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G14FOS University of Nottingham

Week 8 problem class: Linear models

1. Given the following theoretical relationships between Y and X, with α and β unknown,
can you find ways of expressing the relationship in a linear manner?

(a) Y = αeβX ,
(b) Y = αX β ,
(c) Y = log(α + eβX ).

2. Suppose a model states that

E(Y1 ) = θ, E(Y2 ) = 2θ − φ, E(Y3 ) = θ + 2φ.

Find the least squares estimates of θ and φ.

3. Under certain conditions, the yield (Y ) of a chemical process can be described via the
Y = αX β ,
where X is the amount of catalyst provided.

(a) Assume that the log of the yield is normally distributed and estimate the parameters
α and β for the data given below.
(b) Test the hypothesis that the yield is proportional to the amount of catalyst cubed.

0.241 0.5
0.445 0.6
0.667 0.7
1.044 0.8
1.358 0.9
2.010 1.0

4. An experiment was performed to see how the plant-available phosphorous in a soil sam-
ple, Y , was predicted by two measures of organic phosphorous: that hydrolysed by hy-
pobromite, x1 , and that not hydrolysed by hypobromite, x2 . It was decided to fit the
Yi = β0 + β1 x1i + β2 x2i + ǫi , i = 1, . . . , n.
A computer package produces the following results:

Model fitted Residual Sum of Squares (or Deviance)
β0 10197.1
β0 + β1 x1 4235.2
β0 + β2 x2 8249.3
β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 3807.2

Use appropriate tests of βi = 0, i = 1, 2 to find the most appropriate model for predicting
plant available phosphorous, giving reasons for your choice (sample size is 18.)

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