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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

OMSS ‫مجتمع طالب كلية طب‬

‫األمانة األكاديمية‬

Important notes in endocrine & metabolism course


Head .neck body and tail .)

Superior pacreatico duodenal artery and vein anteriorl y)



Dorsal .. (head .neck..body .tail.main pancreatic duct)

Ventral (uncinate process)


■blood supply (superior and inferior pancreatico deudanal artery and branch

from spleenic artery)


Exocrine (acini and duct )

Endocrin (islet of langerhanc)



DM type 1. .and 2 (deficiency of inslun ___resistant)

Cancer and inflammation


■ Congenital Anamoly

Anuler pancreas (ventral part fixed and duodenum , stomch rotat )

★ Embryo.

Endoderm.... floor of the pharynx

At third week


Lobes. Mide point of thyriod bone to 6 tracheal ring

Isthums . 2 to 4 treacheal ring

Pyramidal lobe (not in all persons)


follicles (T3 and T4)

Parafolliculer (calcitonin)


■blood supply

★Superior thyroid from extrenal carotid aretry combind with external laryngeal nerv

★Inferior thryiod from thyrocervical trunk comind with recurrent leryngeal nerv

★IMA .... from bronchicephalic or arch of the aorta


★ Superior and middle .to internal jugular vein

★Inferior to left bronchocephalic


Congental Anamoly

Thyroglossal cyst

Lingual thyroid


■ Patho

Goiter (defuse or noduler)


thyroid gland is endodermal in origin arise from thyroglossal duct

pancrease is entodemal in origin

 ‫ ما الهايشموتو‬ graves disease ‫ موجوده بس في ال‬HLADR3 9 ‫في روبن اديشن‬

lymph drainge of testes is para aortic


-Majore Ig during seconary Immune responce.


- has J-chain


-The highest molecular weighf 

-The majore Ig during the primary immune response

-has J-chain


-has a shortest half life

- mainly responsible for immunity against parasite

🚀anerior pituitary hyperfunction🚀
🚩hyper prolactinemia & prolactinoma the most common pituitary tumor 30 %

-( -chromphopic)

⚠clinical presentations


💈About endocrine ⚠

Complex _highly integrated groups of organs_having central role in mainting body function


1..regulations of metabolism

2..growth and development regulations

3..homeostasis production, utilization, _and storage of energy

5..regulations of reprodtion

1.ADH.(:vasopressin; )

Secret from supraoptic nuculus

Act in the kidneys in the conducting duct

2.oxytocin :secret from para ventricular nuculus

Act in the smooth muscle cause contraction of the utrus & ejection of the milk from breast

🌼function of oxytoxin in male ?help in move ment of sprem

🎏what are signalling modality ?

Paracrine _autocrine endocrine -neurocrine

🎈main catogry of hormone


⏳ pathology of Posterior pituitary :

🔮SIADH ::syndrome of in apporpiated ADH secretion

👾causes by

1 Ectopic secrtion (small lung carcinoma)


3 inflammatory process

4 lipid storage disorder

5any condition that damage the hypothalamus & posterior pituitary

🔊clinical presentations

-1 diliutional hyponautremia

2 in ability to concentrate urine


4 ⬇ADH lead to diabtes insidudus

5sever polyurea + dehydration+ polydepsia

🎌Lab daignosis

⬇urine osmolarity

The most important features of endocrine glana are : 1 . ductless

2.secert hormone

🙎In female : 1stop menstrual cycle (amenorrhea)

2 infertility

3 loss of lipido

4 in apporpiate milk secertion (galactorrhea)

👨in male

1impotence(‫)فقدان الرجولة‬


1 proplem in hypothalamus 2 medication methyle dopa + reserpin

4 hemolytic anemia

🚩GH ⬆


1.somatotropic adenoma

Second most common tumor


⚠clinical presentations

1 gigantism

2 acromegaly

3 counter regularly hormone lead to Type 2 DM

4 OVER growth hormone

5 over growing jaw (over biting)

6 osteoporosis

7 hyperglycaemia

8 visual disturbance

9 macro glossia + hepatomegaly

10 hyper corticism (caushing disease )

💈💈Caushing syndrome

Causes by

1 pituitary driving caushing syndrome

2 ectopic ACTH secertion ((small lung carcinoma ))

3 adenoma in adrenal or hyperplasia

Basophilic tumor

⚠clinical presentations

1 moon face

2 buffalo hump ((wide shoulder ))

3 upper and lower limb are thin

4 trunkal obesity

5 hyper tension

6 hyperglycaemia

7striae (*lines in the stomach ))pink in pregnant due to break down of protein

8 depression

🎌lab diagnosis



3 SUGER high

4 serum cortisol

5 serum ACTH

6 Suppression test

7 CT scan for brain

8 dexamethazone

🚀Aanerior pituitary hyperfunction🚀

🚩hyper prolactinemia & prolactinoma the most common pituitary tumor 30 %

-( -chromphopic)

⚠clinical presentations


💈About endocrine ⚠

Complex _highly integrated groups of organs_having central role in mainting body function


1..regulations of metabolism

2..growth and development regulations

3..homeostasis production, utilization, _and storage of energy

5..regulations of reprodtion


1.ADH.(:vasopressin; )

Secret from supraoptic nuculus

Act in the kidneys in the conducting duct

2.oxytocin :secret from para ventricular nuculus

Act in the smooth muscle cause contraction of the utrus & ejection of the milk from breast

🌼function of oxytoxin in male ?help in move ment of sprem

🎏what are signalling modality ?

Paracrine _autocrine endocrine -neurocrine

🎈main catogry of hormone



⏳ pathology of Posterior pituitary :

🔮SIADH ::syndrome of in apporpiated ADH secretion

👾causes by

1 Ectopic secrtion (small lung carcinoma)


3 inflammatory process

4 lipid storage disorder

5any condition that damage the hypothalamus & posterior pituitary

🔊clinical presentations

-1 diliutional hyponautremia

2 in ability to concentrate urine


4 ⬇ADH lead to diabtes insidudus

5sever polyurea + dehydration+ polydepsia

🎌Lab daignosis

⬇urine osmolarity

The most important features of endocrine glana are : 1 . ductless

2.secert hormone

🙎In female : 1stop menstrual cycle (amenorrhea)

2 infertility

3 loss of lipido

4 in apporpiate milk secertion (galactorrhea)

👨in male

1impotence(‫)فقدان الرجولة‬


1 proplem in hypothalamus 2 medication methyle dopa + reserpin

4 hemolytic anemia

🚩GH ⬆


1.somatotropic adenoma

Second most common tumor


⚠clinical presentations

1 gigantism

2 acromegaly

3 counter regularly hormone lead to Type 2 DM

4 OVER growth hormone

5 over growing jaw (over biting)

6 osteoporosis

7 hyperglycaemia
8 visual disturbance

9 macro glossia + hepatomegaly

10 hyper corticism (caushing disease )

💈💈Caushing syndrome

Causes by

1 pituitary driving caushing syndrome

2 ectopic ACTH secertion ((small lung carcinoma ))

3 adenoma in adrenal or hyperplasia

Basophilic tumor

⚠clinical presentations

1 moon face

2 buffalo hump ((wide shoulder ))

3 upper and lower limb are thin

4 trunkal obesity

5 hyper tension

6 hyperglycaemia

7striae (*lines in the stomach ))pink in pregnant due to break down of protein

8 depression

🎌lab diagnosis



3 SUGER high

4 serum cortisol

5 serum ACTH

6 Suppression test

7 CT scan for brain

8 dexamethazone

Endocrine short note :-

1- etiology of alkaptonura

2- genetic code ..

3- clinical feature of hypothyroidism

4- integration of metabolism

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