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English: First Year - Todos los Niveles - inglés: Primer Año

Institución Educativa Particular Parroquial “MUNDO MEJOR” High School

First Names/ ______________________________________Code/_________________

Nombres Código
Last Names/____________________________________________________________
Teacher/_________________________________________ Date/_________________
Profesor: ANGEL ARRIVASPLATA G. Fecha: June 22, 202
- PRIMER AÑO - 2020





Noelia Alvarez is at home today with her family in Chiclayo. Where is the
Alvarez family? Mrs. Anabel Alvarez is in the dining room. She is drinking
Koca Kola and reading the newspaper. Mr. Allan Alvarez is in the kitchen. He
is preparing breakfast for the family. Noelia is cleaning the garage.
Anais Alvarez is in the living room. She is studying for an English exam.
Adrianna Alvarez is singing and doing exercises. She is in the living room.
Alberto and Arnold Alvarez are playing cards in the yard. Alonzo Alvarez is in
the bathroom. Alice Alvarez is in the bedroom. She is listening to the radio.
Angelo Alvarez is in the attic and he is playing the guitar. Alexandra Alvarez is
listening to music with her friends Angela, Amanda and Allison. Axel, the dog,
and Ajax, the cat are in the basement. They´re playing.
The Alvarez family is at home today and they are not happy. Where is Antonia
Alvarez? She is not at home today. She is in the hospital. And, yes, today she
´s sleeping.

A: Answer using (A)(B)(C) or (D). Contesta usando (A)(B)(C) o (D)

_D_00. The Alvarez family is ____ today.

(A) Happy (B) drinking Koca Kola (C) eating breakfast (D) at home.

_A_01. Where is Axel? (A) It´s in the basement. (B) I´m in the yard.
(C) She´s in the basement. (D) It´s the yard.

_C_02. What is Mrs. Alvarez doing? (A) She is drinking coffee.

(B) She is in the living room. (C) She is drinking Koca Kola.
(D) He is drinking coffee.

_C_03. What is Ajax doing? (A) They´re playing. (B) I´m playing.
(C) It´s playing. (D) She´s sleeping.

_B_04. Where is Alonzo Alvarez? He’s _____. (A) in the garage. (B) in the
Bathroom (C) in the yard. (D) playing the guitar.

_D_05. Where is Antonia today? (A) She´s sleeping. (B) They´re in the
hospital. (C) She’s at home. (D She´s in the hospital.
B: Write the answer in Spanish. Contesta escribiendo en castellano.


(OJO: Cuando hay (V o F) escribe la palabra entera: Verdadero o Falso.)

00. ¿Quiénes son Alberto y Arnold?

00. Son los hermanos gemelos Álvarez.

06. ¿Qué está haciendo Noelia?


07. ¿Qué están haciendo Alexandra y sus amigas? 07.

08. (V o F) Alonso está en el baño. 08. _______________________________

09. (V o F) Amanda es la hermana de Noelia. 09. ______________________

10. ¿Cuántas personas hay en la familia Álvarez? 10. __________________

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