exchanger. effec.tiveness o·f the
priO>E1Fy he<>t~s!~ch.•nger .i.s 60 ::t a.nd th·at of the secondary h<>at
exchanger is 62 X.
The airoplane cabine is ...._intained at 0.098 HPa and 25 °c. ThQ
cooling turbine drives the secondary compressor and its ·surplus
p~'-.:"- is used for: th·e fan ..
al The P°"*'r required to cool the.cabin.
b) C.O.P of the syste.m based on the by the
compres5or ~ 1·

H.B." air used ·for heat exchangers cooling. is frDl<'I inlet to

CO<ll>pressoo- (i.e. at 0.108 MPal

~ air refr·i9er.a.tion· s.'ysteca for a. jet aeroplane operates On the

si"Ple cycle. The cockpit. is maintained at 22 oC. The
ambient-air pressure and tempera.ture are ,0.086 MPa and 10 °c.
The st.agnatior~ press;._1re o-f the r~ air .is 0 .. 126 HPa~ The . pressure'
··... ··
ratio ·of the main compressor is 3. The plans·speed is 277~8 m/5ec.
Tr::mperatui~e o·f the. air entering the· turbine is 83 °c . P-1-essure ·
drop in the heat exchanger is 0.02 MPa. · Compressar and turbine
isentropic efficiencies are both 80 x. F'ressure in the cockpit is
kept at 0.098 Mf'a. Cocpit--cooling is 1.ton. Draw a schematic
T-s diagram of the cycle and deter.,.i ne:
a> Temperature o-f the air entering ·and leaving the compressor ..
b) Temperature of the air supplied to the cabin.
cl Brake-:-poo;.,ier output·of the turbine if i t s mechanical efficiency
is 0. 82 x.
d) Rate of heat rejection in the heat exchanger in kW .

6. . The ai_r ·refrigeration system o-f a S.:Jtal-1 tt.:rba-prbpelled airplane

i.s sho'W'lfl in figure .. Air at a pre'.5-sure o-F 0 .. 588 NP.;:a is e.xt·racted ·the main turbine compr-.essor a·t ~ rate of 0.333 kg/sec ..
Te.,peraturP at . inlet to the. turbine is 100 °c.· The turbine has a
r.>echanical efficiency o-f 85 X and an ex.p;msion index of 1.2.
Cabir\e· presst.1_re is Oa098 MPa and tl1e 111.a.:ximumallo~·a.ble te~perat.ure
inside it is 25-ocw
At a·certain.time 15 .X o-f the ai:- flo'M is bypassed around the
turbine .. Determine:
al The cooling load in tons.
b) n1., turbine pm-ter output in kW;
cl What is the full load·, in tons, that can be handled by the
system under the same inside and.outside conditions?
.dl Bypassed fraction o-f air stream under half-load condition..

Air. from engine
compressor . Bypass line·

Air to cabin
J 'j_o 16·
7D A- bootstrap air refrigeration system ·is used to cool o:J.n aircr~ft
c~bin .. The .ambient-air temperature is 5 DC; "fhe aircraft S..f.l'Be..-:t·
is 27.2~2 ~/sec_ Air .i$ e;..ttra.ct«:i.l!d -fro131'! th~ m.:.ain 19nginc;;r comprg;io<;;oi;;;or
"'t "' pnrn,;;ure o-f 0.2?''> ~a ""'1d '" rate of 0.389 kg/sec. The air is
c:oal ed i.n the pri IW;.Y-'f. he?cr.t e:.tct·i~r~ya--r t~C»ITT to 50 oC a.nd thi~-.q
co®:f-H·-gssOO L.~.o {),. :::~:':,:2 MP a i ft. ti~w.:»· second.Uy· c~re$·sor.,, The
i' ®{:.;;:.:tl,c.;~~'-'--l·~_:1:;_,s. o-f th1>~ tuu-bine and secondary cotaprt:Gs;;;i.or
arll°i' 0~8 and 0 .. 84 r-espectivel;i.1Q Thr.3! .cabine :is. pr-essuri;;:l?.d at. ~
pressure o-f 0 .. (198 ~-.rt is exf1austed-' from i t .at 22 oe . ~fhl~
<iMl.d air
·ll'.\ect"'c:·~1· ·o-f
ef·_ficienci05 ·th~- tt1rbins:··' ;~ .. M.ld· ·the 'SOCood~y

coa;prGZ.~s,or .rltra 0..,84 .iJ.fld 0 ... 87 r?'Spect:i.\.relym Dater.min,.?:

a) Thia: rl2' lo~d in tons.~
b} The e-ffectiv~1e-ss o~ the_s.eConrlary heat exchdngetp·

8.. 1li~ r-educed-aOOient air re-~r:r-i·geri:lt.ion. s·tstee is us.W in ~:',

aircr,.ft flying at a cruising sp~<l o-f 416. 7 "115'ec. The ~.>L,;;;-;t;
con di t.i QlflS O .. 07r:; MP a t310d 5 oc.. The r~-compr~sion P.'t°""i....;,t:1:.1•'!:i1'0'
is as.sui.m-eU to b.e isen·t.rbp.ic. The air. le.;?.ving the CDallp,-essor ts.
cooled to · .10Q 0 c in r:he he-;.1t exchanger.. The. press..ur2 ratio o+
the wi;...~in gas-turbine com.presser is. 3.. The. press~Jre dr0t? i_n th·?.
c,.utlet:s suppl)ting air to tf1e ca.bine is Ov01 MPa·.. ·The ca.bin is
i;n;J.J.r1it.11ined at _0.098 MPa and 22 oc.. The adiatbati·c· efficiencies o.f
the compress.Or and t..he twci tt~r-bi08S are 88 Z .and - B6 X.
n•spectively. The cabin-c=ling load is 10. tons. D..-a..0 a sche.,atic
T-s d.iagram of the cycle and determine:
a.l The shaft p~ de.livered to the fan if the ~hanical
~L:.ciencies of both turbines are 88 %.
bl Mass flo<W rate of ram air through the heat exchanger, in
kg/sec., i·f its temperature at 'exit is li..,ited to 80 °c.
c) Effectiveness of the heat exchanger.
dJ C.O.f-' of the cycle and its efficiency ratio.

9. The regenerative air"fe-frigeration system of a jet pl.ane .is shown

in figure. The cabine is pressurized to 0.09'8 11Pa and is

i Ram air

..----'-----. 50 °( .

c 100°c

H------,1'--------,------1 T Air lo

maintair1ed. at·''i5·"oc. ··The cab·in--Cooling load. is .30 tons. The

ambient conditions are 0 .. 083 HPa and 5 °c: . Tne ram air pressure
is increased from 0.083 to 0.118 t'!Pa, ·due ·to isentropic stagnation
against the plane body, be-fore being admitted to both CD"'presscr
and primary heat-exchanger. Air is delivez·ed from the compressor
at 0.471 MPa. The primary heat-exchanger has an effectiveness of
0~6.. The air- is further cooled in·.-the s.econr.jar~· .(or regenerative}
heat-exchang-er 'down to 50 °c· .: wh·i 12 ... on.· the other side the
cooling air is heated to 1()() 0
before being discharged. n,e
isentropic e-fficiency o-f ~ompresSo<-
and turbine is. 0.9 and 0.8
respectiviel;:r.,. Dra'Yi a neat T~ di~' of- the c:ycle and c.a.lcu·la.te:
"1) The perc::enl"'1ge o-f the total· air 'flow. used for ,re<Jenerative
bl The po~ necessary to c.;u--ry th"' ,refrigeration load.
cl Th« C.O.P of the cycle and i t s relative ,efficiency.·

10. A regenerati,ve syste;. is used for' cooling the caibin of an aircrai't

travelling at a speed o-f 305.6 '91/S<>C. The ambient-,air te"'Perature
is 4 oC. Rami air pressure i ncrli!ases du<> to i rrsver=:i b 1 e
st2'.gn01tion against the aeroplane. Air is extract<>d fr°"' th0> """gine
C:D«4Jressor .a.t 150. UC- -~reSsion and expansion., in ca~pressor
••.nd tUF"bine,. are both po!ytropic and have the indi·ces 1.3 and 1.2
r..,,.pectively,. The effectivenesses o-f the .-..,,,_air .and· ne-generative
h«at 2xcham;,"rs "''""' o. 6 and 0. 77 r-=pmc;ti vs I y. Con"'l d...--abl e
pr.,.;;;sure drop takes place in each. of the two he.,.t exchangers; and
air is acl!(l?litted tc1 the turbine at Oa294 HP.di .. The is
"'aintaine-d at 0.098 MPa and 25 °c. The ·cold air used for
regenera·tive. cooling represents 49 % of the total mass flow rate
through the turbine.· The indica.ted power necessary tu "'eet the·
cab.i n---.:;:ool i ng . : load ; is 183. 9 - kt4•.. -'-Draw · a .. flow diagram · and a
schematic T--s diagr""1 and calculate:
al The cooling load in tons.
bl Te.c;;perature , of the discharged to the at"'6sphere fro0> the
regenerative heat exchanger~

11. A si"Ple system is used for cooling a hi\;h--speed aeroplane. A

bypass line around the turbi:ie is used to cope with part loads-.
The cabin is kept at 0. 098 MP a and 25 °c. Air delivered by the
co<>pressor to the heat exchanger is at 148 °c. The
heat-exchanger effectiveness is 65 %. Air is supplied to ttie
turbine at 87 °c. CDflllpression and expansion indices are 1.2 and
1.3 respectively.
When the cabin-cooling load is 75 % of the full lO<lld the C.O.P of
the cycle is 0.1024. Dra'"' a fl ow and a T--s di agraros then ·
\ i ~) ·Prass1..1re at inlet to the turbine.
bl Cruising speed o-f ·th'i' airplane if the ambient-air te ... perature
is 3 °c.
112 ( 18

Mechan~Cal Power Engineering Depart~ent

Refri~1e~·-.:cAtioo!1 .a-,nd' Ai1- ConcJi.tioning 4th Year (Prn+er)

----------···"---------- --- · - - - - -

A c~rt.i:!in bt"~i l~i11g is to b'i> air-·conditioned in su~- The foiloo-•i.n

d.ata. is given:
Out<;<.:ic1:t8'. -'.~ir concii.tio11 ill,.. ::;s 0c c:!~D~t ~nd 25 °c w_lJ_t_·
Inside design condition is., 26 oc d.b.t and 50 % R.H.
E;i;;tiRalled ~~)e-,,;;f:: rJtt!in fr~ the building i s 9 17 .. 445 kW.,
E~~~::t.r:?.c lighting and v..i.achi0,r:,•s; lwci:d is."' 40 kW·..
T;::rta.l numtlc'l 01.1"7 pe:rs~s e"~~t_;:~!.s; 1'..00; each ig:ii;,:r;;;!s. 0_(}814 ki-.! a.f sk..,•s.i.. t.;1
ht~.21d::".J mnd 0~11 klrii 1Jf ·1·atant h•ior .."".lt~
Fr·esh ai. r to be al .~owed pe.r person equals 20 cu .. llm/hr ~
!}eter·mi ne-:::
a) The sensible hea\t factor ..
b) The tot"'l amount o-f conditioned air- ta be cir-culated.
c~) Tt1e CO-tJ.1 iny c.:ip.:;,cit.,l rJ..f the dlir conditiorier in T.,R_
d) The coaling coil dew point.

2. A su~..- air conditioning apparatus is used fO.- coaling an

dehu,,.idificatian is to rn2,int.ain 21 oc d.b.t and 70 :t R.H. in
print shop ""1ich has an estiU>ated sensibl.e heat gain of 58.15 kW ?J
1 Olten I: heat gain o-f 17. 445 kW under de-sign can di ti on. Assuming tna.
all the air is recirculated, find out:
al Sensible heat ratio.
b) The apparatus dew point temperature.
cl The rate of flaw of r-ecir-culated air per sec.
dl The tons of refrigeration, of the r-e-fr-ignr-ating machine.
CO«!pute the re-fr-iger-ation capacity in ca,;e o-f using 50 7. of fres:
air at 39 °c d.b.t and 27 °c w.b.t and 50 ·;: of returned air- fro•
the shop.

A theatre is to be air-conditioned for the followfng surome1.

operating r..:ondi tions:
Outside c.or1dition is., 38 °c cJ .. b.,t and 25 DC·w .. b,,t.,
Inside .condition is, 26 °.·
d~.b.t and 50 7. relative humidity.
Total numbe.,- of persons is, 1000.
Lighting inside theatre amounts ta ··10 k~J.
Total sensible heat gain from building amounts 430.31 kW.
Sensible heat gain fr-om persons. equals. 0.0S:l4 kW per person.
Latent heat r4ain fr-om per-sons equals 0. 105 kW per person.
Fresh air to be allowed is, 30 cubic meters per hour per person.
Conditioned air- leaving the~ coaling cci\ at ·90?: relative hu.,idity.
Make a neat diagram of the complete air-conditioning plant for th'
Show al so the air cycle on the ps.ychrometr-i c char-t. ·Then deter min•
the following:
al The sensi·ble heat.factor ..
b~ -1.---~'! coolinn call 1nean temperature 1 and e·fficiencyD
c) The arator. · t of air to be ci rcul at E<l i.nsi de the theatre, i '.
d) The cooling capacity of the plant in tan.s of re-friger-ation.

* All mass flo~ rates are 1n kg dry tlir I unit timem

4~ · The follo.._.,~ing dati1'! is given fot- an air pla.r1t;
Ot1tside air condition i=:ov 38 oc d~l:i .. t and 21-2 t--1-b-t ..
fnsid12 •oo~ concii.tic:w1 i..s,, 25 °t: d_b_t ;-,r1d 5:5 ): R-1-1~
Frest1 air S.t)pply <)_l)l.5{·1 ky/~-ur::t:-
Roo~ seflsible loai.d is, 4-~S~S;Cjl kl!'il~
Room lat.,nt load is, 13.956 k\.J.
S~·;o.w the· c·y·.;_.::J!.e Ori tt:a psychromtietric chart a.nd determine:
a) The tem.p<&~·r· ;_;,t•J.~"- t= t"":: :. 0 :~. 5. c.h- the air be -coc;l ed and dehumidified~
b> The total c~!:...1~ntity of conditioned rllir to be sUpplied., and the
plimt capacit.ym

5.. AA air cohdi t i oni ng pl ant for. a 1-estaurant operates under. the
foll~Jing conditions;
·Qutc;ide air at 38 °c cLb.t and 23 oc w.b.t.
I11sid.;-;: cclnditions are 25 °c d .. b_t and 50 X. relative humidity ..
Total heat load for trie restaur·=t = 45.59 kW.
Air lea,v<.-s the cool inq cai 1 at 10 °c d. b .. t and 90 ::<:. R.H.
The conditicx1er. is fitte-d with. a by~pass for ~i.xing a. certain pd.B"-t
of ;et.urn a:i r·· l;>ji t.h ,.11.r lea.vinfJ the cooling CCli 1 to obtain a mixture
at 15 oC d~b-t~ tl.,1e1·1 t!\e· rnixtt.Lre is heated by a hee\ting coil up to
20 °C t.i-b_f: b~~-fore .~(~ir.•i.<:Jsion int.a the resta1.1rantn _A.ssuming eq.ual
weiqf\t~;; of fresf-1 .-"lir· Lr,i r r:-t:r_ir-n "·in\J l:h1:~ coi_J.l cc1i l ;
\_ ~) Draw d flow diagr~~
the plant and rep~·esent the cycle on
tJf the
pS.)··chrooaetric chart 1 g.i'¥'e a slectch of the ·::ycleti
tJ) Calculat~ t~e sensil1le .heat factor.
c.> Calculate the amol.1nt o-f air circulatec1 into the restaurantti
d) Find the ;,a.mount of fr~~sl"~ air taken in the ,coil in cuQm/secQ ,- and
the r~tio o-f return air \"<fhich by~pas~ed the c=DC?ling coil·g
e} ·Find ~:he ·re-frigeratiriy cap . :icity
. o-f the ::oolin·g coil in tons 'of
refri~JC!ratir_1n a._nd thr2 c:.:·bf).-"l.r::i ~:y c.1f- the he~ter·. in kW-

6. P1 r~~staurant 15 to b~~ aii~ ccJncli "!:ioned during the summer.. The

f·ollowing data is given:
·0\Jtside air- ternper-atu1es a.•e; 35 °r.= d-b-t and 25 °c w.b·.t.
Inside con{Iitior1s ar~; 2:;~ 0 c rJ.!J.t and 55 X. R-~·{.
~·leat gain from the bui ld.lrtQ = 29. ()'13 k\.:il
Lighting load = 8 kW.
People in l!,e restaurant ~moL1r1ts 500; ·each giv1~s 0.116 kW sensibl~
heat and 0.093 kW latent heat.
r·-Dod: 0.056 kg/sec.: pr;..;dtJ::::ing S0.2 kJ/kg sensib11~ heat and 16.7 kJ/kg
· { ate11l. heat.
\:_: f=reSh air equals 27 7.. L"Jf cirCLLlaterJ air_
.f.-f the air· leaves the coolinq coil at 90 X R.H, .find outi
Tl~e room sensible heat facl:or·~ ·~pn~)~atus de1~ poir1t, ~)nd the a:nbunt
o·f air to be-cirCL1lat2d irl c1J.m/5e(:_
Sketch tl1e air cycle on _ttie fJsychrometric charc.

r; club" is to. be -air conditioned i11 StlfliITT·-::'r for the following

coridi tions:
Dry-l:Julb outside air. temperature = 35 °c.
Wet-·bulb ou.ts.i de air temper-:ature = 26 °Cv
Dry-bulb inside air temperature = 25 °c.
Inside air relative humidity = 50 ::<:..
He"1lt load from the building = 23. 26 kW.·
Nt1.!"..:..'.:.,odl·- ;.sf peaple ::.i)side bui I ding =: 500; each .gives 0. 093 kvl Sensible.
heat and 0.0072 ;I latent heat. li;}hting load = 10 kW.
F1r::?sh air alloi.-ted per person =
20 Cll-- m/hr.
·rhe ten~erat1_1re of supply air is 10 below the dry-bulb
1:empe·rature inside the conditioned leaves the cooler
at 90 X R.H.
M-ak.~• a sketch o.f the psychrometr i c cycle and c .::11 cul ate:
a) The fan capacity in m3/sec-
Cooling capacity o+
R8"he.-&\:er- c~p.=~city i11
the cooler
in T.R. 12 L/ 20

B~ A space is mai11tained at 24 oc d.b-t and sq X relative humidity.

The sp~ce sensible t1eat f.:..'l.Cto.- is o_ 757 .. Na o~..Jtdoor- air is requir-ed
far vent.ila..tion .. The space is ser--...•e<l by an air-coaling coil which
deliv:'Ji'rS to th'l' s:pac::;i> a:t a. r~l.;;tive h1. .u'e':idity of 80 'l.-
a) 'Y"he dei,1-point t:.empe-r~aiture a·nct the coi 1 bypass fa.ctor_
b) The rate 0-:f air ci'r-culated in kg/sec~ ~d m3/sec per- ton o.4
space sensible lead_
c) The rai.te: o-f water drainage fr·cl""' the coilv in liter(sec, for a.
s-pacia- -£H•r.s;_ible lo.;.d of J tons_

9. A tftea.tre is air-co.~ditioned in sum.mer., The inside conditions are

maintained at 25 °c d.!J.t and 50 IC R:H. Outs\de cond~tions are 35
0c d~b-t and 60 ".t t~~H- Conditioned air- i s supplied to t_he the..1'.t.lf.':r-
at 16 CC d.bPtQ 1--~e~t:. gain through W-alls is 116~3 kW-" .atnd h:P.'-?r,<
~i tted fr'Dfil elt.~t.r:·:i l:a.l equ.ip~ent arid l ighti~,g is 58m 15. k~-t- 1~~~-~.r;J1~:;·;­
o-f persons is 300; ear:h gives 0.0814 kW o-f s2nsible heat .and o . 06·1
k~$ o·f latent l1eat. Necessary s1..1pply o-f -fresh· ciutdaor air is 14
rn311·1~·- rer per·son~ Sketch the psychr~·tric diagr-a.rtlll arid Calc1.J.laite~
al l"he sensible heat r-atio ..
·b> A~~ount o-f conditioned· air admitted ir1to t.1-ie theater in ky/s~c.,
and f.'ili3/secv
c·) ,Bypass fac·tor .c.tnd effective surface teA2Per~1.ture o-f the cooling
di Capacity of refrigerating machine in tbns.
el Aaiounl of water drained from the cooling coil in kg/sec.

10. A buildi11g is maintained at 26 oc d.b.t and 50 7.. R.H while the

outside conditicns are .35 °c d.b.t and 20 °c d.ew-point
t.emperatur·e. Conditionl?d air is supplied to the building at a rate
of 4.083 kg/sec. The building has a rate of sensible heat gain of
26.?;77 kW and a rate o·f a>oisture gain o+ 1.89;.d0-3 kgJsec . . Outdoor
air is introduced 1 for ventilation 1 at a rate o-f OvB33 m3 /sec.
Some of the rE!circuLited (return) air is b'fpassed around the cooling
coi 1. The ai.r which passes through the coi 1 is brought to 90 7.. R.H.
Oraw a schematic flow diagr-am o-f the air conditioning system .ar:C
.3) The state of the air supplied to the building.
bl 11·1e amount of the retun .c.:ir bypassed around the CGi 1 in kg/sec.
c) The apparatus dew-point. temperature arid · .coil efficiency.

11.v A btJilding in a hot arid location is air-c-onc3itior.ed in summer ·by a

s.imple evapor·a· systeD1~ The inside conditions are kept at
28 oc d.b.t and 21 °c w.b.t while outdoor air is at 40 °c
d.b.t and 10 X R.H. The building has a rate of latent-heat gain of
3.541 kW and a sensible heat factor of 0 .. 797. Equal masses of
recirculated and fresh air are mixed then pass.ed through the air
washer~ Determine:
a) The mass flow· rate o-f cooled air.admitted to the.building.
b) .The w.ater-spray temperature in the washerv,.
Comp~re the w~ter consumption with that in case o~ using 100 percent
G!t..•;~c.lG~:11· airv

12~ Ar. auditorium is ruaintained at 25 °c d_~q .. t and 50 X. R .. H.. Th_e

outside crn1ditions are 40 °c d.b.t and 27 °c w.b.t. The air
conditioning system is shown in -figu.reR At a c-ertain. part:.....:.
load condition the sensible and latent are 116.3 and 79.342 kW
respectively. Conditioned air is supplied to the auditorium at 20
0 c~ The apparatus dev-l point of the coding coil is 5 °c and the coil
efficiency is 70 7-. The mass c-f fre-sh air is:- 50 X of the air rn.a,;;s·
' -
.. Exhaust


f-.,__, _ _Fresh air

_ _,.___

Fan--J Filter
Electric reheat coil Cooling coil

passing through the coaling and reheating toil~. Calculate:

e.) Tne sensible heat ·ratio.
bl_ The ao>ount o-f conditioned air supplied to the ,;luditorium in
kg/;;ec. and m3/sec.
c) Th.e a(t,lount o:f return air byp~ss.ed arcun_d the c.oils in kg/sec.
d) The a~ount of fresh air in kg/sec.
e) The amount of ><ater drained -from the coaling coil in liter/sec.
f ) The 1-e-Frig.erating capacity o-f the cooling ClJi l in tons.
g) The heating capacity of .the reheating coil in kW.
Plot. 'the cycle on the. ps.ychromet1ic chart and c..:-1lcul~'l.te:
¢l\j Th~~ qLi.:t.ntity o-f .air bypdssed a.rourtd the ccoling coil in kg/sec_
anr.i 1lt.3 I sec.
b} ThQ' .;\n'iOt.tnt o-t cond<i?ns.~tfl rem(JV~d -from tf-1e co'c,lin~'J r:c:ii l in kg/sec_
c) ·r1-1e r"ef"r_iger!!l.ting C.d:l~;iill.clty o-f the cool lng col I ln tons.
d) n-1<2 121.ectri':: p~or~~f;,1.,- 9 ..;pp-ly to thO?. rehe0,ting cc.ii l in kW ..

14. A sp"'c"' ls "'·"'; nt.;;itn"'d at 25 oc d. b. t dlnd 50 X R .. H. The air

conditioninr.J £yst~ is shown in figure~ The Ol..i.tside conditions .;;,r~

Space ,----r-----
I Exhaust


1 l
Fresh air
Fo.n- /\

Electric reheat coil \_Cooling c.oil

40 °c d.b.t and 27 °.c w.b.t. Conditioned air supplied to the

space is at 18 °c d·:b.t and 14 °c w.b.t. Fresh outside air
repre~.nts 30 7.. of th·.;;· total amount of air flov• to the space. The
cqo.ling ·coi1 has a re-frigeratior1 capacity o'-f 50 ton.s; the appar.3.tus
deN point is 5 °c and the coil efficiency is 80 %.
Draw the cycle on the psychrometric chart and ctet~rmine:
a) 111.e per:-~entage of air flrJw bypa.s5ed ar·ound l:l1e coaling coil.
b) The heating capacity of the reheating coil in kW.
c) The sensible and latent loads of the space i.n kW.

15~ A Space is to be maintained at 26 °c ci.b.t and 50 % rel~tive

humidity in summer. The air conditioning plant comprises a coaling
coil followed by an electric reheating. ~oil. The rates o~· sensible
and la tent heat gain to the space are 74. 665 and 41. 635 kW
respectively. Air leaves the cooling coil at 14 oc d.b.t and 90 X
·R.H. The outside conditions are 40 °c d.b.t and 28 °c w.b.t. The
e·ffective surface temperature of the cooling coil is 11.5 .°C.
a) The state and rate of mass flow, in kg/sec., of the conditioned
air supplied to the space.
b) 11~0 power o·f -'~he reheating coil in kW.
i:::) Th& amount i... -fresh air intr-oduced for ventilation in m3 /sec.
If ·the n.•lative humidity of the air supplied to the space is li.,ited
to a mat(iimirri o-f 90 X, is i t possible to serve this·. load with a
cooling coil only7 If it is, ..hat should be the eoffecti·•e surface
temperature:• of this co·i 1? If the coi I efficiency is the -as i-,-1
the first easer would i t be rieces·:;.ar·1 to bypass ~fr-action of the
air flew around the coi 1, and what shm;l.d this. fr<!ction be?
Compare the required re-f.rigeration capacity ir'I the tWo cases.
./2 J 23
16v A t;p."lC8 i$ ~'lir--cc1ndlt:ior1rn:i ir"l wintu·r~ Tt-111':'? Jali- cr.xi{:fttlr:Jn-lnq r>l~,,·
·comprises .a. preheating coil, an air washer., 1• a.r1d a. reheating coil
.The r«•t= of sensible and latent .. heat loss fi-O<l> the space are 232 ••
and 58.939 kW respectively. The space is """'intained at 21 °c d.b.i
and 14 °c ... b.t. Air is supplied to th .. SO<>C .. at 38 °c. Outdarn
"'ir it1 i;;.;>tur·''""'"'d "'t 5 °c. The "'"'""" flow r ... t., of v.,ntil,.tion. air i'
50 ·;: o-f that .ac.~11.<ii t~{.:fai..i t.;.o t~1e s-pa.ce .. · The a:i"r fi.iasher -h.;u,s .;an a-f-f i ci snr:~
of 50 X. Th-aw "' sche.,.atic -flow diagra111 o-f th<> air conditionin1
syst""", pl at the cycle on the psychrometr i c chart, then ·
·a) Th<&1 fl.ow ro>t" of condi.tion.,d air to the space in rm3/si;,c.
bl The spray-water te~perature.
cl Rate o-f addition o-f o.a.keup w.ater to the .sun>p o-f the washeT" ir
d) Rate oT h~~t addition to the air in each a~ the h~~tet-s in kWv

17. An int.,rio..- si:>ace of a building is to b"' .,<>in..U · <>t 22. 0(

during winter. The space has a net rate Of s,ensible heat gain· o1
17.445 kl<; 0>0i,;ture gain is n~legible. There is no need for
ventil..'!ti.on in tf,is spa.cem However, and in at:cordanc;:e with .211r
energy-s.a.\ting polir.:y., the space is cooled by Alllixing outdoor witt'
recircttlnted air and ad~itting .the mixture to the space. .Air
supplied to the space shouid be at 12 °c. C:.n a particular day, th<:
~.1tside cOnditions are 5 °c dwb,.°t and 90 7.: R .. H-
a~ Dr!!W4ine the a1A-0Unt o-f air supplied to the1 space in kg/
bl Find the percent.age of the supply air· which is .outdoor air.
cl . Assuming 0.735kW brake P°"""""" per ton as the compress.or power
n2'quir·e"'ent for a "'echanical refrigerat.ion system, estimate th£
dai 1'y s.aving in operating cost realized by the above--n>entioned
system .as ·compared to a ccmplete-recirculation system with
mechanical refrigeration. The. space is occupied 8 hours per. day,
and electricity costs :so rnilli<lles per kWh.

'18 ..- A building is ai1_.:conditi_oned in winter.. Thi=: 1 inside condi.tibns are

kept .at 25 °c d.b.t and 50 X R.H. while the ·c11.1tside conditions
· 5 °L d.(;.t and 90. 7: R.H. The building ha;, a rate of sensible heat·
loss of 174.45 kW and a rate of latent heat. gain o-f 95.366 kW. The.
ventilation requirement of the building is 10.972 m3/sec. of fresh
air-- -rhe mixttJre o-f fresh and recirculated a.:ir is preheatedy passed
through an air washer .... i th bypass control' then reheated be-fore
being adMitted to the building. The i,.1asher (humidificati[Jn)
e·fficiency is 75 '.!'. and the temperature of 'the spray ... ater is .15
0 c. Conditioned air is supplied to the building at a condition
··- such that the diffusion temperature is 10' 0 c. Draw a schematic
flow diagram of the air conditioning system and determine:
a) Flow rate of air to the building in kg/sec and m3/sec:
b) Temperature to which air is heated in the preheating coil.
c} The fraction bypassed around the air washer.. .
d) Rate of addition of makeup w<iter to the wa~;.her in kg/sec.
el The rate of heat addition to the ai.r in ·each ·heating coil in kW.

19·•. A space'.is maintained a.t 23 oc d.b.t and 50 X R.H. during winter.·

The outside. conditions are .6 oc d.b.·t and 5 °c w.b.t. The space·
is air-conditioned by the syste"' · sha.,n in figure ,..i th w.aste-
heat recovery ond 100 :i:: outdoor air. The sensible heat loss from
the !;.pace is 104 67 kW and the sensible ~1eat fact'c)r is o·. 7975.·
Condit.ioned air is supplied to th<i space ·.,ith a diffusion
temp.erature '·o-f ·17-' °L. :Ai.r ·ente1,.-.s., .. ,,.r .. :.the ., ... reheat·ing ·coil at· a
temper·ature of 21 oc. Air is exhausted at· 15 oc. Plot the cycle
an the psychr6metric chaFt and determine:, ·i

a) F~ow rate of conditioiled air in kg/"seC-· ·anc: m3/sec-

bJ Rate of heat addition to air in the preheating coil in ~W-
e) sa.,1ing in hea::=_ing load .-ealiz2d by·· the w.a.ste-heat

Outside air

Fan Filter
Reheating coil_) Preheating coil

recovery systeM.
cl) lhe ,.,.sher efficiency.
'2!) Water consumption o-f the air washer in kg.'sec.

20. ?\ we~wing hall is maintained at 30 oc d.b.t and ·70 X R.H. T<·

outside conditions are 40 oC d.b.t and 26 oC w.b.t. The tota
he.:it gain o'f the hall is 116.3 k\'I with a !>ensible .heat factor o·
0.8. Cm1ditioned air is admitted tc the hall at ·25 °c. The. fresi
outside air· represents 25 'Z: o'f the to'tal mass ·. f lrn-< rate o·
conditioned air .. The air condi~iooinQ sys··::em comprises a coalin. 1

cai l and an air w.asher.. Determine:

a) ·F10~1 rate""i::iT·-;;;;;-,di tioned air in m3/sec.
bl Temperature o-f air leaving the cooling·co.ll.·
cl Refrigeration t:apacity of the cooling coil in· tons.
d} Was; her e-f fl ci ency~

21 .. A drying chamber is us.ed fer drying dates from moistuF-e Content c::·
.-'.~5!. to 10 'X. or1 the \r.,let ba.~,:is a.nd at a. rat~ o-f 2 tons o-f cfa.·te-s pe1
t·\our. Air leaving the drying roam is ~t 23 °c and d~b-t
90 X R.H
'1\nd air is admitted to the room at 49 °c. The outside air (winte
conditions are ·5 °c d.b·.t·and 70% R;H.' DEite1·mine:
;;i,) The percentage o-f air recirculated. .
bl The heating capacity of the heater in kW.
j 29 25

Hechanic~l Power Engingerlng ::Jep"r"tment
Refrigeration ~nd A!r Conditioning 4th Year

Condensers and Evaporators

1. A refrigerator is to serve a cooling load of 16 ton. The

machine condenser is air cooled and the heat rejection ratio is.
1.244. Ths condenser has an air-side area of and the
O'Yera-11 coeff1clent of heat tr.;1.nsfer ba'51i1d o:r-1 this .area is 37

The condenser has ~ .;ind the f.ace

v2locity of air is :".mis. Density of ambient air is 1. 15 kg/m .
·rf the cond~n~ing temperat~re is to be limit-eci to 55
c what
ls the ma:cimum allowable ambient temperature?

2. A dirsct-e;<pansion fi1·1nad-coil evaporator has

~ . 2
are.1'~: refrigP.rant 3ide 15 m~, air-s:ld;J prirr1g ar-ea 13.5 m .• and
air-sid" fin (e:·:tended) area 144 m . Thre boiling
coe·Fficient inside the tubes th~ air-side
is 1300 wim 2
.K and
coefficient is 48 W/m .K. The fin efficiency is 64~ .. Neglecting

the thermal resistance of tubes, determin8 the· value 6f _the

(LJA) product for this air cooler.

3. A fl_ooded shell-and-tube s·~aporator is u~ad to cool

which f_l·ows ihside·th~ tub?s, ·From 15 to 5 "' C- The ti.Jbes are
made_ of. copper witl1 insid£? a_nd a.Lit-side diarne•ter::; of_ 8 .and 9~5-3

min. Liquid-flow velocity inside tubes· is 2 1n/s. The refrigerant

6aturati~n temperatL1re and. the average boilini heat-tran~fer
co"fficient on the sh"ll side are -1 °c and ··3'00. W/mk.I<. Neglect
. the tube thermal reo;istance and determine t\1e total
length of tubes per ton of the refrigeration load. [Properties
of li•~uid at 10 °c ar"e /=0.<)01.3 Pa.s, _5'=1050 kgtm"' k=0.57
W/~.K 1 and c~4250 j,'_kg.KJ'

4- A shell-and-tut·~ con~ens?r has an overall co,afficient of heat

transfer of 800 W/m~.K based on the water·-Gide ~rE?a (inner-

area>. The wctte1~ ·press1_\r-e drop, thraug~ l:; 5(1

kF'a. Un.d"r !:his operating condition, 4<)'l. of ;.he overall thermal

resist.ance is on the -..;.?\.t2;- side .. It the water-flow rate
doubled, wh~t ~i~l h~ the new v~lue of the overall casfficient

R.12 condenses on the outside ~urf~ce of plain hori=a~tal tub-es

ln a sheLl-and-tube water-cooled condenser. The outside

tubes with -·,_ .

diameter of the tubas is 19 mm. ThQre are five
31: 4. 3, .and 2 tubtns per

rows of
sa. t.1.-tr at 1 ·::ln
temp 8r a tur e inside the condense,-- is 52 c "'nd th<> aver""aqe
temper dtLlre- of the tube SL.trf ac:e is 44 oc. CAt 52°C S4!.tur-a.tion
temperature, the liquid density and the latent heat of

vaporization o·f R.12 ... re 1202.36 l<g/m·"' .>.nd 120 kJlkgJ

6- The manufacturer of a -....i~ter-cool ed shell-and-tube ammonia

~ondenser guarantae• the overall coefficient of heat transfer
under operating conditions to be 990 W/m~.K (ba·sed on .the

water-side araal. What should be the value of the overall

cciefficient when the condenser leaves the factory?

.7- The fallowing result& were recorded d0ring the of a

shgll-and-tube. ammonia condenser wi·th water flo~ing inside the


u 0 W/m .K 2t)7() 1930 865 1570 23(11~ 176<) 136(1 113<)

v mis 0~975 t). 853 (J _ 244 0. 61 i. 22 t): 731 0.488 1). 366

where U is the overall (l.heal-tran·;;fer coefficient. ba.sed on the

0 . ; .
outer area and V is the water- velocit'y in tL\bes. Condenser

·tubes are plain with. inside and outsids diarci-eters af 46 and 51

mm and a ~herrnal conductivity bf 60 W/rn.K~ Determine:
i Thg conde~sing heat t~ansf~r coeff ici·ent.
ii - The he.: ;-transfer coefficient on the water. side at a
water flow velocity of <).45 m/s.
i i i - The overall coefficient U. at a water velocit·; of 0.75
f. 3 j 27

8 - A dry-eMp~nsion shell-~nd-tube ~at~~·chiller has reffigerant

tubes of 31 mm i.nsid~ di.~ineter ~nd 35 mm out~.!de di·a~eter~· Tt1e
tubes ;'lte made of cwpper wt th a therm·al ·can·cfLlct.1 vi ty of· 37<)
W/m.K. The chiller was tEgtad at two dlf(Qrgn: v~luau of
wat8r-flow rate through the shell.
hedt-t:-ansfer coefficient, Cased on inside C\;"ea, was 71)0 and
805 W/m~.K for w~ter-flow rates·· of 5 ;;.nd 8 litt!:irs/s
re':i.p'i'.ct.i. vel '/. Esti;natg the averaqe value of the boilint;
heat-tr~n~fer coefficier1t th~- tubes. thE'
· heat-tr-ansfer coef-Fic;.ent on thtJ outside· sLtr:=a:ce of t1...1beS at a

water-flow rate of 10 liters/5. (Solve without_dr~wing'

9 --A water-cooled shell-and-tube cand~nser:. is t1J be ~esigned far

a R.22 refriger~tion sy$tem to meet an· ai~·-canditioning
. . . . .:J
cooling cond~n~i ng t8rr\per.ilture is 45 .-' C
a~d the hgat rejection ~~tio is 1. 27
Water from .;\ coal-inq towe~ e~t-2rs the· cond-@n:>er (en the tube
:;idg) .;i.,t 31) c- and leav2s .;)t .3:'5 '0 c. The C•:JndenScer :1a.s t"·iw-
pas5es and a total
6f t~bes of 42 arranged as
are us~d
! Vapour.

inside and
outs~de diameters
of and i 6 mrn.
0 0 (J 0 0 0
conductivity of copper. is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

390 W/m.K. A fouling facto~ . 0 0 (i 0 0 0

.., 6 o o·o o o·o
of 1)#!)(H)l76 nl ..... K:/VJ is to .b9
o a ·j' o a a·
tak"n into consideraticn. o o 'o o o
0 .
At 45 C the liquid densit-·.,1.
«1apor i z at ion of
l Condensate
OU tie t
1109 kg/rn and 161).9 kJ/kg
~-ospectivsly. ~fhe following
properties 1na)- be taken f,:Jr wpter at 5'=995 kg/rn-',

f=0.000773 Pa.s, C=4.19 kJ/kg.K, and k=0.617 W/rn.KJ

Determine the distance between the t~o tub1? plat~s and

to~al re~u1red. length cf tubes.

. 28

.,. f 32
.-, lk i,.. I..
~'i;~tti .. ·
i.. '
...... ,~(', wt-~r..
::oia·t• :-• i,::. ..I
... .i,j

~·.,~.~c·f"~t·':lr. ·~-::,;·+'.~~17i~i.·~-~-~:i
-. :· _:. .·
.:.:i..-. r -~_.p r-·fi:,? r.; r_·. !';. ,g,"! ·.

i inej; 1 r, Fi~·a~r;_~·


~~f-r-i'g~-~a·~-~~-n .::ap·.aC.:~tf_,. kW •

.·': .·~

i-? ,-........

. . , ..

. -. .

_, __ .·

,.,, . : ·;
.... --
·-·.· '·



'·,;': ·'


C ~..,,·\.RO \Jt'~ ~ ' ..'EF:S ( ""!'"'Y
Mec_~anL.:ctl. pcwer- E;-.q~.-.ee1-i;ig Oec.a-.-'.:.1nen-:
Rafrigerat1an a~·~ Atr Canditianinq 4th Y'2ar (Power')

1- A refri~2rdticn s·;stem carr~2~ a ,-2f~iger~t~on .. lca~ of ~c:i tens.

The he~t rejscti0n r~tio i5 t.~7. T~9-syste1n is equ~pc~·j with~

r-ndt CJ;-

havLng ·an effici~ncy of 7!) :~. C~lcu~ata t~~ power input ta the
driv\('g motor. If !:he te1Tlp~2ratL1r'e o-f the Wr:\lm·. ~ater lea··,1if1q the
candens2r dr-oos· i :::: or. { t.·-s W·3Y t.o the tc·wer- .. , .• ~.a: ·_i:; :he ,...:2\ny~·
of thg cooli~g towe~-?

i 5


!:he 1 "

~- A small refri~erati~g machine working ·with R-l.2 h~s ·i capacity

(1, i MPao Satu;-ated 1 iqLtid is fed to Vr.J.l V~ and

·1-\=friger"ant l::i.·iing. the evapr:Jra':or to the compr.eSs.or is at ·-~1

a .. .
C, The machi~e ls fittsd with a rotary the
rdlling-pistah type rotatin~ at 9<)0 rpm.
l. 1 the cy\ incer r··~SP>?ct' 1
2ly. CalcLtla::e the t\1ree main di inens i ans of
:i 0

4- An ~mmonia refrig~~ation syst~m opera~ing b~twee~ the pres~ure

limlts of t 9 5 ~nd (1. :5 MPa. i s •:?QU i pp_ed w~ th .~ .f lr.i.oded

evaporato( ~~d a rot~ting v~ne cdmpressor.· L~~ul~ l~a· .. \nq

condenser is saturated. The four-v~ne ·ca1npr~ssbr ratat.?.S
1200 rpm and it~ charact~ristic yolume Ls Calculate
the rgf~iger~tion c~pac!ty ~n tons.··

. ·~ .. l t
r-eqL1l.-ed ta o·repar~ a i-a~111q t:~bLe for thi ;:;· ~·otnPress·.:ir, l ~ s'.':iny

b~sed .::in t!1e fol 1·.J~;..nq C<J.ndl. ti.9n·;.; ~i.·;np~·~ ;:;i\.t~·~;tio~ ==·:i·ct"a; · ·4i:1_.
0 - . . . . . ;·._. . . . ,
C condensing t12mper-..:AtL1re, clearanc.e· VolLime':r1C'-_e·ffec.:.enc':'., _..?.n.:!

a speed of 95c) rpm. C~lcu:ate the two re~rig~r~t.iqn ~apactti~s

that will be quoted against the two

- 1 tJ- "
2nw l'J- or_..

6- Catalogue d.ata fo~ .~ Fr2on-t2 reciprotat·l~Q-. compre~~or

th~t the ·ccmpressor p~oduces ton;

c·t"c le h,~·..ri. ng

. .
·:; ..._,':·_.:-at ~.?G • . ;)...- c SU•: ti. .:;r,
lS c.

11- Solve the s~me 1 :;

fload~d· e·1apar~tor_cannect~d-ta the ~~m~r~~so~ vi~

sucti . Jn t i"ne~
Mech·~riir:a l Power Er1g ineer ir1y De P" r lmen t
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 4th Year (F'ower)
.•, ,.
E:cpanslon Device~

ls lo~ated.~~t.~an
.. ,, ·'' .elevation
of 8 m above the condenser. The

37 °c.
Tl,e µress(1re drop, due tc1 friction~ along tt1e iiquld·
' 2
line is 0.27 kp/cm If the liquid lirle ·is -a:ssumed to be
perfecL\y,}n.suJaled, estimate the degrees of ~ubcoO 1 ing tha l
must be ~chteved in the condenser in o.-der to en sure · th·a t
va.·po.ur;_.,w.ouJd. not· be formed b,e-fore the ex pane ion Va 1 ve.

2- A'Refrlg~rarit·-!2 thermo~tatic e>:pansion va 1 ve L1ees the same

refrigeraht ~s a power fluid. The valve is deslgried to fade out
i\ t a; pressu_r~ of 4.447 kp/cm . the
syst~~ (bulb and connecting tube) is 15 cm 3 . Determin~ the mass
o·r Refrigerar1l-l~ contai11~d in the power .systen1·.

·3- A sm9ll Refrigerant-12 refrigerator has a compressor running

.3 '
with a piston di sp lacemen t of (I. 1 m /min. The compressor
clearance factor is 5 %. Under a 11 c_ond i tions, the vapou_r
leaving the evaporator is ass·umed to be saturated and the
compression proc~ss is ~ons·i~e~ed to ha~e a~ index n=l.11. The
refrigerator is fitted Wlth a capillary tLlbE the mass-flow
characteristics Of \.-Jhich ma)-' be pr-actical ly e:--:pr·essed b··;

m = 0.015 x t ~ 1.1 - 0.24 p

. co_nd. ttv;.

where m ls the flow rate in kg/min, t cond.

is the
condensing arid is the evaporator pres sLI r.e
kp/cm 2
Under normal running condition~, the conder1sing"temperature is
0 . '
40 C. Estimate the evaporation temperature ani:l ·the r q. te of
mass flow through the evaporator.
After a period of operation, with incomp~tent maintenance, ahd
due to e1:terr1al fouling of the air--cooled condenser the air
circLllation across the coridenser w?.s rete1rded and the
condensir1g ter11perature rose to 61) c. What would be the
e~aporatlng t~~perature under this condition and what '~0L1ld be
the rate of mass fl~~ through the evap6rator?
. . .
Give an approHimate estimate of the refrigeration capacity; in
ton9 7 in each of the two cases.

4- A Ref~igerant-12 evaporator is fed ·by a float· valve. which has

8n o~ifice opening of 2
0.25 cm at wide-op"n pas i ti on . The

~vapor a ting .arid condensing temper.a tLtres are .-!(• and oc ..

Liquid leaving the condenser ls satutat~d. The c~ef f ii: i~nt of.
di5charg"' of the orifice is . 0. 84. max imLtm
capacity under these condition5.
. .
(Use the average
value .of li.ciulcl density).

- ·:··.----·

0 Mechanical. Powe~ Engineering Department
Reiriger-ation un·d Air Conditioning -4th Year (Power')
·----------·----- - - -
Refrigeration. Steam-jet refrigerat_i9~~-c:!_ __ thermo
. . ~ -------~

el e.c tr·ic r:oc.11 ing

1- (<Jhat is the r:oP of 2.n itleal heat-·operated refrigeration cycle

that receives the ene~gizing heat from a solar collector at
temperature o·f 70 °c, performs refrigeration at 15 and
rej.,cts heat tu atmosphen' at a temperature of 35 °c ..

2 A 5irnple LiBr-waler absor·plio11 cycle operate~· at tl1e fol lowing

0 ~" 0
c ev a por·a. to 1 ,
C ~.. f:onclen5er, ._'l,) !'

The flow rate of S•Jlution de! .iv.ered

by tl1e pump is 0.4 kg/s.
i - What ar-e t11e mass flow rates of golution returning from the
generator to the absorber and of the ref rigerant7
ii- What are of heat transfer at each of the
components, afld the COP?

~)- In an absorµli1.Jn cycle with heat exchanger, the solution

temperature leaving the heat exchanger- ctnd entering the
g·enera tor is 48 °c, generator te~perature = 100 c, condenser

~emperal\1re c 40 °c, absorber temperature = 30 DC evaporator

ternperalur·e -· 1(1 °C and the flow rate through the pLlmp = (l. 6.
kg/9. Wt,at ar·e lt'e r·ates of heat tran'5fer at the generator e.nd
the t~mperature of the 9olution entering the·absorbe~.

4- Ir1 en ab5orpt~6n cycle with heat exchanger th~ ~elution lea~ing

the hE'r\l eHchanger and returni~g to the ·absorber is at a

. D ··-
temper·ature of 60 °c. The genera tore temper,?.ture is. 95 C. What
._~ the mln.irnum temperatL1re perm.ltted in orde·r to
prevent crysl.allization in the system?
5- In a steam-jet refrigeration, the followin~ data apply1 motive

nozzle is d1y saturated~ ·flash ctiamber (evaporator) ·water

ternper-"atttre' = 4 °c~ make"'.°"up water to

Ch8~~ber M l7 °c~ pressure ifl tile Condenser = f:Pa, nozzle
,,,ff lcienc:y 99 %; entrainment efficiericy ~ 60 ~'

effeclency (including shock wave) = 70 %. Deter~ine1

i Ha•• flow rate of steam per kg of flash vapour generated.

ii Refrigeration capacity per kg of flash vap6ur.
iii- Mass fluw ra\:~ 1~f m~tive stean1 per kW_ of refrigeration ..
iv - Vtilurne flow of vapour leaving the flash per kW of
Asnume the quality of steam at entry to thermo-compressor as

b- A th~rmoelectrlc cooling sys~em is to be de5igned to maintain a

small D•sulated. chamber at 4 °c when the ambient temp~rature is
32 °c. Tl1e estimated load is 29 W. Each thermoelectric el e·rnen t

Hill be cylindrical with a length of 1.25 cm and a diamemetr of

1 cm. Thermoelectric p~operties are:

p n
. .lf -b -6
0\ V/K 17 0 " -' -190 x 10
p 0 cm 0.001 0.0008
k l~/cm K 0.02 0 .(>2
--~-·---- ----·
i Number o·f coupl~a requi~ed.

ii '
Rate of heat rejection from the heat dissipater.
iii- The COP.
iv-: The overall voltage ,drop and watts capac.ity df the d. c - .
powE.~r soL1r·ce-
. 0
A~~i...\102 .the col~ Junction at -1 C and the war~ junction at 38
°C, and tlie electrical resistance of the leads and Jun~tions
iO % ot the elements' resistance n1aH irnLtrn

refrigeration capacity.

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