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The planet can live without

us, but we cannot live

without nature

Sofia reyes mejia 11C

Although ecology and environmental care are two concepts that are closely
linked, it should be noted that they are two different terms, with nuances that
must be known. It is obvious that there are some similarities between the two, but
care must be taken not to confuse or use them interchangeably.

 • the importance of the environment today is undeniable and this has to do with
the abuse and attrition that human beings generate in an increasingly notorious
way on complex natural phenomena, causing disturbances to the environment
that affect not only other living things but also itself.. Human beings have
always interacted to a greater or lesser extent with the environment, since it is
from them that they obtain all the resources for their subsistence. However, in
recent times, the growth of the world’s population at disproportionate levels
and the resulting increase in the need for food and various types of resources
has led human beings to cause severe damage to the environment global
environment, some irreversible, such as the depletion of non-renewable
resources, pollution of watercourses or air, the generation of famous
greenhouse gases, etc. the common man asks himself this question and may
initially think he can do nothing or almost nothing to care for the natural
environment. We can actually do many things. Some of them are:

- Do not throw cigarette butts, as these can trigger fires. - When we go hiking in
the countryside we should pick up the garbage that we remove, as the waste
accumulates on the ground and becomes polluting substances. - Water is a scarce
and essential good, so it is in our hands to consume the amount of water strictly
necessary. - A part of what we consume ends up in the garbage, but it must be
taken into account that many elements that we throw away can be reused if
recycling containers are used. - Pet droppings are potentially hazardous to the
environment as they can contaminate water.
Reasons to appreciate the importance of nature
1. Captures carbon dioxide and keeps it Excess CO2 in the atmosphere is a reality
that we must remedy. Natural climate solutions, such as trees, seagrass, wetlands
and mangroves, take advantage of their natural capacity to absorb carbon during
photosynthesis and store it in their leaves, roots, soil and seabed. For them to
continue to do so, we need to make land use greener and implement the
designation of marine protected areas.
2. It provides us with water and air We humans need air and water to survive, but
over the last few decades we have polluted these two essential elements. WHO
estimates that 7 million people die each year from air pollution. On the other
hand, water pollution and overuse threaten the world’s drinking water sources.

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