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Flipped classroom answer key B2+

Part 2: Video comprehension Part 3: Grammar practice

Unit 1
1 1 Our teachers encourage us to do …
Part 1: Video preparation 1 speculations (and) deductions 2 My parents made us finish …
2 may, might 3 I saw Philip running/run …
1 Sentences a, d and e should be ticked. 3 b 4 Reading a book helps me sleep/to
4 spelling sleep …
2 sports competitions, parties, charity
fundraising 2
3 b a must Unit 4
4 a b could, may, might
2 c can’t Part 1: Video preparation
1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a 3
1 c – past
Part 2: Video comprehension 2 a – present 2
3 b – past 1 mountain goat
1 4 a – past
1 a, c 2 woolly mammoth
5 b – present 3 passenger pigeon
2 He’s always arriving late.
4 3
3 A kind of hat. For exams at Oxford 1 have, past participle
University. No, he didn’t. 1 restore 2 revive 3 recover
2 well, stronger probability 4 stabilise 5 convert
1 often do 2 go out 3 always telling
4 used to 5 would/’d Part 3: Grammar practice Part 2: Video comprehension
3 1 It must be great fun 1
1 N 2 N 3 A 4 N 5 N 2 he can’t be inexperienced 1 c destroyed habitat
4 3 must have gone to work 2 b extinct species
a present simple, 1 4 could/may/might have been an eagle 3 a recreated species
b used to, 4 2 endangered species
c would, 5 Unit 3 3 aT bF cT dF
d habits, 3 4 dinosaurs
e will, 2 Part 1: Video preparation 2
1 protect endangered species [S],
Part 3: Grammar practice 1 games console 2 chess 3 crossword
extinct [C]
1 4 sudoku 2 destruction in these areas [C], recreate
species now [S]
1 used to, was always telling 2
1 Speaker 3 2 Speaker 5 3 Speaker 2
2 ’ll
3 always making 4 Speaker 1 5 Speaker 4 If-clause Result clause
4 ’d visit 3 Sentence 1 If + past would/wouldn’t
5 used to 1 drive me mad c simple, have + past
2 2 keep my mind active a participle.
1 was always waking 3 recharge my batteries b Sentence 2 If + past would/wouldn’t
2 ’ll see perfect, + infinitive.
3 used to be Part 2: Video comprehension
Unit 2 1 b, c
If-clause Result clause

2 the teacher’s husband Sentence 1 second third

Part 1: Video preparation conditional conditional
3 because he’s a language teacher
4 Gateway Sentence 2 third second
2 conditional conditional
Photo 1: the country, the desert
Photo 2: a town, a city a -ing b infinitive c to 5
2 3 Sentence 1: present, past
1 It got stuck down a hole. 1 c 2 b 3 a Sentence 2: past, present
2 a mobile phone 4
3 the accident in photo 1 1 ask, allow, teach, advise, invite, order, Part 3: Grammar practice
4 the driver want, encourage, choose
1 had looked after, would be
3 2 hear, see, feel
2 wasn’t, wouldn’t have become
1 underestimated 2 distracted 3 senses
3 hadn’t gone, would be
3 prevent 4 inexperienced
4 would lend, I hadn’t spent

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Flipped classroom answer key B2+

2 Part 3: Grammar practice

Unit 5 1 to have
2 that he spent 1
Part 1: Video preparation 3 1 me
in general 2 young people
Sentences 1, 2, 4 and 6 should be ticked. 4 3 passengers
2 1 to, present/past infinitive 2
1 secure 2 concerns 3 route 2 that, verb 1 a She was promised a refund. b A refund
5 was promised to her.
4 precaution 5 cyberbullying 6 privacy
2, 4 2 a I was given a prize … b A prize was
given to me …
1 P 2 N 3 P 4 P 5 P 6 N
3 a We were taught the best marketing
4 Part 3: Grammar practice
strategies. b The best marketing strategies
1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 1 were taught to us.
a to have 4 a We were shown around the studio. b
Part 2: Video comprehension b It The studio was shown to us.
1 c The station
1 b d to Unit 8
2 a, b e the station
3 spy-cameras f reported Part 1: Video preparation
2 2 1
1 ’ll be collecting 1 It has been suggested that the builders b, c, g
2 will have been collecting used the wrong materials.
3 will have learnt 2 The castle is thought to have been 1 walking
3 constructed in the 12th century.
2 a cycling b walking c canoeing
1 b 2 a 3 c 3 It is said that many people find it difficult
4 sharing a flat.
1 stuck inside
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 They claimed that the builders spent
2 catch up with
£10 million over budget on the building.
verge, point Part 2: Video comprehension
Unit 7
Part 3: Grammar practice 1
Part 1: Video preparation 1 walking
1 ’m on the verge/point of downloading 2 a more b more
2 ’ll have finished 1
social media 3 running
3 will still be fixing 4 It might help you concentrate.
4 ’ll be leaving 2
sentences 1 and 4
3 Sentence 3 and 5 are incorrect. Correct
Unit 6 1 approachable – b versions: 3 It’s not the same doing sport
indoors as outside. 5 Young people aren’t
2 authentic – c
Part 1: Video preparation 3 credible – a
as active as they used to be.
1 a 3 b 1 c 4 d 2 e 6 f 5
1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c Part 2: Video comprehension 4
1 1 slightly
Sentences 1 and 2
1 the cost 2 by far
2 a $10 coupon, to create interest in a 3 nearly
1 opulence 2 slum 3 view
3 programme, (TV) series Part 3: Grammar practice
Part 2: Video comprehension
4 (his Gateway) pencil, mug and T-shirt
1 2
1 as 2 fewer 3 so 4 less
1 Mukesh Ambani 1 They offered visitors a $10 coupon.
2 three helicopter pads on the roof 2 They pay celebrities huge sums of money.
1 by far the hardest
3 show off, draw attention to himself 3
2 significantly higher
4 1a D 1b I 2a D 2b I
3 darker and darker
a the smallest house 4
4 The longer, the easier
b 1m 91cm I was given a present.
c stand up properly people, things

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Flipped classroom answer key B2+

Unit 9 Unit 10
Part 1: Video preparation Part 1: Video preparation
1 1
1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 1 dubbed 2 subtitles
2 2
1 her confidence has 1 The Jazz Singer
2 of her proactive 2 songs (sung by Al Jolson)
3 sky’s the limit 3 subtitles
3 3
1 apprentice create and edit subtitles
2 applicant 4
3 interviewer, interviewee 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c
4 employer, employee
Part 2: Video comprehension
Part 2: Video comprehension 1
1 1 It allows more people to see films from
1 a guaranteed b Initiative all sorts of different countries.
2 Elvis Presley 2 b
3 He put down his brushes and never 3 c
painted again. Leonardo Da Vinci. 4 translating menus
2 2
a a/an b the c a/an d the e a/an 1 whenever, wherever, however, no
f no article g the h the difference
3 2 however, how
These sentences are incorrect: 3
2 a tailor – rule c 1 Whatever 2 however 3 wherever
4 the best bit – rule h 4 Whenever
6 (no article) future employers – rule f
4 Part 3: Grammar practice
Rule f
a whenever b whatever c wherever
Part 3: Grammar practice d whoever e whatever
a an b a c the d the e a f the g a 2
h the i (no article) j a k (no article) 1 whichever 2 whoever 3 however
4 whatever

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