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Name: ________________________________________________Grade & Section: _____________________________

I. Identify the kind of punctuation marks that are being ask in the sentences below.
_______________1. A punctuation mark that is placed at the end of the sentence.

_______________2. It is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or emphasis.

_______________3. It is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case or the plurals
of lowercase letters.

_______________4. It is used to show separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence.

_______________5. It is used to indicate direct question when placed at the end of the sentence.

II. Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the correct punctuation mark that best completes
each sentence.

6. Wow _____ What a wonderful event _____

7. What day of the week is your favorite ______
8. I had a great day at school_______
9. Mary _____John____ and April got the same score during the exam____
10. The two brothers ____Richard and Ronald _____were learning how to play basketball______

III. Give the symbols of the following punctuation marks. Write your answer on the space

_______________11. Colon _______________16. Apostrophe

_______________12. Question Mark _______________17. Exclamation point

_______________13. Dash _______________18. Parentheses

_______________14. Bracket _______________19. Period_______________15. Comma

_______________20. Asterisk

IV. A. Write the antonyms of the following words.

21. expensive _________________

22. forward ________________
23. diligent _________________
24. Strength _________________
25. rough __________________
B. Write the synonyms of the following words.
26. fortunate ___________________
27. Round _____________________
28. Scared _____________________
29. Writer _____________________
30. Beautiful ___________________

V. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.

______________31. Irony is a literary technique in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is
opposite to the actual meaning of the word.
______________32. An Example of an ironic statement is that, the name of the biggest dog was tiny.
______________33. A person stepping out into a hurricane and saying, “What a nice weather we’re having”. This an
example of a dramatic irony.
______________34. Situational irony when the unexpected happens in the plot.
______________35. Verbal irony occurs when the audience in the drama knows something that the characters don’t.
VI. Identify what type of irony that is being used in the sentence. (Verbal, Situational, Dramatic)
______________36. The local fire station burns down.
______________37. In the movie, a man is about to shoot someone. However, when the noise of the gun being fired
occurs, instead of bullet hitting the victim, the shooter himself was shot by someone else.
______________38. You are walking down the street and you find a penny but you do not pick it up, when you take the
bus you are missing a penny and you have to walk.
______________39. Taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich.
______________40. You work on a fire extinguisher factory, when you gey home your house is on fire and you don’t
have one.
______________41. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, Oedipus searches to find the murderer of the former king Thebes, only
to discover that it is himself, a fact the audience has known all along.
______________42. A patient is at the dentist and just as the dentist is about to give him a shot in the mouth to numb him,
the patient says, “ Wow, this going to be fun”.
______________43. A marriage counsellor files for a divorce.
______________44. In Othello, the audience knows that Desmona has been faithful to Othello, but Othello does not.
______________45. Someone got into a car accident and he said, “ oh, nice going”.

…………………………END OF THE TEST………………..



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