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The Graphic Organizer below is to show the Learning Notes with Critical-Creative Thinking
Skill of Module Six as a guide for making Resume, a Brief Analysis, and Teaching-Learning

Module 6 : English
for Academic Context

LA 1. LA 3. LA.4
A Brief
LA 2.
Analytical Hortatory Explanation Discussion Analysis
Exposition Exposition Text Text
Text Text

Teaching and
Video Definition, Generic Structure,
and Text Social Function, Language

B. Resume, a Brief Analysis, and Teaching-Learning Development

This module is created for depicting “English for Academic Context” which is specifically
described in four Learning Activities including Analytical Exposition Text, Hortatory Exposition
Text, Explanation Text, and Discussion text. Each is, through the videos and the examples of the
text, to view and to comprehend the definition, the generic structure, the social function, and
the language feature as well as the grammar used. Moreover, a short analysis among them will
be given. Then, the outcome of those materials of Learning Activities would critically develop
my thought to create a creative teaching and learning process.
First, I’d like to begin with providing resume. Second is to reveal a brief analysis. Third is to
serve the teaching learning development as a result of comprehending those materials of
Learning Activities:
1. Resume
(a) Analytical Exposition is identical with argumentative text that constitutes a text elaborating
the idea of writer regarding with the phenomenon surrounding. It has three sections structure
of the text i.e. thesis (contains topic introduction to indicate writer’s main thought), argument
(contains argument explanations to support his/her idea), and reiteration (contains the writer’s
repeated statement as thesis reinforcement). It socially functions to lead the audiences believe
that the writer’s idea is an important matter. And it has some language features such as using
simple present, words to link argument (firstly, secondly, finally), conjunction, common
expressions (the following are reasons why, based on the arguments above); (b) Hortatory
Exposition is also identical with argumentative text that connotes a text presents arguments or
reasons to support the speaker/writer’s opinion of an issue. It has three parts of text structure
i.e. thesis (statement of concerned issue), argument (reason of concern), and recommendation
(statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments). It
socially functions to lead the audiences know that something should or should not happen or
be done. It has some language features as follow using simple present, adverb, connectives,
evaluative, passive voice, common expressions (I think we should, it could be argued that,
based on the argument above); (c) Explanation Text is a text that tells how something works or
why something happens. It has three generic structures are general statement (stating the
phenomenon issue), sequenced explanation (steps of explanation), conclusion (sum up the
explanation). It socially functions to by detail and logically explains the stages in a process of
how something works or why something happens. It has language features such i.e. simple
present tense, action verb, words that show cause and effect, passive voice, noun phrases,
abstract noun, common expressions (such as, for instance, include). (d) Discussion text is
defined as a text which serves two different sides of thought or opinion at viewing an issue in
order to find out a conclusion contained writer's opinion or recommendation. It has three main
parts of structure encompassing an opening (introduce the topic), argument (a series of pro and
contra opinion with evidence of the topic, conclusion (recommendation or opinion). It socially
functions to present the audience about different points of view of a topic and, at the end, the
writer/speaker’s own opinion. There are some language features in discussion text covering
present tense, modality, quoted and reported speech, passive voice, complex sentences,
common expressions (some people say, on the other hand, others argue that, as far as I know).
2. A Brief Analysis
There are some important things that I highlight from those Learning Activities. First, looking at
LA.1 Analytical Exposition and LA.2 Hortatory Exposition text are both quiet similar and even
they are almost same as the character of them is all argumentative text and the language
features they use also same simple present tense. Anyhow, to be significant difference for them
is at last part of generic structure: Analytical Exposition deals with reiteration that contains the
writer’s repeated statement as thesis reinforcement, Hortatory Exposition gives
recommendation that belongs to statement of what should or should not happen or be done
based on the given arguments. Second, paying attention to LA.3 Explanation Text is likely similar
with Procedure Text if it is not viewed carefully as they are all familiar working in sequence. To
avoid falling in the trap of both, we should remember and consider that Explanation Text is
formed in the mode of description in order to by detail and logic explain a process in sequence
of how something works or why something happens e.g. how the plane can fly while Procedure
text is formed in the mode of instruction which describes sequence steps imperatively of how
to do, to make, or to operate something e.g. how to make fried rice. Third, entering the LA.4
Discussion Text displays its typical character which most different as it presents two sides of
opinion within part of argument: one side brings out pro idea and other shows contra opinion
with evidence. Meanwhile, LA.1, LA.2, and LA.3 have just raised one side of the argument.

3. Teaching and Learning Development

Having accurately studied those materials enhances my insight to understand the text deeper. I
now more critics to view the text toward not merely comprehending the text in simply word
but the text further might lead us identifying the definition, the generic structure, the social
function, and the language feature as well as the grammar used. Moreover, the way each
materials of learning activity described is very interesting where the description is begun by
displaying the video and the text. It is then inviting us to understand the definition, the generic
structure, the social function, and the language feature as well as the grammar used by doing
identification. This could raise my motivation and give me challenge to find out the text order
and avoid the saturation to learn those texts. The beneficial output throughout learning the
text of this module is now I can change, modify, and develop my teaching and learning strategy
particularly in teaching student about the text. A creative and well way of teaching text should
be able to build students’ motivation and attract their focus by undertaking the following
sequence steps: first, providing the videos and the text with the simple topic related to
students’ hobby, familiar daily life, future, or any topic closed to students’ interest; second,
guide them to answer the prepared question around the topic as well as to assist them
understanding the contain of the text; third, after students know and comprehend contain of
the text, encourage them to make definition of the text being learnt; forth, invite them all
together try to make a definition, identify and find out the generic structure, the social function,
and the language feature as well as the grammar used of the text; fifth, instruct them in a group
to make summary of the text; last, but not least, invite them to present the summary.
Such a way of teaching I believe can manifest learning style of twenty-one era in terms of
helping students skillful in communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving,
and creative and innovative.

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