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“A study on client acquisition and retention in the field of

business development” at 2event, L’viv (Ukraine)


Submitted By

Under the Guidance Of

Assistant Professor



BY 2Event.


Submitted By

Under the Guidance Of



1. Introduction to the 1-5
2. Research 6-8
3. Review of
Literature 9-16

4. Industry and company

profile 17-24
5. Theoretical
Background 25-33
6. Data Analysis and 34-40
7. Findings, suggestions 41-43
and conclusions
(Page No. 1 starts from Chapter 1 -Introduction to the topic)
1. Directions of business
2. Porters 5 force model
3. Process of acquisition and
4. Pie chart (based on age)
5. Pie chart (based on
6. Pie chart ((based on how
frequently do people use
ticketing apps)
7. Graph (based upon why
people use ticketing apps) 36
8. Pie chart (based on criteria
for switching apps)
9. Pie chart (based on criteria
for using ticketing app for
selling tickets)

10. Pie chart (based on age)

11. Pie chart (based on
12. Pie chart (based on interest
in investing)
13. Pie chart (based on
investment potential)
14. Pie chart (based on
expected returns)
15. Findings 41
16. Findings 42


2. CAC = MC / CA, where:
3. CAC = Customer Acquisition Cost
4. MC = Marketing Costs
5. CA = Customers Acquired
7. ROI – Return on Investment
8. CEOs – Chief Executive Officers

This internship report is based on the 8-week internship program that I successfully
completed at 2Event in L’viv, Ukraine under business development department from 3rd
February to 30th march 2020 as part of my bachelors of business administration program at
Department of Commerce, Manipal Academy of Higher Education. This was my very first
experience in a corporate environment and I was able to learn a great value from this

The report consists of introduction of business development, introduction of the organization,

assignments undertaken, objectives of the internship and its details.
During the period of my internship I mostly worked with the business development
department where I was finding clients and partners for the company as they were a small to
medium scale start-up that has an application for event organizers and they wanted to start
their operations in India as well as some other English speaking countries considering the
huge market India can offer them. So basically, I was creating list of successful entrepreneurs
finding their social media and email and corresponding with them weather they were
interested and I was using basic spreadsheet tools, CRM system for my work.

Business development:

Business advancement is identified with sort out ventures, explicit methods of development,
and association units, exercises, and practices. These days, the uses of business advancement
or advertisers' errands across various areas and nations, spread everything from significant
promoting, software engineers, talented specialists, or record the board exercises, and deals
and relations improvement for current and expected clients. For instance, a commercial had
an item/management which is productive in one nation, for example, the India. The business
advanced group dissect further and needs more progress capacity. As all, exploration and
studies, it finds that the item/management can be stretched to another nation, for example,
Ukraine. Consequently, it has been hard to watch the special highlights of the business
advancement capacity and whether these exercises are a wellspring of large incomes and

Just how about we talk about how business advancement targets can be attached to the
diverse divisions and capacities:

• Advertising: Advertising incorporates development and spreading centred towards

the active offer of substances to the customers. Advertising assumes an extra job in
accomplishing deals targets. Business advancement activities may dole out an expected
promoting financial plan. Higher financial plans permit forceful advertising procedures like
individual connection, street show, and free example dissemination. Lower financial plans
lead to bring about latent showcasing methodologies, for example, on the web, form and
internet-based life publicizes like Instagram and considerably more.

• Corporations: Towards enter another market, will it merit going alone by clearing
every single vital convention, or will it be vastly improved to union and join forces with
neighbourhood firms previously employed in the nation? Aided by fund groups, the business
enhancement group computes the entirety of the points of interest and detriments of the
available choices and picks the most appropriate for the business.

• Mission/Commercial Preparation: Does the business postponement require

additional workplace in the new market, or will all the substances be produced in the base
country and afterward brought into the focused on advertise? Will the following choice
require an extra office in the base country? Such selections are taken by the business

advancement group dependent on their expenditure and time-related appraisals. At that fact,
the undertaking the board/execution group gets the ball rolling to progress in the direction of
the ideal objective and goals.

• Service/Product Management: Market necessities and Regulatory measures

change across nations. A medication of a specific arrangement might be allowable in India
yet not in Ukraine., for instance. Does the new market require a rebuilt – or a total new -
adaptation of the item/administration?

These fundamentals drive crafted by item/administration the executives and assembling

offices, as chose by the business system. Cost thought, lawful endorsements are completely
surveyed as a piece of a business improvement plan.

• Merchant Managing: Will the new commercial need outer shippers? For
instance, would delivery of an item need a dedicated messenger administration? Will the firm
band together with any settled retail chain for retail agreements? What will be the
expenditures related with these plans? The business advancement group works through these
inquiries and conditions.

• Negotiations, Schmoosing and Awareness raising: some business

activities may require ability in delicate aptitudes. For instance, campaigning is genuine in
certain business sectors, and may get fundamental for infiltrating and entering the market.
Other delicate skills like systems administration and positioning is required with several
outsiders, for example, shippers, offices, government bodies, and controllers. Every such
activity is a piece of business advancement.

• Price cutting: Commercial advancement isn't just about expanding deals,

administrations, items and market reach. Key choices are likewise expected to improve the
last line, which unite cost-cutting measures. An interior insight uncovers that high spending
on movement, for example, may prompt travel strategy changes, for example, doing video
telephone calls relatively than site visit gatherings, or deciding on more affordable
transportation choices. Similar price-sparing activities can be executed by redistributing non-
centre work like charging, bookkeeping, financials, different tasks and client support. Key
associations essential for these activities are a part of business advancement.

Fundamentally, we could consider that business improvement includes elevated level

dynamic dependent on a sensible evaluation of every likely change and their effect. Through
new thoughts and activities, it means to improve the general business possibilities, which
drive the working of the distinctive specialty units. it is the finished eco-framework

incorporating the whole business and its different divisions, driving by and large

Bearings for business improvement:

• Firstly, organizations could concentrate on their present markets and increment

deals and piece of the pie of their present items' portfolio. Such course is called showcase
infiltration. to some degree, the degree to which such alternative could be handily followed
relies upon numerous variables. In particular, it is the nature and condition of the
marketplace. It is increasingly simpler to increase further piece of the overall industry on
developing markets than on effectively prepared markets where the interest is as of now met
by current suppliers. Likewise, organizations wishing to increase further piece of the pie need
to have extra assets for such turns of events and this can make obstructions for the most part
to littler organizations.

• Secondly, by which organizations could develop is to take their present items on

new marketplaces, either geologically, or to new fragments. Such choice is called showcase
improvement. Drivers for showcase advancement could be many: globalization, chance to
arrive at comparative fragments with comparative needs somewhere else, internationalization
of clients, colleagues or contenders, or improvement of new uses for current items. This leads
into the likelihood to expand advertise inclusion and number of portions, territories, or
nations the organization wishes to gracefully with their current items or administrations.

• Thirdly, organizations could build their deals by creating and offering new items to
their current clients. This bearing for business improvement is called item advancement. In
the current business condition, no firm can see itself as insusceptible to dangers of item
obsolesce and immersion of interest. As a base, firms in all enterprises essential to make
normal occasional surveys of item showcase.

• Fourth choice, and furthermore the most hazard including to seek after is to enter
new marketplaces with new items, and such heading is called expansion. Enhancement
technique could be likewise followed when targets of the organization could never again be
met by any of the three development methodologies, for example showcase entrance,
advertise advancement, or item improvement. a few prospects exist. Organizations could
broaden on a level plane, which intends to make a move inside the monetary condition of the
differentiating firm.

for instance, a marketing or technology. In order to reach new markets with new
products, they could also integrate their activities with some of their suppliers’ or
customers’. Such move is often called as backward integration OR forward. Lastly,
companies could follow concentric or conglomerate diversification path, where they
add new related, respectively unrelated products to their portfolio.

So, we can conclude that business development is one of the main elements and the backbone
of any company.

Kindly refer the diagrammatic representation shown on the next





Figure 1 Figure 2


Figure 4 Figure3


Diverse methodological methodologies make various suppositions about their branches of

knowledge. This implies when individuals apply the various methodologies by and by, they
need to continue contrastingly when attempting to comprehend, clarify, and improve
business, contingent upon the methodology being utilized.

Problem Statement:

Finding out the Business Development policies and actions taken by 2Event and its
effectiveness to attract new customers and holding existing customers which means Customer
Retention. As I have a concentration on client acquisition, expansion and fund-raising Unit
and most of time of my Internship period has been spent with the expansion and fund-raising
team I had an opportunity to understand the behaviour of investors choosing 2event. The
behaviour of investors in funding and investing is unpredictable. Because there are many
competitors in the Indian market. Some investors have trust issues on foreign countries and
some could not able to test the potential of 2event offerings properly. It’s very tough. Infect
these investors who are now interested in investing in 2event franchise may change their
decisions later.

Objectives of the study:

• The first point of this examination is in this way to look all the more carefully at
headings of business advancement. The particular headings that are accessible for
business advancement are many, yet could be extensively investigated dependent
on three central point: markets, items, and skills. That is whether the organization
decides to remain inside their present markets or enters new markets, if the
organization decides to abuse their present items or create not many new items,

and whether the organization centres around their solid skills or decides to secure
new ones.

• In expansion to conversation identified with business advancement headings, the

investigation will intently follow by taking a gander at strategies accessible for
such improvement bearings. Here, the principle question is whether the
improvement heading that the organization has decided to follow ought to be
completed inside, by participation with another association, or procured remotely.

 The principle method of reasoning for the examination is of authoritative conduct and
dynamic, which state that there is no general most ideal method of administration or
dynamic style, as certain styles which could be successful in certain circumstances,
might be ineffective in others. In this manner, the ideal choice concerning different
key administration styles or procedures is consistently reliant on and requirements to
fit the different inside and outside imperatives from the earth. That is the reason the
research in this examination intends to uncover the various substitutes and systems
opened to associations in close connection to various inside and outer components,
which have an effect on a ultimate choice of certain organizations. From such
conversation is self-evident, that ultimate choices of different organizations as far as
business improvement bearings and systems could be unique in relation to one
another regardless of whether just one of the affecting interior or outer variables
varies among the administrations.


In this section, we will be discussing by which method or in which way the objectives that
have been analysed or studied will be achieved.

So, the objectives of the study have been achieved by comparing the present situation of the
particular topic i.e. client acquisition and retention with the past situation of that particular
topic. We were able to reach our goal by understanding and analysing the problem that is
related with the topic, and then by drawing an approximate solution of how the problem that
persisted with the particular topic was eradicated from it. It was carried out in a very simple
way, by raising self -knowledge for the problem and by some research about it, giving
relatable or possible answers to those self-asked and analysed situations.

Data Collection:

For collection of the data, here we will be using primary data and secondary data.

 For primary data, which is also called as raw data Is collected from the potential
investors, clients. I also took help from the 2event company’s manager to help me in
assisting the whole operation from lead generation to lead retention and expanding the
business in other parts. I have also used the CRM system to monitor the data.

 For secondary data, I took help of the internet to research about the topic chosen for
the report. I took out some of the information from the company’s site which is and the rest of the information from other sites, of which
one of them is , and
few more.


While collecting the data for the report, there were also some limitations in the gathering of
the information. A particular problem faced while collecting the data was the information
regarding the company. Since 2event has been founded in 2013 only, it still a start-up, so
there has not been much of an information regarding the company profile. Also, since the
topic that has been chosen that contains less numerical data (Graphs, statistical data), and
more theoretical data regarding client interest and behaviours as compared to the other
professional, marketing or finance streams/topics, so there was also a problem in collecting
these types of data.

CHAPTER -III Literature Review

I have already discussed about my report’s topic. As it is based on Business Development and
investor Retention Policies, we have to understand what are Business Development and
investor Retention and things related to it like investor Behaviour. All these are described

1. Business Development & investor Retention:

Business improvement contains various undertakings and procedures by and large targeting
creating and executing development openings inside an association. It is a subset of the fields
of business, trade, and hierarchical hypothesis.

financial specialist maintenance stands the deed that a selling association embraces so as to
diminish speculator abandonments. Compelling money related pro support starts with the
chief contact an association has with theorist and continues all through the entire lifetime of a
relationship. An association's ability to attract and hold new monetary pros, isn't simply
related to its thing or organizations, anyway unequivocally related to the way in which it
paybacks its present customers and the repute it makes inside and over the business

Consumer conduct has changed significantly in the previous decade. The term purchaser
conduct is characterized as the behaviour that purchasers show in looking for, purchasing,
utilizing, assessing, and discarding items and administrations that they expect will fulfil their
necessities. Customer conduct surveys around how people settle on choices to spend their
accessible assets on utilization related thing. Buyers are the primary resources of any
organization. Each organization need the two things-gain benefit and fulfilled their clients
through their items. It is exceptionally elusive out whether the clients are completely fulfilled
or not. The conduct of customers changes after some time and at whatever point there is new

or various items in the market buyers may changes their conduct toward existing items. On
the off chance that any organization needs to save their clients for long time and make them
faithful to their items each organization need to comprehend their client's conduct. It is
critical to comprehend the conduct of clients and afterward giving the items or

administrations as per the clients need and needs. I think this is a significant issue, that is the
reason I have chosen to do explore on financial specialist's conduct on the off chance that on
putting resources into 2Event.

2.Small business improvement and the travel industry:


This examines the connection among the travel industry and private venture.

a large portion of the current examination is distributed in differing sources and neglects to
add to methodological advancement here. It surveys the private company writing and
identified with the travel industry which centres around appeal of the travel industry and the
targets expected to put upon this than the current circumstance. It additionally reports the
outcomes from the primary phase of a task identified with the travel industry and business
improvement in Northland, New Zealand which means to expand the less investment in
independent venture advancement.

The examination involves the yearly report of UK accommodation firms. The utilization of
postal review instrument is seen alongside the consequences of examination of the travel
industry related organizations. An example of 297 organizations in Northland is contemplated
and their job in this business is assessed in contrast with business advancement, account,
advertising, human asset issues and the significance of travelers in their yearly business
reports. The job of Maori contribution in these organizations is read and the suggestions for
less guilty pleasure in the advancement of the travel industry openings is appeared and
assessed. The commitment to related exploration philosophies to the travel industry
contemplates is likewise thought of.


BY: Alain Yee‐Loong Chong, Keng‐Boon Ooi, Binshan Lin Shu

Yi Tang
The motivation behind this paper is to investigate the impact of between hierarchical
connections on the appropriation of e‐business in the gracefully chain of Malaysian little and
medium enterprises (SMEs).

The methodology utilized here is the poll was given to 200 Malaysian SMEs with a reaction
pace of 68 percent. Figures were seen by including numerous relapse investigation.

The results were that the interorganizational connections, for example, correspondence, joint
effort and data sharing were seen as valuable in influencing Malaysian SMEs' choice to apply
e‐business in their flexibly chain. In opposition to existing literary works, the exploration
found that dependable and exchanging accomplices' capacity have no effect on the utilization
of e‐business in the flexibly chain of these Malaysian SMEs.

Associations that has or might want to get a kick out of the chance to adjust these e‐business
in their flexibly chain with their exchanging accomplices will have the option to apply
procedures dependent on the results from this exploration paper. In light of these results,
associations that might want to adjust e‐business with their exchanging accomplices Malaysia
should concentrate on improving between association connections, for example, joint effort,
correspondence, and data sharing.

The results made a comprehension of the properties of between association connections

impact the adaption of e‐business in the flexibly chain. In finish of hypothetical
commitments, this investigation has broadened past explores directed in Western nations and
gives incredible open door by propelling the comprehension between the relationship of
adaption factors and e‐business adaption in Malaysian SMEs. SMEs hoping to adjust e‐
business in their gracefully chain would have the option to apply systems dependent on the
results from this examination paper.

4.Direct and computerized showcasing: A future that relies upon

better utilization of business insight
BY: Merlin David Stone, Neil David Woodcock

The target of this article is to clarify how the administration of the two fields of business
knowledge (BI) and client understanding (CI) should be united to help an organization's
intuitive showcasing.

The examination depends on the creator's work in thought and in surveying customer
organization's client the board limits and capacity, just as audit of a portion of the writing on
Business knowledge and Customer bits of knowledge.

The exploration proposes that organizations need to give more consideration to the
administration of Business Intelligence, as a self - fulfilling way to deal with Business
knowledge turns out to be progressively utilized by Customer insight groups.

The survey of writing completed by the writers recommended that the interface among BI
and CI isn't investigated appropriately and would be helpful from a significant examination

The emphasis on the interface between Business knowledge and Customer insight is
moderately new and slanting. The creators trust that it will bring up the significant

5.‘Recommendations for new client acquisition in expert services’ 

By: Stuart Grierson and Ross Brennan.

The motive of this research paper is to find out about the perceptions of professionals
regarding client referrals in the financial advice sector weather they matter or not. Stuart and
Ross conducted total 61 qualitative interviews with independent financial advisers, clients of
individual financial advisers and consumers managing their own financial affairs.

The interviewed financial advisors believed that client referral was definitely important to
them as they influence clients to become ambassadors who will look out new clients so it was
beneficial for them as existing clients will find them more clients and will motivate them to
provide more referrals. Though, the interview with the clients was different as financial
advisors believed they influenced client’s behaviour whereas, clients did not believe that they
were influenced.

The limitations of the research were that as the sampling method was not random and relied
on professionals from which network of contacts were established to identify interviewees.
The study finds and doubts financial advisor’s ability to influence client’s behaviour which
deserves further investigation. This study reports on qualitative study involving both clients
and professional service providers.

While the providers think they are influencing the clients and getting benefit out but the
clients clearly know their referrals did not make any difference in providing business support
from little to nothing. And clients further report that they are not motivated to refer.

6.Festivals and extraordinary occasions contributing and talk.

By: Stephen W. Litvin

The target of this paper is to propel cordiality pioneers and neighbourhood celebration and
unique occasion administrators to develop their occasions from just by putting resources into
nearby occasions to those that can pull in traveller’s and "visitors bring more dollars" to the

The significant provokes occasion directors to lift their nearby occasions into attractors
bringing voyagers and traveller spending in the entire network.

Celebrations and exceptional occasions ought to consider boosting their occasions to such an
extent that they draw in new individuals to the network, put heads in beds, and create income
for the travel industry suppliers and different traders over the nearby economy. The article
additionally offers proposals to the travel industry authorities for the appropriation of open
help subsidizing to help nearby celebrations effectively develop their occasions and amplify
their group.

We will discover the Charleston model talked about here in of incentive as they think about
the governmental issues of subsidizing celebrations and exceptional occasions in their locale.
The exploration paper offers recommendations and admonitions for the turn of events and

7.The market analysts of covid-19 pandemic, proof on how

privately-run companies in 5 European nations endure.

By: Sascha Kraus, Thomas Clauss, Matthias Breier, Johanna

Gast, Alessandro Zardini, Victor Tiberius

Inside a brief timeframe, the overall pandemic activated by the coronavirus has guaranteed
numerous lives as well as made serious restrictions every day private just as business life.
This previously nitty gritty examination on the impacts of the COVID-19 emergency on
family firms permits starting ends to be drawn about family firm emergency the executives.

Elite subjective exploration configuration dependent on 27 semi-organized meetings with key

sources of family firms of all sizes in five Western European nations that are in various
phases of the pandemic emergency. Utilizing subjective meetings empowered us to intently
catch family firm proprietors' and supervisors' abstract encounters during the pandemic. As
we looked for explicit and impromptu instead of normalized and set up responses to this
emergency, the meetings included clarity, solidness and lavishness to the examination

The COVID-19 emergency speaks to another sort and nature of challenge for everybody. The
organizations are applying measures that can be valuable to three unique systems to adjust to
the emergency for the time being and defeated from it more grounded over the long haul. Our
discoveries show the measures how organizations in all enterprises and of all sizes adjust
their plans of action to changing condition conditions inside a brief timeframe. At long last,
the results additionally show that the emergency is realizing a huge yet unintended social
change. From one perspective, a more grounded strong and attachment inside the
organization was watched, while then again, the emergency has prompted a speculative

The respondents spoke to family firms situated in Austria, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein and

As is normal in subjective examination, the information investigation began straightforwardly
after each meeting until immersion was reached after 27 meetings, for example further
information assortment didn't give an outline of the respondents' and their organizations'

These can be subsumed under five points which structure the fundamental focal point of the
accompanying investigation and results introduction:

1. Safeguarding liquidity

2. Safeguarding tasks

3. Safeguarding correspondence

4. Business models

5. Cultural changes

The respondents introduced various situations in this class. Eight family firms expressed that
they had just begun to change or expand their current plans of action in view of the COVID-
19 emergency. Albeit one of them has lost over 80% of its average income streams, it has
exploited the popularity for tissue, utilizing their empty premises to sell it . An apparel
organization distinguished veil creation as a chance and changed its creation appropriately.
Plan of action alterations additionally assume a job for organizations that keep on being
fruitful during the emergency with their current models. Because of the more noteworthy
adaptability of clients, a family firm utilized the likelihood to digitalize their workshops,
another organization began to remember just computerized gatherings for its standard costs
and charge extra expenses for on location backing and workshops.

Because of the way that this investigation occurred following the beginning of the
emergency, and that it can't be said as of now which organizations will rise more grounded
from it, it isn't in any way, shape or form making decision about the achievement of the ways
of dealing with stress and emergency the executives systems portrayed. The uncommon
circumstance and time where this investigation was made leaves open a relative appraisal of
the helpfulness of these systems.

8.unexpected lessons in business management

BY: Tiziano

The is the book of stories came about for three reasons. One was a question of circumstances:
I was preparing the final lessons for a course in Bookshop Management that my university,
working in collaboration with the Association of Italian Booksellers, has held for a few years
now. Having to address an audience less specialised in the technical language of business
studies, I found I had to do my best to use my modest knowledge of the worlds of literature,
history and philosophy to involve my listeners. 

Instead, you should simply allow your curiosity to get the better of you; in that way, you will
discover the rich weave that exists between these various, seemingly unrelated, stories. In eff
etc, as the reader you are set just one task: construct your own story and see how it fits in
with this fabric of tales, which all have something to tell us about business
management. Some years are set apart from others.

Let' s start with the joyous participation of one and all in the great swindle, a phenomenon
that is reminiscent both of Tulip Fever and a model of investment exemplify ed by
Pinocchio' s "Field of Miracles".

Happy with his little nest egg, the boy-puppet is returning home when he meets the Fox and
the Cat, at which point he falls victim to the financial model exemplify ed by the "Field of
Miracles". In effect, the Fox tells Pinocchio that there is a way of effortlessly increasing his
gold coins into one hundred, one thousand, thousands. When his potential victim wonders
how this can be possible, the Fox explains: "You should know that in the Land of the Barn
Owls there is a field known as the Field of Miracles: you dig a hole, put gold coins in it,
cover them up, water them, add a pinch of salt and then go to bed.

Unexpected Lessons in Business Management brings together a series of stories that start in
the most unlikely places to then lead on to reflections upon business; a collection of tales that,
it is hoped, will enable one to see things in a new light. The approach adopted aims to bring
together history, literature, philosophy and business management in a way that reflects the
real world, where such concerns are not rigidly separated but continually interact and
influence each other. The hope is that those following these stories will be caught up within a
learning process that gives free rein to their own curiosity.


Industry Profile

Before starting or making any conclusions, lets first of all get a brief idea of what exactly
designing, event management, app development and ticketing is all about.
Digitalization has brought extraordinary changes in our exercises and ticket booking isn't an
exemption. In the event that we are in the occasion ticket booking business, the developing
rivalry and the pattern of booking occasion tickets online is boosting and all you to concoct
an application-based arrangement. We as clients will unquestionably love to book tickets
utilizing our fingertips, face open innovation progressing with a snappy occasion ticket
booking application arrangement.

Importance of Event Ticket Booking App Development:

 It enhances suitability to managing the entire process,

 It could even assist you to get complete control over your ticket booking business.

 You can offer a all-in-one and easy option to make reservations remotely through an

 It gives your business an extra over peer with an progressive solution. 

Required Features for Event Ticket Booking App:

• Enlistment and Log-in This is the main element of any B2C application. The
client can enlist either by telephone number or through social records. It can give
you important data about the client like name, email id, and versatile number.

• Area The client's area is found with the assistance of GPS innovation. The
application shows data about occasions close by and programs dependent on the
client's area. The client can likewise choose the area without anyone else to pick.

• Channel This element empowers application clients to pick occasions or films of
their ideal decision by various alternatives like the spot, time, and audits.

• Occasion Listing with Details The principle screen shows all the rundown of
progressing and up and coming occasions just as motion pictures in a specific city
or area. The application shows timings and spots of occasions based on channels
applied by the application clients.

• Pursue Newsletters clients can undoubtedly look at our well known bulletins and
buy in.

• Rating and Review This component grew explicitly for clients. Here the
application clients give an audit and rating to the occasion in the wake of going to
it. It is known as the client's statement.

• Ticket Booking Event ticket booking application advancement process empowers

your application to send the eTicket on the email address and versatile number
individually. This element, affirms the booking and send the ticket consequently
to the client.

• Ticket Download Apart from booking, the element permits the clients to
download tickets. It is anything but difficult to get the physical ticket for the
occasion or film.

• Booking History clients can without much of a stretch view the historical
backdrop of their appointments through this component. The booking history
highlight likewise goes about as a kind of perspective, particularly for standard
occasions and projects searchers.

• Furthermore, we can likewise incorporate highlights like compensations for a

devotion program and online life joining to empower our application clients to
share their musings through an informal community and make it increasingly

Company Profile


2Event is a website and mobile application for the visitors and event organizers, where key
functions are combined in one application: - poster and tickets purchase for the events with
the service fee begins from 2.5% - acquaintance between the visitors.

Key features included in one single application, such as:

 List of upcoming events and tickets.

 Visitors networking through one single platform.
 Travel mates and roommates can meet each other according to their compatibility
 Face recognition ticketing options are available.


The company was founded in 2013 in L’viv by investor and entrepreneur named as Yaroslav

“The idea of the app is that it gives us ability to organize meetings and find travel partners.
The idea came up to his mind when he was invited to jury in one of the Farm. He added that,
those were located in the village Shchastlyve, near Kiev Borispol. So, he took a train from
L’viv and then he had to travel by taxi to Shchastlyve village, once he entered in the room, he
saw his colleagues sitting near the tables in the hall room. They were also from L’viv, and
arrived the same morning by train, at that particular moment he understood that they could
travel together as they had a lot of things to talk about. At the same time, he met another three
start-ups founders there they also came with different night trains from L’viv and met only
there at the same destination. So that time he realised that travel companions should be
clustered around the events. Or on the contrary – every event already brings together people
who wants to meet associates at the same place. All we need is to give people a tool that will

put them together and unite them. So ‘2Event application became this tool’ by this experience
and entrepreneur thoughts he discovered it.

Our main goal:

The application is made to assist guests with beginning correspondence with one another.

The principle thought of any occasion is to assemble individuals: At the disco or at the dental
specialists or at IT-gathering. Guests can connect utilizing the application at any period of the
occasion: before it begins during the occasion or significantly after it gets end.

Individuals can determine the status of the rundown of intrigued individuals going to the
occasion before the occasion likewise to discover make a trip allies to the train, plane, vehicle
and flat mates to book lodging together (this significant highlights are for the individuals who
are originating from other city, there are typically 30-half of such participants).

Allocate gatherings to one another during occasion and became familiar utilizing 2Event's
visit for the projector (twitter divider?).

Search for movement associates in the application after the occasion to collaborate and make
a trip by taxi or to share vehicle or taxis. gives us not just quick and moderate
alternative to get starting with one city or nation then onto the next, yet additionally an
opportunity to meet with partners and partners from around the globe.

Our accomplishments:







Company details:

Industries: Local Events, Mobile application,   E-Commerce, Event Management, Event

Promotion, Ticketing.
Founded Date: January 1, 2013
Founders: Yaroslav Maxymovych
Operating Status: Active
Funding Status: Seed, Last Funding Type Angel
Number of Employees: 11-50
IPO Status: Private Company
company Type: Profit motive organization
Headquarters: L’viv, L’viv region

Contact Email:
Phone Number: +38 096 359-9999


Before going to any discussions on technicalities of Porter’s five Forces, let’s first try to
understand what is this model all about.

porters model clarifies the states of different businesses which can continue diverse degree of
gainfulness. It is additionally used to recognize the associations structure to decide
organization system.

Thus, Porter's 5 Forces Model is a business investigation model that is clarify the state of
different enterprises that show are they ready to continue the various degrees of gainfulness
and enables an organization to decide its shortcoming and qualities. It is likewise used to
recognize a business's structure to choose corporate technique. Doorman recognized 5 evident
powers that have an impact in founding each marketplace and industry on the planet. The five
powers model was named after Harvard Business School teacher, Michael E. Watchman.




Below I have implemented these five forces and related it with my company 2Event where I
interned for 2 months.

1. Competition in the industry is a start-up and was started in 2013 it does not have many competitors,
honestly Ukraine does not have a big economy like India. The people and youth there
are not work oriented at all and since Ukraine was formerly part of Soviet Union it
has a lot of corruption in their system so there are very less number of people who
want to start their company and contribute to the economy mainly in the I.T Sector
and the idea of 2Event which already exists in India is unique in Ukraine. There are
other companies in Ukraine which serves as a platform for event organisers but ssss
operation are mainly based in the city of L’viv where they only have one other
competition with a company called ‘GLOVO’.

2. Potential of new entrants in the industry

There has been one new entry very recently in the industry called Glovo which I
mentioned before, apart from these there has been no news for any new entry in this
industry as people in Ukraine are not quite fan of these industry, they are investing in
chocolate companies and Vodka manufacturing. So is safe now they have
enough time for a good head start in this industry to set-up its base and gain goodwill
before other people are interested and start making entries. Glovo which is a
competition for 2Event is new and currently focusing on parties and entertainment
events whereas for 2Event this platform is strictly for corporate and official events
and they are focusing in that. That’s why so far 2Event and Glovo did not face a cut
throat competition with each other. Although 2Event must keep its eyes open for
competitors as it’s a good industry with less starting up cost so it will not take long for
companies to just pop out.
Also, even if there are competitors in the near future 2Event still has better technology
which is the face identification technology where the Guests attending the events
don’t need to carry their physical tickets, their faces can be easily scanned at the

3.     Power suppliers

2Event, although being a small scale company, has been able to make quite a few
contacts with other companies including a few companies in Brazil such as ‘the
Goodfellas’ and ‘case imagine’ to who outsource programming and coding work to
2Event but still 2Event has no reached the level where It can be called a power

2Event is trying its best but there is only so much you can do with limited funding and
capacity. But it has the potential of being a power supplier in the near future as they
are creative. For e.g. currently in the corona virus crisis they started organising online
events so with the help of such events they are still able to operate from their homes.

4. Power of customers
From the past few months 2Event has been quite attractive towards their customers
and getting more attention from new firms and even organizers in the market. As
2Event is more dependent on the local event planners so 2Event decided to expand its
market in the international market. So that they wouldn’t be dependent on the local
customers. Due to the pandemic 2Event could not able to attract the international
market but due to its digital presence it survived the pandemic and successfully able
to run its operations through involving its customers in digital and tele events due to
the pandemic the power of customers increased so 2Event also offered them heavy
discounts and even hosted free events to show up its presence in the market.
2Event main target customer is businessmen, entrepreneurs and people who organize

5.     Threats of Substitutes

As mentioned previously 2Event is a small-scale company so it’s not a threat to

substitutes but honestly there are no substitutes present in the market to be a threat for
anyone. There’s just this other company called Glovo which is like the closest thing to
substitute but not really, as they both these companies are chasing different segments
of the market so as far as competition and threat of substitution is concerned there is
none, for now.


In this section, I will be discussing about the theoretical background of the company 2Event
on the basis of my work field that is client acquisition and retention and its industry line that
is mobile application for events.

So, firstly I would like to state that my customers or the potential customers for me were the
investors or we can consider the CEO of different companies from different fields. I have
gathered data through using some tools for generating these leads as my potential investors.

Acquisition agreements through all of the different networks of this process that might be
sending people to your application software or website. Naturally you’ll use different
platforms for each (like AdWords, Facebook, and Twitter). 
Acquisition and lead generation is somehow similar to each other in many ways, so I have
generated few leads that is the data of CEO’s, founders, of different firms by applying some
strategies through the help of internet.
Customer acquisition comes at a cost that includes,
CAC = MC / CA, where:
CAC = Customer Acquisition Cost
MC = Marketing Costs
CA = Customers Acquired

There are many paid tools available in the market for lead generation but I used some custom
strategies and some paid tools for generating the leads at the minimum cost factor.

Below I will be showing and describing about some of these tools

Email Address Finding Tools:


In the event that you need to do a fast and effective email search, Hunter is a helpful device.
Simply type in the area search bar, and it'll discover the email address designs. Tracker
likewise incorporates a confirmation rating so you know whether the email is probably going
to be correct or wrong. It is additionally helpful in the event that you have the deficient data
of the firm.

Presto Norbert:

Presto Norbert guarantees to assist you with finding and check email addresses. You can look
in mass for the information with a CSV record. The device likewise gets incorporates with a
lot more extensive scope of CRM software's. That makes it simple to follow along and care
for the lead age endeavours.

Clear-piece associate: It is one of the most productive devices to get messages information of
any of the organization inside individuals working in it, it shows all the fundamental
messages of a specific organization on a solitary snap which is one of the most valuable
highlights to create bother free leads.

Other lead creating apparatuses:

Lead Crunch:

It is one of the devices through which I took some assistance for producing my leads.

PCs are getting more brilliant and large information is getting all the more a factor in the
chase for new and pertinent clients. Lead Crunch is a device that goes fresh with regards to
procuring clients. It utilizes computerized reasoning which legitimately brings up hot leads.

Lead Crunch works with a variety of various ventures by accumulating continuous

information each time you run it. The leads are scientifically ready to increase positive
outcomes, making it one of the most problem free approaches to get new clients.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

Business organizing site LinkedIn has a lot of organization data and information in its
databases. You can get to that data with the assistance of LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This lead
age instrument gives further developed outcomes and suggestions. It additionally
incorporates CRM mixes and deals refreshes through which you can legitimately associate
with the leads.

Twitter Search:

Utilizing Twitter Search, we can look through tweets to discover individuals who could
utilize our administration or item. For instance, on the off chance that we are occasion
directors or application engineers, we may look through the expression "application engineer"
or "occasion the board" to discover organizations who have tweeted looking for a website
specialist. At that point, we can retweet them or attempt to locate an immediate contact data
utilizing one of the email instruments we referenced in this above rundown.

CRM Tools:

we can't do a gathering of lead age programming without including apparatuses for client
relationship the board (CRM). These apparatuses help us to interface and monitor
possibilities and prospective customers all through the business methodology.

There are numerous CRM instruments accessible in the market however my organization
2Event has its own CRM framework so the security of the information will be safeguarded
and it stays with the organization itself.

Highlights of CRM instruments:

• Portable support. At the point when a co-worker is out, versatile applications assist us
with remaining associated and refreshed. CRM programming normally offer help to iOS and
Android gadgets.

• Analytics. The product must be in excess of a stage that spares your client
information. It should successfully and proficiently assemble and dissect the information. The
multifaceted nature of the plan of action ought to be considered in choosing how best in class
your CRM apparatus ought to be.

• Integration. Interfacing with different applications is significant, particularly as it

manages our clients. we should check in the event that it incorporates with frameworks we
are as of now utilizing, explicitly client confronting applications for additional help.

• Scalability. It must boost our commercial as it progresses, therefore we won't need to

change to additional product and start without any groundwork. A few essentials to
considered incorporate the capacity to contain more clients, open boosted highlights, fix the
security level, and synchronize with outsider submissions.

• Customization. our product should be adaptable and configurable as indicated by the

interesting work processes of our business. assuming responsibility for our information and
endorsements, among others, is significant.

• Ease of utilization. Preparing can take up a tremendous piece within recent memory
that could advance spent on progressively significant errands. along these lines, the product
must be speedy and simple to work. A short expectation to absorb information allows
workers to understand and check out the product with adaptability.

Retention, so here finally we got our leads but from this point all the hard work starts as we
need to keep a check on our leads and do a follow-up them. Few companies hardly do this
and results in failing and losing their leads at the end. So, we must ensure that we keep a
track on them by communicating with them on a regular basis and keep offering them
services. We should try to build up trust with them by healthy conversations and by also
using some convincing skills.

Strategies used for customer/investor retention:

 Taking customer feedback surveys.

 Building trust through relationships management.

 Set customer expectations.

 Offer customer service support.

 Developing a frequent communication calendar.

 Learn from customer complaints.

 Address to the customer’s complaints on time.


From small start-ups to huge companies, these customer retention strategies have been
implemented and shown up positive results even at 2Event. But at the end these strategies and
methods needs patients and time to set an example and show its impact over the company’s

Diagrammatic representation of the whole process of acquisition
and retention.


Contact1 Contact2

Email Linkedin Email Linkedin


Now, I will be discussing the theoretical background of E-Ticketing app for which my
company mainly operates in.

The contents of these will include:

1.     Introduction
2.     E- ticketing system related concepts
3.    Elements of E-ticketing
4.  E- ticketing trends  
5.     Conclusion and future work

1.    Introduction
An electronic ticket which is often called e-ticket is the digitalised version of a paper ticket.
The purpose of such ticket is ticket to conveniently carry the ticket in a digital form around
which can be shared, stored and used in multiple platforms. It is mostly used in travel and
transportation industry but also very much used in the entertainment industry.
An electronic system is much more efficient and easier to use.
 E-tickets in the carrier business were begun in around 1994, and today have to a great extent
succeeded the more established multi-layered paper tagging frameworks. Since 1 June 2008,
it has been mandatory for IATA individuals to utilize e-tagging. While paper tickets are as
yet accessible, a few aircrafts charge a little expense for giving paper tickets.

By the fact when the booking is affirmed, the organization tracks the booking in its PC
reservations framework. Customer can print out or might be given a replacement of an e-
ticket agenda receipt which comprises the record locator or reference number and the e-ticket
number. It is conceivable to print numerous duplicates of an e-ticket agenda receipt.

Numerous games, shows scenes, and film lobbies utilize electronic tagging highlight for their
occasions. Electronic tickets, or E-tickets as they are generally alluded, are regularly
conveyed as downloadable organization, for example, PDFs or word that can be gotten by
means of email or through a portable application. Electronic tickets permit observers to
download their e-tickets, as inverse to trusting that physical tickets will show up in the post.
A printed duplicate of these tickets or an advanced duplicate on a cell phone ought to be
introduced on going to the setting of occasion. These tickets now typically additionally have
a standardized identification, which is examined on section into the scene to smooth out
group preparing. Electronic tickets have gotten progressively accommodating and well
known in media outlets throughout the most recent decade.

2.    E-ticket system related concepts

A ticketing system allows the IT support to be focused, organized, effective, and efficient.
This directly impacts the costs and revenues, public brand image and customer retention
Eventually, ticketing scheme are a means to support and help you deal with any kind of
issues/occurrences in your organization, handling the incidents and problems from the
moment they’re captured through to their resolution.

The e-ticketing system works effortlessly first of all you open the application or website of
the event then you add your details after that the system procedures the details and takes you
to the payment doorways after going through payment gateways and paying for the ticket the
system redirects you to another ticket where you can see your ticket.
You can take a screenshot of the ticket on your device and sometimes the ticketing app sends
you your electronic ticket on your email which you provided before.

3.    Elements of E-ticketing
There are a number of things present in an electronic ticket such things are the elements of an
E-ticket which are very important and present on the itinerary.
Below are mentioned the elements of E-ticket.
·       An official ticket number which sometimes include the company codes and serials of
number which can later be identified are convenient for the organisation.
·       Terms and conditions.
·       Fare and Tax details including the fare breakup into list so customers can easily see the
details and separate charges such as Cute charges.
·       A short summary of fare restrictions usually specifying the refund policy of the
·       Form of payment.
·       Issuing authority.

4.    E-ticketing trends
 The global online occasion tagging market size is relied upon to reach USD 67.99 billion by
2025, showing a 4.8% CAGR during this conjecture period. Developing interest for web-
based tagging can be credited to expanded access to the Internet and generally bother free
involvement with booking.

Occasion tagging forms have seen a quick move from old conventional booking of tickets at
occasion counters to buying tickets ahead of time at one's home at his solace and security.

Throughout the years, booking of tickets through telephones and tablets has increased
colossal prominence by virtue of the apparent straightforwardness and adaptability of the
simple and adaptable methodology of booking gave by the organizations.

Mammoth tagging merchants are concentrating on giving portable applications and making
sites to client well-disposed to encourage speedy and simple exchanges. Such applications
empower clients to get to a wide range of data about the occasion and setting, guest plan,
estimating, and other important data.

Because of serious rivalry in the web-based tagging industry, specialist co-ops are vouching
to make sure about long haul contracts with the film corridors, sports specialists, creation
houses and nearby occasion coordinators so as to guarantee maintainability. Advancement for
films, sports competitions, stand-up parody and music appears on the sites of specialist co-
ops shapes an enormous bit of their income.

5. End and future work

Buyer fulfilment in e-tagging is an unpredictable marvel which is moulded by a widespread

scope of influences including customer specialized help, statistics security, foundation and
ease of use.

Concerned these matters is straightforward for associations to make e-tagging agendas that at
first address client issues and makes an elevated level of fulfilment. E-tagging outlines that
meet every one of these prerequisites will give the organization satisfied clients who will
communicate their fulfilment through brand reliability and by continuing with the association
as long as possible.

Higher level of customer conservation will likewise outline the formation to trust up the
connotation's primary anxiety. In spite of the fact that making e-tagging frameworks that
gives consumer loyalty is a critical endeavour for the association, treatment to the significant
issues noted in this examination ought to encourage the capacity of the corporate to make an
e-ticket outline that takes into account building customer loyalty, maintenance and
trustworthiness. is creating the future of electronic ticket. Their idea is to register yourself on
their app and provide necessary details about yourself then you can register your facial
identity on the application.
So, when you book tickets for a particular event you can get details on your application but
don have to carry around your electronic ticket even on your phones all you need to do is
carry your face with you which can be scanned on the entry.

1. Data Analysis:

Since, the company in which I worked was related to E-TICKETING APP I created a
questionnaire asking some questions about E-TICKETING APPS from people of different
age groups. There were several responses that varied from one age group to the other. Below
are the data of the findings:

Figure 6.1 PIE CHART (based on age)

Figure 6.2 Pie Chart (based on gender)

Figure 6.3 Pie Chart (based on how frequently do people use ticketing apps)

Figure6.4 (graph based upon why people use ticketing apps)

Figure6.5(based on the criteria for switching apps)

Figure6.6(based on the criteria for using ticketing app for selling tickets)

1. Interpretation:

So, from all these findings, we can say that people from different age groups have
different answers (common answers as well in some cases). Some of the things that we
can interpret from the above data found through the questionnaire are:

 More than 84.2% of people frequently use mobile ticketing applications for
their routine ticket bookings.

 More than 90% of people prefer using mobile ticketing applications for movies
and tourism purposes.

 More than 47.4% of people are willing to switch t a better app if they get the
opportunity to avoid physical tickets. Only 15.8% of the people are not willing
to shift themselves to the better platform with advance features.

 More than 73.7% of people would like to utilise mobile ticketing apps for
selling tickets if they will organise any events in the future.

 Most of these interpretations are from the survey from age group of 16-30.

 People from the age group of 16-30 has more actively participated in the

2. Data Analysis:

Since, the company in which I worked was related to E-ticketing, I created a

questionnaire asking some questions about investing in E-ticketing application from
people of different age groups. There were several responses that varied from one age
group to the other. Below are the data of the findings:

Figure6.7(based on age)

Figure6.8(based on gender)

Figure6.9(based on interest in investing)

Figure6.10(based on investment potential)

Figure6.11(based on expected returns)

2. Interpretation:

So, from all these findings, we can say that people from different age groups have
different answers (common answers as well in some cases). Some of the things that we
can interpret from the above data found through the questionnaire are:

 People from the age group of 18-22 has more actively participated in the
survey followed by 23-30 and rest.

 At least 60% of the people are interested in investing in mobile ticketing apps.
while the other part was majority of the people are unsure.

 60% of the people are opted for investment of just under 2000$ and some under
6000$. It shows that people are not interested to put large amount of funds into
these applications.

 Even the expected rate of returns assumed by people is less that is just 10-20%.
that’s one of the main criteria for less investment in this field.


In this section, we will be discussing about all the information and data that was collected
throughout the period of 8 weeks of my internship.
As mentioned before first thing done by me was listing out top event agencies providers in
India which are according to my boss could be the clients that can even invest in the company
and later provide good event management services for the operations. After listing out top
event agencies providers the same thing was done for production houses, T.V and news
media, payment systems and multimedia platforms. The spreadsheet contained the Name of
the company, potential audience (which is the number of traffic their website receives), name
and contact details of 2 persons of contact.


Figure 7.1

Figure 7.2

As you can see on the above spreadsheet like this the data was first listed on it and then all of
this data was listed again on the CRM system of
From the CRM system E-mails were sent to the clients and were received by them and the
serious talks were done by the CEO. My part was just to send the first introduction email and
thereafter notifying my superior.


There are great things in a company which you very much appreciate, and at the same time
there are things which can be changed which some flaws which can be done by employee or
top-level management.
Here are some of the suggestions I would like to give to 2Event:
1.     Since 2Event is focusing on business development it should also focus on
marketing and advertisement as they are looking for clients and partners on a global
level it would be beneficial for them if they are a little bit popular or known. Instead
of getting 6 interns for business development they could have had a few in the field of
marketing as well.
2.     During my time as an intern my mentor asked me to spam the idea multiple times
to the same people again and again which is really weird if a person doesn’t want to
invest or is not interested, he should be left alone and not be harassed like this.
3.     2Event should sell tickets not only for corporate and official events but also other
events such as party, entertainment, sports, etc. as that’s completely untouched market
and finally start a competition with Glovo.


After discussing a lot about and reporting a lot about their E-ticketing and
app development sector in this brief report I would like to conclude by saying few
things about them.
2Event is a good start-up I learned a lot of things from them as I have mentioned
previously that it was my first ever experience in a corporate environment. Every day I
learned something as I has such amazing people to work with. The intern bullpen was
all diverse with people from all over the world.

Since 2 events is starting another revolution in the electronic ticketing industry, I wish
them well in their new face recognition technology.
During my time as an intern my mentor asked me to spam the idea multiple times to the
same people again and again which is really weird if a person doesn’t want to invest or
is not interested, he should be left alone and not be harassed like this.
There are great things in a company which you very much appreciate, and at the same
time there are things which can be changed which some flaws which can be done by
employee or top-level management.
2Event is focusing on business development it should also focus on marketing and
advertisement as they are looking for clients and partners on a global level it would be
beneficial for them if they are a little bit popular or known. Instead of getting 6 interns
for business development they could have had a few in the field of marketing as well.
2Event should sell tickets not only for corporate and official events but also other
events such as party, entertainment, sports, etc. as that’s completely untouched market
and finally start a competition with Glovo
Furthermore, their office environment is very friendly and warm, the co-workers and
the CEO himself has been nothing but helpful.  
I would like to end my report by saying the process of client acquisition is not very
simple but can be done better by 2Event with better techniques and investment in



1. 2Event

2.General data

3.Theoritical background

4.Literature review


Survey on Investment in a ticketing app start-up:


 18-22

 23-30
 30+

 Male
 Female
 other

4.Are you interested in investing?

 yes
 no
 maybe

5.How much money would you invest on a ticketing app?

 Under $2000
 Under $6000
 Under $12000
 More than $12000

6.what is your expected return on investment?

 10-20%
 21-50%
 50%+

survey on consumers perception on ticketing apps.


Your answer


 16-20
 21-30
 30-40
 40+


 NO


 Other


 NO


 NO


 Your answer



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