Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Dogs and Cats

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Volume 45 | Issue 2 Article 5


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Dogs and Cats

Toby J. Kimm
Iowa State University

James O. Noxon
Iowa State University

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Kimm, Toby J. and Noxon, James O. (1983) "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Dogs and Cats," Iowa State University Veterinarian: Vol.
45 : Iss. 2 , Article 5.
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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in
Dogs and Cats
Toby J. Kimm, BS, DVM*
James O. Noxon, DVM**

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an The possibility of a viral cause comes from
autoimmune disease affecting multiple systems work where cell-free filtrates of SLE cases were
and has been reported in humans, dogs, and injected into pups, and antinuclear antibodies
cats. Although known since the 19th century in were produced. 11 However, none of the animals
humans, SLE was not recognized in the dog in this study developed clinical signs of SLE.
until 1965. 1 Since the first case :report, a num- Evidence that an immunologic disorder con-
ber of cases have been documented in the dog. tributes to the pathogenesis of SLE comes from
On the other hand, the first case of SLE to be work in the r~ew Zealand Black and r~ew
suspected in the cat was in 1971,2 and only five Zealand White mice. These mice provide an
further cases have appeared in the litera- animal model for the study of SLE in humans
ture. 3 ,4,S,6 and have been shown to lose suppressor T-cell
The· incidence of SLE in dogs and cats has activity with age. 12 The loss of this activity has
not been estimated; however, the incidence in been associated with the onset of clinical signs.
humans has been speculated to be approxi- Many drugs have been reported to cause the
mately 5 cases per 100,000 population. 7 In hu- production of antinuclear antibodies in people.
mans, the disease is much more common in A recent reporrt 3 has shown that hydralazine is
females (approximately 75 % of cases). How- capable of causing the production of antinu-
ever, review of cases in the dog reveals no sex clear antibodies in dogs, although the dogs in
predilection, 8 and there are too few cases in the this study remained clinically normal.
cat to comment. The most common age group Finally, certain environmental factors have
affected in the dog is 2 to 8 years, and no breed been incriminated in the pathogenesis of SLE.
predilection has been determined. 9 For instance, ultraviolet light has been thought
to exacerbate the skin lesions in SLE. 14
ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS An autoimmune disease is caused by an im-
The cause of SLE is unknown. However, mune response directed against an individual's
genetic factors, viruses, immunologic disorde- own tissues. In SLE, autoantibodies are
rs, pharmacological agents, and environmental directed against: nuclear antigens including na-
factors have been suspected. Quimby et aI., 10 in tive DNA, RNA, histones, and nucleoproteins;
work with dog.s, postulates the existence of cellular surface antigens on leukocytes, eryth-
genes in SLE: those that permit a general dis- rocytes, and platelets; and against certain cyto-
position to autoimmunity (Class I) and those plasmic antigens such as lysosomes and riboso-
that determine the phenotype of the disease mes. 1S
(Class II). Permissive alleles of Class I genes The mechanism involved in damage to tis-
are associated with the production of autoanti- sues in SLE is primarily a Type III hypersen-
bodies, whereas Class II genes determine sitivity reaction where immune complexes are
manifestations of the disease. The development deposited in various tissues, principally along
of SLE results from interaction between genes blood vessels and basement membranes. The
of both classes. immune complexes are composed of autoanti-
bodies and antigens which activate comple-
*Dr. Kimm is a 1983 graduate of the Iowa State
University College of Veterinary Medicine. ment. Complement activation, in turn, attracts
**Dr. Noxon is an assistant professor in Veterinary neutrophils to set up an inflammatory re-
Clinical Sciences at Iowa State University. sponse. Autoantibodies directed against hema-

VOl. 45, No. 2 105

topoietic cells result in a Type II hypersensitiv-
ity," wherein autoantibodies bind to the cell
involved (for example an erythrocyte) and
either lyse the cell by activation of complement
or cause phagocytosis of the cell.


Clincial signs of SLE are extremely variable.
SLE is classically described as having four syn-
dromes: autoimmune hemolytic anemia,
thrombocytopenia, symmetrical polyarthritis,
and immune complex (membranous) glomeru-
litis. Dermatologic lesions are also very com-
mon. 6 Pleuritis, meningitis, and gastrointes-
tinal disorders such as ulcerative colitis are
encountered much less frequently. 16 The disease
in a particular animal may have any or all of
the above syndromes involved, and the devel-
opment of various clinical signs may occur in
any order."

Incidence of Signs in 29 Cases of Definite or
Probable SLE in Dogs Seen at the University
of Pennsylvania"
Signs Incidence (%)
Musculoskeletal system 58.6
Skin 44.8 Fig. 1. AP view of a canine tarsal joint with
Anemia (Coombs' positive) 27.5 soft tissue swelling.
Glomerulonephritis 20.7 abnormalities, although soft tissue swelling
Thrombocytopenia 13.8
Leukopenia 10.3 may be observed. Histopathologically, the syn-
Fever 4-1.4- ovium is found to be thickened from infiltration
CNS signs 6.9 of inflammatory cells. The greatest number of
cells is found adjacent to or contained within
the synovial cell layer. 16
Musculoskeletal signs: This system is the one Polymyositis, although much less common
most frequently involved in canine cases (Table than polyarthritis, may occur. The most preva-
1).".'6 There are two forms of musculoskeletal lent clinical signs of polymyositis are muscular
involvement: polyarthritis and polymyositis. atrophy and weakness in addition to dysphagia
The arthritis associated with SLE, in contrast from megaesophagus. 19 Pathologic lesions con-
to rheumatoid arthritis, is nonerosive.1 6 About sist of myofiber necrosis and phagocytosis,
50 % of cases have widespread joint involve- perivascular and interstitial infiltrations of
ment (more than 5 joints). 16 These dogs present mononuclear cells, and type I and II myofiber
with a rigid walk and take short steps; some degeneration and vacuolation. '9
refuse to walk. Dogs with fewer joints involved Dermatologic Signs: Cutaneous manifestations
may present with posterior weakness and mi- are exhibited in about 50% of SLE cases in the
gratory lameness. Some dogs may appear to dog, and 33 % of the six cases reported in cats
have only one joint involved, but synovial fluid were presented with skin lesions.' Lesions are
exam often shows several joints to be affected, extremely variable but usually involve the
one having more intense inflammation than the nose, head, and ears, and often show symme-
others. Fluctuation of clinical signs with time is try. 17 Lesions are alopecic, crusted, and scarred,
common. There are often visible enlargements and exhibit a chronic onset. 20 There is a bullous
of joints, especially in the carpus and tarsus. phase in both the cat and the dog which is
Synovial fluid leukocyte counts average transient,' but lesions are rarely ulcerative."
74,500 cells/mm 3 with the majority of cells be- There may also be evidence of a chronic bacte-
ing neutrophils. '6 Radiography reveals no joint rial skin disease, but the condition is nonre-

106 Iowa State Veterinarian

Fig. 2. Skin biopsy from a dog with SLE. Notice the hydropic degeneration of the basal cell layer
and the dermal-epidermal cleft. (X 51)
sponsive to antibiotics.' Another form of the thrombocytopenia is autoimmune hemolytic
disease, discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), anemia (AIHA),17 which is Coombs' positive.
exists in the dog. The lesions of DLE are usual- About 17 % of dogs with AIHA have the condi-
ly confined to the nasal area and may have tion as a consequence of SLE. 2' Of SLE re-
ulcerations of the tongue." However, in con- ported in the cat, two cases have had AIHA
trast to SLE, DLE is usually negative for both and one has had thrombocytopenia as major
the antinuclear antibody (ANA) and lupus ery- signs. 3.5 •6 Animals with AIHA will show signs of
thematosus (LE) cell tests, and involves no sys- weakness, pallor, and possible icterus."
tems other than the skin. Spherocytosis, polychromasia, and reticulocy-
Histopathologically, there is hyperkeratosis tosis accompany the anemia.,,·23 Hyperbiliru-
with keratotic plugging around the append- binemia, with more than 50 % of the total
ages. 17 Hydropic degeneration occurs in the ba- serum bilirubin being unconjugated, may also
sal cells of the epidermis, and there is edema of be found. The plasma protein value will usual-
the dermis with fibrinoid deposits around colla- ly be normal or increased in these cases. A
gen. Extravasation of erythrocytes in the upper normochromic and normocytic anemia may al-
dermis may be seen as well as pigmentary in- so be seen in SLE. Approximately 70% of hu-
continence. man SLE patients are afflicted with anemia re-
Hematologic Signs: Immune-mediated throm- sulting from chronic disease,' and it is
bocytopenia (platelet factor 3 [PF-3] positive) suspected a similar incidence is present in the
may cause presenting signs such as petechiae canine.
and ecchymoses in skin and mucous mem- Leukopenia may occur in SLE as a result of
branes, hematuria, melena, and epistaxis. 17." complement activation and the generation of
One study found that about 10% of dogs with chemotactic fragments. 17 However, in lupus
autoimmune thrombocytopenia also had SLE dogs with AIHA or with complicating infec-
(based on a positive LE cell test).23 Platelet tions, a leukocytosis with a left shift will be
levels are decreased below 100,000 platelets/ present.'s
mm 3 and megakaryocytes are very numerous Renal signs: An immune-complex- glomerulo-
in the bone marrow. 22 nephritis will reveal a proteinuria in the pres-
A more frequent SLE manifestation than ence of a normal urine specific gravity, at least

Vol. 45, No. 2 107

early in the course of the disease before tubular trophil which has engulfed nuclear material.' A
function is involved. Hypoalbuminemia with round structure representing the phagocytosed
subsequent edema formation may result. His- material is found in the cytoplasm of the neu-
topathologically, thickening of Bowman's cap- trophil, compressing the nucleus to one side of
sules and hyalinization of glomeruli are found.' the cell. Occasionally LE cells are seen in joint
Fever: Many reports emphasize the presence fluid from an animal with SLE, however it is
of a fever (103_106°F)."5,'6,21 The fever may be primarily a laboratory phenomenon. The LE
intermittent or constant. cell preparation requires much time and expe-
rience to perform. '8 The procedure includes
DIAGNOSIS passing both serum and clot through a fine wire
Diagnosis of SLE can be extremely challeng- mesh.' Collected material is then placed in a
ing because of the variety of clinical syndromes Wintrobe hematocrit tube and centrifuged for
that make up this disease. The diagnosis is ten minutes at high speed. The buffy coat is
based on clinical signs, clinical pathologic nnd- used to make smears which are stained and
ings, pathologic abnormalities, serologic crite- examined for LE cells. A positive test is indi-
ria and specialized immunologic tests. In man, cated when two or more LE cells are found.
SLE is diagnosed when a minimum number of
diagnostic criteria, including clinical signs and
laboratory findings, are detected. Several simi-
lar diagnostic schemes have been proposed to
assist in diagnosing canine SLE. Other than
employing several diagnostic criteria pre-
viously discussed, these diagnostic aids rely on
specialized procedures that are discussed be-
The antinuclear antibody titer (test) is a pro-
cedure used to detect antibodies to a variety of
nuclear antigens. This test is positive in a high
percentage of clinical SLE cases, however the
actual percentage of cases in which significant
titers are reported varies from 40 to 100 de-
pending on the study cited.','B,25 Of the six re-
ported cases of feline SLE, 50% have been
ANA positive. The ANA titer is constant from
day to day and is relatively corticosteroid resist- Fig. 3. Lupus erythematosus cell from a cat
ant. If clinical remission is achieved, titers fall. with SLE. (oil immersion)
Therefore, the ANA titer can be used as an
indicator of disease activity. A high titer in a The reported incidence of the LE cell phe-
patient which has become clinically asympto- nomenon in naturally occurring SLE varies
matic indicates disease exacerbation.' with different studies. In general 60-90% of
To perform the ANA test, dilutions of serum SLE cases are positive.' 8 ,25 Four of the six re-
from the suspected patient are applied over a ported cases of feline SLE were LE cell posi-
substrate such as mouse layer cells. 17 The prep- tive. The LE cell test is more specific for SLE
aration is then washed after a suitable incuba- than the ANA test. 9 Unlike the ANA test, the
tion period. A fluorescein-conjugated anti- LE cell test rapidly becomes negative with cor-
canine IgG serum is added, the system is ticosteroid treatment. IS
incubated and the slide is then rinsed again. Direct immunofluorescence testing is a spe-
Both pattern of fluorescence (ring or speckled) cialized procedure helpful in diagnosing SLE.
and titer are obtained. Titers vary from lab to Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) is used to
lab and also vary according to substrate used. detect immunoglobulin and complement de-
Normal sera occasionally will have significant posited in the basement membrane zone at the
titers, therefore, the ANA test cannot be used dermal-epidermal junction or in the glomerular
as the only basis for diagnosis. 8 capillaries. 9 When using DIF on skin, the test is
The LE cell test is another major criterion referred to as the lupus band test. The lupus
used to diagnose SLE. The LE cell is a neu- band test is a sensitive indicator of lupus ery-

108 Iowa State Vtiterinarian

thematosus in lesional skin. 4 Direct immuno- splenectomy,18 since the spleen is the principle
fluorescence of renal biopsy specimens will site of destruction of antibody-sensitized red
show a discontinuous granular deposition on cells and a major site of antibody production. 24
the glomerular capillary 100ps.1s Direct, rather However, in dogs these two functions may be
than indirect immunofluorescence, must be taken over by other sites and relapses will occur
used in the dog since circulating autoantibody even in the face of splenectomy.24 Some reports,
titers are 10w. 9 nonetheless, show that as many as 50 % of
Other immunologic criteria, although not splenectomies performed in dogs will be
specific for SLE, may aid the diagnosis by de- successful in the treatment of AIHA. 22 Splenec-
tecting autoantibodies directed at other tissues. tomy may also aid in the treatment of thrombo-
These tests include the direct Coomb's test (an- cytopenia, although results are variable. 22
ti-erythrocyte antibodies) and the platelet factor Since SLE has been associated with a loss of
3 test (for antiplatelet antibodies). A serum suppressor T-cell function, two drugs in addi-
protein electrophoresis may detect an increase tion to corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents,
in the gamma globulin concentration which may be useful. Levamisole, because it is a T-
represents increased production of immuno- cell modulator, may regenerate some of the lost
globulin. T-cell function. Another drug which may re-
generate regulation by suppressor T-cells is thy-
TREATMENT mosin fraction V. This drug is derived from the
Treatment of SLE is centered around two bovine fetal thymus gland and will cross species
categories of nonselective, nonspecific cell func- barriers. Neither of these drugs has been re-
tion modulating drugs, corticosteroids and cy- ported to treat canine or feline SLE, although
totoxic agents. 26 Corticosteroids are used be- use of either drug could be attempted in a case
cause they inhibit monocyte and macrophage which is nonresponsive to other therapy.
function. Cytotoxic agents, on the other hand,
are used to depress antibody production. When PROGNOSIS
used together, the drugs exhibit a complemen- Patients which are afflicted with hemolytic
tary action. anemia and thrombocytopenia are the ones
The drug of choice initially is prednisone or which will most often require cytotoxic agents
prednisolone at a dosage of 2-4 mg/kg body and extensive therapy. 18 However, most pa-
weight given orally and divided into two daily tients without these two syndromes will re-
doses. The dosage is decreased as clinical signs spond favorably to prednisone therapy and will
go into remission. The decrease in dosage remain in clinical remission for long periods of
should be done by incrementally dropping the time. The principle prognostic component for
dosage by halves every two weeks until alter- I SLE patients is the presence of glomerulone-
nate day dosaging is sufficient to maintain re- phritis. 18 Many SLE patients with glomerulo-
mission. Cessation of therapy may be at- nephritis will progress into renal failure, and
tempted so long as the patient is monitored. 21 uremia will result in death. 22
Many cases will not respond to corticoster-
oids alone and will need cyclophosphamide or REFERENCES
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