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Ben Phillips

Evidence: Standard 1.1, 1.4 & 1.5
7s Profile and differentiation strategies
Figure 1 - Profiling of class and differentiation needs 1
Figure 2 - Profiling of class and differentiation needs 2

Differentiation Ideas

Student Class Reason Strategy

OB 8s – Tas Literacy skills ICT, video, verbally share understanding/ formative
-W assessment. When reading large passages share the
reading among students, stop and then discuss - note
taking. Realistic activities - tie to real world situations
FB 7s – Tas- Literacy skills ICT, video, verbally share understanding/ formative
F assessment. When reading large passages share the
reading among students, stop and then discuss - note
HW 7H – ADHD/ Autism / Aide for most lessons. Regular check ins throughout
Tas-L Sensory disorder lesson. Discuss content and activity to gauge
XP 7s – Tas- Time Aide – Regularly check in to ensure he is on task. Be
F management explicit of what he will need for the class at the start.
Tends to forget thing - Workflow
CJ 7s – Tas- Time Regularly check in – Workflow activities
F management Explicit step by step direction

TH 7s – Tas- Needs to be Regularly check in with her during theory activities,

F pushed and I do, we do, you do
extended, - hinge activities of real-world situations
Indigenous - Link with personal experiences (those of the teachers
student and students)
- Build trust
CH 9/10 Time Regularly checking in with him checking what his doing
Tas-W management and and what he will be doing next – Workflow
difficulty staying 1 on 1 demonstration and discussion – explicit step by
on task step directon
Co H 9/10 ADHD In theory activities encourage but do not push him to
Tas-W complete tasks – ends in an argument/ combative.
Allow him to verbally show his understanding and using
formative assessment.
Excels in wood and metal, encourage to peer teach.
Link to real world situations - Design etc
MH 8s – Tas- Time Regularly checking in that she is on task
W management –
Prac activities
TV 8H- Tas- Anger Separate from Harmony – can be violent
L management / Regularly check in in both prac and theory lessons
application Set short term goals for the lesson
HN 9/10 Physical disability Provide a stool when cooking
TAS - FT – cannot walk or Haylee has an aide to assist with putting things in the
stand for oven and retrieving ingredients
extended periods
JM 9/10 Tas Indigenous I do, we do, you do
-W Student - hinge activities of real-world situations
- Link with personal experiences (those of the teachers
and students)
- Build trust
JH 9/10 Tas Indigenous I do, we do, you do
-W student - hinge activities of real-world situations
- Link with personal experiences (those of the teachers
and students)
- Build trust
Ja H 8s – Tas Indigenous I do, we do, you do
-W student - hinge activities of real-world situations
- Link with personal experiences (those of the teachers
and students)
- Build trust
Table 1 – Differentiation ideas all classes


TAS/W = wood

TAS/FT= Food Technology

TAS/L= Lead lighting

TAS/M= Metal

Boulton-Lewis, G. M., Marton, F., Lewis, D.C., & Wilss, L. A., (2000), Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander university students’ conceptions of formal
learning and experiences of informal learning, Higher Education, 39,
469–488, retrieved from

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