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Course: Principles and Methods of Language Learning and Teaching

Time: 2:00-3:00 MWF

Section: BSED 2 English
Prof: Lovella G. Velasco, PhD

Language, Learning and Teaching
Weeks 1-2
A. Current Issues in Second Language Acquisition
B. Language, Learning and Teaching
Week 3 C. Schools of Thought in Second Language Acquisition
D. Language Teaching Methodology
E. The Grammar Translation Method
Week 4
Theories of First Language Acquisition
Behavioristic Approach
Week 5 The Nativist Approach
Week 6 Functional Approaches
Week 7 Issues in First and Second Language Acquisition
1. Biological Factors
a. Language Acquisition Device
Week 8 b. Latency Factors
c. Sex
d. The Innateness Controversy
Week 9 e. Competence and Performance
f. The Role of Imitation
g. Language Universals
Linguistic Competence Vs. Communicative Competence
Week 11
1. Defining Communicative Competence
2. Discourse Analysis
3. Styles and Registers
4. Language and gender
Week 12 5. Nonverbal Communication
6. Communicative Language Teaching
7. Interlanguage
Week 13 8. Feature/ Characteristics of IL ( Interlanguage
Week 14 9. Five Principal Processes of Interlanguage
10. Stages of Interlanguage Development
Week 15 Theories of Second Language Acquisition
1. Acculturation Theory
2. Nativization/ Denativization Theory
Week 16 3. The Accommodation Theory
4. The Discourse Theory
Week 17 5. The Variable Competence Model
6. The Universal Hypothesis
7. The Neurofunctional Theory

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