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My name is Rose Ayu Kartika, I am a student at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health,

Darussalam University, Gontor.

I want to be part of the program Genbi, to support the process of developing
myself and realizing one of my life’s missions  as
makes Indonesia become much better , including building a better society. Now I am in college not a high
school student anymore, for that I am aware as a student, and wont to be a Student like butterfly in my
college, by thinking of the main goal is to carry out lectures well, so that I get good results according our
parents' hopes. Although my main task is to study lectures , I am also active and participative in various
activities on campus, as well as actively organizing, participating in committees, as well as training to
explore my potential and develop myself.. I have a principle when I first enter college, I must not be a
student who is only study oriented, because in reality the world we face is not just learning and
learning. But in the real world a person needs to have soft skills in order to be accepted by a job, and have
a bright future, in addition to soft skills a person also needs good communication in order to interact with
others , be accepted by the general public and set a good example, to work together to establish ukhuwah
with fellow friends and senior level. For this reason, the faith of usman is one of my choices.
When I was in elementary school, I and my group won 3rd place as a small doctor , and, at the
moment, I am organizing on the Student Council, as a library administrator. Some of the organizations
that I have participated in are administrative staff, student councils, active members of student silat
SMEs, Fashion Design SMEs , consultants in the KIO (Drug Information Campaign) . during middle
school, I became the Scouting Teaching Section. Where the job of the section is to organize learning to
teaching in scout organizations, besides the student council.
To the future when I download so Genbi part of this , as a means me more action than this da just reading
theory. I will practice what I have gained from my organizational and organizational
experience when I enter the community in the form of teamwork . I will be fully committed to always
creating activities that are related to the community on campus, such as conducting studies interspersed
with a little insight about the economy, including central banks, as well as mencurahakan all creative
ideas to be able to carry the name of University Darussalam Gontor become better and growth bigger as
an educational institution who created islamic society, with rabbani morality, and had made me as part of
Genbi that carrier changes Based on what I really am, here is the SWOT analysis:
Strength , responsible for what is done or said, committed to speech, never give up if difficulties or
problems occur, patient and patient, on time and do not like to slow down and care for others.
Weaknes, often lacks confidence in public, and does not easily entrust work to others.
Opportunity, have a lot of relationships and have a passion for m erubah environment becomes better
Threats, intentions or plans that are often not implemented, easily influenced by lazy colleagues.
Thus I created this motivation letter to be considered the father to accept me. If I am given the trust to join
as a part of GenBI , I will show my dedication to it, my skills and competence by absorbing all the
knowledge that is given optimally , putting into practice my potential and developing the
competencies that already exist in this GenBi family . I made this letter truly. We are sorry if there are
errors said.

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