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Grade: 7 Semester: 2 Topic: 3

Jobs and Careers

About This Topic Topic Structure Learning Performance Focus
Big Questions: Lessons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
What are the jobs of the future? How 1. Jobs dominoes (a/an) ●
will AI and automation affect our need 2. Guess the jobs activity ● ● ●
to work? Why do we need a job? 3. Ranking Salaries
What is money? Why does it have
4. Green Future ●
5. Value of Money ●
6. History of Money ●
Overview: We live in a rapidly changing world and traditional jobs are quickly being replaced by robots,
machines and intelligent software. The workforce of the future will almost certainly be unrecognizable from
today. It’s therefore imperative that the students of today are aware of these changes and can develop their
creativity and soft-skills in order to stand out from the crowd. Although this unit will use traditional jobs
vocabulary in order to teach English grammar points there will also be opportunities for students to develop
teamwork, communication, creativity and critical thinking skills.

Grammar Focus:
- Use the articles ‘a/an’ in simple sentences. ‘She is a cook.’ ‘He is an artist.’
- Enquire about jobs using interrogative questions (singular). ‘Is he a teacher?’
- Enquire about jobs using interrogative questions (plural). ‘Are they teachers?’
Key Vocabulary

Topic 2: Jobs - Learning Content Goals:

A: Language Knowledge

B: Communication

C: Culture and Customs

D: Thinking Ability
Topic 2 – Jobs – Core Competencies:
Autonomous Action

Interactive Communication

Social Participation

Topic 2 – Jobs – Vocabulary:

Extra vocabulary (non-test)

Lesson 1: Jobs dominoes –

Lesson 2: Guess the Jobs activity -

Lesson 3: Ranking Salaries – Cardline style game where students have to rank a number of jobs by average

Lesson 4: Green future: Possible writing lesson? Students make predictions about the world 20 years from
now. What jobs will there be?

Lesson 5: Value of Money: Classify objects in order of value (stick, shell, silver, gold, paper currency…) Show
prices from x years ago to show that paper currency isn’t a store of value.

Lesson 6: History of Money – Reading lesson based upon the history of money and modern ideas such as

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