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Date: Monday, Sept 21th

Status: ONLINE
Objective: identify and use words that describe a volcano’s parts.

Activity 1
a. Have you ever visited a volcano?

No, I have not visited a volcano yet. There is one called

"Totumo volcano", which is made of mud. It is in a place
called "Lomita Arena, near Cartagena". I will go when the
covid-19 situation is safer.

b. What happen if a volcano explodes?

If a volcano explodes:

✓ It will erupt with searing hot gas formed in the mantle in a phenomenon called
pyroclastic flow
✓ This gas combined with hot ash can race down the sides of a volcano as fast as
100 miles per hour. It will burn everything in its path
✓ The volcano will blast caused earthquakes, tsunamis and pyroclastic flows
✓ The eruption will destroy the top
✓ It will help make life on earth possible
✓ The volcano ash will provide nutrients to nearby soil making the land fertile
✓ The lava will cool hardens into rock and creates new landforms
✓ With heat from the heart of the earth, volcanoes will help for the planet making
in the rich dynamic landscape we see today

Activity 2 – page 116

Item 9
✓ if a volcano is eruption, then it is active
✓ if a volcano is not eruption, but may erupt in the future, it is dormant
✓ if a volcano has not erupted in thousands of years and will not erupt in the future,
it is extinct
✓ The hole left at the tope of a volcano that has erupted is called a crater
✓ The sides of a volcano form the cone at the top

Item 10
1. Cone
2. Crater
3. Extinct
4. Dormant
5. Active


Activity 3

Item 8
2. If the ash is hot, it will burn everything it touch
3. Animals will run away, if a volcano explodes
4. If the scientist visits a volcano, he will climb to the top
5. If the volcano is calm, the people living near the volcano will be safe

Item 9
2. If my pencil breaks, I'll buy another
3. if I go to the park this weekend, I will play with my dog
4. if I like this book, I will read it again
5. If you come to my house, I will make a cake
6. If you win the game, I will be sad
7. If I wake up early on Saturday, I will go to the beach
8. If you have a birthday party, I will go dancing

Item 10

Item 11

1. A(n) active volcano send steam into the air

2. when a volcano erupts, it can leave a crater at the top
3. some trees are dormant in the winter and have no leaves
4. when no animals of a species are alive, that species is extinct
5. volcanoes are often shaped like a cone


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