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● No nation can exercise the power at its disposal to secure its selfish ends in violation of
the world public opinion.
● According to Morgenthau, “ world public opinion is obviously a public opinion that
transcends national boundaries and that unites members of different nations in a
consensus with regard to at least certain fundamental international issues”.
● It guards the public opinion as a whole whenever any government or nation executes a
particular foreign policy which is against the interest of mankind.
● Most states respect world public opinion.
● Example1:-
➢ In the first world war I, the American president (Woodrow Wilson) wanted to take
part in the war, but he gave respect to the public opinion of the american society
and did not take part in the war.
➢ But when Germany started to cause loss to the property of America which is
when Germany sunk the American’s ships (used to carry goods to Britain) and
the american passengers travelling in those ships.
➢ Due to that loss, the public also gave its consent to american government to take
part in the war. Basing on the consent of the American public, Woodrow Wilson
has proposed to the american congress that american govt is interested in
indulging in war against Germany, Hungary and Turkey which was the allies in
➢ Thus, America gave respect to the public opinion
● Example2:-
➢ Formation of the league of nations was created mainly by taking into
consideration the public opinion.
➢ The leaders of important states at a time by honouring the world public opinion,
they created a set of international organizations for the first time with the
universal character in the form of league of nations.
➢ World public opinion favoured the establishment of new international
organizations in order to stop wars between countries, which could also establish
world peace.
➢ Similarly, Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points, which were the basis of the peace
talks at the end of first world war and were accepted by nearly the entire
➢ Similarly after the second world war, there was a strong public opinion in favour
of creation of united nations.
● All this clearly proves that the world public opinion acts as a serious check on national
● As there are rules for human conduct in all the societies, similarly in the society of
nations there exists moral and legal norms, for the regulation of the conduct of nations.
The sum of these norms are known as international law.
● All the international states are expected to follow these laws
● By following international law the state is not allowed to exercise its power against the
other states. A state which gives due respect to international law never use its power
against other states unless other states commit any aggression
● The UN does not allow any of its states to use its power for selfish motives
● At the moment, the only mechanism that could impose punishment on a state which
violates international law is the UN.
● But when certain powerful states violate international law, in those conditions even the
UN remains as a spectator.
● Example:-
➢ China has occupied the territory of other countries violating international law.
Even then the UN remained as a mere spectator.
● International laws are not real laws in any real sense of the term, as there is no such
world executive body to execute laws.
● When powerful states willfully violate international law the UN cannot punish the
powerful state.
● Example:-
➢ In 2001, America committed aggression against Afghanistan and the UN did not
➢ In 2003, America caused aggression against iraq, also then the UN did not take
any action and remained as a spectator.


● Limitation of power
● The power of the state mainly refers to the military power
● Military power contributes much to the national power
● Sometimes, powerful states propose various disarmament plans.
● By standing on these proposals, the states lose their power.
● Example:-
➢ A proposal, nuclear states should not extend their nuclear knowledge to non
nuclear states - nuclear non proliferation treaty, whose objective is to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the
peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear
disarmament and general and complete disarmament.
➢ Many states signed on this treaty but India did not ratify because it is
● In conclusion,disarmament also could be counted as another important limitation on
national power.
● International organization from time to time comes out with various rules and keeps
sending messages to the state
● These international organizations are acting for the cause of maintaining international
peace unless the states support these organizations they cannot achieve their principle.
● Most of the times the UN preserve world peace
● Example:-
➢ During the cold War period, war between America and soviet union was
prevented due to the effects of the UN. .

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