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European Synchrotron

Radiation Facility

Application Guide

Long Term Project

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A Long Term Project receives a commitment from the ESRF to provide
beamtime during up to six successive scheduling periods (three years).

Proposal format
The application for beam time has these parts:
• The electronic application form, accessed through the User Portal
• The Experimental Method Form: Word document uploaded to the
application in PDF format through the User Portal; use correct template
• Structural biology (MX) only: sample sheet(s), accessed from your
proposal list in the User Portal

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General considerations
• Write in English.
• Fill in all sections of the form.
• Consult the document “Advice on Writing a Good Proposal”.
• Make your request for time in shifts, where a shift is 8 hours. Allocations
are usually made in multiples of 3 shifts.
• In the electronic form, specify a request for the first 6-month period only.
Use Experimental Method Form to specify your request for the full project.
• Returning users:
• Upload and reference (in the electronic form) the experiment reports for
any prior ESRF beam time (including on CRG beamlines).
• In the electronic form, identify relation of new proposal to past
You can prepare only one standard proposal
at at time.
To start another proposal, you must delete
or complete the currently active proposal.
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Content of electronic application form
• General information*
• Scientific area & societal theme
• Beamlines requested
• Proposers (must have ESRF user account to be listed)
• Laboratory support facilities required
• Sample environment and sample description
• Safety categorization and details
• Technical justification for use of ESRF
• Synchrotron experience
• Publications

• *Must include reference to experiment reports for any previous ESRF work

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Content of Experimental Method Form
1. Abstract. A short abstract, not exceeding half a page, must summarise
the proposal.

1. Scientific case. This section presents the scientific case and the
development aspects of the proposal, outlining in particular the reasons
for filing a LTP, the results expected, and milestones, i.e. the scientific
and/or technical goals for each year of the period covered by the LTP

1. Competence & references. This paragraph contains

• A summary of the experience and competence of the proposing scientists
to carry out the proposal
• References to publications relevant to the scientific or technical subject
(in order to allow the Beam Time Allocation Committees to obtain
detailed information about the field, if needed)

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Content of Experimental Method Form, cont’d
4. Technical details. The proposed technical implementation of the LTP is
described. Besides the standard information requested from all
applications for beamtime (such as the beamline equipment and set-up,
sample environment issues, safety issues, special support, and so on),
an LTP proposal must specify
• Resources and services the users assume to be available at the ESRF
• Extra efforts expected from the ESRF in terms of staff and instrumentation
• Contributions of the user group to the execution of the LTP, including human
and financial resources for the construction, commissioning and operation of
specific equipment brought by the user group.

5. Beamtime(s) & beamline(s). Beamtime(s) and beamline(s) must be

requested for each scheduling period within the total period covered by
the LTP. This section summarizes the expected results, consistent with
the milestones stated in section 2.

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Content of Experimental Method Form, cont’d
6. Resources. Information about how and when the proposing User group
expects to obtain the resources (human and financial) needed for the
implementation of the LTP, including whether or not the User group
needs the prior acceptance of the LTP to secure the resources required

7. Benefits to the ESRF user community. The long-term benefits to the ESRF
user community expected from the successful implementation of the
LTP. This could consist, for example, in new instrumentation, a new
technique, or a new community using the ESRF.

Maximum length: 12 pages of A4 format

Font height: 12 pt or larger
Maximum file size: 3 MB
Accepted format: PDF only

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Issues for Particular Consideration

Specification of Proposal Status

New: This is a completely new proposal which has never previously been
submitted for beam time at the ESRF

Resubmission: The project described in your proposal has already been

submitted to the ESRF in an earlier proposal round but was not allocated
beam time. It is being resubmitted in this round either in an identical form
or with some changes and/or improvements. By selecting the option
"Resubmission", a specific tab "Details" will be displayed in your application
form where you will have to indicate any changes and/or improvements
made in your proposal compared to the previous submission.

Continuation: The project described in your proposal is a continuation of a

previous proposal for which beam time was allocated at ESRF. The project
described in your proposal is a direct follow-on from the work and results
of the earlier proposal.

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Issues for Particular Consideration

Beamline choice
Beamline selection determines which review committee
will assess the proposal

Ensure the correct beamline choice:

• Consult the beamline web page
• Consult the beamline status page in the user reference section (availability may
be affected by the ESRF Upgrade)
• Contact the beamline responsible if you need more information

Select principal and alternate beamlines appropriately

• If one beamline is needed, select one principal beamline. If other beamlines
would also be suitable, select one or two alternates to this principal beamline.
• If is necessary to work at both of two beamlines, select two principal beamlines.
Identify alternates to either or both principal beamlines, if appropriate. Give the
number of shifts separately for each principal beamline.

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Issues for Particular Consideration

Safety considerations
• Specify samples carefully, giving the correct name and characteristics of each

• Clearly explain any experimental conditions requiring special safety precautions

(e.g. use of lasers, high pressure cells, bacteria, viruses, dangerous substances,
toxic substances and radioactive materials).

• Confirm that any ancillary equipment you will supply conforms to the appropriate
French regulations.

• Consult the safety section of the user guide for safety contacts and further

• Structural biology (MX) proposals: The Safety Group uses information on your
sample sheets to define the level of risk associated with each sample. Complete
and submit one sample sheet per sample mentioned in the proposal. (Access the
sample sheets through your proposal list in the User Portal.)

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We look forward to
seeing you in Grenoble

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