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Road the following dialogues

8. I would like to go abroad next summer.
Ok Whet about Spain?
Oh, it is a bit too for.
Well, let us go to France instead.
Yes, that is a good idea.

b. Excuse me, sir.

Hove you got anything to declare?
Err, no, I have not.
Which is your luggage?
These two suitcases and this bag are mine.
Do you know the regulations, sir?
Do you have any alcohol or tobacco?
Yes, certainly. Here you are.
Thank you. Goodbye.

Excuse me, madam. Do you have anything to declare?

-No, I have not.
Do you have any alcohol with you?
Yes, I have three bottles of whisky and six bottles of wine.
Oh, I am afraid that does far, too much. You can only bring one litter of whisky and two
litters of wino with you.
OH, I am terribly sorry I did not know.
Well, I am afraid you have to pay duty.
Oh, dear

d. What do you like doing in your spare time?

Well, one of my hobbies is listening to music. What about you?
Oh, I’m not really interested in music, but I enjoy painting .
Are you interested in gardening?
Not really. I prefer going for long walks.

F What do you think of selling?

I do not know. I have never tried it.
-Good morning. Can I help you?
-Yes, I would like to book a flight to Dublin.
-Yes, madam. When for?
-I want to go on yesterday and return on Saturday.
-Well, what time do yen want to fly on Wednesday?
-I have to be in Dublin by 8 o’clock in The evening.
-Well, there are two possible flights then. One at 17.40 arriving in Dublin at -18:05 and. one
at 18:45 arriving at 19.10.
-Oh, It doesn’t really better,
- I think I’ll take the one at I8:45

Our evening class is visiting London next month. Would you like to cone ?
When are you going?
We are leaving on the 21st and coming back on the 24th.
How are you travelling?
We are doing by coach.
In addition, what is the program?
On the first day, we are having a tour of London, and. on the second day there's visit to
In addition, the third day?
On the third day, we are talking a boat to Hampton Court.
I se, very interesting. What are you doing on the last day?
The last day's a Sunday, so we are gong to Petticoat Lane and then to Dirty Dick's for a drink.
What is the program for the evenings?
On Friday evening, we are going to the theatre and on Saturday, we are having a tour of old
London pubs.
How much does it cost?
It costs $ 80
That is not very expensive •
Well, would you like to come?
Yes, I would love to .Can I bring a friend?
Why not?
Good. Thank you for the information.
That’s OK. See you at the coach station .
I shall make you some tea..
They made up their mind to go to the seaside.
Make room ! We have much luggage
He makes no effort to understand the lesson.

Rewrite the following sentences replacing the words in bold type by phrases with TO MAKE
a) On holiday we met a lot of people and we became good friends.
b) He decided to go to the mountains
c) You talk too loudly and disturb us
d) They chose the right place for their holiday
e) He didn’t work enough for his exams
3. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of TO MAKE or TO DO :
Don’t .. such a noise
they are working in the next room
b) They .... us the favor of accepting our invitation .
c) Did you . ... up your mind to spend the weekend in town
d) I can t .... a decision so quickly
e) Do you ..~. all these exercises ?
c) in the Danube Delta

I shall mee tmy friends next week

You will go in town tomorrow
He we leave school soon
We shall have an examination next month.
They will arrive in a few days
1. Turn the following sentences into the future • Add the appropriate adverbs:
a) I drink tea b) we finish our work. c) You feel better.
d) They do their shopping's. e) He starts for Brasov. f) She travels by train. g) I read the
children a story,
2. Put these sentences into the future interrogative and negative according to the pattern:
— Paul will leave school next year
— Will Paul leaves school next year?
— Paul will not leaves school next year.
a) The children will the very busy next term
b) She will help her mother on Saturday
c) They will spend their spring holiday in the countryside
d) We shall write the questions on the blackboard
e) You will bring a present to your friend
f) I shall come to school on Sunday morning

3. Replace the full form of the future by the short form then make the sentences negative
Model I shall get her some flowers
I WILL GET her some flowers
I SHAN'T GET her any flowers
He will help us with our work
HELL HELP us with our work
HE WONT HELP us with our work

a) We shall begin a new course next week

b) They will meet again during the next term
c) He will join us on the trip
d) You will have a good time at the party -
e) I shall be twenty next month -
f) She will find the book at the library

B. To be going to future

—I am going to work hard next week

—Are you going to help me?
—He is going to explain the lesson
—They are going to build new blocks of flats
—We are not going to spend our holiday at the seaside.
4. Fill in the blanks with the right form of TO BE GOING TO (affirmative or negative)
Model you are not warm enough . You.... catch cold You’re not warm enough You are
going to catch cold
a) I leave now . I .... to be late for school
b) He works hard . He , pass his exams -
c) We are in a hurry . We .... to miss the bus
d) There are clouds in the sky . It .... rain -
e) The weather forecast his excellent . It .. ... rain

5. Use the TO BE GOING TO construction or then SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE of the

verbs in brackets :

a) We (meet) our friend at the airport -

b) He (finish) the book next week
c) They (build) a new theatre hall in this district
d) He (study) military doctrine next year
e) The show (begin) in about five minutes

C. Modal verbs

CAN — We can play football -

— Can they solve these problems 7
— You cannot (can’t) speak German -

6. Answer the following questions:

a)Can you speak English ? d) Can you play tennis?
b)Can you speak Japanese ? e) Can you dance well?
c) Can he drive a car? f) Can you repair a mixer?

MAY — You may use this dictionary

— May I use this phone ?
— You may not smoke in this room
7. Ask permission
— to smoke in a room
—to open the door
— to ~it~ down
— to leave the office
— to take a book
— to use your deskmate’s pen -

MUST — You must answer my questions on the spot

— Must I write the whole text ?
Answer the following questions

a) Must you leave on Saturday?

b) Must you smoke so much?
c) Must he write the composition for tomorrow?
d) Must you stop now?
e) Must they speak English during the English class ?

Fill in the blanks with Modal Verbs :

a) You have this book when you want it -

b) .... you give me a helping hand
c) - . - he speak Russian fluently ?
d) .... you go home so soon ?
e) I . . - eat all these cakes.
f) You .... open the window.

MEMBER the following equivalents


• Rewrite the sentences using Modal Verbs :

We are not allowed to smoke in a cinema hall
They have to buy tickets when they go to the theatre
He isn’t able to speak Chinese
You are permitted to join us on our- trip
I don’t have to finish my work today
I am able to translate an easy text

Mention five actions YOU MUST / CAN I MAY do at school

Translate into English :
Cine are de gind sa raspunda la aceasta intrebare? Tom nu de gind sa conduca masina pe timp
de noapte.~ Examenele se termina mime. Mu vom ajunge la concert diseara. Grabeste—
Taxiul va sosi in cinci minute, Cind va pleca trenitl ? El se intilni cit Mary la or-a opt, in -fata
magazinului. Cind vor pe cursuriie anul acesta?

Mu ai voie sa intirzii, grabeste—te ! Pot sa te ajut la traducerec ? Ei trebuie sa vina cu trenui.

Nu avem voie Eecam in vacanta inainte de 1 august. Pot juca fotbal, dar nu sa joc haschet.
Trebuie sa ne facem datoria

1. Introductory questions :
a) Do you plan where to spend your holiday?
b) Where do you like to spend your holiday?
c) Do you take into account the advertisments?
d) Where do you intend to spend your next holiday ?
2. Reading Passage:

Holiday planning
Stop worrying and start planning ‘ Boot now your next summer holiday
“Escape to the sunny Black Sea Coast : golden sands twelve hours of sunshine and moon
— lit nights and a warm smooth sea. Comfortable hotels, inviting entertainment places. Sports
facilities .
“A land of charm and plenty ~ the Car-patinas. Glorious landscapes. Pollution — free
environment. Camping sites for all. tastes.. Cool, fresh air and crystal — clear water.”
“Enjoy a ten — day trip to the Danube Delta, the paradise of wild life. Breath — taking
sun — rises and twilight's.”
Sometimes advertisements may be of real help :people will make a better choice if they
are aware of the places available to holiday makers.

Victor : What are you going to do this summer?

Tom : I’m going to a camp -
Victor : What will you do there ?
Tom : You can have a wide choice. In the morning we go swimming, boating or climbing,
In the afternoon we play tennis or chess. At night we it round a camp fire arid sing
songs or- tell stories. We will make new friends and have lots of fun

Paul: Where will you spend your holiday this year?

David: I will probably go to my grandparents in the countryside.
Paul In a village 7 What can you do there all day long?
David: You know, I don’t like crowds when I am on holiday and I always try to get away
from other people

1. Answer the following questions:

a) What do the advertisements refer to?
b) What requirements should an advertisement meet ?
c) How can you spend your- time in each of the places advertised?
“One of the objects of travel is to go in search of beauty. The beauty — spots of the
world are magnets which draw pilgrimages year after year. Yet, even more valuables to the
traveler i.e. the knowledge, which he gets of his fellow men. It is the story of the stay — home
who is always ready to call someone, else “queer”, because his ways are a little different; the
much traveled man has sympathy with all sorts of ways and is therefore able to understand
another point of view than his own. Frequent travel to other countries would be the best
insurance against war. For when you have stayed in the homes of people of other- nations and
grown to like them and to understand their ways, you will. have the greatest antipathy for
fighting against them
(Joyce Miller :“Fifty Model Essays”)

3. Answer the following questions according to the pattern a

Model : Will he come 7 Will he dance?

He’ll come but he won’t dance

a) Will Alice be there? Will she be happy?

b) Will they work tomorrow ?Will they work on Sunday?
c) Will you do that ?Will you like it?
d) Will she join us? Will she stay long?
e) Will you plug it in? Will it war-k?
4. Ask questions to which the underlined words are the answer:
Model a Paul is going to study TACTICS
What is Paul going to study?
Paul will study in SIBIU
Where will Paul study?

a) George will meet is friends outside the cinema

b) Ann’s mother- is going to make cakes tomorrow
c) They’ll finish this text book next year
d) He is going to buy a tent
e) The students will have lunch at the canteen
f) Tom is going to answer this letter- in three days.

1. State whether the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE Replace the “false” sentences

a) My parents live in Bucharest

b) I am living in Pitesti
ci We study at the Military College
d) We have two English classes every week
e) My deskmate is the first in our platoon
f) Spring begins on the 25th of May
g) It is half past nine , now
h) The cadets are taking dictation
i) I went home yesterday
j) I’m going to spend my summer holiday in the countryside
2. Complete the following sentences , paying attention to the tenses a
a) I always
b) This time yesterday he
c) Next week we ....
d) Last year they .
e) You ... . today
f) She .. . now
g) Every day we
h) I usually
i) In the afternoon he
j) Taw weeks ago they

3. Speak about yourself, answering the following questions a

a) What is your name ?
b) How old are you ?
c) What do you do every day?
d) When do you have your meals?
e) When do you go to sleep ?
9) What kind of books are worth reading in you opinion?
h) What did you read last week ?
i) Have you any hobbies?
j) What subjects are you good at?

4. Ask questions on the underlined words a

a) He’ll see her at the station
b) We saw him last Monday
c) I shall help him
d) They were having a nap when John arrived
e) You come to school to learn
f) He meets his friend in the street
5.Give arguments for and against spending your holiday.
— in the countryside
— in a big city
— at home
— in a camp

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