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Relative permittivity assessment of oil-impregnated cellulose insulation

Conference Paper · October 2019


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2 authors, including:

Mladen Marković
Končar D&ST


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Relative permittivity assessment of oil-impregnated
cellulose insulation
Mladen Marković, Marijana Majić Renjo,
Končar D&ST Inc., J. Mokrovića 8, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract—Insulating system of a power transformer consists of an insulating liquid (mineral oil or ester liquid) and cellulose-
based materials (paper and pressboard). Dielectric properties of an insulating material may be expressed in terms of relative
permittivity and material conductivity. Material conductivity influences electric fields in power transformers exposed to DC
voltages (e. g. HVDC transformers), whereas relative permittivity is more relevant in power transformers subjected to power
frequency (50 or 60 Hz). It is well known that a higher discrepancy between relative permittivity of liquid-impregnated
material and insulating liquid increases electric field in insulating liquid. It is therefore essential to know values of relative
permittivity of cellulose-based materials in order to properly evaluate electric field strengths in the transformer. This paper
presents both theoretical and practical approach to relative permittivity assessment of two types of cellulose material in two
different impregnation states.
Index Terms—electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, power transformer, insulation, relative permittivity, impregnation

The main purpose of the insulation system of a power transformer is to dielectrically separate parts of a transformer
with different electric potential. Well-designed transformer insulation allows transformer to work properly during its
lifetime. Insulating system consists mainly of cellulose based materials (paper and pressboard) and insulating liquid
(mineral oil or ester liquids). Combination of liquid and solid insulation enables impregnation of insulating liquid into
the porous cellulose material. This new kind of oil-impregnated material has higher value of relative permittivity than
the cellulose material alone. [1]–[4] For the material of angle rings and angle caps in simple disc winding (Fig. 1),
Končar D&ST currently uses a wound kraft paper glued with poly(vinyl)alcohol (PVA) glue, in this work termed
‘material K’. Due to proposal for abandonment of gluing technology, a question was raised if ‘material K’ can be
replaced with another kind of cellulose material, namely a pressboard designated as B.4.1 according to IEC 60641-3-1,
in this work noted as ‘material S’. Since relative permittivities of both of materials ‘K’ and ‘S’ in oil-impregnated state
were unknown, an investigation was conducted in order to quantify the influence of impregnation on relative
permittivity of these two materials.

Figure 1: Position of angle cap and angle ring inside an HV winding [1]


Relative permittivity εr (also dielectric constant) is a measure of polarization of a material in electric field (the higher
the permittivity, the greater is polarization of the material). Polarization occurs when electric field displaces charge
carriers in atoms (electron polarization), molecules (atom polarization), molecule groups (molecular polarization) or
crystals (lattice polarization) as shown on Fig. 2. [2]

Figure 2: Polarization in a) atoms and molecules b) molecule groups c) crystals ([2], Figure 2.4-1)
Mineral oil is composed of symmetric, non-polar molecules that give this dielectric material relatively small dielectric
constant εoil = 2,2. Cellulose fiber is expected to have relative permittivity 5,1 ≤ εF ≤ 6,1. Due to impregnation process in
which porous material (paper) absorbs liquid (mineral oil), a new value of relative permittivity εimp will be established
and will depend on apparent density δP of the paper, as described by the following theory reproduced from [3].

Firstly, relative absorption ‘a’ can be defined as a weight ratio of absorbed oil in the paper
Voil   oil
a , (1)
VP   P

Voil – oil volume,
δoil – oil density = 0,866 g/cm³ (at 20 °C) [3],
VP – paper volume,
δP – paper density.

In case of unimpregnated paper, weight of paper is equal to weight of fibers, namely

VP   P  VF   F , (2)

VF – fiber volume
δF – fiber density = 1,43 g/cm³ [3]

In case of impregnated paper, volume occupied by oil is

Voil  VP  VF . (3)

By inserting VP from (2) in (3), this gives

 
Voil  VF  F  1  , (4)
 P 
and the relative absorption rate ‘a’ from (1) becomes:

 1 1 
a   oil    , (5)
 P F 
Voil  
 a P  1 P . (6)
VP  oil F

Secondly, if cellulose material is represented as fiber matrix impregnated with oil, each cell of the matrix structure can
be represented with cube volumes as shown on Fig. 3 whose edge ratio K is defined as:

Voil 
K 3  3 1 P , (7)

where K is edge ratio of cubes of oil and fiber on Fig. 3, and δP and δF are explained in (1) and (2).

Figure 3: Representation of impregnated cellulose material

Thirdly, the capacitance of an impregnated cell Cimp can be calculated according to Fig. 4 with equivalent circuit shown
on Fig. 5, for which capacitance values CF1, CF2 and Coil are calculated as simple disk capacitors
C   0 r , (8)
where C is capacitance of a disk capacitor with relative permittivity εr, surface A and thickness d, with corresponding
values given in Table I.

Figure 4: Calculation of Cimp

Figure 5: Equivalent circuit for Cimp from Fig. 4


C εr A d
CF1 εF 1-K² 1
CF2 εF K² (1-K)/2
Coil εoil K² K

Therefore, according to (8) and Fig. 5, the equivalent capacitance Cimp is equal to
CF2 Coil
Cimp  CF1  , (9)
CF2  2Coil

where CF1, CF2 and Coil are capacitances of a disk capacitor (8) with permittivity, area and length according to Table I.

Fourthly and finally, the equivalent permittivity of impregnated cell is calculated from (9) and is equal to:

 F oil K 2
 imp   F 1  K 2   , (10)
 F K   oil 1  K 

where εF = 5,1, εoil = 2,2, [3] and value of K depends on paper and fiber density according to (6).

For simplicity of further calculation, function (10) can be linearized for paper density range 0,7 ≤ δP ≤ 1,3 and expressed
  P   a   P  b , (11)

ε – relative permittivity of paper,
δP – density of unimpregnated paper,
a, b – coefficients determined by impregnation state
Coefficients a and b can be calculated for both impregnated (with εoil=2,2) and unimpregnated state (with εoil = εair = 1),
as shown in Table II and on Fig. 6.
Paper εF εoil a b
impregnated 5,1 2,2 2,137 1,910
unimpregnated 5,1 1 3,023 0,441

permittivity ε(δP)

3 unimpregnated


0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
paper density δP [g/cm³]

Figure 6: Linearization of function (10) depending on impregnation state


Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a non-destructive method for measurement of the electrodes response
to the small amplitude sinusoidal change of potential in the wide range of frequencies. It can be used to determine the
resistive and capacitive (dielectric) properties of materials. When specimen is placed between the electrodes, this
changes interfacial properties of electrodes (namely impedance of the system). The change of impedance is detected and
analyzed across multiple frequencies according to

Ut U 0 sin  t  sin  t 
Z   Z0 , (12)
It I 0 sin t    sin t   

where Ut is excitation signal with amplitude U0 and frequency ω, whereas It is response signal shifted in phase  with
same frequency and different amplitude I0. The impedance is therefore expressed in terms of a magnitude Z0 and phase
shift . Measuring impedance enables measurement of capacitance of an ideal capacitor, namely
C , (13)
j Z

where C is capacitance of a simple disk capacitor (8). Then, relative permittivity εr is expressed as
r  C , (14)
0 A

where C is measured capacitance, d is capacitor thickness, A is capacitor surface and ε0 is vacuum permittivity. [5], [6]


Two types of cellulose-based materials were tested: (a) material currently used in Končar D&ST (‘material K’), namely
kraft paper glued with poly(vinyl)alcohol glue and (b) pressboard type B.4.1 according to IEC 60641-3-1 (‘material S’).
Both materials were tested in two conditions: (i) dried and unimpregnated, (ii) dried and impregnated with mineral oil.
Samples were cut on mechanical guillotine shears into the 60 mm × 70 mm rectangular shapes, appropriate for the
testing apparatus. ‘Material K’ samples were 2 mm thick, as used in the Končar D&ST production. ‘Material S’ samples
were 1 mm thick, as provided from the supplier. Two samples per each type and condition were prepared.
Samples were dried in the vapor-phase drying plant (VPDP), alongside an active part of a transformer. Half of the
samples were vacuumed and sealed into PE/PA pouches immediately after drying. The other half of samples were
impregnated in the transformer mineral oil for 24 hours. Afterwards, the impregnated samples were taken out of the oil,
strained shortly, then vacuumed and sealed into PE/PA pouches. Samples were unpacked shortly before the permittivity
measurement at nominal frequency of 50 Hz.
'material K' 'material S'

(a) (b)

Figure 7: Sample preparation: (a) Samples cut to the required size;

(b) Impregnation of samples in mineral transformer oil under vacuum

Relative dielectric permittivity εr of tested samples is obtained from measuring capacitance C according to (14) and is
shown in Table III for nominal frequency of 50 Hz. Calculated values of εr for impregnated and unimpregnated
condition according to (11) are also given.

Measurement of εr Calculation of εr
Type Material d [mm] Impregnation #
C [F] εr §
r δP [g/cm³]
ε r*

1,985∙10-11 3,37
No 3,35 2,41–2,71
Kraft paper 1,962∙10-11 3,33
‘Material K’ 2 0,65–0,75
+ PVA glue 2,363∙10-11 4,01
Yes 3,97 3,30–3,51
2,311∙10-11 3,93
1,985∙10-11 3,37
No 3,36 3,01–3,77
Pressboard 1,962∙10-11 3,35
‘Material S’ 1 0,85–1,1
B.4.1 2,363∙10-11 3,82
Yes 3,84 3,73–4,26
2,311∙10-11 3,86
surface of capacitor plates A = 13,32 cm²; nominal measurement frequency = 50 Hz
εr is obtained from measured C according to (14)
assumed range of δP for kraft paper is taken from IEC 60554-3-1, for Pressboard B.4.1 from IEC 60641-3-1
range for εr is calculated from assumed δP according to (11)

From Table III it can be seen that the average measured value of εr for ‘material S’ corresponds to calculated value for
both impregnated and unimpregnated state, whereas a certain discrepancy of measured and calculated values exists in
the case of ‘material K’, which could be explained by the influence of glue as shown on Fig. 8.

Figure 8: ‘Material K’ represented as a two layer dielectric

Indeed, if ‘material K’ is represented as a two layer dielectric with thickness d = dG + dP , as shown on Fig. 8, then the
resulting permittivity εres can be expressed as
 G P
 res  d , (15)
 G dP   P dG

where εres is resulting permittivity, d is thickness of the ‘material K’, dP is thickness of paper and dG is thickness of glue.
Since ‘material K’ is composed out of 6 layers of 0,2 mm paper with overall thickness of d = 2 mm, this gives
dP = 1,2 mm and dG = 0,8 mm. Using the measurements of average εres for ‘material K’ in impregnated state
(  res   imp-K  3,97 , Table III) and unimpregnated state (  res   K  3,35 , Table III), and assuming that glue is not
impregnated with oil (εimp-G = εG) and also that average permittivity of impregnated paper is  imp-P  3, 41 (Table III),
then the following set of equations can be arranged using (15):
 G  imp-P
 imp-K  d , (16a)
d P  G  d G  imp-P
 G P
K  d . (16b)
dP G  dG  P

This set of equations can be solved for εG and εP

 imp-K  imp-P
 G  dG  5, 27 , (17a)
d  imp-P  d P  imp-K
 K  imp-K  imp-P
 P  dP  2, 70 , (17b)
d  imp-P  imp-K   K   d P imp-K K

εG – permittivity of glue
εP – permittivity of unimpregnated paper
εK = 3,35 – permittivity of unimpregnated ‘material K’ (average measured value in Table III)
εimp-K = 3,97– permittivity of impregnated ‘material K’ (average measured value in Table III)
εimp-P = 3,41 – permittivity of impregnated paper (average calculated value in Table III)
dP = 1,2 mm – nominal thickness of paper in ‘material K’ (= 6 layers of 0,2 mm paper)
d = 2 mm – nominal thickness of ‘material K’
dG = 0,8 mm – nominal thickness of glue in ‘material K’ (= d – dP)

Thus, the permittivity of unimpregnated paper εP = 2,70 obtained in (17b) lies in the range of calculated εr value in
Table III obtained from (11).

Relative permittivity of paper insulation was measured for two types of cellulose material, and it has been shown that
lower density material mixed with glue has similar permittivity to commercially available material with higher apparent
density. Additionally, measured values of all samples correspond to analytically calculated values (for both impregnated
and unimpregnated state), meaning that analytical approach can be used for future assessment of relative permittivity of
other types of cellulose materials and insulating liquids.

[1] S.V. Kulkarni and S. A. Khaparde, Transformer Engineering: Design and Practice. New York: CRC Press, 2004.
[2] A. Küchler, High Voltage Engineering. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.
[3] H. P. Moser and V. Dahinden, Transformerboard II. Rapperswil, Switzerland: Scientia Electrica, 1988.
[4] A. Sbravati, K. Rapp, P. Schmitt, and C. Krause, “Transformer insulation structure for dielectric liquids with higher permittivity,” in 2017
IEEE 19th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), 2017, pp. 1–4.
[5] Gamry Instruments, “Basics of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” Appl. Note Rev. 1.0, 2010.
[6] D. Fabijan, “Experimental methods in dielectric spectroscopy.” Oddelek za fiziko, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, p. 14, 2012.

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