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PRONORMOBLAST Basophilic normoblast (prorubricyte)

• Nucleus.  The chromatin begins to
condense, revealing clumps along the
The nucleus takes up much of the cell (N:C ratio of periphery of the nuclear membrane and a
8:1). The nucleus is round to oval, containing one or few in the interior. As the chromatin
two nucleoli. The purple red chromatin is open and condenses, the parachromatin areas
contains few, if any, fine clumps.
become larger and sharper, and the N:C
• Cytoplasm.  ratio decreases to about 6:1. The
chromatin stains deep purple-red. Nucleoli
The cytoplasm is dark blue because of the may be present early in the stage but
concentration of ribosomes. The Golgi complex may disappear later.
be visible next to the nucleus as a pale, unstained
area. Pronormoblasts may show small tufts of
irregular cytoplasm along the periphery of the Cytoplasm. 
membrane. When stained, the cytoplasm may be a
deeper, richer blue than in the
• Division.  pronormoblast—hence the
The pronormoblast undergoes mitosis and gives rise to name basophilic for this stage.
two daughter pronormoblasts. More than one division
is possible before maturation into basophilic Division. 
normoblasts. The basophilic normoblast undergoes
mitosis, giving rise to two daughter cells.
• Location. 
More than one division is possible before
The pronormoblast is present only in the bone marrow the daughter cells mature into
in healthy states. polychromatic normoblasts.

• Cellular activity.  Location. 

The pronormoblast begins to accumulate the The basophilic normoblast is present only in
components necessary for hemoglobin production. the bone marrow in healthy states.
The proteins and enzymes necessary for iron uptake
and protoporphyrin synthesis are produced. Globin Cellular activity. 
production begins.3 Detectable hemoglobin synthesis
• Length of time in this stage.  occurs,3 but the many cytoplasmic
organelles, including ribosomes and a
This stage lasts slightly more than 24 hours.3 substantial amount of messenger
ribonucleic acid (RNA; chiefly for
hemoglobin production), completely mask
the minute amount of hemoglobin
Length of time in this stage.  • Length of time in this stage. 
This stage lasts slightly more than 24
hours.3 This stage lasts approximately 30 hours.3

Polychromatic (polychromatophilic) normoblast Orthochromic normoblast (metarubricyte)

• Nucleus. 

The nucleus is completely condensed (i.e., pyknotic) or

• Nucleus.  nearly so. As a result, the N:C ratio is low or
approximately 1:2.
The chromatin pattern varies during this stage of
development, showing some openness early in the • Cytoplasm. 
stage but becoming condensed by the end. The
condensation of chromatin reduces the diameter of The increase in the salmon-pink color of the cytoplasm
the nucleus considerably, so the N:C ratio decreases reflects nearly complete hemoglobin production. The
from 4:1 to about 1:1 by the end of the stage. residual ribosomes react with the basic component of
Notably, no nucleoli are present. the stain and contribute a slightly bluish hue to the
cell, but that fades toward the end of the stage as the
• Cytoplasm.  organelles are degraded.

This is the first stage in which the pink color associated • Division. 
with stained hemoglobin can be seen. The stained
color reflects the accumulation of hemoglobin The orthochromic normoblast is not capable of
pigmentation over time and concurrent decreasing division due to the condensation of the chromatin.
amounts of RNA. The color produced is a mixture of
pink and blue, resulting in a murky gray-blue. The • Location. 
stage’s name refers to this combination of multiple
colors, because polychromatophilic means “many The orthochromic normoblast is present only in the
color loving.” bone marrow in healthy states.

• Division.  • Cellular activity. 

This is the last stage in which the cell is capable of Hemoglobin production continues on the remaining
undergoing mitosis, although likely only early in the ribosomes using messenger RNA produced earlier.
stage. The polychromatic normoblast goes through Late in this stage, the nucleus is ejected from the cell.
mitosis, producing daughter cells that mature and The nucleus moves to the cell membrane and into a
develop into orthochromic normoblasts. pseudopod-like projection. As part of the maturation
program, loss of vimentin, a protein responsible for
• Location.  holding organelles in proper location in the cytoplasm,
is probably important in the movement of the nucleus
The polychromatic normoblast is present only in the to the cell periphery.1 Ultimately, the nucleus-
bone marrow in healthy states. containing projection separates from the cell by having
the membrane seal and pinch off the projection with
• Cellular activity.  the nucleus enveloped by cell membrane.4Nonmuscle
myosin of the membrane is important in this pinching
Hemoglobin synthesis increases, and the accumulation process.5 The enveloped extruded nucleus, called
begins to be visible in the color of the cytoplasm. a pyrenocyte,1 is then engulfed by bone
Cellular organelles are still present, particularly marrow macrophages. The macrophages recognize
ribosomes, which contribute a blue aspect to the phosphatidlyserine on the pyrenocyte surface as an
cytoplasm. The progressive condensation of the “eat me” flag.6 Other organelles are extruded and
nucleus and disappearance of nucleoli are evidence of ingested in similar fashion. Often, small fragments of
progressive decline in transcription of nucleus are left behind if the projection is pinched off
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). before the entire nucleus is enveloped. These
fragments are called Howell-Jolly bodies when seen in that the polychromatophilia is not readily evident in
peripheral blood cells (Table 19-3 and Figure 19-1) and the polychromatic erythrocytes on a normal
are typically removed from the cells by the splenic peripheral blood film stained with Wright stain. A
small amount of residual ribosomal RNA is present,
macrophage pitting process once the cell enters the however, and can be visualized with a vital stain such
circulation. as new methylene blue, so called because the cells are
stained while alive in suspension (i.e., vital), before the
• Length of time in this stage.  film is made (). The residual ribosomes appear as a
mesh of small blue strands, a reticulum, or, when
This stage lasts approximately 48 hours.3 more fully digested, merely blue dots (Box 8-2Figure
Polychromatic (polychromatophilic) erythrocyte or reticulocyte 8-9). When so stained, the polychromatic erythrocyte
is called a reticulocyte. However, the name
reticulocyte is often used to refer to the stage
• Nucleus.  immediately preceding the mature erythrocyte, even
when stained with Wright stain and without
Beginning at the polychromatic erythrocyte stage, demonstrating the reticulum.
there is no nucleus. The polychromatic erythrocyte is a
good example of the prior statement that a cell may • Cellular Basophilia: Diffuse and Punctate
not have all the classic features described but may be
The reticulum of a polychromatic erythrocyte
staged by the preponderance of features. In particular, (reticulocyte) is not seen using Wright stain. The
when a cell loses its nucleus, regardless of cytoplasmic residual RNA imparts the bluish tinge to the cytoplasm
appearance, it is a polychromatic erythrocyte. seen in Figure 8-8, A. Based on the Wright-stained
appearance, the reticulocyte is called a polychromatic
• Cytoplasm.  erythrocyte because it lacks a nucleus and is no longer
an erythroblast but has a bluish tinge. When
The cytoplasm can be compared with that of the late polychromatic erythrocytes are prominent on a
peripheral blood film, the examiner uses the comment
orthochromic normoblast in that the predominant polychromasia or polychromatophilia. Wright-stained
color is that of hemoglobin. By the end of the polychromatic erythrocytes are also called diffusely
polychromatic erythrocyte stage, the cell is the same basophilic erythrocytes for their regular bluish tinge.
color as a mature RBC, salmon pink. It remains larger This term distinguishes polychromatic erythrocytes
than a mature cell, however. The shape of the cell is from red blood cells with punctate basophilia, in which
not the mature biconcave disc but is irregular in the blue appears in distinct dots throughout the
cytoplasm. More commonly known as basophilic
electron micrographs (Figure 8-8, B). stippling (Table 19-3and Figure 19-1), punctate
basophilia is associated with some anemias. Similar to
• Division.  the basophilia of polychromatic erythrocytes,
punctate basophilia is due to residual ribosomal RNA,
Lacking a nucleus, the polychromatic erythrocyte but the RNA is degenerate and stains deeply with
cannot divide. Wright stain.

• Location.  A second functional change in polychromatic

erythrocytes is the reduced production of receptors
for the adhesive molecules that hold developing RBCs
The polychromatic erythrocyte resides in the bone in the marrow (see details later). As these receptors
marrow for 1 day or longer and then moves into the decline, cells are freed to leave the marrow.
peripheral blood for about 1 day before reaching
maturity. During the first several days after exiting the • Length of time in this stage. 
marrow, the polychromatic erythrocyte is retained in
The cell typically remains a polychromatic erythrocyte
the spleen for pitting of inclusions and membrane for about 3 days,3 with the first 2 days spent in the
polishing by splenic macrophages, which results in the marrow and the third spent in the peripheral blood,
biconcave discoid mature RBC.7 although possibly sequestered in the spleen.

• Cellular activity. 
The polychromatic erythrocyte completes production
of hemoglobin from residual messenger RNA using the
remaining ribosomes. The cytoplasmic protein
production machinery is simultaneously being
dismantled. Endoribonuclease, in particular, digests
the ribosomes. The acidic components that attract the
basophilic stain decline during this stage to the point

• Nucleus. 
No nucleus is present in mature RBCs.

• Cytoplasm. 
The mature circulating erythrocyte is a biconcave disc
measuring 7 to 8 μm in diameter, with a thickness of
about 1.5 to 2.5 μm. On a stained blood film, it
appears as a salmon pink-staining cell with a central
pale areathat corresponds to the concavity. The
central pallor is about one third the diameter of the

• Division. 
The erythrocyte cannot divide.

• Location and length of time in this stage. 

Mature RBCs remain active in the circulation for
approximately 120 days.11 Aging leads to their removal
by the spleen as described subsequently.

• Cellular activity. 
The mature erythrocyte delivers oxygen to tissues,
releases it, and returns to the lung to be
reoxygenated. The dynamics of this process are
discussed in detail in Chapter 10. The interior of the
erythrocyte contains mostly hemoglobin, the oxygen-
carrying component. It has a surface-to-volume ratio
and shape that enable optimal gas exchange to occur.
If the cell were to be spherical, it would have
hemoglobin at the center of the cell that would be
relatively distant from the membrane and would not
be readily oxygenated and deoxygenated. With the
biconcave shape, even hemoglobin molecules that are
toward the center of the cell are not distant from the
membrane and are able to exchange oxygen.
The cell’s main function of oxygen delivery throughout
the body requires a membrane that is flexible and
deformable—that is, able to flex but return to its
original shape. The interaction of various membrane
components described in Chapter 9 creates these
properties. RBCs must squeeze through small spaces
such as the basement membrane of the bone marrow
venous sinus. Similarly, when a cell enters the red pulp
of the spleen, it must squeeze between epithelial cells
to move into the venous outflow. Deformability is
crucial for RBCs to enter and subsequently remain in
the circulation.

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