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BKF4812 Process Engineering Management

(Sem. II - 2019/20)

In the 1950s, Douglas McGregor from MIT Sloan School of Management, USA had
developed Theory X and Theory Y in Human Work Motivation and Management. Now,
Corporate Management used of Theory X and Theory Y can really affect employees'
motivation and productivity in many different ways, and Managers may choose to implement
strategies from either or both theories into their practices.
Basically, the two theories proposed by McGregor described contrasting models of workforce
motivation by Managers in the following areas;
 Human Resource Management,
 Organizational Behaviour,
 Organizational Communication,
 Organizational Development,
 Job Satisfactions,
 Supervision and Tasks Without Direct Supervision,
 External Rewards, and
 Penalties.

The Question;
Based on the above areas, you are required to write and discuss the subject matter in details
of how the Theory X and Theory Y in Corporate Management being applied!
Terms and conditions:
1. Individual works
2. The write-up should be between 7-10 pages and use words of TIMES NEW ROMAN,
size 12 of normal spacing.
3. Due date shall be NOT later than Friday, 20 March, 2020.

Thank you,

Due Date: 1 JUNE, 2020.

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