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Amity Business School

Marketing Channel Management


Submitted to:
Dr. Rahul Gupta

Submitted by:
Sudeep santra
MBA (Marketing & Sales)
Distribution channel:
Distribution channel refers to the network used to get a product from the
manufacturer or creator to the end user.
When a distribution channel is “direct,” the manufacturer is selling directly to
the end user without a middleman. When the distribution channel is “indirect,”
the product changes hands several times before reaching the ultimate consumer.
Intermediaries between the manufacturer and the consumer in an indirect
distribution channel might include:

● Wholesaler/distributor
● Dealer
● Retailer
● Consultant 
● Manufacturer’s representative
● Catalog

What is B2B?
Business-to-business (B2B), also called B-to-B, is a form of transaction
between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a
wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business refers to business that is
conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual
consumer. Business-to-business stands in contrast to business-to-
consumer (B2C) and business-to government (B2G) transactions.
What is B2C?
The term business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the process of selling products
and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users
of its products or services. Most companies that sell directly to consumers can
be referred to as B2C companies.

Difference between channel of distribution for B2B and B2C

They are as follows:
● Build personal relationships
B2B marketing and lead generation focuses on building personal relationships
that drive long-term business. So relationship building in B2B marketing,
especially during the buying cycle, is crucial.

The top priority of B2B businesses is generating leads. Because of the

importance of repeat and referral business, developing these personal
relationships can make or break a business.

● Focus on relationships
Branding is a part of B2B marketing, but, more often than in the B2C world, it
comes through relationship building. According to B2B International, branding
begins with the consistency of the presentation and deliverance of your products
or services.

In regards to B2B search marketing, being able to portray where you position
yourself in the market and have your personality shine can help drive brand
recognition and lead generation.

● Maintain open communication

The decision-making process is another place where you can appeal to the
emotional and rational decisions of businesses. In the decision-making process
for B2B, it is more open communication between businesses to determine
whether or not it is a good fit for both parties.

During this communication, comparing the positive aspects of your company to

your competitors can be highly effective in giving you a step ahead.

● Find your niche

B2B businesses usually work in a niche market, and it is imperative to
understand your target audience’s demographic. To effectively attract them,
compile and analyse accurate data.

Your data focus can come in numerous forms, both qualitative and quantitative.
Some of the more effective tactics for data collection is through Google
Analytics and keyword research. 

● Learn the lingo

B2B businesses are much more likely to want to purchase services or products
from an expert who understands their terminology, processes, and even the
decisions they have to make during the buying process. So, to reach your target
audience, speak their language!

For example, a B2B business that sells a $50,000 piece of software does not
focus on writing fluffy copy that entices the reader to purchase their software on
impulse. Instead, the copy should focus on taking the emotion away from the
decision and building confidence in the potential customer.


● Establish transactional relationships

The goal of B2C marketing is to push consumers to products on your client’s or
your company’s website and drive sales. To do this, the customer needs to have
a near-perfect customer experience with your website.
B2C businesses value efficiency and, therefore, minimize the amount of time
spent getting to know the customer, which ultimately causes the relationship to
become extremely transactional.

● Prioritize your message

Branding is essential in marketing because it allows the marketer to precisely
deliver a message, create loyalty with the customer, confirm credibility,
emotionally connect with the customer, and motivate the buyer to buy.

● Simplify the process

The B2C decision-making process is where you can start utilizing their
expertise in the conversion funnel to maximize ROI. At the top of the
conversion funnel, a B2C marketer must be able to create influential
advertisements that give the consumer the need for a product.

Once the consumer has identified a need, they already have a clear
understanding of what kind of product they are looking to purchase. Unlike
B2B businesses, consumers are much more flexible when looking at a specific
product to buy.

● Follow the funnel

Unlike B2B businesses, B2C businesses work in a larger-scale market, and the
target is much more spread out. Search marketers heavily weigh the importance
of following the marketing funnel when acquiring customers.

Starting at the top of the funnel, pushing advertisements that are skewed toward
emotional and product-driven purchases can cast a wide net and try to gain
some qualified top-of-funnel leads. By analyzing the demographics of the top-
of-funnel leads, you can create a warm lead list and remarket to those people in
hopes to generate sales from those leads.

● Write emotional ads

Unlike B2B business, B2C businesses must use a relatable voice that entices the
customer to click on an advertisement. By using more straightforward language,
you can speak in the customer’s voice rather than using industry jargon that
might cause a customer to turn away.

Copywriting for B2C should evoke emotion in the consumer. For example,

someone who is shopping for a $200 bicycle will take less time to make the
decision to purchase it compared to a business purchasing a $50,000 piece of

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