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Sentence Effectiveness Discussion a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with

a semicolon.
I. The following statements are true about
sentences in English: Key: independent clause = yellow,
bold; comma or semicolon = pink, regular font;
 A new sentence begins with a capital coordinating conjunction = green, underlined
letter. Here are a few examples:
o He obtained his degree.

 She completed her literature

 A sentence ends with punctuation (a review, and she created her reference
period, a question mark, or an list.
exclamation point).  He organized his sources by
o He obtained his degree.
theme; then, he updated his
reference list.
 A sentence contains a subject that is  They studied APA rules for many
only given once. hours, but they realized there was still
o Smith he obtained his degree. much to learn.

 A sentence contains a verb or a verb Using some compound sentences in writing

phrase. allows for more sentence variety.
o He obtained his degree.

 A sentence follows Subject + Verb +

Complex Sentences
Object word order.
o He (subject) obtained (verb) hi A complex sentence contains at
s degree (object). least one  independent clause and at
least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses
 A sentence must have a complete idea can refer to the subject (who, which) the
that stands alone. This is also called an sequence/time (since, while), or the causal
independent clause. elements (because, if) of the independent
o He obtained his degree. clause.
If a sentence begins with a dependent
Simple Sentences clause, note the comma after this clause. If, on
the other hand, the sentence begins with an
A simple sentence contains a subject and a independent clause, there is not a comma
verb, and it may also have an object and separating the two clauses.
modifiers. However, it contains
only one independent clause. Key: independent clause = yellow,
bold; comma = pink, regular font; dependent
Key: Yellow, bold = subject; green underline = clause = blue, italics
verb, blue, italics = object, pink, regular
font =prepositional phrase Here are a few examples:
Here are a few examples:
 Although she completed her literature
review, she still needed to work on
 She read.
her methods section.
 She completed her literature review. o Note the comma in this
 He organized his sources by theme. sentence because it begins with
 They studied APA rules for many hours. a dependent clause.

Compound Sentences  Because he organized his sources by

A compound sentence contains at theme, it was easier for his readers to
least two independent clauses.  These two follow.
independent clauses can be combined with
o Note the comma in this A complete sentence contains A subject (at
sentence because it begins with least a noun), A verb (action), A complete
a dependent clause. thought

 They studied APA rules for many A fragment sentence is an incomplete

hours as they were so interesting. sentence. One or more parts of the complete
o Note that there is no comma in sentence are missing, Fragments are
this sentence because it begins PHRASES or DEPENDENTCLAUSES
with an independent clause.
Phrase=group of words w/o subject and/or verb
 Using some complex sentences in
writing allows for more sentence variety.
Dependent clause=has a verb and subject, but
cannot stand on its own, begins w/dependent
Compound-Complex Sentences
Sentence types can also be combined. A
compound-complex sentence contains at The parts of a complete sentence are its building
least two independent clauses and at blocks.
least one dependent clause.
Key: independent clause = yellow, First--Ask yourself, IS THERE A VERB?
bold; comma or semicolon = pink, regular font;
coordinating conjunction = green, underlined; Next--Ask yourself, IS THERE A SUBJECT?
dependent clause = blue, italics
Next--Ask yourself IS THERE A WORD GROUP
 She completed her literature THAT DOES NOT HAVE A COMPLETE
review, but she still needs to work on THOUGHT? (often begins with because or
her methods section even though she
finished her methods course last
 Although he organized his sources by Two ways to repair fragment sentences
theme, he decided to arrange them
chronologically, and he carefully Attach fragment to a nearby sentence and Add
followed the MEAL plan for missing words to the fragment to make it into a
organization.  complete sentence
 With pizza and soda at hand, they
studied APA rules for many Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
hours, and they decided that writing
in APA made sense because it was
clear, concise, and objective. What is a modifier? a word or phrase that
qualifies (modifies) a word, phrase or clause
 Using some complex-compound
sentences in writing allows for Types:
more sentence variety.
 Pay close attention to comma usage in adjectives (modify nouns and pronouns) (for
complex-compound sentences so that example: the RED house)
the reader is easily able to follow the
intended meaning. adverbs (modify verbs) (for example: he ran
What is a Complete Sentence?
modifier phrases (modify an action or an actor)
A complete sentence is an independent clause (LOOKING AT THE CLOCK, he noticed that he
was late)
What is a misplaced modifier? : a misplaced Split construction is separating parts that are
modifier is a word or word group whose closely related in a sentence. The splitting of
placement suggests that it modifies one word or verbs in a verb phrase and two parts of an
phrase when it is intended to modify another. It infinitive may result in an awkwardness and lack
make sentence unclear and confusing to fix this of clarity.
place the modifier before or after the word it
modifies Example: INCORRECT: In order to look
beautiful, one has to everyday smile.
Ways: : Revise the sentence, taking care to put
modifying words, phrases, and clauses in a CORRECT: In order to look beautiful, one has to
position that clearly identifies the headword and smile everyday.
that does not awkwardly interrupt a sentence.
HINT: Usually, you can just expand the main Faulty parallelism results when equivalent
clause ideas follows different grammatical forms. When
elements within a sentence are not balanced,
Examples Incorrect: More beautiful than any they exhibit faulty parallelism.
human being, the explorer noticed the mermaid.
Example: INCORRECT: Danilo enjoys reading,
Correct: The explorer noticed the mermaid, to write and sing.
which was more beautiful than
any human being. CORRECT: Danilo enjoys reading, writing and
What is a dangling modifier? A dangling
modifier is a word or phrase that cannot logically CONSISTENCY IN PERSON AND IN NUMBER
describe, limit, or restrict any word or word
group in the sentence. In grammar, the word TENSE tells the time of an
action or an assertion. Every noun or pronoun
Ways Add a word or word group that the has a particular person (first, second, third) and
dangling modifier can logically modify number (singular and plural). Similar to
consistency in tense, you have to be consistent
Examples Incorrect: Using a variety of in the use of person and number throughout
pedagogical techniques, the students were your and sentences and paragraphs.
taught grammar.
Correct: Using a variety of pedagogical means the giving of equal weights and
techniques, the teacher taught the students emphasis to various units within a sentence by
grammar. the use of words or group of resolve
this you can use the FANBOYS conjunctions,
Run on sentence is made up of two or more FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO. For result
sentences joined without the proper and conjunctive adverbs use therefore, thus,
pronunciation or a suitable conjunction. consequently and hence for cause and effect.
However for contrast, similarly and likewise
Example INCORRECT: Jim loves adventure he for comparison, then and next for enumeration.
climbs mountains and treks across the country
on his own. Wordiness results when one uses more words
than necessary to convey a meaning.
CORRECT: Jim loves adventure, he climbs
mountains and treks across the country on his Redundancy results when the writer uses
own. unnecessary repetition.
Choppiness results when closely related ideas objective complement. It follows the direct
in a paragraph are individually stated in several object.)
short sentences.
D.O. O.C. (adjective)
There are four (4) kinds of complements. A 2. The JRU student council made Henry glad.
complement in a word or words that complete
the meaning of transitive verb in a sentence or 4. Subjective Complements
a clause. They are words that come after linking verbs
1. Direct Object and identify or describe the subjects. There are
three kinds of subjective complements;
It is a noun or pronoun that receives the action predicate nominative, predicate adjective
of the transitive verb. It answers the questions: and predicate pronoun.
what or whom.
1. Predicate Nominative
It is a noun that follows a linking verb and refers
She bought a new calculator. to, renames, or explains the subject of the
(What did she buy? Calculator is the direct
object) Predicate Nominative

2. Indirect Object Danilo will become a lawyer.

It is a noun or pronoun that comes before the (The subject is Danilo and the linking verb is will
direct object in a sentence. Indirect Object become. Lawyer is predicate nominative.)
shows for whom or to whom the action of the
verb is done. 2. Predicate Adjective

Example: It is an adjective that follows the linking verb and

modifies the subject of the sentence.
I.O D.O.
Predicate Adjective
She bought me a new calculator.
Juan Luna, the movie is interesting.
(For whom is the calculator? Me is the indirect
object. Notice that it comes before the direct 3. Predicate Pronoun
object.) It is a pronoun that follows the linking verb and
3. Objective Complement identifies the subject of the verb.

It is a noun or an adjective that follows, modifies Amie: Hello. May I speak to Joy?
or renames the direct object of a verb. Objective Predicate Pronoun
complements appear with verbs like: consider,
name, find, think, elect, appoint and choose and Joy : This is he.
the verbs of senses not used as state of being
verbs. The Bible gives us passages which are direct
and indirect speech. For example, And God
Examples: said, “Go forth and multiply”, is a direct speech.

D.O.  In a Direct speech, the words of the

speaker are given exactly as they were
1. The JRU student council voted Henry
president. OC (noun)

(Henry is the direct object. The JRU student Example: “Albert said, I am going to
council voted Henry what? President is the retire by the end of 2017”.
 Indirect speech, the words of speaker PARAGRAPH
are not given as spoken but are given A good paragraph has two qualities: (1)
indirectly. Unity. Every paragraph must have unity;
that is, it must keep to the topic; they should
Example: “Albert said, that he’s going to retire at help to develop the topic; they should give
the end of 2017. more information about the central idea and
(2) Coherence. One sentence leads to the
When changing from direct to indirect next sentence in a natural and logical order,
speech, there are rules to follow: so that the main idea of the paragraph is
1. If the sentence is imperative, make use of the easy to follow. Coherence means “sticking
infinitive “to”. Imperative sentence gives polite together”.
request. ORDER- how you organize the supporting
 Direct speech: “The professors said to COMPLETENESS- the paragraph is well-
the students, please study your lesson.” developed.
 Indirect speech: “The professor told us
to study our lesson.” TYPES OF PARAGRAPHS
2. If the sentence is declarative, use “that”. > Narrative Paragraph Are most
Declarative sentence is a statement which frequently used in fiction and personal
starts with a capital letter and ends with a statements.
period. > Requires consequently, accounting for
sequential order of events and
 Direct speech: “Natty remarked, The chronology.
guests speaks English well.” > Like telling the reader story.
 Indirect speech: “Natty remarked that descriptive Paragraph
the guest speaks English well.” > Describing and creating a dominant
3. If the sentence is interrogative which is sensory impression to the readers.
answerable by “yes” or “no” , use “if”. > Help the readers to understand a story
Interrogative sentence is a statement which is setting by creating visual pictures and
asking a question. giving readers a mental image of a
 Direct speech: “Have you eaten your > Allow the readers to experience the
lunch, the professor asked.” phenomenon, item or event described in
 Indirect speech: “ The professor asked detail.
me if I have eaten my lunch.” EXPOSITORY Paragraph
A paragraph is a group of related sentences > Written in order to clarify or explain
developing one topic or idea. problems or phenomena, and requires
strict focus on evidence and objective
> Provides essential examples as well as
 A good paragraph can be comparison & contrast, or cause &
divided into three parts : (1) a beginning effect writing as both facilitate accurate
sentence, (2) middle sentence, and (3) exposition on the subject matter.
an ending sentence. The beginning persuasive Paragraph
sentence begins the paragraph, attracts > Require exhortatory and dynamic
attention and gives a hint of what is to language.
follow. It may also express the central > Are aimed and persuading the reader
thought of the paragraph. The middle into taking a particular action or
sentences develop the thought adopting a certain point view.
introduced in the beginning sentence. > Aim to get the reader’s reaction,
The ending sentence gives the detail, accepting or understanding the writer’s
sums up the paragraph. Or makes a position or proposal.
personal comment > Usually, rhetorical devices are employed
in order to influence the reader’s

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