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The Heart

The Process of Forgiveness

Part I of III

© 1997 by Guy Pettitt

Whole Life Endeavours

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Nelson, New Zealand
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Forgiveness Process Website:

1. To the Establishment of Right Human

Relationships on beautiful Planet Earth

2. To the United Nations, and its work of uniting the

whole human family

3. To Phyl, with whom I finally learned that

Unconditional Love gives freedom to the one loved to
grow in their own best way

4. To my family, friends, colleagues, patients, and

students, who have given and taught me so much
Gratitude and

Like a tree, this book has many roots. I have Eastcott , Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,
been fortunate to learn from many wonderful Torkom Saraydarian, Dr. Robert
people. I want to pass on what I have Leichtmann, Carl Japikse, Dr. Scott
learned. If I have left out someone, or if the Peck, Dr. Milton Erickson, Dr. Jerry
adaptation I have made of their work does not Jampolsky, Virginia Satir, Alice Bailey,
meet with their approval, I apologise. My Dr. John Diamond and the anonymous
goal is that their contributions receive a wider authors of the Course in Miracles. It is
audience. a great pleasure to pay tribute to the
work of these outstanding people, to
thank them, and also to remember the
Great Teachers who continue to inspire
the human race.
• I acknowledge my family and
children, also, for their love and support.
• I thank all those who have arranged the
Health, Joy, Love and Forgiveness
seminars in their towns and cities around
the world, giving so much of themselves
in the process. There are so many of you.
I would like to list you all, but you will
know who you are.
• I thank also my colleagues, friends,
students, clients and patients in many
countries, who have been my guides and
• I would like to thank the following teachers • Clients’ stories appear in the book as
and authors who have contributed so much to there is so much value in learning from
my life and this book: Dr. Edith Stauffer, the experiences of others. Details have
Dan MacDougald, Dr. Roberto Assagioli, the been changed to protect their anonymity
Essene writers who centuries ago wrote down and the names used were selected at
in Aramaic the code of conduct for right random from a dictionary of first names.
human relationships, Pierro Ferucci, Michal

NOTE: This book should be

used to complement the
advice of carefully chosen
skilled health professionals,
not to replace it.
The Heart

The Process of Forgiveness

Part I

© 1997 by Guy Pettitt

Contents Part I
The Need for Forgiveness .................................................................................................... 1
Tom and Gerry’s story ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Forgiveness and Health ...................................................................................................................................... 3

What’s in it for you? ............................................................................................................ 7

A Model of the Human Being ........................................................................................... 13

Levels of the Self ................................................................................................................ 17

Maps of Human Consciousness ........................................................................................................................ 23
The sea of the collective and mass consciousness: .......................................................................................... 24
The personal self and the psychological functions ........................................................................................... 25
The field of awareness, or of consciousness .................................................................................................... 26
The middle unconscious ................................................................................................................................... 26
The lower unconscious mind ............................................................................................................................ 26
The subpersonalities and the basic needs ......................................................................................................... 27

List of Basic Needs ............................................................................................................. 28

The Map of Human Consciousness 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
The Map of Human Consciousness 2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Map of Human Consciousness 3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 30

The Nature of the Self ....................................................................................................... 32

1. The Higher Self ............................................................................................................................................ 32
2. The Personality ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Self–Identification exercise .............................................................................................................................. 39

The Emotions and Feelings ............................................................................................... 44

A Map of the Emotions. .................................................................................................................................... 44
The Healthy Purposes and Forms of the Primary Emotions ............................................................................ 47
Unconditional Love and Joy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Anger ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Fear ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Grief .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Admiration .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Guilt. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Fundamental Healthy Purposes of the Primary Emotions ............................................................................................................................ 47
The Distortions of the Primary Emotions ......................................................................................................... 49
Distortions of anger ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Distortions of Fear. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Distortions of Grief. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Distortions of Admiration. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 56
Distortions of Guilt. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Cathartic therapies ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 59

The Will and the Mind ...................................................................................................... 62

Training the will ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Mind-set ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Goal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Attitude ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Motivation .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Success ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Expectations ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Visualisations or images ............................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Hierarchy of values ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
The first level of love - Conditional Love. ................................................................................................................................................... 70

The second level - “tough” love ....................................................................................................................... 72
The third level - Unconditional Love. .............................................................................................................. 73

The Nature of Love ............................................................................................................ 77

Belief Systems and Unconditional Love .......................................................................... 78

An Ecology of Mind ......................................................................................................................................... 78
Negative Beliefs ............................................................................................................................................... 80

Forgiveness, what it is and what it is not ......................................................................... 87

Removing myths and misunderstandings ......................................................................................................... 87
The definition of forgiveness we use in this book ............................................................................................ 87

The Difference between Forgiveness of Others and the Self-forgiveness processes .... 92

Seven Patterns of Goodwill ............................................................................................... 93

Clear communication ........................................................................................................................................ 93
Kenoota is doing what is “Fairest-for-All” ....................................................................................................... 95
Khooba is looking actively for and giving attention selectively to the good ................................................... 96
Makikh is to be open ........................................................................................................................................ 96
(i) to seeing the true needs of yourself
(ii) to seeing the true needs of others from their perspective
(iii) to enabling these needs to be met in a harmless manner, if it is practical for you to do so.
List of Basic Needs ........................................................................................................................................... 97
Abilii is removing the blocks to love from your mind — with joy! ............................................................... 100
Rukha, the home, source, or well spring of peace within ............................................................................... 101
Dadcean b’Libhoun is the ability to see the whole ......................................................................................... 101
Seeing the “big picture” is in itself healing ................................................................................................................................................ 102
Rakhma is all of them brought together — Unconditional Love in Action ................................................... 103
Cultivating the Patterns of Goodwill .......................................................................................................................................................... 104

The Need for Forgiveness

When he got home his wife, sensing he

The Need for wasn’t his usual self, asked if something
Forgiveness was wrong. “Nothing,” he said quickly,
but did not give her his usual warm kiss of
greeting. Instead he went to the toilet and
sat there, trying to overcome his nausea.

Deep at the Heart The next day at work, Tom told him that
of Healing lies hid a Min had gone missing. “She has never
secret. done that before.” he said as he wrote a
The secret is Love. “Lost cat” advertisement for the
One key which opens newspaper. Gerry found himself saying,
the door to the Heart is “I’m sure she’ll turn up soon. Don’t
forgiveness. worry about her.” But he could not stop
Anon. himself looking away . He couldn’t bear
to see how upset his friend was.

Work did not go well that day. Both men

were distracted. The following week,
when Gerry made his usual visit to Tom’s
Tom and Gerry house he did not stay long. Their
discussions were punctuated by glum,
uneasy silences. Their former creativity
Tom and Gerry were colleagues and very was already starting to fade away. Gerry
good friends. Over many years, at work felt increasingly uncomfortable. When he
and socially, they enjoyed each other’s arrived home early his wife asked him if
company and their compatibility showed anything unusual had happened, and he
iself in many creative projects. One or said “Nothing, we just decided to finish
two evenings a week the pair would get early.”
together, usually at Tom’s home, to
continue sharing their ideas and ideals. In the lunchroom at work Gerry found
The closeness of the two men created an himself avoiding sitting with Tom..
atmosphere that was enjoyed by their Gradually their creative evenings became
wives and families. less frequent. The quality of their design
work began to fall off further. Each one
One extra dark night Gerry was backing wondered what had happened to his friend
his car out of Tom’s drive after a but did not feel able to ask him after the
particularly enjoyable evening. He felt a first tentative enquiries were brushed
bump and got out to discover, to his aside.
horror, that he had run over the family cat
Min. Gerry began to ruminate further about
As he looked at the lifeless form on the what had happened that night. “It was
drive memories of his friend’s deep love really Tom’s fault.” he said to himself. “If
for the animal raced through his mind. He he had kept the cat in it would never have
panicked. He felt sick. He knew how happened.” He began to be irritated by
much Tom and his family loved Min. He Tom at work and found fault with many
remembered Min curled up on the things he did.
children’s beds, or on Tom’s lap as they
chatted. He was paralysed with a strange One day the managing director invited
cold fear and felt quite unable to go in and Gerry into his office, mentioned that there
tell Tom what had happened. was a new appointment to be made in the
company, and that he thought Tom would
Robot-like, he put Min in the rubbish bag be very suitable. “What do you think,
he carried in his car and drove away. He Gerry?” he asked, “You have worked a lot
passed a refuse bin and put the bag into it with Tom and know his work. I would
with a cold sweating, shaky hand. value your opinion.” Gerry found himself
saying, “His work has not been so good

Heart of Healing I 1
The Need for Forgiveness

lately.” The episode of Min’s death did all the time that followed the medical
not even cross Gerry’s mind at this time. reports began in the same kind of way:
By now, he had repressed it. It was “This man with cancer of the....”
“forgotten”. Tom was passed over for the
job. Nowhere in his medical records were the
additional words that would describe
Gerry began to get irritable with his wife. his condition more completely: “This
Their relationship gradually went from man with blocked love.........”
bad to worse. There were arguments,
over trivial things. Each began to find In due course Gerry began a search for
fault with the other. Their sexual life meaning, and further understanding of
became tiresome. She began to wonder if his illness. Among other things he came
he was having an affair. Each of them across a book about forgiveness. As he
sought solace, briefly, with other partners, read it he realised he not only harboured
but without joy. Gerry denied to himself in himself a physical disease, but
and others that there was anything wrong. emotional and mental negativity as well.
Yet he was becoming depressed, and he He could no longer deny the larger
began to think from time to time that if life truth. He felt drawn to doing a self-
was like this, it was not really worth forgiveness process and sought out a
living. guide to help him.

The stresses between Gerry and his wife During the process it emerged that the
began to tell on their three children. One first time he had felt a sensation of panic
tended to take Gerry’s side, the other two, and nausea had not been when he ran
his wife’s. The children reacted to the over Min. It had been when he had
underlying tension in very different ways. owned up for doing something wrong at
One became withdrawn and began to do school. The teacher had hit him and
less well at school. The second become reported him to his father. Gerry had
rebellious and got into minor trouble with hated this teacher for treating him so
the police. The third became ill more unfairly. His father had told him how
often, and needed more frequent visits to sinful he was, beaten him with a cane,
the doctor. and told him that he “would come to no
good.” From then on his relationship
Gerry began to get symptoms in his belly - with his father deteriorated. He came to
stomach pains. He went to his doctor. At fear and hate him too, and to believe
first his tests showed nothing much, and that he himself was indeed “guilty”, that
he was advised to rest. His colleagues there was no good in him, that one day
recognised that he had been strained he would indeed “come to no good”,
recently, and agreed. and be punished for it. He also
“learned” that it might be advisable to
His wife did not enjoy having him hide the truth at times. After his father
“resting” at home when it meant having a died, he experienced a period of
grumpy partner nagging at her. A holiday depression, loss of creativity and low
together did little to improve things. self-esteem. When the tragedy with
Min occurred, the negative feelings and
The symptoms persisted, and repeated beliefs stored for so long in his
tests showed that Gerry had developed a unconscious mind were reactivated, but
stomach ulcer, possibly cancer. At last an he had not been aware of this .
official medical diagnosis had been found,
and Gerry felt some kind of relief that he Specialists could take care of his body,
“had not been imagining it”. The doctor but he realised to become fully healthy
had done several very thorough physical again he would need to heal his negative
examinations, and felt justly proud he had emotions and belief systems.
diagnosed Gerry’s disease before it got
too advanced. Working through the forgiveness
process helped him acknowledge his
Surgery followed, then drug therapy. In blocked love and, bluntly, self hatred.

2 Heart of Healing I
The Need for Forgiveness

His love was blocked towards his friend conceived at times of disappointment,
Tom, his own self, his father and his criticism, hurt, abuse, loss, rejection,
childhood teacher. Later, love had humiliation, abandonment and so on....
become blocked towards his wife and It is to set the forgiver free to move on
family. All this had affected his work, from the effects of these.
relationships with his colleagues, his
marriage, home life, and diminished his How many of us do not have some
creativity. equivalent to a “run-over-cat” story —
residual bad feelings or negative beliefs
What is needed for Gerry here? Skilled we need to heal?
medical and surgical help - certainly. Is
that enough? The forgiveness process is not difficult to
learn or to do, but in the early stages it
Medical researchers are beginning to may need effort and persistence. Later it
discover how negative emotions reduce becomes easy, and in fact a joy to do. It
the body’s resistance to disease through can become a natural skill.
altering the way the immune and
autonomic nervous sytems function.
Forgiveness and Health
Could Gerry also need: While you were reading Gerry’s story, I
Relief from the burden of guilt and self- wonder if you could see any other
hate? connections between forgiveness and
A change of heart and mind? health in yourself or those around you?
A process of forgiveness? Disappointment, criticism, hurt, abuse,
loss, rejection, humiliation, abandonment,
guilt, false guilt (feeling bad about
Without being taught an oyster knows yourself when you are in fact innocent —
how to turn an irritating piece of grit into most often found in those who have
a beautiful pearl, a treasure. The incidents suffered abuse as children), hate, anger, or
in Gerry’s story could be thought of as envy etc., profoundly affect the way your
“pieces of grit” lodged in his psyche. Any body functions. The flow of love through
one of them could have been turned into a you is at risk of becoming blocked, and
“pearl” if Gerry had known how to restore your health is at stake. It has been said:
the flow of love and heal the relationship “One who hates another (blocks love)
at the time the damage occurred. Alas, digs two graves”.
he did not know how, for in his childhood
there had been no one to teach him. His When love is blocked:
needs were not met then and he had no
role models for forgiveness.
• Your muscles may tighten, causing
In this crisis only he can be responsible postural imbalances or pain in neck, back
for re-establishing the loveflow. No one and/or limbs.
else can do for this for him. He will need • Headaches may occur.
to learn how to do it. He will need • Muscle tension squeezes the joint
forgiveness coaching. surfaces together decreasing bloodflow,
making it more difficult for the blood to
Any process by which a person remove waste products from the cells and
successfully removes the conditions in tissues. It reduces the supply of oxygen
themselves that block the flow of love and nutrients to the cells. Both these
can be called a Forgiveness Process. contribute to delayed or inadequate tissue
repair during sleep, impairing recovery
The purpose of such a process is to heal from injury, arthritis, etc.
the memories, the patterns of physical • Your teeth may clench, especially at
and emotional dysfunction, and the night, contributing to dental bills for
negative belief systems that wer
e problems with your teeth and jaw joints.

Heart of Healing I 3
The Need for Forgiveness

• Injury through inattention, accident, or The italicised sections of Gerry’s story

violence is more likely. show how an unforgiving person is not
• The bloodflow to your heart is free. Gerry found himself choosing paths
constricted. in life compulsively, willed by
• Your digestion is impaired. unconscious forces, avoiding certain
• Your breathing is restricted. situations and opportunities, limiting
• It is now being to be realised that your himself. He was imprisoned in his own
immune system functions less well. negativity. One of my patients described
• If you have a tendency to allergy, the this graphically when spoke of how he
level at which the allergic response tends had “marinated in his own toxicity” for
to trigger off can be reduced, so that fifteen years before discovering the
allergic symptoms occur more frequently. forgiveness process.
• You become more vulnerable to
infections, and perhaps cancer. For any person who, like Gerry, does not
• You feel bad, moody, irritable, and so know how to forgive, there is no lasting
on, and your mind is less able to see its peace. Relief and release are urgently
way through problems and difficulties. needed.
• Making decision can become harder.
• You may become depressed, - even Getting in touch with and releasing bad
suicidal. feelings safely is certainly very important
• Your creativity is reduced or even but more important is healing them
blocked. through a complete process of
• In these and other ways your “stress forgiveness, so they do not recur.
reserves” are constantly draining away,
like water from a leaky bucket. After working with this process since
1980 I strongly believe it is false logic
The list goes on. Indeed, it becomes a list and unwise therapy to delay applying the
of many of the conditions seen by doctors forgiveness process to past hurts and
all over the world. And while dissappointments. I have seen people
unforgiveness may not be the sole cause forgive the “unforgivable” - terrible
of all of them, it is not unreasonable to things - rapidly and successfully when
say that it increases vulnerability to them. they understood the true nature of the
It can “set the scene” for them and delay, process. I have also seen people held
or even prevent recovery. back in emotional pain and negativity far
longer than they needed to because
The effects of unforgiveness on someone - often a therapist I regret to say
relationships can lead to: - told them that they were not “ready” to
• Stony silences forgive yet or even actively discouraged
•¨The sweet “Yes, dear” which really them from doing so. To not forgive is to
means “No! I cannot stand this!” continue to allow the memories of the
• Rows hurt to your Inner Child, or the Earlier
• Various sexual tensions and You, to be recycled over and over again.
dysfunctions This can happen either consciously, or
• Verbal and non-verbal abuse between more dangerously, unconsciously,
adults, and from adults to children, blocking love and draining energy. You
including violence, sexual, educational, and your Inner Child need the love to
spiritual and ritual abuse flow again. The question is not whether
• Decreased productivity in the workplace it should be done, but how to find a way
• Subtle sabotage of ourselves and others to accomplish it as quickly as possible.
• Tension, bad atmosphere or “vibes” at
home or work Another source of sabotage to the process
This list, too, could be extended, and can be unlove and unforgiveness to
represents dis-ease in the body of a yourself which may show itself in:
person, family, nation, or indeed, of
humanity itself. • Depression
• Low self-esteem
• Depriving yourself (and others) of the

4 Heart of Healing I
The Need for Forgiveness

good opportunities that life offers specifically how to forgive. Because the
• Punishing yourself by remaining stuck process was not well enough understood
in activities or relationships that harm we never learned how to get from a state
you, and doing little or nothing about it of unforgivingness to a sate of
• Illness unconditional love.
• Accidents
• Addictions Traditionally it was thought that teaching
• Holding on to the state of unforgiveness the three “Rs” of Reading, ‘Riting, and
and doing nothing about it. ‘Rythmetic was enough preparation for
life. Now the skills of Right choice
making (values clarification) and Right
The common denominator is a blockage
human relationships are increasingly
of the flow of love which in turn is
being recognised as essential. Like the 3
reflected in a drop in life energy.
“R’s” the 4th and 5th “R’s” don’t happen
There is a close connection between the
by accident. They need to be taught, and
flow of life energy and the flow of love.
the forgiveness process is a natural part of
Negative, critical thoughts about
this curriculum.
ourselves and others affect us much more
deeply than many of us are willing to
Gerry’s story led to cancer, but that is not
recognise. The word “negative” implies
meant to leave you with the impression
“subtraction”. When we are negative, we
that I believe all cancers arise because of
have subtracted from ourselves the love
this mechanism only. Many factors need
and life force that is potentially there for
to be considered in any one person’s
all. We delay or even completely prevent
particular illness. This is just one
healing in our body, emotions, mind and
teaching story chosen from many. Nor
must you wait until illness manifests to
learn and practise forgiveness. Further,
If any of this is happening to you or
forgiveness is not concerned only with
someone you know, it has to be
medical matters. Symptoms of
acknowledged before anything can be
unforgiveness (“bubbles from the
done about it. To deny it is to prevent the
damaged gas pipe”) turn up in the
possibility of healing. If underneath your
doctor’s clinic, the hospital, in the
physical condition or any bad
schools, the courts, on the roads, in
relationships (in family or marriage, at
relationships at home and at work, and so
school, or in the industrial, commercial,
political arenas) there is blocked love,
then no matter how you treat the effects,
The unconditional love and forgiveness
the condition may:
process is a preventive skill that anyone
can learn, and a skill that can be used in
•Fail to heal,
many different situations. It can be used
•Relapse after temporary improvement, or
to improve health, response to medical
•Become a different symptom of the
treatments, relationships, and to restore
original contributing cause. creativity, for example.

We must learn to treat underlying

contributory causes. as well as more People have been using their forgiveness
obvious surface symptoms. Imagine skills for:
bubbles are coming to the surface of some
water from a gas pipe with a leaky hole in • Healing after a relationship has broken
it below that water. Trying to squash or down
catch or smash each bubble as it comes to • Maintaining harmony in existing
the surface will not stop the spread of relationships (prevention)
dangerous gas. You have to go (Relationships here refer to any field of
underneath and repair the hole in the pipe, cooperative endeavour, for example the
do you not? areas of romance, family, workplace,
organisations, national and international
Most of us have not been taught

Heart of Healing I 5
The Need for Forgiveness

politics) fulfilment, tranquillity and contentment

• Healing issues around gender, sexuality, • Selfish manipulations with true
incest, abuse, abortion and adoption generosity
• Healing the Inner Child • Inner conflict with inner peace
• Healing and maturing dysfunctional • An “allergic temperament” with greater
patterns of behaviour, for example, acceptance and adaptability
addictions, self-criticism, self-sabotage, • Sadness with joy
or the “victim” stance in life • Depression and heaviness with lightness
• The healing of self and family at times of heart
of family crisis — for example, life- • An unwillingness or inability to see the
threatening or terminal illness true needs of yourself and others with the
• Resolving inner conflicts in which parts ability to see those needs clearly (through
of ourselves seem to want to do different the fog of “wants”) and to act harmlessly
things to help them be met.
• Discovering life purpose • An unwillingness or inability to see the
• Healing blocks to creativity good in yourself, others or challenging
• Healing ourselves around issues of self- situations, with the ability to see the good
worth (or potential good) and to draw it forth,
• Improving the atmosphere of both from yourself, from others and from
negotiations - legal, industrial, and the situation itself. The situation
political disputes becomes seen as an opportunity to
• Healing the residues of war, develop character and the will-to-good
imprisonment and violence. • The mental stress that comes from the
unwillingness or inability to see one’s
own errors in thinking, feeling or acting
Replacing negative with positive except with self-condemnation, with the
qualities: ability to see those errors easily and
without blame - and self-corrrect them
(no order of importance implied) with great joy!
• Intolerance with tolerance • The tendency to always take sides in
• Impatience with patience others’ conflicts with the more inclusive
• Ingratitude with a sense of gratitude ability to love all the parties in a conflict,
• Insecurity and fears with greater seeing them as they truly are, recognising
courage and trust in Life they are doing the best they can with the
• Despondency with hope equipment they have at the time. This
• Resentment or hate with love includes ultimately being able to
• A tendency to deviousness and unconditionally love not only the
dishonesty with sincerity and honesty apparent “victims” but also the
• Rage with the ability to reach out with “oppressors” (recognising that they too
love and forgiveness are victims in their own way). Thus is
• Lack of balance of sexual energies with developed an ability to enlarge one’s
sexual harmony vision, and to serve the needs of the
• Guilt and low self-esteem with a sense larger Whole rather than a small part of
of self-worth and reclaiming your that Whole only.
innocence • A tendency to think only in small
• Jealousy or envy with open-hearted narrow terms with an ability to think in
generosity and a willingness to grow - by planetary terms and see solutions to
developing needed qualities in yourself planetary problems that can be
rather than attacking others implemented locally.
• Holding on to past unhappiness and
resentments with the ability to let them go
and replace them with joy
• Greed, hoarding, craving, food allergy,
(co)-dependency, addictions, discontent,
disappointment, disgust, and even
revulsion, with love, calmness,

6 Heart of Healing I
The benefits of forgiveness

myself and others, ability to move on, I

What’s in it for you? see endless possibilities now”
• “I was scared of it at first. But by
What’s in it for you is an important watching others do it, I learned how to do
question. Here are some of the benefits it. By doing it myself, I became able to
that people have reported after applying teach others, and to demonstrate
the forgiveness process to their lives: forgiveness in my own life”
• “Pleasure, joy, calm, excitement,
Benefit: A word from Latin, meaning energy, peace, love, positive outlook,
“that which makes good or well.” freedom. understanding, eliminating self-
doubts, regaining personal power,
• “Peace of mind, good relationships, improved relationships, recognising
happiness, caring and sharing, love, joy” strengths, regaining health, celebrating
• “Release of anger and gaining my strengths and skills, eliminating
understanding, acceptance, peace, calm, conflicts within myself and with others,
harmony, becoming centred, able to be getting through to harmony and creative
responsible” solutions
• “Recovering my own truth and power. • “In an atmosphere of forgiveness,
• “Better communication” conflicts became easier to resolve, I could
• “Trust, peace, harmony, sharing, take responsibility, I could see other
interest in life and myself again, balance, points of view, there was no wastage of
integration, happiness, wise action, love, energy on either side, things got done,
centredness” there was peace, happiness, a deepening
• “Unblocking my own growth, peace, of relationship, better quality of sharing
energy, calmness, serenity” and caring, and more health”
• “More personal peace, less resentment,
more tolerance, less suspicion, more The power of the Forgiveness Process can
freedom” be seen in the following stories. The
• “Good relationships, more fun, peace, process itself will be described later.
relaxation, accepting myself as being
worthwhile, ridding myself of negative Weaving forgiveness processes -
feelings towards others, improvement in
my sexual relationship”
• “Relief, better relationships, laughter,
joy, happiness, feelings of belonging, When working as a country general
better work environment, more interaction practitioner I had a call from a very
with people in all areas of work and distressed woman whose small daughter
government” had fallen and cut her lip. I did not know
• “Better relationships, increase in this family well, as they had just moved to
energy, developing myself personally and my area. I was not on call for
spiritually, community cohesion, letting emergencies, and was irritated by this
go of old hurts, understanding each other, intrusion.
freedom, improved work relationships “Go to the duty doctor,” I said, and I gave
and cooperation, peace of mind, improved her the number to ring.
health, being more creative” “I rang that number,” she protested, “but
• “Freedom from past fears, negative he has a foreign name. Is he properly
beliefs” trained?”
• “Openness, honesty, peace, joy, Now he too, had recently arrived in our
comfort, confidence, happiness” area, and I didn’t actually know the
• “Opening up to a better future, no answer but I trusted the Medical Council
longer fearing success, becoming more not to licence the incompetent. I urged
creative, gaining promotion and better her to go to him. She did so and the
pay” outcome was satisfactory.
• “Joy, happiness, peace, release from the
past, energy and vitality, giving up When I next saw her, she wanted to
feelings of rejection and hurt from the discuss her own health. She was a
past, health, closeness, honesty with profesional woman experiencing conflict

Heart of Healing I 7
What’s in it for you?

between being a mother and wanting to She joined a course about sub-
go back to work. personalities (how inner “parts” of
Beneath her mask of efficiency and ourselves can be at war with each other)
competence, which had been ruffled that and how to achieve peace by resolving
weekend, I sensed a deep generalised inner conflicts. In the first session she
fear. She had many physical symptoms - had an insight and asked for another long
headaches, palpitations, tightness in the consultation. She had become aware of
chest, and stomach upsets. These could the surfacing of deep guilt and anger
have warranted medical investigations, - about a termination of pregnancy she had
of her thyroid gland, her heart, and had 19 years previously. By now she had
gastro-intestinal tract. developed sufficient trust and courage to
share it. Fear, anger, guilt, - Susan
She disclosed her fear of “making a fuss offered up the layers of her pain for
about nothing”, and her special fears for healing. She had recognised that only by
the safety of her only child. She said she facing the truth with love could she set
was concerned about smothering the herself free.
child with overcare. It was affecting her
home life and causing disagreements Together we unscrambled her
between herself and her husband. Her psychosomatic jig-saw. Then, using the
need to protect the child all the time was tools she had learned at the Forgiveness
also competing with her desire to return workshop:
to the workforce.
1. She used the forgiveness process with
I was puzzled. I had listened attentively, respect to a doctor who had prescribed
and struggled to resist the sinking feeling hormone tablets which had failed to
of impotence. How could a 10-15 minute “bring on the period”. She said she would
consultation be enough to deal with this? have preferred he had been less hasty, and
This kind of presentation is not unusual had counselled her or referred her for
for general practise, because human counselling. This forgiveness was
beings are so complex. I sensed she necessary, even though she knew the
needed more than just medical needs of a woman with an unwanted
investigations, a prescription or pregnancy were neither recognised,
reassurance that there was nothing understood or addressed at that time.
seriously wrong. I sensed she needed to
be fully heard. 2. She used the forgiveness process with
respect to the obstetrician (overseas - one
She accepted the offer of a longer had to go abroad to get a pregnancy
consultation where she revealed a part of terminated safely in those days), for not
a tragic life story. She had a brother in visiting her the day after the termination.
prison through, she believed, a genuine She also used the forgiveness process
miscarriage of justice. This had put with respect to a nurse, who had said as
enormous stress on relationships in her she made the bed that day “We were
family of origin. Beneath her nice surprised at how much further on the baby
polite-person mask, Susan was very, very was than we thought - they don’t usually
angry...... do abortions that late...”.

I suggested she attend an Unconditional 3. We checked that she had no unfinished

Love and Forgiveness workshop and business with the father of the child. In
relaxed when she agreed. There was a fact, he had been very supportive of her
good possibility she could transform the throughout.
destructive patterns in her autonomic
nervous system that were causing her 4. She decided to use the forgiveness
symptoms. At the workshop she did process with respect to the drug
some emotional release and forgiveness companies, who manufactured the
work. She said she began to feel some hormone tablets that had “failed” her. She
relief and a desire to learn more. then understood why she had felt unhappy
about giving out medications. She had

8 Heart of Healing I
The benefits of forgiveness

generalised, “some tablets failed me so all Comment: The loss of the first child
tablets are bad.” had made the second one especially
precious, leading to Susan’s constant
5. She spoke to the memory, the soul, of and unreasonable fear for its safety.
that unborn foetus. This was especially The circumstances surrounding the
moving, I found. termination had led to guilt and anger.
The effects of these three feelings on
6. She then used the Self-Forgiveness her body had caused physical
process bringing to light two “parts”, or symptoms. Her mistrust of the
subpersonalities, that had been trying to “foreign” doctor was also easier to
meet her basic needs, even though taking understand in the light of her
her in opposite directions. experience in a “foreign” country.
(a). One part of her had sought security Negative feelings not only affect the
by unconsciously confusing her about body, but usually lead unconsciously to
dates, thus delaying the accurate diagnosis the formation of negative beliefs or
and dating of the pregnancy (and making prejudices.
the nurse’s comments more painful...).
(b). The other part, seeking to meet her Each painful memory needed to be
need for personal freedom (to continue healed before her health as a whole
her professional training) had motivated person could be restored, her
her to seek the termination. relationship with her child be set free
By the end of the process, acceptance and and her career flourish. Treating the
unconditional love were flowing through superficial symptoms would have been a
her, and the body patterns of fear, guilt, waste of time for both of us.
and anger, gave way to those of calmness,
serenity, and compassionate Because of her intense desire and will
understanding. to heal her past and move on, Susan’s
healing session took little more than
7. In her imagination, she addressed her two hours. Of course, Susan had
existing child, explaining to her why she received some training in using the
was so overprotective. She imagined process in the workshop situations, but
“cutting the umbilical cord” to give her success depended on her courage,
freedom to the child. To enable her child her urgency and willingness to look
to be more secure, she decided to prepare deep inside herself, and her persistence.
her for the stresses of life, rather than Her will to love again was so powerful.
always trying to protect her. She designed I do not expect all forgiveness sessions
a new relationship, in which she would to take only two hours, but she taught
undertake to teach the child how to be me to expand my notions of what can
responsible for her own safety and train be achieved using the forgiveness
her in the skills of wise choice-making process, and how quickly someone can
based on values. She said she could now do it when they really put their will into
see that unconditional love means giving it.
freedom and progressive responsibility to
the loved one. Follow-up: Some years later, I
happened to be standing in for a doctor
Within a short time she reported a in the town to which she and her family
significant improvement in her physical, had moved. She was starting a new
emotional and mental natures. She pregnancy, having fulfilled her career
became peaceful within herself. Her needs by going back to work for a time.
relationship to her child freed up. In due She said she was delighted to be
course, able to meet her own needs more pregnant again and felt well able to
wisely, she returned to her profession. distinguish between conscious and
With her new perspective, she was able to unconscious choices. Later she took up
look back on her past with compassion a new position, combining motherhood
and understanding, her self-denigration and professional life with great skill.
and bitterness healed.

Heart of Healing I 9
What’s in it for you?

I would draw your attention to the Choices are made unconsciously. To be

following details of Susan’s story:- free one must know what is in one’s
unconscious mind.
• Something inside her impelled this self-
healing, once she was ready for it and had • Contact with the Higher Self as it occurs
made the decision to go for it. She then through the forgiveness process leads to a
worked very rapidly, always seeming to sense of the presence of inner love,
know what needed to be done next. security, and wisdom, and an overflow of
benefits into unexpected areas.
• Another, higher part of her
consciousness seemed to guide her to an Heart Disease - Harriet
awareness of everything she needed for
compassionate understanding. Harriet, who was a great grandmother,
had angina (heart pains). She was a very
• This source of inner guidance, love, warm, motherly person with a very large
wisdom, and the blueprint for health is a family. She came from another town and
psychological reality. It has been called said, “I don’t need you to change my
by Albert Schweitzer, “The Wise Doctor medical treatment, I am very happy with
Within”. In this book we are calling it the way my doctors treat my heart. But I
the Higher Self, and its nature will be believe you have something else that I
discussed later. It is essential to the need, though I am not sure what it is yet.”
forgiveness process. Some inner prompting had inspired her to
come. This was certainly a very unusual
“There is no place more sacred than the beginning to a consultation!
place where hatred turned to love”. (from
the Course in Miracles) It turned out she was disappointed by
many members of her family. Heart pain
came when one of her family had done
something she did not like. She had never
Here are some more examples: thought of herself as being a controlling
person. She just knew what was best!
A phobia of the sea - Sally Gradually she recognised she was not
accepting or respecting their need to be
When Sally used the forgiveness process themselves.
with respect to her father for a number of
apparently unrelated things, she found her When she saw what she was doing to
longstanding fear of water simply herself she immediately wanted to learn
disappeared the next day. She said the the forgiveness process. She never
day after forgiving her father, she had attended a seminar, I simply told her what
gone close to the sea’s edge without was required. She saw the connection
realising it — something which would between unforgiveness and her health,
have been impossible for her previously. and straight away got on with her work.
“I felt a presence within me of love and
inner security”, she said. She used the forgiveness process with
respect to everyone she could think of,
Her father had been a sea-captain, who writing out her forgiveness process for
tried to intimidate her and her whole each person she felt angry with or irritated
family. Her phobia of the sea was her by in an exercise book. After six weeks
reaction and unconscious way of dealing returned with a pile of exercise books, and
with him and her unmet needs. When she told me she no longer suffered from
forgave him she no longer needed to carry angina. I was amazed, and felt she had
this burden. taught me something very important.
That there is a close connection between
Note from this example: the patterns of body functioning and the
patterns of stored memories, which can he
• The unforgiving person is not free. uncovered and changed.

10 Heart of Healing I
The benefits of forgiveness

A few months later her angina recurred physical improvements following her
slightly, and she returned. This forgiveness work, as well as the emotional
remarkable person did not say, “It is not ones in her family
working any more”. She said, “My
angina has returned. Maybe I am not • She used her will in an empowering
doing it right. Can you check me?” I way to make the choices that made the
found myself saying, much to my surprise difference
in those days, “Put your hand on your
heart and ask your Heart for the answer.” • She accepted responsibility and
On checking with her Higher Self in this “owned” her part of the problem. She
way, after a few minutes of deep made a clear decision to contribute to her
reflection, she said that she had own healing as much as she could
remembered someone she had left out!
She included that person in her • Ideas came to her intuitively when she
forgiveness process. “opened” up to attuning with the inner
wisdom, or guidance, from her Higher
She remained virtually free of angina for Self
four years, in spite of the great stress of
looking after a terminally ill husband until • After she had mastered the longer form
he died. She found the forgiveness of forgiveness, she invented her own short
process extremely valuable when looking form of the forgiveness process that
after him, for it reopened the channels of served her well. (Later in this book, after
communication between them when they you have become skilled in all the
were becoming closed down because of components of forgiveness, you will see
the frustrations caused to both of them by how the process can be abreviated for
his illness. everyday use when time is short).

Some time later she needed major surgery.

She told me that after the operation she Forgiving the key people in your
was lying in her hospital bed and quite life can overflow to other
regularly in danger of becoming stresed
by the tenseness of the hospital staff and
relationships -
the fact that they were unwilling or not George
able to spend time communicating
skillfully with her and other patients. When George first looked at his
Then she would think: “Yes, you (the forgiveness agenda, he was horrified to
doctor or nurse she had in mind) are not find out how many times he had blocked
behaving the way I would like. You are love, and how resentful he was still
stressed and tired. I would prefer you did feeling about things that happened in
things my way, but I am willing to love years ago. As many people do at first, he
you just the way you are, and I send you felt rather overwhelmed by this discovery.
love. I am not going to give myself
angina about this”. She sent them love However, he forgave himself and one or
from her hospital bed! She told me that two key persons with whom he had had
the hospital staff were quite surprised at the most traumatic relationships. These
how quickly she healed for her age. She were not the ones he thought were the
was allowed home earlier than is usual. most troublesome to him at the time he
first came to me, but earlier ones, from his
I met her a few year’s later. I failed to childhood, discovered through the proces
recognise her at first, for she looked of getting the Forgiveness Agenda.
younger than her age and radiated health. Following this he found that he had
She said: “It all began with those first become stronger and more loving in
forgiveness processes”. himself. His attitude to many other
people on his list as well as to people he
Notice from Harriet’s story: currently lived and worked with had
changed. The increased loveflow had
• There were apparently profound overflowed on into other relationships. It

Heart of Healing I 11
What’s in it for you?

took him only six weeks to correct every

negative relationship he had discovered. Some other benefits of using the
forgiveness process that I have seen
Full self-forgiveness process can be
profound and far-reaching - Jane • Improved physical health. Better
response to medical or surgical
I have seen a young mother, Jane, who treatments.
was then living apart from her husband,
correct all her negative relationships with • Compassion for self and others.
others by doing a really profound self- Serenity, or peace of mind.
forgiveness process, lasting 5 hours,
spread over two days. She became so • A subtle change in the “thought
positive she could love and have atmosphere” of a home or workplace.
goodwill for anyone. Her husband, who “Bad vibes” become “good vibes” to use
was very sceptical at first, also used the a phrase in fashion a few years ago.
process in full.
• The mind becomes clearer. When you
A year later she wrote how they had are emotionally upset you cannot think
become reunited, how another child had straight. After using a forgiveness
been born to them, and what a joyful and process you can see solutions to
shared experience life had become for difficulties that previously seemed
both of them. insurmountable.

What can happen if you • Situations previously labelled as

completely forgive everyone you “impossible” can become transformed.
This happens faster, of course, if both
have been resenting? - Marion parties in conflict work persistently at
applying the processes, but even if only
Marion had high blood pressure. one person applies this material, benefits
Following a forgiveness workshop she can still occur.
met with a small group of people from
the same workshop every week for a • People become more effective
year. They all helped each other to learn peacemakers. The melodramas of marital
more about how to apply the process. conflict, separation and divorce can be
She set about applying the forgiveness worked through with a minimum of
process to all areas of her life that she damage to children. Relationships
could think of. Her blood pressure, improve. The spirit of cooperation can be
which had previously been poorly recovered.
controlled even with medication, became
normal. She was able to reduce her • I have seen a number of cases where
medication and then come off it some kind of positive telepathy seems to
altogether. be at work. The one forgiven has felt
prompted to make contact with the
This is an area that needs more research, forgiver again, even many years after
because as yet not that many people (as they had parted from each other with so
far as I am aware) have systematically much hate that they were thinking “I
uncovered all their negative memories never want to see you again, ever!” Such
and healed them. relationships have then been rebuilt and
become loving.
Examples such as Marion and Harriet
stimulate thought as to the future • Dying can be transformed and become a
possibilities of using forgiveness peaceful, dignified and joyous transition
processes. They had in common that they to a greater life.
were willing to give enough time to learn
the process and apply it persistently and
systematically, not just stopping after
initial symptomatic relief.

12 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

When you look at another person or

A Model of the yourself, I am going to ask you to take
Human Being another step, to stretch your mind, and
“see” and “hear” more than just what your
eyes and ears register. Using your mind’s
Human beings are more than eye I am going to ask you to imagine you
can be perceived with our can sense not only the physical body but
ordinary senses. also the patterns of energy, or “energy
fields” which circulate through and
Human senses only register about around that body, which will include the
1/88th of the wavelengths of the energy fields or patterns of energy of the
known spectrum of emotional, mental and spiritual realms. I
electromagnetic energies. Some am going to ask you to “see” the human
creatures, however, see infra-red being as a complex energy system
light, and can “see” clearly in what consisting of several subsidiary energy
we would call “darkness”. Some systems, energy fields or energy bodies,
creatures can see ultra-violet light all interpenetrating each other. There are
which we also cannot see. Some physical (structural, anatomical and
hear sounds of a higher or lower chemical), bioelectrical, emotional,
frequency than human ears can mental and spiritual components. The
detect. Some birds are sensitive to general idea is contained in the Holistic
the magnetic field of the earth, and Health Triangles diagram (p.for insertion
use this ability to carry out long of page No.), which I give to clients and
migrations. Creatures in nature patients to help their understanding of
exist that can see, hear, smell, this. The diagram shows some of the
taste, and register light touch, far beyond components of each energy system, field
the range that humans register. or “body”, and some of the kinds of
attributes and problems that might be
You and I cannot “see” cosmic rays or x- looked for in each one. It serves to give
rays with our eyes, nor can we see the us a larger picture of the human being
magnetic or gravitational force-fields of than the one that is available to our purely
the earth. We cannot “see” the physical senses.
electromagnetic waves from the stars, or
the waves which carry the radio and TV The invisible spirit-mind-emotion-body
programmes that flow all around us. We connection
must use special instruments to tune into
their effects before we can use the Each of these energy systems is connected
information they carry. Only recently in to, influences, and is influenced by the
the history of the human race has science others. This is shown by the lines between
made us aware of the existence of them having gaps in them. The systems
multitude of interpenetrating natural interpenetrate each other and are
energy fields that are normally invisible interdependent.
and intangible to us. Great scientists
“saw” them with their mind’s eye first, Consider the following scene. A drunk
and then demonstrated their “existence” driver knocks down a pedestrian. To be
after years of arduous experimentation hit by a drunk driver is an emotional event
(but still no one has “seen” them with the as well as a physical one. It has been
naked eye, only their effects). Physicists shown that pain is more severe if the
now regard all creation as different injured one is resentful and depressed
patterns of energy. After energy than if they have been injured fighting in
awareness came putting the knowledge to war for a just cause approved of by all
practical use. Science has shown us how their friends.
to use it for many purposes,
telecommunications and navigation for The emotional response to the accident
example. Yet such energies have always may well lead the person to form some
been there. conclusion or belief in their mind about
themselves (eg. “Maybe I deserved it,

Heart of Healing I 13
Model of Human Being

because of how I treated ...... last year”), house fire. Your compassion for him
the person who injured you (“People like might overcome, or displace, your anger
that should be made to suffer for their and self-pity. Healing for both of you
stupidity !”, or even about God (“How could be hastened by this action.
could He let this happen to me? After all
the good I’ve done!”). Another person The event, the accident, was the same in
may think “I am so glad I am still alive. I each case, but the outcome was very
can finish my painting and will have time different. Thus you should have little
to read all those books I have been difficulty in recognising that there is a
meaning to read for so long. Poor man, I connection between:
wonder what is so wrong in his life that • your will, and purpose for living
he has to get drunk. Thank goodness my • your spiritual qualities
guardian Angel was looking after me - it • your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes
could have been so much worse.” For • your feelings
identical injuries, different people will Note that none of these are directly
have very different inner, invisible, perceivable by your senses (visible,
experiences according to their emotions, tangible, feelable, tasteable, smellable)
mental attitudes, and life purpose. • physical events in your body.
Note that only some of these are
If this scenario happened to you, the perceivable (visible, tangible, feelable,
possibility is there for you to feel physical tasteable, smellable)
pain and also very resentful emotionally.
You might then believe mentally that it Training ourselves to “see” the invisible
was done deliberately to hurt you or that it
“happened” to you because of a malign In this book I am going to ask you to
fate, or “bad karma”. You might then go consider that the human being is not just a
on to curse life and plot or even carry out physical being that happens to have a
revenge upon the culprit (diminishing the spiritual nature (or none at all), but rather
flow of love from your spiritual nature). the other way round, namely, that the
If you remained resentful (as well you human being is primarily a spiritual being
might, especially if this was a more (a Higher Self) that has a personality,
serious event), your immune system may consisting of mind, emotions, and a
be impaired and you may be more prone physical body. The spiritual essence
to get an infection in the wound. The dwells in the personality, and has it to use
reduced flow of love from “above” for a specific purpose or purposes. The
downwards has an effect upon the purely personality, mind, emotions and body are
physical processes of the body at the instruments of the indwelling spiritual
“lower” end of the triangle. being, giving it form and function in the
physical world, enabling service to be
Alternatively, in the same scenario, you given, and wisdom to be gained through
might see that an opportunity to increase experience. In this book I am working
your ability to love even in adverse from the hypothesis that we are evolving
circumstances, to develop your will by spiritual beings. We dwell in bodies that
choosing to forgive and to maintain are constantly changing throughout our
positive beliefs and attitudes, to partake lives, but our inner nature, or Self,
in community action to make the roads remains a constant thread through all
safer and campaign for safer drinking experiences. I cannot “prove” this to you
habits (thus expressing a group conscious in the scientific sense, it is a conclusion
pattern of goodwill from your spiritual based upon my experience of seeing
nature). In this more loving and less people transform, and reveal through the
stressed state, you may in fact physically processes of suffering fine qualities which
heal both quicker and better. they drew forth from a hidden source
within them. Such a source was
More loving still, you might reach out to unrecognised until the qualities
that driver, and discover that he was very demonstrated and shone forth into their
distressed at the time because his wife and daily lives for all to “see”.
children had died a week before in a

14 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

Few thinking people disagree with the

notion of the dualistic nature of human One of the metaphors that my students tell
beings - part invisible, (or spiritual, me has been helpful in trying to describe
heavenly), and part visible, (or material, the inner “structure” of a human being is
earthly). The word “person” comes from the following. A great piece of music is
a Greek word meaning a “mask”, coming into being. Somewhere in the
implying an additional “something” lying invisible realms of existence is the Source
behind it. This “something” is the inner of Beauty, mysterious and wonderful, -
consciousness, soul or “Self” which the Muse as the ancient Greeks called her.
animates and enlivens the outer form. A composer begins to draw upon this
Many different words have been used to source as he/she begins be inspired and to
express this idea of life-giving energy and “hear” strains of the music internally. As
quality behind the form. This Self has an this transfers to the brain the composer
enduring quality, and dwells in the outer writes it down as faithfully as he/she can.
form (body) which changes as the years
pass, from babyhood to old age. There Sometime later this piece of music finds
are many beautiful poetical terms for this. an orchestra who will “perform” it (that
In Christian terms people speak of the is, “carry it through into form”). An
“Word made flesh”. In mystical terms orchestra has a conductor and many
people speak of a “Spark of Divine Life” players, all of varying degrees of skill and
within each person. In scientific terms maturity. Each of these began life as tiny
people might speak of the “patterns of babies, and no one knew they would play
Life Energy vitalising a person”. In in a great orchestra one day. Their talents
Maori the word that is closest to this idea were latent then, like a tree in an acorn.
is probably “Wairua”, literally, the Later they were attracted to a career in
“second water”. Other cultures have music. Over time, they became trained.
their own ways of acknowledging, and Each cultivated and matured his or her
trying to describe these inner and outer individual skill, then learned how to
levels of reality. It is probable that there harmonise and blend with all the others in
are different levels even within this time, pitch, tone, and rhythm.
reality, for Spirit and Soul are different
aspects. The conductor is a key figure in this
process, encouraging the musicians,
Words are inadequate when it comes to directing them, guiding them, welding
describing realities that lie outside our them together into a harmonious whole.
everyday human sense perceptions. Maybe from time to time some of them
Language has not evolved enough, and confide their problems to the conductor,
people may use the same word for who becomes like a wise and loving
different meanings. We must, however, counsellor to them, for if they are stressed
do what we can to overcome the it will affect their playing and their music
limitations of our language. will suffer. The conductor is responsible
for them and cares for each one as well as
In this book we will use the English the way they come together and
words “Higher Self” or “Soul” and the harmonise with each other. The
Maori word “Wairua” to denote the conductor makes choices about what
indwelling spiritual essence, or higher music is to be played and how it will be
consciousness of the human being. played. He (or she) uses discipline and
Australian indigenous people speak of power to give direction as to how these
their part of the Great Spirit. If you prefer choices will be carried out by the players.
to use different words from your own
culture for yourself which work better for But the process of producing the finest
you, please substitute them whenever I performance of a symphony does not end
use those words. there. An orchestra, however technically
competent, may not always perform at its
The inner structure of a great piece of highest potential, for there is something
music is more than what we perceive with extra, elusive and barely definable, that
our senses — a musical analogy must be acquired. Each musician must

Heart of Healing I 15
Model of Human Being

catch the inspiration of the composer, even the reversal of a death-wish in a

must tune into the Source of Beauty from suicidal patient. Such beauty makes life
whence the music came. The conductor worth living.
especially must do this, and according to
his level of attunement so will the other However, many things might prevent the
members of the orchestra be inspired. performance of the music fulfilling its
You notice that the word “inspired” has potential. For example, the composer
the same root as the word “spirit”. An might not be able to transmit the whole
invisible something must be drawn in inspiration onto paper from its source. He
(inspired) and “breathed out through” the or she may reject it, or it may be
whole performance. forgotten. The paper on which the music
was written, the blueprint, the composer’s
When you look, listen and sense deeply message, might be lost or ignored. The
you find that the underlying essence of conductor might be too arrogant or
the finest performances includes love as stressed to get the best out of the players,
well as beauty flowing through from the or to attune humbly to the Source of
Source. It flows through the composer, Beauty that was reaching towards the
through the conductor (who “conducts” in world through the composer. The
the sense of acting as a conduit for these conductor might fail to conduct at all, by
invisible energies), through the musicians, being sick or absent. The players might
now skilled, matured, and working be stressed, angry, frightened, unhappy,
together in harmony, and on out to the guilty, jealous of one another, and this
audience. The love flowing gives the lack of love creates lack of cooperation,
music that extra quality and livingness. and dysharmony. In any of these
great performances have been played, as scenarios, the “life” of the music would
we say, by those who have “put their be diminished or even extinguished. Yet
Heart and Soul” into their playing. Such the potential is always there, latent, even
music is enduring, and recognised as if not expressed in any particular
great. I am listening to such a piece of performance. It remains there “waiting”
music on the radio as I write this now, and until a composer, conductor and orchestra
there is moisture in my eyes and warmth were finally able to express it by coming
in my heart as I feel the Source of the together in the right way.
Beauty and inspiration. It draws forth
from me a recognition that this Source is Using the analogy to describe the
there for me too. Years after the human being
composer died, something of that love
and beauty lives on, drawing forth these The diagrams might be helpful in showing
qualities, and gratitiude, in the listener. the correspondences with the musical
analogy, above, and to introduce some of
Thus in seeing the life of the piece of the terms used in this book.
music whole we see the invisible source,
the inspiration of the composer, the The diagram “Symphony of the Psyche”
attunement and directing power of the shows the different levels of the psyche.
conductor, the attunement, skills and
harmonious working together of the The spiritual level (1), as the Source of
players, and its presentation as a gift to Life, corresponds to the Source of Beauty,
the world. Running through them all is inspiring the composer. This is the Great
love — love of Beauty, love of each other, Spirit, the Creator, God, the Source of
love of those who will listen. Life Energy, [Mauri (Maori), Chi
(Chinese), or Prana (Sanskrit), Thymos
All these are interdependent, linked, a (Greek)] in its various manifestations.
Wholeness. When the flow is maximal
and unimpeded, it gives to the world a The Higher Self and Higher
transcendental performance. Sometimes, Unconscious Mind (2) correspond to the
as the ancient Greeks knew, with enough reception and transmission of this beauty
love, the beauty of such music can reach a within and through the composer.
high enough level to induce healing or Inspired, the composer formulates the

16 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

1. Spritual Level, the Source of Life,

Love, Beauty, Creatrivity. The Great
1 Spirit, God, the Universal Self

2 2. Higher Self, Soul, True Self, Essen-

tial Self, the Inner Self, the Christ Self,
the Godself, etc.

( 3. Personal self - the centre of awareness,

with the power of choice, and the power
( of the personal will and self-direction
3 The Observing self aspect of the personal
( self, calm, clear, detached
4. The physical body and its “chi”, the
life energy flowing through it meridians

9 5. The emotions, emotional nature, or

emotional field

6. The mind, mental nature or mental

7. The subpersonalities, clusters of
thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and
7 physical patterns related mostly to basic


8. Ths Social & Family Field

9. The Personality consists of all these
parts. It may be aware or unaware of the
Higher Self, or in varying degrees of
infusion of the qualities of the Higher

Levels of the Self

Heart of Healing I 17
Model of Human Being

patterns of the music within his or her The emotional nature (5) is something
brain consciousness and in a mysterious we are all more familiar with. At one
way, this “calls” the orchestra into being. level it includes all our feelings, of which
The qualities of the music are here, the basic ones are “love” (as desire for
precipitating into the mind of the someone or something), anger, fear, grief
composer on to the conductor. The Maori or sadness, and admiration. In a pure
word wairua overlaps in meaning here. In form these can all promote growth. The
the human being, the qualities and subtle emotions “set you in motion” in various
energy patterns of joy, love, purpose, ways, usually towards what you like and
wisdom, higher values, and the potential away from what you do not like. The
for growth, for example, can be seen to Maori word might be ngakau, though I
originate within the Higher Self and then believe that the Maori language does not
permeate the higher unconscious mind separate feelings and emotions from the
before precipitating into the world of rest of the psyche in the same way that
form. European languages do.

The personal self (3) corresponds to the Distortions of these basic emotions are
conductor, the director of the orchestra many and can inhibit growth. They will
who will harmonise the players, calling be described later. The emotions are
them forth to play in different sensitive and reactive in nature, and for
combinations of instruments, tone and many people provide the only basis for
volume, rhythm and timing, and how they make choices - seeking what
transmitting the inspiration of the “feels” good and avoiding what “feels”
composer on to them. bad, and “feeling bad about feeling bad”
(a sort of guilt) if they cannot escape
The physical (4), emotional (5), mental from a negative feeling. The emotional
natures (6), and all the patterns you have nature is fluid, changeable, even contrary
created in your daily life to meet your at times.
basic needs, which are called
subpersonalities (7), correspond to the It will become clear how important it is to
orchestral players, who produce the distinguish between “love” as desire
forms of the music, the “performance”. (leading to behaviour dominated by the
pleasure/pain principle), and Love as
The mental nature (6) will include for purposefully directed loving energy
example, all forms of mind-processing: (which is unconditional love and
your belief and value systems, your goodwill, independently of the behaviour
goals, attitudes, mind-sets, prejudices and of others or cost to oneself).
your imaginings about yourself, men, Unfortunately the same word “love” in
women, the world, relationships, sex, English is used for both, and this leads to
money, children, families, authority, and a great deal of confusion. “I love
so on. It also includes much more - your chocolate cake”, meaning “I desire to
styles of perceiving, learning, possess and consume it” (consumption or
remembering, thinking, reasoning, possession), and the kind of love that
making judgements. The Maori word will risk life to save a child (contribution)
hinengaro overlaps in meaning here. are two very different orders of “love” are
they not?
Your mind and brain have been
“programmed” by your experiences and The emotional nature can be thought of as
the conclusions you drew about them. an instrument of sensitivity, another kind
Among other things, forgiveness work of sense organ, if you like, which tells
has to do with re-programming mind you when unconditional love, as energy
patterns - especially out-dated belief and and goodwill, is needed in a situation.
value systems. Forgiveness is removing Any emotional pain that you feel can then
the conditions in the mind that block the become a call to a different kind of action
flow of love. It can thus be thought of as than the more usual re-actions based upon
“mental house-cleaning”. It is removing the drive to merely seek pleasure, avoid
pollution from the mind. pain or attack what causes pain.

18 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

In the forgiveness process we will be psychological history taken. Orthopaedic

healing “negative” emotional patterns. wards are full of injuries caused by
They may be conscious or unconscious. alcohol or family stress, for example, yet
They can be stored in unhealed memories; usually only the fracture gets treated.
issues of past abuse; the pain of People who have an electromagnetic
conflicting desires and unhelpful patterns disturbance in their mouth from disimilar
of reactivity in relationships; negative metals causing symptoms elsewhere in
emotional patterns around issues of sex their body do not get this recognised
and money, and so on. The Forgiveness because doctors and dentists rarely look at
Process is a healing of such negative the teeth from this point of view, and
emotional patterns. It is removing dentists do not usually enquire about the
emotional pollution. rest of the body.

The physical nature (4), or body, is The core belief systems, attitudes and
probably the part of us with which we are family dynamics of people with chronic
most familiar. It is the instrument of or life threatening diseases are rarely
experience (sensation and action) in the brought adequately to light. An
physical realm. The Maori word is unconscious illness-wish or even death
tinana.. wish made some time previously is
usually ignored in the search for a
Most people tend to think of it treatment for the physical illness or
structurally, in flesh and blood anatomical symptoms. Persistent unforgiveness,
terms. blocked love, resentments, self-hatred or
humiliation is rarely precisely diagnosed
Western medicine has thought of it in or mentioned in the medical records
structural terms, seeking the anatomical which describe physical pathology in
and biochemical explanations for disease, much greater detail. Many patients feel
ignoring the energy concept, except “unseen”.
indirectly, by recognising that disturbance
of the electrical activity of certain organs, Bringing together interdependent
such as the brain, heart and nerves are energy fields for both patient and
also signs of disease. Electrodiagnostic health professional — Integrative
test are becoming increasingly used, Medicine
however, and it cannot be long before
medicine turns its attention to the whole As it came to the West the Chinese
body energy concept in its search for acupuncture system brought a growing
understanding the causes of disease. interest in the patterns of energy activity
in the body. In traditional Chinese
The Social and Family field (8). The Medicine Life Energy, or Chi. is seen as
Maori culture, in common with most flowing around the body along channels
indigenous cultures acknowledges another or meridians, animating it. The flow of
important kind of energy field, the life-giving blood and oxygen (chemical
whanau, the Family, the Community, and energy) and Chi (subtle electromagnetic
the whenua, the Land. There is no energy) are given equal prominence in
comparable English word in common Chinese medicine. The concept of Life
usage, the concepts not being as deeply Energy animating the body is also seen in
understood and cherished in translocated Indian philosophy as when it is called
peoples. “Prana”, flowing through energy centres
in the body called “chakras” related to the
endocrine glands and channels, like
The cost of the fragmented view of the meridians, called “nadis”. The Chinese
human being that does not see these parts and Indian systems are thousands of years
of the human being as an integrated whole old and have served millions of people
has been high. well. Now is the time for the synthesis,
the integration of the best of both Eastern
For example, people who have had an and Western systems of thought. There
accident do not usually have a are now some centres in the West

Heart of Healing I 19
Model of Human Being

studying the electromagnetic fields of the pollution; food and non-food intolerances
human body with new technology, but and allergies; work and posture
this fascinating study is still in its very considerations; geopathic stress (some
early stages. There is still so much to people, especially those who are sensitive,
learn and many thousands of years yet to find they prefer certain places because
come before we will have undersood it all they “feel right” to them, whereas in other
fully. locations they may feel less well, and
even become sick).
A controversy still continues between
those who believe that thought and the Both positive and negative emotions and
other higher activities of the human being thoughts also affect energy flow. It is
arise in a rather mechanical way a result wise to be aware, however, that not all
of the chemical reactions in the body, and “emotional” problems are purely
those who believe that it is thought that emotional in origin - there can be physical
directs the body and brings about changes causes for them and these should be
in it, including chemical reactions. The looked for. Also, not all “physical”
first group tend to rely upon “treatments” problems are purely physical - there may
for illness, and the second group prefer be emotional and mental patterns that
the “mind over matter” approach. need correction before physical treatments
can be fully effective. Contributing
There is no need to become emotionally factors in all layers should be looked for.
attached to either of these points of view,
for there is some truth in both of them, People have can have spiritual factors to
and both belief systems need to be given consider, — by which I mean there is
their proper place and use. Teak is good either
for building boats and flax is good for (i) inhibition or lack of expression of
weaving baskets - both have their uses. some of the qualities of the human spirit -
Each can do something that the other purpose, altruism, creativity, love,
cannot do. To build a boat to escape from wisdom, tolerance, joy, courage, harmony,
an island on which you have been compassion, patience, and so on, or
shipwrecked, and to carry food in baskets (ii) they may have an excess of spiritual
in a boat across the ocean you would energy flowing through them producing
value both. It is the same with belief unwise behaviour, mental strain, even
systems. They need to be viewed as tools mental illness.
to be used for definite outcomes, to be
chosen wisely and updated at times. It is my observation that many of the
paptients’ conditions in the late twentieth
The energy model provided by the century usually arise from multiple
Chinese and Indian systems is one of the factors in several of these layers, very
best ways of understanding the mind- rarely from single ones. Because of this,
emotions-body link. The flow of energy patients, health professionals,
through the chakras and meridians is governments and insurance companies
affected by patterns of thought and will need to realise that a more integrative
emotion as well as by physical events in perspective going to be needed to heal,
the body such as toxins, illness, and and that there are no short cuts. Treating
injury. It is useful to think of the energy symptoms in only one “layer” without
system linking the mind and the body. attention to the other layers could even be
considered harmful if it delays the full
Physical factors that affect the energy and healthy flowering of the personality.
field include focal disturbances in the Diseases (whether in the body, emotions,
body like infections, tumours, foreign mind, or relationships) can also be
bodies; the quality of diet, air, shelter, opportunities for the development of
exercise, sleep; the presence of qualities of consciousness that are
environmental toxins; the state of all the essential for total health. It is ultimately
organs; the chemistry of the body fluids in consciousness that the blueprint for
and cells; the genes; poor lighting; health exists. One of the underlying
chemical, electromagnetic and sound premises of this book is that health care

20 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

involves caring for the quality of people’s of the human being simultaneously - this
consciousness as well as the more obvious is the true meaning of the words “holistic
mechanical and chemical items. medicine”. It takes time but is well worth
the effort.
I want to sound a note of caution with the
following stories which show that Ruth
sometimes emotional symptoms can also Early in my medical practise I saw a child
have important physical causes and vice of a chronically sick mother for two bouts
versa. of apparent unconsciousness, temporary
“blindness” in one eye, followed by
A medicine of the whole person – becoming excitable and difficult to
keeping an open mind manage. She had had a previous head
injury, even if a mild one, and I, the
Lena paediatrician, child psychiatrist and the
neurologist who were consulted wondered
Lena was a woman in her late thirites who if she might have organic epilepsy. No
had been depressed all her life. Many of physical cause was found after tests, and
her family of origin had had then it was thought the next most likely
psychological disturbances and she had diagnosis was emotional distress about
had a very unhappy life, including many her mother’s illness, though it seemed this
hospitalisations and drug treatments. She was a rather lame explanation, and not
did a great deal of personal work in much was done about it in detail. Many
counselling and in groups, with no years later, to my sorrow, I learned that
improvement in her depression. she was seeking therapy for the deep
unhealed wounds of sexual abuse she had
It was finally discovered that she had a been suffering at that time in her
specific food intolerance. Muscle childhood, which all of us had failed to
response testing revealed that she discover. The whole of society had been
weakened markedly in the presence of a blind to sexual abuse in those days. I felt
specific food substance. When she extremely sad that I had not looked for
stopped eating foods with the offending and “seen” more than her physical
substance in them, she initially had a problems at that time.
severe withdrawal reaction and felt much
worse. After ten days of that she began to Until all of us cease to mentally separate
feel “what normal people must feel like” out a person into physical and
for the first time. She has never looked psychological “diseases” there will
back, and remains exceptionally well, remain the undue emphasis placed on
physically emotionally and mentally to physical, emotional, or mental “diagnostic
this day, now many years after the change labels” by both patients and health
in diet. professionals. Managers in new health
systems may be tempted to think in terms
Many months after the improvement in only of the number of procedures for
her mental state was well established she certain “conditions” carried out by health
developed persistent fatigue following a professionals, and of how these may be
local anaesthetic injection for dental put through more rapidly and cheaply. In
work. A single acupuncture treatment New Zealand the artificial separation of
using heat on the needles (moxabustion) patients into “accident victims” and “non-
was followed by relief of the fatigue and accident victims” with different payments
also, surprisingly, the restoration of and privileges in the health services for
menstruation (after twelve years of having physical and psychological components of
no periods). She soon conceived and their conditions produces a further
gave birth to a much wanted baby. Her distortion. People must be seen as a
total health since then has remained whole. Tendencies to separate people into
outstanding. disconnected parts will have to be
This case has been a reminder to me of
the importance of looking in all the layers The personality (9) corresponds to the

Heart of Healing I 21
Model of Human Being

visible outer performance - the conductor The next diagrams, the so-called “Egg
and the orchestra together - and is made diagrams” are adaptations from the work
up of the personal self and the physical, of Roberto Assagioli, an Italian
emotional and mental patterns - and the psychiatrist and sage who described the
way they combine together, skilfully or psychological framework he called
unskilfully, harmoniously or otherwise. psychosynthesis (“how the Self puts us
together”). Psychosynthesis is a word
It a mark of health for a person to become used to describe the process whereby a
integrated as a personality, wherein all the person becomes integrated, with all the
parts function well together. Yet current “parts” functioning harmoniously as a
models of health care provision often whole. The word psychosynthesis is also
militates against health professionals and used to describe the body of knowledge
health managers thinking of people as that has grown up around this subject.
whole. How can patients become fully
healed if they are not seen and treated as Suggestions for further reading on are
an integrated whole? We can all, patients included at the end of this book.
and health professionals, help to improve
this situation.

A whole, healthy person is one who

operates well on all these levels
simultaneously and integrates them in
such a way that love, and other qualities
of the Higher Self, the “music of life”,
flow through into everyday life
unimpeded. All parts of the self are
working together in the best way possible.

This book will concern itself mainly with

following “levels” of the human being:

• The Higher Self (the source within you

of inspiration, love, wisdom and other
qualities of that kind - the “composer”)

• The second level — the personal self

(the place of conscious self-observation
and will - the “conductor”)

• The third level — which is a

combination of the physical, emotional,
and mental parts and the
subpersonalities (the place of action, the
“orchestra” of players within your

The personality is the combination of the

last two, and is sometimes call the lower

Please note that there is no value

judgement attached to the use of the
words “higher” and “lower”. All these
levels are important parts of the whole.
All must work in partnership with the
others. They all need each other.

22 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

Maps of Human Consciousness

Heart of Healing I 23
Model of Human Being

Look at the three Maps of Human

Consciousness. They have been drawn to
show certain stages in the process of
forgiveness in sequence.

First, the meanings of the diagram and the

terms used. The “egg” represents a
human being’s psyche.

(i) The sea of the collective and

mass consciousness:

The collective consciousness

We know there is order which we call

natural law underlying the physical
Universe. From this we might deduce
there is an underlying and coherent plan,
to which we humans can attune and with
which we can learn to work. We live in a
“sea” of physical atoms, planets, stars and
there is consistency about how they
behave. Natural laws governing the
physical realm (gravity, electricity, and so
on) existed aeons before humans
discovered them. We have discovered
them, applied them and relied upon them
to produce countless inventions.

Like drops in an ocean, we also exist

within a “sea” of consciousness and
thought. It is not unreasonable to believe
that there is consistency about the
underlying order and natural laws
governing this “sea” as well. Archetypal
patterns or design for the laws and
qualities of the emotional and mental
realms presumably existed in this “sea” of
consciousness before the human race
emerged (for example the laws and
archetypal patterns governing the flow of
unconditional love and right relationship).

Just as we have discovered many of the

physical laws, we are now (thousands of
years into the evolutionary process)
discovering the laws of love, cooperation
and right relationship, individually and
internationally, more rapidly than at any
time in history. The importance of
understanding and applying such natural
laws becomes increasingly clear as most
of us want cooperation and right human
relations on earth as soon as possible.
The laws of love and energy flow will be
the preoccupation of not only scientists,

24 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

psychologists, health professionals and

teachers very soon, but also of economists
and politicians. It is in understanding
and applying knowledge of these laws
that our greatest security lies, far more
than in material technology.

Mass consciousness

There is also a mass consciousness of

large groups of human beings.
It would have been very different growing
up in the communist Soviet Union than in
capitalist America, for example. It would
be very different growing up in a
predominantly Catholic country than in a
Protestant, Buddhist, Hindu, or Islamic
one. Each would lead to a belief in very
different aspects of truth. The contents of
the mass consciousness are the ideas, the
patterns of thought and feelings that
surround us, and which we tend to absorb
without much conscious thought. We
may even come to believe they are the
truth. Only by travel or through life crisis
do you get a chance to review what you
have absorbed from the collective and
mass unconscious in a new light and to
expand your belief systems.

We shall encounter this sea of

consciousness later, when we recognise
that there is a belief in the mass
consciousness of the European and
European-colonised countries that “if you
have made a mistake, you are bad and
must be punished”.

Most people remain unaware of collective

and mass consciousness as such until they
undertake personal growth, study and

(ii) The personal self and the

psychological functions

The personal self is the name given to the

centre of awareness and conscious will in
an integrated person, whose body,
emotions and mind function in a
harmonious and well-coordinated pattern.

When your awareness is centred here, you

can look out at the world in a definite
way. You can survey the contents of your
own consciouness objectively and

Heart of Healing I 25
Model of Human Being

compassionately. You can alsodirect all float in and out of your awareness rather
the psychological functions with your randomly.
will. You will be aware of your
sensations, feelings, needs and desires,
thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, the images
(iv) The middle unconscious
formed in your imagination, your
subpersonality patterns (see later for This represents the items in your
these), and your intuitions. You can consciousness that might be brought
direct how you will react to your easily into your focus — for example,
sensations and feelings. You can be your name, what you had to eat today,
responsible for knowing what your needs your two times table, the layout of your
are, and for meeting your needs house, things you can remember easily
satisfactorily and harmlessly. You can and so on. There is a constant ebb and
direct your mind exactly how to think, flow between here and the field of
and you can change unwise beliefs and awareness.
attitudes into wiser ones. You can choose
what you will imagine - thus developing a (v) The lower unconscious mind
creative imagination rather than one
purely driven by emotion. You can This was the great discovery of Freud and
become aware of your subpersonality others. He and his colleagues were seeing
patterns and mature them. You can still mostly mentally ill people, so this concept
your mind long enough to be able to appeared at first to be rather dark,
receive true intuitions from your Higher dangerous, and undesirable to the general
Self, and you can distinguish between public. Because of this, many people
“gut feeling” level of intuition that serves tended initially to reject both Freud and
you personally, and the higher levels of the idea of the unconscious mind.
intuition that serve humanity best.
However, the overall picture turns out to
This represents quite a level of be brighter. The lower unconscious
accomplishment, but as we learn how to represents all memories that you cannot
do these things consistently and we easily recall - positive as well as negative.
become more “centred” in our personal It also includes all the skills you have
selves. which you no longer need to think
consciously about - like walking, driving,
(iii) The field of awareness, or of cleaning your teeth. In fact you can use
your conscious mind to think about other
consciousness things while you do these things quite
automatically. It also includes all the
This represents what you can actually be skills you do not think about, that have
aware of in any split second of time. It is been acquired over aeons of evolution,
what you are focused on and to which you that is, all the automatic processes of the
can pay attention. It is similar (in body, like how to beat your heart and
consciousness) to how it is (visually) digest your food. It includes how you
when you look at this page — you can learned different skills — and any errors
only focus clearly upon a certain central in technique which you tend to repeat. It
area of your visual field, and the rest is includes unconsious core belief systems,
rather blurred. You must shift you gaze to whether they are wise or not.
bring into focus other areas of the page.
Your field of consious awareness is Unconscious patterns remain below the
similar - some parts are clear, while other threshold of your awareness unless they
parts are blurry or invisible. What you are causing trouble. Then you may
can include in your awareness is limited, experience some kind of “pain”, which is
though it may be expanded with practise. really a signal coming from your
People have varying degrees of control unconscious mind that something needs
over this. Until, with practise, you learn your attention.
to summon items at will in a disciplined
manner for our attention, they tend to Each of the little blocks at the bottom of

26 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

the “egg” diagram in the lower

unconscious represents one of the basic
beeds of the human being. Depending
upon how you count them there are about
sixty three of these, in seven main
categories. These are like batteries, they
all have energy that does not go away, and
each impels us all to find a way meet the
need it represents. Each person does the
best they can to meet their needs with
whatever knowledge, skills, psychological
and physical equipment they have at the
time. One way of looking at almost
everything anyone ever does is within this
framework — how it is meeting one or
more of the basic needs.

(vi) The subpersonalities and the

basic needs

The pattern you adopt and stick with that

helps you to meet a particular need is
called a subpersonality. It is a cluster of
the way you thought felt and acted earlier
in life to help you meet a need when it
was not being met, and continuing in
various disguises and forms into the
present. Some of the patterns you
adopted earlier in your life around
particular needs may work very well.
They are simply “on automatic”. Over
time, others can fail to work, become
compulsive or even destructive if they are
not understood and matured into
wholesome patterns. The catch is, that
until you educate yourself about them and
practise detached self-observation, you
may remain unaware of them.

There are only two basic

emotions, love and hate.
You cannot make the
choice for love for
another person.
But your act of kindness
may help them
make the choice for love
for themselves.
John Diamond.

Heart of Healing I 27
Model of Human Being

developing self-respect
List of Basic Needs To develop and maintain self-esteem
(esp. from experiences with parents or
Needs are necessities of life, and failure in parent figures.)
their being met leads to diminishment, To give love.
failure to fulfil potential, and maybe To love one’s self (one’s parts, one’s
illness or death. The most important history (especially the Inner Child), and
needs may have a different pattern of one’s potential)
emphasis for different people, or for the
same person at different times in life. SEXUAL:
“Special love”, “Special hate” and “co- To accept and respect one’s own body and
dependent” relationships are often based the bodies of others, through experiences
upon demands that needs be met in a of being accepted and respected.
certain way by certain people in your life To learn the difference between sexual
— and if not, you withold love. and affectionate touching, and be able to
be comfortable with either.
Most of the occasions you will be using To accept one’s need for psychological
the forgiveness processes for will be times and physical intimacy (sexual intercourse
in your life when your needs were not does not always remove loneliness and
met. Usually this is because the other estrangement).
person did not know enough about your To accept feelings and urges as proper and
basic needs or was unable to meet them vital (even if choosing to not always act
because of their own unmet needs. on them).
To learn what it is to be a man or woman,
Being “for-giving” could mean being and how to be with a person of the same
open to others getting their needs met as or opposite sex appropriately, through
well as our own. “Do unto others as you satisfactory teaching and role-modelling
would have them do unto you” takes on a by parents or parent figures.
more practical meaning as we become To accept one’s sexuality and the
aware of each need in turn, and examine sexuality of others.
our behaviour around it, in ourselves and To learn how to communicate about one’s
others. Below is an attempt to list the sexual needs comfortably.
main human needs, and the troublesome To develop one’s sexuality free from
ones I have met most frequently in power games and manipulation.
forgiveness work are in heavy type:- To accept one’s desire to reproduce,
protect, and nurture children or, to find a
PHYSICAL: channel for one’s creative energies that is
Food, liquids, shelter, sleep, oxygen, wise, loving and satisfactory.
light, warmth, exercise - all of good
quality and in the right amount. SELF-ACTUALISATION NEEDS:
Enough moneyflow, or ideas on how to To grow, to develop our potentials, and to
get it harmlessly. (=access to enough of have challenges.
the earth’s energy. How much is To be curious, to find out, to know, to
“enough”?) understand,
To seek meaning,
PSYCHOLOGICAL: To achieve progress, to gather the
To have security, resources that one needs while still
To receive love, (incl. affection, right recognising the needs of the whole of
touching, tenderness, gentleness, mutual which one is a part (ecosytem, groups
trust with absence of fear), etc.)
To be cherished, To see options and their consequences,
To belong (to family, group, or tribal and then to make free choices, thus
tradition), learning how to Use Time Skilfully and
To be deeply understood, Wisely from the results (i.e. to be allowed
To be deeply accepted and recognised, to make “mistakes” without harsh
To be forgiving, and forgiven criticism, but to simply learn how to be
To be treated with respect, thus wiser and how do it better).

28 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

To develop one’s capacity to love, and whanau is much more fully

learn forgiveness so as to be able to acknowledged in traditional Maori and
restore it when it is impaired. other indigenous cultures.
To train oneself in the right use of the To relate to something greater than
will. oneself in a meaningful way.
To recognise a scheme of things in which
AESTHETIC NEEDS: we have a part - a pattern in which we
Beauty in sound, form and colour. Fun logically belong, with a purpose to
and humour. account for the vicissitudes of life.
To have a sense of inner life - an
FREEDOM: “essence” impregnating matter, some
To speak and to be heard. subjective, spiritual, “plus” factor, no
To choose. matter what it may be called , which links
To do what one believes is right for us with some wider field suggesting
oneself if it is harmless to oneself and continuity. At a very deep level each
others. human being knows they are part of
To inquire. something larger than self, larger than the
To defend oneself, and receive a fair life visible to them, larger than the earth-
hearing. system, more than three-dimensional.
To be just, To have a loving attitude towards the
To be honest, (by not having being put in Source of Life.
a situation when young where it becomes To have order.
necessary to lie to preserve your safety), To contact one’s own inner source of
To be fair. peace and express the peace and other
qualities latent within the Higher Self
To grow and expand. To seek for and express truth, and to
To improve one’s skills (spiritual or understand ourselves - our composition
otherwise). and why we function as we do..
To learn and practise unconditional To trust life.
love, which means learning its There is a deep need to serve others and
components, and also means learning to develop one’s potentials.
develop skill in using the following
goodwill patterns — all the Aramaic The patterns you have developed in the
words will be described in Ch 3.9 past around one or several of these needs
(i) to learn and practise true humility when they were not met satisfactorily may
(Makikh), not work well for you later in life. They
(ii) to learn and practise fairness to all may cause distress, disease or even harm.
(Kenoota), But remember, they may be the best you
(iii) to learn and practise unconditional could do when you were a young child,
positive perceptive love (Khooba), and have helped you to survive, even
(iv) to learn and practise compassionate though now you find they do not work so
self-diagnosis and joyful self-correction well for you later in life. Such patterns
of errors in the mind (Abilii), could be called dysfunctional
(v) to learn and practise inner peace, and subpersonalities. There may be much
peace skills (Rukha), hurt, resentment, anger, fear, grief,
(vi) to learn and practise holistic or sadness, jealousy, envy, guilt (real or
synthetic vision (Dadcean Libhoun). false), or other detructive patterns
(vii) to learn and practise clear associated with the memories of the times
communication when your needs were not met.
To know one’s deepest values, and to
develop a stable hierarchy of values by The forgiveness processes are very
which to make decisions. important tools for healing painful
To have adequate meaning to one’s life: memories of times of unmet needs.
To relate to others, individually, in group,
and as a human family, in meaningful Most of the occasions for which you will
ways. This need for connection with be using the forgiveness process will be

Heart of Healing I 29
Model of Human Being

times when your needs were not met by which is the source of love within, and is
another person. Either they did not know described in the next section.
how, or were not able, to meet your needs
properly, and this caused your pain. The Map of Human Consciousness 1

You will also be able to see that the other shows an early stage in this progression,
person behaved the way they did to you in which the personal self is (a) not aware
because their needs had not been met of the Higher Self, and (b) not aware of
adequately, either at that time or earlier in the contents of the lower unconscious,
their lives. where there is a now a dysfunctional
pattern as an adult arising from serious
In the process of healing of memories, the unmet needs in childhood. The person
power of understanding about the feels willed by forces within about which
subpersonalities and basic needs is very he or she has little knowledge. This was
great. shown in the story about Gerry. He found
himself doing certain things that were not
Once you have learned and can really wise, impelled by the world-view
understand the basic needs, you can of his “hurt child within”.
develop a compassionate attitude to
people almost without effort. The Map of Human Consciousness 2

The inner patterns, called shows the stage where the personal self is
subpersonalities, that came into existence becoming aware of the painful and
to help a person meet needs always have dysfunctional part. Note that his belief
that basically good intention. They try to “In stressful times it is wise to withold the
work for the person to help them get their truth” made perfect sense to the child
needs met. Gerry when he was unfairly treated by the
teacher and his father. It was his
If a pattern does not work well for you childhood conclusion about how the
any more, it can be upgraded into a better world was, and how best to meet his need
one any time you are willing to take for security. It was only later, when it was
responsibility for doing so. destroying his friendship with Tom, his
health and his marriage that this
Contrary to the widespread belief that subpersonality pattern came up for
therapy must be “hard work” and review, for it had run into conflict with
“painful”, having worked with the another basic need - his basic need give
forgiveness process for twelve years, I love and to love himself.
believe that healing these sources of pain
is truly a joy, and not a burden. To be Map 2 also shows how contact is made
forgiving is itself a basic need. When it with the Higher Self. This can happen
is met, there is relief, fulfilment, and joy - quickly in time of crisis, when inner
that is, a greater life. resources are needed badly. A barrier
between the personal self and the Higher
Evolution of Consciousness occurs as Self seems to give, and courage, love,
love is released through forgiveness: wisdom or whatever quality is needed has
a chance to flow in. The person dimly
Progress along the path of the healing of recognises that there is in fact more to
memories is made in stages and has them than their usual everyday self. The
certain requirements. To make progress contact between Higher Self and personal
you must be willing self can also be developed gradually
(i) to become aware of the material through the practise of meditation.
needing healing (which might be called
“the conditions in the mind that block Map of Human Consciousness 3
love”), and
(ii) to reach up, or lift the level of shows the development of increased
consciousness to that of the Higher Self, awareness by the personal self of the
subpersonality pattern (in Gerry’s case the

30 Heart of Healing I
Model of Human Being

“Hurt Inner Child Who Hid the Truth”) breathe into... : and “intuition” = teaching
and also an increased contact with the within).
Higher Self. The great love and wisdom
of the Higher Self is now able to flow Conductor is equivalent to the Personal
through the personality, healing the Inner self, will, receiving the intimations from
Child and giving intuitive guidance as to the Higher Self, and then directing the
how to think and act more wisely in the psychological functions, and the field of
future. Such love, filling the person’s consciousness.
energy fields on mental, emotional, and
physical levels will then be able to be The Orchestra of players are equivalent
overflowed to those who caused the pain to the personality, consisting of the
in the first place. Thus, in Gerry’s case, conscious and lower unconscious minds,
his teacher and father will be able to be the lower concrete mind, emotions, body
forgiven. The conditions in the mind that and the combinations of these called
blocked love have been removed. He is subpersonalities. The subpersonalities are
more whole. clusters or patterns of thinking, feeling
and acting that were each developed to
A Model of the Human Being meet one or more of the Basic Needs.
The lower unconscious mind includes all
the past memories, body patterns and
skills that operate to influence behaviour
automatically, outside of awareness.

The metaphor of the Source of Beauty

(Spiritual Source of Life, Source of
Inspiration), Composer (Higher Self),
Conductor (Personal Self) and Musicians
of the Orchestra (Sub-personalities) has
been used here. The metaphor of Muse,
Playwright, Directo and Actors can be
used just as well, and has been well used
by Vivian King in her bookd Soul Play.
Key points to remember - fast track:
Three Maps of Human Consciousness
There is more to the human being than
illustrate the evolutionary steps in
meets the eye. The spirit-mind-emotion-
integrating the different levels into a
body connection and interpenetrating
harmonious whole.
energy fields are invisible to ordinary
senses. The Holistic Triangles diagram
illustrates this. Giving attention to these
energy fields helps us to “see” them in a
The chapter used the an analogy of a
human life seen as a “Symphony of the
Psyche”. The levels of the Self or psyche
are like the levels of the Symphony:

Source of Beauty is equivalent to

Source of Life Energy, Inspiration and

Composer is equivalent to the Higher

Self or Soul and higher mind, custodian of
the qualities, values and purposes to be
expressed, able to create the blueprint of
the inspiration and teach the personality
through the intuition. (“To inspire” = to

Heart of Healing I 31
Nature of the Self

There is some disagreement about

The Nature of the Self whether the True Self is best described as
“higher” above us or “deeper” inside us,
Partnership of two selves and both adjectives are used. Such words
appear to indicate a kind of geographical
At a certain stage in our lives, most of location — our lives are such that we tend
us become aware of there being more to to describe all things invisible and
us than meets the eye. We recognise an intangible in words related to our
everyday self, our personality, and an everyday physical experiences of sensory
invisible, intangible, and almost and spatial perceptions.
indescribable part, our spiritual self.
At times there is disharmony between • The Higher Self is a Source of subtle
these two, at other times they seem to qualities and energies
work in a harmonious partnership and
we are “at peace with ourselves.” Here In this book the term Higher Self will be
are some thoughts that people over the used to describe whatever is the invisible
ages have had about these two levels of source within each human being of the
selfhood, the “Higher” Self and the patterns, qualities, and subtle energies for
personality, or “lower” self. health, love, joy, wisdom, courage,
strength, inspiration, creativity, altruism
1. The Higher Self and so on. We deduce that such a source
exists, because we see these qualities
Throughout history man has tried to expressed by other people and within
discover and describe the nature of his ourselves. We evidently recognise that
True Self — the answer to the question this source exists when we say we have
“Who am I?” Many words have been potential to be more loving, wise, etc.,
devised for this elusive something at the than we currently are.
core of our being. In English, people use
words like Higher Self, Soul, Essence, Here are some other ways people have
Essential Self, Deep Self, Spiritual Self, tried to describe their understanding of the
True Self, Inner Self, Inner Light, Inner Higher Self:
Being, Transpersonal Self, Godself, and
the Wise and Loving Part. In Maori the • The Higher Self is an integrating
word used to describe the spiritual centre
dimension is wairua, in Lithuanian,
dvasa, in Russian, dusha, in Hindu, atma, The Higher Self is the answer to the
in German seele, in French âme, in question: “Why did all my particular
Spanish alma, and so characteristics come together at this
on. Each language particular time and place in this particular
has its own word or way?”
words to describe the
basically In this sense, families, groups, towns,
indescribable cities, nations, etc., can also be thought of
essence at the core of as having a Higher Self. In these cases the
each person. It Higher Self would be related to the
would be interesting collective consciousness, purpose, and
to collect all the potentials of these groups of people. It is
words from different the answer to the question “Why did these
languages and units come together in this way at this
compare their shades time and place?”
of meaning. One
thing is certain, this The Higher Self is used to describe the
I need essential “something” indwelling, invisible, intangible,
your help! at our very core is organising, integrating centre of energy,
subtle and difficult to the controlling core, the source of the
describe. pattern of potential unfolding in mental,
emotional and physical development.

32 Heart of Healing I
Nature of the Self

of constant physical laws which humanity

• The Higher Self is the source of our has discovered (gravity,
purpose for living electromagnetism, aerodynamics, for
example), there is also a pattern of
The Higher Self is also related to the basic psychological, mental and spiritual laws
purpose of an individual, town, or group. we are in the process of discovering. If
Groups disband when their purpose is we go against the plan of the Higher Self
fulfilled. Their members go on to some and ignore these laws, we become like
other activity. Towns that have no further builders ignoring the blueprint of a wise
purpose for their existence, become engineer-architect, and causing the
“ghost towns” and the population moves building to be weaker than it might
elsewhere. otherwise have been.

Individuals get sick or die when they have • The Higher Self is the inner space-time
lost connection with their sense of blueprint
purpose for living, the will to live for
something. The cells of the body lose In some mysterious way it has the
their pattern and start to dis-integrate. It knowledge of the whole pattern and its
is as if the integrating pattern and energies unfoldment through time, and thus of
of the Higher Self are blocked or disease, healing, and fulfilment processes.
withdrawn. The will to live is crucial to It is the storehouse of not-yet-conscious
recovery from life-threatening illnesses. potentials, talents and higher qualities that
remain latent until released into the world.
When someone has lost whatever gives
meaning and purpose for their life, they • It “breathes” life into us
feel, “There is nothing left to live for”. It
is as if a “disconnection” from the Higher In fact the lower self could have no
Self’s life-giving energies has occurred. separate existence without it. The lower
Accompanying recovery from life- self includes the mind (power to
threatening illneses or serious crises, or discriminate), the emotions (power to
after completing their forgiveness agenda, sense, desire, aspire, and attract) and the
many people describe a rediscovery of physical body (power to act and be
their purpose for living. energetic). The lower self or personality
is a creation, projection, reflection, or
When we live our lives in accordance partial expression of the Higher Self and
with the will, purpose, and plan for us of its qualities. The lower self gives form
the Higher Self, we “sing the song of the and function to the Higher Self in the
Soul”. We live with the maximum love physical, emotional and mental realms.
and life energy of which we are capable.
We express externally the best of who we • The Higher Self creates, sustains and
are internally. We fulfil our potential. influences the different energy fields
and their relationship
• The Higher Self has a design for us
and relates us to a larger Grand Design An ancient Eastern teaching is that
energies flow down from the Higher Self
The Higher Self is a cause, not an effect. into the body’s biological energy field and
It causes effects in the mental. emotional, into seven energy distribution centres of
and physical energy systems. It impresses the body known as the centres or chakras,
the personality with its design and which are located in relation to the
purposes which might be called its plan nervous system and the endocrine glands
for the personality. (This is like the which produce the body’s hormones.
composer’s intention for how the music is Western medicine has not really begun to
to be played). We experience tension study the electrical force-fields around
when we go against it’s plan for us, these glands in the same detailed way that
enshrined in our deepest values, or against it has studied the electro-magnetic activity
the higher natural laws upon which the of the heart, brain, nerves or muscles.
design is based. Just as there is a pattern That time will come soon.

Heart of Healing I 33
Nature of the Self

others previously. As we, too, succeed in

The patterns in these fields do more than lifting our consciousness to this level we
reflect the state of mind, emotions, and become more understanding of, and
body of the personality. These fields aligned with, these universal laws.
communicate with the fields of others,
and with mass consciousness. On a larger • The Higher Self persists after the
scale, they are part of and interact with death of the physical body
the planetary fields - magnetic, electrical,
gravitational, lunar, solar, and cosmic. The Higher Self is the “part that cannot be
Despite its apparent separation because of destroyed”, and in this context is often
the nature of our language, the energy referred to as the “soul”. It remains
field of Higher Self is group-linked and constantly present until withdrawing at
group conscious. In energy terms, “No physical death. The body and personality
one is an island” for all the fields may undergo many changes during a
interpenetrate and interact. Separation at lifetime, but the Essence at the core does
the level of the Higher Self does not exist. not change. Your body has been a baby’s
body, a child’s, a teenager’s and an adult’s
• The Higher Self is what pressures us body, yet your essential Self endured all
to grow and evolve these transitions.

It releases energy and awareness into our Clinical death is no longer defined as a
consciousness as we are ready. People stopped heart, as it was when I first
grow by a series of inner realisations, qualified as a doctor. It is now defined in
inspirations, drives towards discoveries, scientific and rather mechanistic terms as
understandings, expansions of awareness, termination of brain wave activity. “Brain
expansions of their points of view, and so death” is the term used.
on. These drives emerge from
somewhere, usually described as “above” For some years I have asked my clients
or “deep within” us. They are different and patients about their beliefs about
from the instinctual drives to meet basic death. Virtually all of those asked believe
needs. The Higher Self is the name we in the persistence of some form of
give to the source of these higher consciousness after brain death. They do
aspirations. When we talk of being not believe that “brain death” is the end of
inspired by someone, or having been to an the life of the indwelling consciousness.
uplifting performance, we are describing As a matter of fact, over half the world’s
our response to these energies received population believes in some form of
through another person. cyclical incarnation - a progressive
“journey of the soul” through many
• The Higher Self is the gateway to incarnations and experiences, growing,
higher knowledge through true expanding, building qualities of love,
intuition wisdom and strength into the evolving
soul nature. This implies a purposeful
In some way the Higher Self has access to existence on both the visible and invisible
knowledge of the higher universal laws levels of existence. The survival of
which have always existed, but only consciousness after death has immense
gradually been released into the implications for how we could better
awareness of humanity by gifted manage the processes of living, illness
individuals. Genius has been described as (and especially terminal illness), and the
seeing what everyone else saw and then process of dying, or withdrawal from the
understanding what noone else did. body.
Those who have made great discoveries
often describe how, after a period of • Location of the Higher Self
preparing their minds, there was a sudden
breakthrough in understanding, and an This is a controversial issue. Where is the
Aha! experience in which they “saw” the Higher Self? And why “higher”? The
pattern of natural law that had always words “higher” and “lower”, and “deeper”
been there to see, but had escaped all and “inner” when applied to

34 Heart of Healing I
Nature of the Self

consciousness sometimes give people levels (like conditional love or

difficulty. Why not just “Self”? These resentment). They are to be aspired to,
are tricky words and tricky questions. reached “up” for, drawn “down” and
expressed in daily life. People value these
Energetically speaking, something is higher qualities more than the lesser.
centred above the head, but is not visible The lesser ones are however earlier
or tangible to our ordinary perception. expressions of the higher. There is an
Note the frequency with which this idea evolutionary urge towards the “higher”
appears in many cultures with respect to from the “lower” levels.
their “great” people - haloes, crowns,
bishops’ mitres, chieftain’s expansive The expression “Deep Self” is used to
headgear. Holding your hand in this area emphasise the interpenetration of energy
of another person’s energy field will fields and the way the parts of the
reduce their muscle power. The Maori personality seem to “hide” the Self
people, and other indigenous peoples well within, like a mask. The essence is
attuned to natural energies have a taboo revealed by penetrating these layers.
on being touched on the top of the head.
Various martial arts use this knowledge. It is important to recognise that
In the terminology of esoteric science it experience of all the levels or layers of
has been called the causal body. Energies consciousness is valuable. Each is a stage
appear to flow down from this area, and of experience and development. Later
are subtler than the electromagnetic forces developments depend upon earlier ones,
we know in physics. so all are equally important. Kindergarten
is as vital as university, probably more so,
We cannot “measure” this with present as it lays the foundation. All progress is
scientific instruments, though the time fundamentally spiritual progress.
may not be far away. We can, however, Although the full expression of all the
develop a greater sensitivity in our own qualities of the Higher Self would be
bodies as instruments. The muscle more advanced than our present partial
response testing (also called behavioural expression of them, yet no stage is
kinesiology) described in the Appendix is intrinsically more important than another,
one approach that shows promise. There as every rung upon a ladder is equally
will be others. important to the make-up of the whole
ladder. The words “higher” and “lower”
Sometimes people prefer to use the words are not to be used to make unfavourable
like “Deep Self” or “Inner Self” and talk judgements about our present level of
about resources “within” a person. It is achievement.
because consciousness is not directly
visible that words like these are used. The There is, however, one good reason for
use of these words suggests that the body, using the word “higher”, for there is an
emotions, and mind are like “wrappings” interesting comparison in consciousness
of increasing subtlety which veil or hide with climbing up to a physical height.
the Real, or True Self. As the Self is “dis- When you climb a hill or mountain, you
covered” or revealed, then more of the can see further, the valleys below and
fine qualities of the Higher Self or Soul distant horizons open up to you, the air is
shine through, illuminating daily life. clearer, and you are closer to the sun. In a
similar way, when people have accessed
There is no real conflict between those qualities of the Higher Self like
who use “higher” and those who prefer unconditional love during a forgiveness
“deep” or “inner” to describe the True process, often they become able to “see”
Self. far more of their situation and think more
clearly than they could when they were
The expression the “Higher Self” reflects caught on the “lower” levels of negative
the idea that the qualities of the “higher” emotion only (the “swamps and foggy
levels of consciousness (like valleys” below). They are closer to
unconditional love) are more advanced expressing the “clear light of the sun”,
and desirable than those of the “lower” their Higher Self.

Heart of Healing I 35
Nature of the Self

embody certain qualities in their lives

Moving physically higher does seem to fully, thus showing the rest of humanity
help a person access the qualities of the what they too could embody in the future.
Higher Self. This is made use of during Not all of us are currently capable of
the Self-forgiveness process, and can also emulating such people or handling such
be used for meditation when a “higher” great tasks as they did at our present level
perspective is sought about a subject. It is of development, but we are capable of
for this reason that the words Higher Self moving in the directions they have
are used in this book and the forgiveness indicated. Other figures in history, with
processes. Those of you who prefer the less skilled personalities, seem to have
idea of the Inner Self can make the “short-circuited” and become unbalanced
necessary mental adjustments without when influenced by large amounts of
giving up your own perspective.. spiritual energy, becoming powerful
charismatic leaders but producing harm
The following combinations all have their instead of good.
Higher Self and lower self. • Health
Soul and personality.
Greater Self and the lesser self. The Higher Self can be used to describe
Deep Self and superficial self. the source of the invisible intangible
True Self and everyday self. healing blueprint which comes into play
whenever healing occurs. Such healing in
• “Size” accord with an inner blueprint is
happening in our bodies all the time, even
Modern computer and laser technology, though we are only aware of it in times of
crystallography, subatomic physics, major illness or injury.
holography and our knowledge of genetic
coding have shown us that vast amounts The Higher Self was called the “Wise
of information can be stored, transmitted Doctor Within” by Albert Schweitzer, and
and received in electrical and light its streams of energy hold the key to all
patterns of exceedingly small dimensions. healing. Without the potential of the body
Size is not as important as we used to to return to this inner blueprint no surgeon
believe when it comes to storing and would make a living!
handling complex and massive
information. We are quite used to the idea Health in its widest sense could be seen to
that many vibrational patterns of include cooperation between the
information can coexist in the same personality and the Higher Self — a mind
physical space every time we tune in to a that is used to create thoughts that
particular radio or television programme. enhance life; emotions that lead to
The force-fields of the Higher Self, mind, sensitivity used to distribute goodwill; a
emotions and physical electromagnetic body that is used in productive service;
and subtle energy patterns coexist and relationships that express the qualities of
interpenetrate each other. the soul.

• Energy transformation It has been said the all disease is an

expression of inhibited soul life, that it is
The Higher Self can also be thought of as caused by a lack of harmony between the
the connection with the Source of Life, form aspect and the soul, between the
and like a transformer, stepping down inner and outer realities.
very high energy to a level we can receive
safely. Some individuals have been able • Getting in touch with the Higher Self is
to channel vast amounts of energy, their a mysterious process, and usually at first
words and actions reshaping the lives of indirect
millions. Consider the effects of the lives
of Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Mother Few can claim to have had a constant,
Theresa, and Ghandi, to name but a few. direct experience of their Higher Self. It
Such “great souls” have been able to is a mystery, invisible, intangible,

36 Heart of Healing I
Nature of the Self

formless, and we live centred mostly in reserves of strength, wisdom, courage,

the world of forms which we experience love, creativity etc., come?
through sight, touch and other senses.
The experience of the reality of the There are two apparently different points
Higher Self mostly comes from its effects, of view. Some people use the words
or through ideas, images and symbols “Higher Self” or “Soul” to describe this
which in their turn cause these effects. source within or just above them. Those
People become aware of this Greater, or who believe in God may say that the help
Higher Self within them through came from God in response to prayer.
experiences of crisis and healing, and This puts the source of help outside
peak experiences of love, wonder and themselves.
There is no real incompatibility between
• Awareness of the inner resources of these two views if the Higher Self or Soul
the Higher Self often comes in times of is seen as the “local representative” of
crisis God for the individual. With this model
one can imagine that the qualities come
In times of crisis many people experience from the Source (God) and are received
seemingly extra-ordinary guidance. They locally by the Higher Self and transmitted
ask a desperate question internally like to the personality. Indeed some call the
“Help! Whatever shall I do now?” — Higher Self the God-Self.
and subsequently receive an idea or surge
of energy that helps them to overcome • Higher Intuition, Telepathy and
the difficulty. This inspiration and Group Consciousness
courage came from some deep source
within them or above them, not from Some people have the experience of
their conscious thought processes. They registering very high quality information
may be very surprised that such or inspiration in a telepathic manner, and
inspiration or idea could come tothem, of learning to act in a highly unselfish,
such is the way people can deny their altruistic manner. It is believed that the
potential. Soul or Higher Self is the source of this
potential within them. (I am not referring
This can happen without any sense of the here to the more common gut-feeling
presence of the Higher Self, but type of intuitions and telepathy felt when
theeffects are there. But some people, in someone close is in danger, but to the
extreme survival situations (several of the reception of high level inspirations).
polar explorers for example) have
described an awareness of what they can These are a few of the examples that can
only describe as a “guardian angel” or lead us to trust that there is within each
“presence” supporting them, guiding person a source of higher qualities and
them, loving them, preserving them. inspiration which is “beyond” or “above”
Some children also describe this. I have our usual level of personal experience. It
met adults who describe having is trans-personal. It is not based upon our
awareness of the guardian angel presence past experiences only, but is made up of
as children, but being told by adults to our not-yet-conscious, or future,
deny it they gradually lost their potentials.
connection with it.
• It is our spiritual nature, the Higher
People may also experience this loving Self, Soul or wairua which forgives.
presence during a forgiveness process.
This is an experience available to all of The body alone cannot forgive. The
us, not just the exceptional few. It is so body pays the price of on-going
for practical down-to-earth people. You resentment, and is stressed by the
do not have to be of any kind of mystical blockage of the flow of love energy.
type to experience this presence. The emotions do not and cannot forgive.
It is useless to expect them to or hope that
From where did these unsuspected they will. The emotions simply register

Heart of Healing I 37
Nature of the Self

fluctuations in your feeling reactions. female, white, coloured, a Christian, a

The mind alone cannot forgive. Moslem, an Atheist, a Buddhist, a Jew,
Negative belief systems and reaction ......... or whatever, ........” We may invest
patterns may still persist if one only almost our whole sense of identity in one
intellectualizes that one had forgiven. of these attributes or roles and act as if
The personal self can decide to initiate that was all we were.
the process of forgiveness, but it cannot Sometimes we say, “I am not myself
forgive by itself. It needs to build a bridge today.”
to the Higher Self as the source of the Sometimes we might say, “I want to do X,
qualities of compassion and unconditional and yet I also want to do Y, and I cannot
love. Then these qualitites can be drawn make up my mind, so you help me. You
into the personality and brought into the choose for me...” Here we are so
form world. identified with several inner parts or sub-
It is the Higher Self which can and does personalities that are in conflict, and the
forgive. sense of self is lost. In such moments of
Understanding this is essential to inner conflict between parts of ourselves
understanding the forgiveness we may feel a drop in our energy level
processes. and give our power away to others.
In the last case, what might be wiser
2. The Personality would be, “There is conflict in me. I am
aware that one part of me wants to do X,
There are many ways of using the word and another wants to do Y. My real
“I”. Some will use the word “I” when in purpose in life is to do Z, which I value
fact they are only describing one more than either X or Y, and that is what I
component or aspect of their lower self or choose to do”. Here you can see a
personality. process of self-observation, re-
identification with a centre of conscious
Sometimes our sense of self, our true “I- choice (the personal self), a linking with
ness” gets lost in some of these areas of an inner value system and purpose for
consciousness. Then we say things like “I living (Higher Self), and an act of will
am tired” when it is really our body that is from the personal self.
tired; or “I am angry” when it is really an This process is called dis-identification
angry feeling that we have; or “Don’t and self-identification. It is crucially
disagree with me!” when someone differs important if we are to progress from a
from one of our cherished beliefs, and is divided, incomplete self, into the full
not really attacking us personally. We potential of the Higher Self. It is rare
might say “I am frightened by .....x....” indeed to hear someone say or imply, “I
when actually we are frightened by am an integrated soul and personality.”
something we are imagining and which You can develop this skill using the
has not happened yet. In these cases we following exercise, which has been
are identified with (letting ourselves successfully used in various forms for
become identical with) our body, a many years. Doing it each day for several
feeling, an opinion or belief, and an weeks will increase your powers — of
imagined event respectively. self-observation, disidentification, self-
Sometimes we are so consumed by a identification, will and self-direction. It is
desire for something or somebody that we set out in full, but after experience with
say something like “I will simply die, I using it you will find ways to shorten it
just cannot carry on, if I do not have for yourself.
......x......” (an addiction). Here we would
be indentified with a desire.
Sometimes we say “I am .... a father, son,
mother, daughter, builder, carpenter,
doctor, nurse, secretary, housewife,
brother, sister, child, wimp, actor,
politician, business person, communist,
capitalist, a success, a failure, male,

38 Heart of Healing I
Nature of the Self

suffer or rejoice. I will to develop my

Self–Identification exercise sensitivity wisely and use it to practise
goodwill. My Higher Self is greater than
Find a time and place to be uninterupted. my feelings - it is the origin of
Relax and quieten yourself to concentrate. unconditional love within me, and of the
For thirty days say the following words power to express it.
(or their equivalents to you) thoughtfully
and with intention to penetrate beyond the I am more than just my mind, intellect,
superficial to their deeper implications. memories, thoughts, beliefs, and
Keep records of how your life changes attitudes. I have a mind that I can use to
over the time you use this exercise. Use reason, think, analyse, and plan. It is my
them any time you need or want to centre precious instrument of perception and
yourself in your true Self. awareness in the outer and the inner
world. Its contents too are changeable. I
A living, loving, Soul am I. will to train it well. I will to maintain the
I am that Self. That Self I am. transpersonal attitudes and goals, and use
my mind as an instrument of positive
I am a centre of awareness creativity. My Higher Self is more than
I am the constant and unchanging Self my mind - it is the source of wisdom and
I am a centre of calm vital energy intelligence within me, and of the power
(Observe your body, emotions, feelings, to use them.
and mind. Compassionately,
understandingly, survey your I am more than my desires and
subpersonalities, (your patterns of impulses, which have impelled me to
meeting needs, and your roles), like a activity and to meet my needs, sometimes
conductor drawing together the with benefits arising, at other times with
orchestra) burdens, to myself or others. I can choose
my direction. From now on I will choose
I have a personal will and can make what I will aspire to express- the
choices. fulfilment of the purposes of my Higher
I can make decisions and initiate action. Self, which are greater than my personal
I can be in charge of my life. desires and impulses.
I will to be in charge of my life and
progressively align myself with the will of I am more than just my imaginings -
my Higher Self, which is higher than my about myself or others. Sometimes these
personal will, and the origin of divine have been creative, at others destructive.
intention, best purposes within me.. I will to be in charge of my imagination
and to choose the images that I create
I am more than just my body. I have a with greater care, so that they reflect my
physical body which is my precious true purpose, values and goals, - the plans
instrument of experience, sensation, and of my Higher Self, - which are greater
action, and its condition may vary. I am than my imaginings.
its guardian and trustee. I will to nurture
it and keep it well. I will to use it as an I am more than any of my parts, or
instrument of productive service. My roles I play in life. I have
Higher Self is greater than the conditions subpersonalities that I have been unaware
of my body, - it is the origin of health, of - I continually become more aware of
vitality, and the urge and power to serve them and will to be in charge of them. I
within me. will to meet my basic needs and bring
harmony to conflicting opposites within
I am more than just my feelings, which my personality. My Higher Self is the
are transitory and temporary, and enable source of the qualities and power I need
me to be sensitive. I have emotions and to do this.
feelings which bring pleasure and
displeasure. The choices I make about I will to be in charge of my life. I will to
how I react determine to a great extent if I grow out of my past, into my potential. I

Heart of Healing I 39
Nature of the Self

will to express the best in me in daily life. but more as evolving energy systems,
I have a personal will and can make capable of maturation and harmonising
choices. within the overall personality.
I can make decisions and initiate action.
I can be in charge of my life. We all have basic needs – under the
I will to be in charge of my life and headings of physical, psychological,
progressively align myself with the will of sexual, aesthetic, freedom, spiritual
my Higher Self, which is higher than my growth, and self-actualisation. We all do
personal will, and the origin of divine the best we can to get those needs met,
intention, best purposes within me.. and make adjustments to cope with our
stress if they are not. If one of them is not
I am a living, loving, willing Soul, (or met in a dramatic or consistent manner
Higher Self). when we were children or teenagers (or
later), we may, among many other
Two definitions: possible patterns,
(i) try to manipulate our environment and
In this book I will be using the word those around us,
“personality” to describe the complex (ii) abuse ourselves or others,
aggregate of the physical nature, (iii) become aggressive or withdraw,
emotional and desire nature, higher and (iv) even deny that we have any needs,
lower mental nature, imagination, and (v) go into a state of chronic grief or
various insinctual and often unconscious depression,
drives to meet basic needs. (vi) feel victimised and powerless, and/or
project blame onto others
A person who is able to consciously (vii) clown around,
observe the contents of their personality (viii) become envious of others and try to
and make free choices could be said to be take away from them,
operating from an integrating centre of (ix) get ill or injured
consciousness, which is we name the (x) sabotage ourselves
“personal self”. He or she is directing (xi) give power away to others and then
the personality from this centre with a complain they took it away
fully conscious personal will. (xii) criticise ourselves or others

Most of us are not so fully conscious or There are other patterns, but these are
continuously integrated, and are aware of common ones. People will do almost
inner conflicts between “parts” of anything to try to get away from pain and
ourselves at times. Roberto Assagioli, the disappointment to inner peace and
founder of the school of psychology fulfilment, although the method they use
called psychosynthesis (how the Self puts may not work well and may even cause
us together), recognised this and harm. We alway do something, even if is
popularised the name of to deny that we have that need and then
“subpersonalities” for the clusters of act as long as we can as if that were so.
beliefs, attitudes, feelings and behaviours The force behind the drive does not go
which come into existence when our basic away, but continues in the unconscious —
needs are not met satisfactorily. The idea until we take responsibility for making
of “parts” is not new – it is there in other our style more effective and harmless.
schools of psychology — for example,
Transactional Analysis, Psychodrama,
Gestalt Therapy, Psychoanalysis, the new
esoteric psychology, and in tests like the
Enneagram and the Myers-Briggs
methods of personality assessment.
Psychosynthesis is different in that it
ascribes to each subpersonality a
connection with one or more basic need,
and sees them not so much as fixed types,

40 Heart of Healing I
Nature of the Self

God, and the personality is seen as

unworthy and sinful, deserving or at any
Partnership between the Higher and rate getting punishment. Sometimes the
lower selves personality is seen as “bad” while the
Higher Self is seen as “good”,
unattainable and distant from the
personality. The division within the
psyche continues. Both distortions
prevent the qualities of the Higher Self
from entering and healing the lower self.

4. The Higher Self seeks to communicate

with the lower self. People usually know
deep inside themselves, if they are not
living aligned with the natural laws of
life, or not living out their life purpose. If
• Continuity of consciousness can exist the personal self uses its will against the
between the Higher Self and the personal will of the Higher Self, the Higher Self
self sends messages to alert the conscious
mind – promptings of conscience, feelings
Despite the separation made in this book of uneasiness, anxiety, stress, warning
and in the forgiveness process between dreams, discontent, unrest.
“Higher” and “lower” selves, there is
potential unity of the levels of 5. If they are ignored, then certain
consciousness. We are (or can become) consequences may follow — disease in
whole people. The following points are the body, emotions, mind, or
worthy of consideration: relationships. If this is happening it is
important that they are not “medicalised”
1. The personality (mind, emotions and or “treated” as entities in themselves
body) is often not aware of the existence without going into their deeper meaning.
of the Higher Self, even to the point of They are only symptoms of a deeper
denying its existence. The Higher Self is cause. Messages from the Higher Self
latent. It rarely reveals itself into can be suppressed by drugs, alcohol,
consciousness directly. Nevertheless it is excessive busy-ness, etc., all of which
the source of the capacity to express the block off the intuition and premonitions,
psychospiritual qualities that are admired or other useful experiences of sensitivity
and respected the world over — to the inner realms.
unconditional love, wisdom, courage, The messages still register unconsciously
inner strength, patience, deep and lead to disturbance later.
understanding, and others.
6. The split beween the lower self and the
2. Looking carefully at how it is Higher Self is called a cleavage in the
symbolised in words or other images, as is psyche. It is this cleavage which needs to
often done for the purposes of be healed, and just as a broken bone needs
psychospiritual development exercises, alignment, to heal properly, it is important
reveals that there are variations and to get the lower self and Higher Self
perhaps even distortions in the way we aligned. Alignment is disidentification
perceive it. from the contents of the lower
consciousness, then re-identification with
3. The personality’s images of the “Higher the Higher Self and its purposes,
Self” are important. Early on, people tend perspectives and qualities, realising that
to imagine the Higher Self as something we are in reality a spiritual being, a
separate from themselves. They may feel Higher Self, or Soul, which has a
themselve to be a personality who has a personality. The lower and higher are to
Higher Self. For some, their image of the be seen as complementary aspects of a
Higher Self is still contaminated with the single Whole. As a Higher Self, a more
idea of an authoritarian and wrathful male compassionate and holistic view of the

Heart of Healing I 41
Nature of the Self

personality and life is held. Eventually Self-respect is defined here as

the personality becomes fully integrated independent of accomplishments. It can
with the Higher Self, and then the two act never be taken away. It is indestructible.
as one. It is due simply because you are alive,
you are a miracle here on earth. You
• Linking the personality with the Higher respect the other wonders of nature — the
Self flowers, birds, butterflies, dolphins, all
creatures in fact — why not yourself?
Meditation is a process of contacting the
qualities and energies of the Higher Self Self-esteem is defined as what does
and bringing them down into full derive from accomplishments, and can
expression in our daily lives. therefore be built up over time. Usually
people do not acknowledge the range of
The Self manifests in energy, purpose, their acomplishments, however. They
love, will and qualities. The personal self tend only to acknowledge what the world
and the Higher Self have different approves. There have been many times
functions. It is a task of the personal self when you have overcome some difficulty.
to become aware of the Higher Self and to Learning to walk, talk, read were not easy
learn to cooperate with it, to become a — yet you did them all. There have been
partner with it, and to express its many times when you overcame some
qualities. You will discover this in action crisis, kept silent when it might have been
during the Forgiveness Process. easier to blurt out something harmful,
went the extra mile, or simply held out a
Contact with the Higher Self is helping hand to someone in need. It is the
demonstrated by: little things you have done that need to be
recognised as well as the great, and all
• A growing sense of responsibility and these are to be added to your self-esteem
purpose for living account. They can never be taken away,
• A willingness to accept responsibility for for you can always remind yourself of
one’s thoughts, choices, and actions them and appreciate yourself for them.
• Making choices that lead to growing You may think you have lost your self-
wisdom and inner peace esteem at times, but that will only be
• Gratitude when you fail to remind yourself of them.
• Spiritual will — goodwill in action Remember, you do not have to include
• Joy only what the world acknowledges.
• Harmony
• Unconditional love Concentrating upon your purpose of
• True service, which meets the needs of bringing the qualities of the Higher Self
the one being served, not necessarily the into daily expression will bring your
needs of the server. It brings forth the personal and Higher selves into closer
best in the one served and the server. contact. In the forgiveness process that
quality is unconditional love. Other
• Methods for evoking contact with the qualities can be manifested in a similar
Higher Self way by giving your atention to the task.

First comes the practise of basic self- • An experiment in contacting the Higher
esteem and self-respect. Without these, Self
the lower self is an unfit receptacle for the
gifts of the Higher Self, and they either Make a simple request at times during the
cannot enter, or become distorted. day — e.g. on rising, or before going to
Meditation then risks becoming a morbid sleep. For example: “Dear Higher Self,
introspection and self-denigration. Only teach me to love (or be more patient, – or
through an enlightened self-image can whatever higher quality you wish to
there be true expression of the gifts and develop).” Or “Teach me my next step in
potential of the Higher Self into the learning how to serve.” Internally
person. directed requests such as these evoke a
response. If you are open to doing this

42 Heart of Healing I
Nature of the Self

consistently over time, your life will conflict or harmony with each other.
change and this response will enable you
as a personality to come to accept the • The personal self is the centre of
truth of your indwelling reality, your consciousness capable of objective,
Higher Self. compassionate observation of the contents
of the personality, and capable of
directing the personality with the
The Nature of the Self - Key conscious will.
• Disidentification, self-identification and
development of the conscious will
1. The Higher Self through choice are essential steps in
achieving integration of the personality.
The Higher Self is
• A source of qualities, higher values and 3. The partnership between personal
subtle energies self and Higher Self
• The source of the purpose for living
• A source of the design that relates us to • Connection between the two can be
the Grand Design established in peak experiences, in crisis
• An inner space-time blueprint or through meditation, correctly
• That which breathes life into us performed.
• That which pressures us to grow
spiritually • The practise of of self-respect and self-
• A gateway to higher knowledge through esteem, relaxation from excessive busy-
true intuition ness,and refraining from the use of mind-
• Its energy patterns persist after brain altering drugs, are needed for the best in
death the Higher Self to manifest through the
• Located above the head personality
• Our connection with the Source of Life
• A source of the healing pattern within • Methods for evoking contact with the
each person Higher Self include meditating upon how
• Awareness of the Higher Self is indirect to express the qualities of the Higher Self,
at first, usually through its effects - e.g. and cultivating and practising them a little
the increase of tolerance and love, or more each day (eg. Unsonditional Love,
creativity, after a forgiveness process Compassion, Wisdom, Courage, Patience,
• Crises, peak experiences, reception of Inner Strength, Discernment,
high inspirations are also experiences of Persistence...etc).
the qualities of the Higher Self and
reminders of its reality.
• Some understanding of the Higher Self,
Soul, or Wairua aspect of our nature is
essential to the forgiveness processes.
• Doing the forgiveness processes will aid
you in building a bridge to your Higher

2. The Personality

• The personality is the aggregate of our

mental, emotional, physical, bioenergetic
natures, systems or “bodies”, more or less
integrated. It is an aggregate of all
subpersonality patterns, which are clusters
of beliefs, feelings, imaginings, desires,
urges, drives, reactivity patterns centred
around basic needs. These can be in

Heart of Healing I 43
Emotions and Feelings

Primary Emotion, and the areas above and

The Emotions and below the square suggest ways that people
Feelings try to adapt themselves if the going in the
square of life gets tough, - the love triangle
and the hate triangle. What follows in this
The words feelings and emotions are often section is an attempt to describe each of the
used interchangeably, but strictly speaking Primary Emotions shown in the map and
it might be truer to use the word “feeling” their “distortions”.
to describe the bodily sensation and
“emotion” to describe the mood and drive Some may think that to forgive another
that is associated with it. Thus “I feel tense person means you have to deny or repress
in my body. I experience anger, and the your hurt or angry feelings. This is not true.
drive to correct the injustice that I saw An unconditionally loving person has not
today.” E-motion is that which sets us in turned to stone! Far from it.
motion, that which can move us out from
where we were. Emotions are linked to In the past you may have repressed feelings
sensations and drives. They provide energy because they were too hurtful, which is very
which can be used, wisely or unwisely. understandable. Some cultures teach that
to allow yourself to feel deeply and express
You know what your emotion is by the way your emotions is not acceptable. You may
your body feels. You interpret your body’s have learned to hide your real feelings from
reactions and sensations. Tense muscles others - and gradually, perhaps, even from
might be anger - meaning you are ready to yourself.
fight for something you believe in; cold
sweaty palms can mean fear, with capacity Hidden anger - Margaret
to keep very still or to retreat. Either of
these could be useful outcomes.
Margaret was in her second marriage. She
If you suppress your awareness of what your had lost a parent when she was quite young.
body is doing, if you suppress the feeling, She had been severely mistreated by her
you then may not recognise what the remaining parent, and later by both her
emotion is, and you may not use the energy husbands. She could remember very little
it offers you. The body state remains of her life before the age of nine. She
undischarged, it “sets”. It is this distortion learned to hide her feelings from others, and
of the healthy body physiology that can eventually from herself. As an adult she
contribute to many diseases. That is why appeared very neat and proper, brought up
many someone can say “I’m not angry. I her children to be “good” children so that
am just fine thank you.” when their muscles, they would be acceptable in the group with
digestive system or blood pressure are set whom she liked to mix.
in a state of tension which they are ignoring.
The only flaw in her “perfect” image was
So there is the body sensation, your feeling; her lateness. She was perpetually being late.
the energy to do something, your emotion; This behaviour caused others to become
and what you do about it, your behaviour. very angry with her. hidden within Margaret
This behaviour may be an action externally was suppressed rage which she totally
visible to others, or a thought pattern, hidden denied, but which she passed on to others
be always being late. She, however,
from others, perhaps even from yourself. believed she was never angry. In mid-life
she developed a chronic illness. “I have
A map of the emotions. nothing to be angry about,” she said.

The diagram shows the square and triangles Without knowing it, you too may have
of life, the “field of learning” and learned how to “pass on” your anger (or
experiences from which we grow and learn. other negative feeling) to others so that they
This is just one way of looking at the get the feeling, and it never looks as if you
emotions. Each point represents a different are the angry one at all. In the above
example, Margaret’s keeping other people

44 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

Unconditional Love
Receives love inwardly and radiates it out without conditions, independently of
others' behaviour. Able to serve totally and with joy. Consistent. Able to have
compassion for the TOTALLY
victim and ANDthey
abuser, knowing WITH JOY.
are interchangeable. Able to
be interdependent without loss of sense of self or self-love.

Self-esteem becoming less dependent upon the

relationship; more independent Skilful social activism

Low self-love, co-dependent, Angry social activism,
needy "resentful martyr"





Emotions have healthy forms,

leading to growth through the SELF-
wise use of the energy they give
for goodwill and healing. If the
emotional energy is not used in
wise ways, then less healthy ILLNESS
forms, or "distortions", develop, AND DEATH
patterns which block energy and
lead to distress and disease,
physically, emotionally, mentally,
spiritually, or in personal and
social relationships.

Heart of Healing I 45
Emotions and Feelings

waiting caused them to feel irritation, giving You might well ask. “If they can cause so
them a small part of her rage about what much pain, of what good are emotions?”
happened to her as a child. Let us take time to try to answer that
You may not look at all angry, and even feel
it is the other people’s problem for not being
tolerant. “I am not angry” you may say,
and at one level you genuinely believe it. The Healthy Purposes of the
This is one form of what is called Emotions
“projection”. There are several other ways
in which repressed feelings can come out Your feelings and emotions are what make
in harmful ways, which will be described you sensitive - to your happiness and
shortly. You can “see” from this story how unhappiness, to injustice, and to the pain of
important it might be to acknowledge, re- others. Your experiences of sensitivity help
own, and take responsibility for deep you to grow into your full stature as a human
feelings, if they are ever to be healed. being. The emotions also enable you to
desire - material things, people,
Repression and projection are both forms experiences, ideas, spiritual growth. They
of defense against painful feelings. When are part of a process that starts to engage
Margaret was a child, this was the best way your will and enable you to achieve what
she knew to deal with her hurt feelings. She you want. They set you in motion towards
simply did not know any other ways. They what you perceive as a desirable goal, or
were an “automatic” defense against the away from what you perceive as painful.
pain which could not be shared with anyone
at the time. She did not make a conscious There are several ways of experiencing and
choice either to repress or to project her using your emotions . In one of these they
feelings of hurt and outrage. make you seek pleasure and avoid pain
(“going with my feelings”). You do
Both repressing and projecting negative eventually learn quite a lot from this
emotion can create chain reactions of harm process, and you gradually become wiser.
- either to your relationships or by being
turned inwards and damaging your own There is another way of experiencing
body with disease or injury. We must learn emotions — if their energy and drive is
to take responsibility for these repressed properly harnessed and directed by wisdom
emotions if we are to heal ourselves and our (heart and head together), they can fuel your
relationships. highest aspirations, enabling you to
achieve goals that come from your deepest
To use the forgiveness process to forgive humanitarian and spiritual values. Used in
another person definitely does not mean to this way they do not always cause you to
deny, repress, or project onto other people avoid pain or only seek your own personal
any of your real, deep feelings. It is because happiness. The energy they give you can
your feelings of hurt are still present, either be harnessed or transmuted, to serve the
consciously or unconsciously, that you need needs of humanity in a larger sense. This
to use the forgiveness process. Forgiveness will become apparent when we come to the
is a healing of memories. Unless you do Patterns of Goodwill (see Ch. 3.9.). Ghandi
heal the stored feelings of hurt and the spoke of conserving his anger to give him
negative emotions with forgiveness, your power to accomplish the freeing of his
body may experience pain, tension, and people.
become vulnerable to disease or injury, or
you may develop problems in your There are thus different levels of handling
relationships. emotional experience. The next section
discusses what I shall call “primary
An important discovery has been, that emotions”, (the positive forms), and their
forgiveness does not occur on the “distortions” (or negative forms).
emotional level. The emotions simply do
not forgive. The Higher Self does.

46 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

The Primary Emotions:- Fundamental Healthy Purposes

of the Primary Emotions
These provide the experiences of life that
can lead to growth and maturity. All Unconditional Love and Joy
emotions can be seen as processes as well
as feelings. They change, and move from
one “place” or “set” to another. They are
something that we do. They are:-

Unconditional Love and


Like the Heart, Unconditional love

The other emotions are variations, or what supports and fosters life itself. Plants,
we will call “distortions” of these. These animals, people, all live life more fully
distinctions are important. Even on the when they are loved unconditionally.
positive side it can be useful to make
distinctions. For example, it can be useful Our ancestors discovered that when they
to make a distinction between happiness and loved themselves and others in this way,
joy, even though these words are often used they lived life more fully. Love held them
with similar meanings in everyday speech. together in pairs, families, tribes, nations...
“Happiness” (in most of the ways the word It enabled them to make sacrifices for the
is used) is actually describing contentment greater good. The old saying is that “love
of the emotions. You depend upon outer makes the world go round”. Truly the flow
circumstances to “make” you happy. of life energy and of love are related. Love
Something (a sunny day, falling in love) flowing freely gives an experience of joy.
“makes” you happy, and you are happy.
When it stops or is taken from you (rainy Unconditional love brings forth the best in
day, your lover leaves you for someone people, helps them to reach their potential.
else), your happiness disappears. You Indeed, it does this for all living creatures,
realise that you were dependent upon outer plants and animals included. Such love
circumstances. You can have little power extends itself in the service of the spiritual
if you experience your emotions in this way growth and development of the loved one,
alone. Joy, by contrast is something that and of the whole. Such love creates or
you can bring into situations where it was restores right relationships, unanimity,
not. It is an energy. It is closely related to harmony, peace. It is the source of the
unconditional love. “Courage of the Flaming Heart”.

Unconditionally loving people love not only

those who are victims. Realising that such
people have often been the victims of abuse
themselves unconditionally loving people
can also have equal compassion for those
who know no better way than to abuse,
oppress and harm others.

Heart of Healing I 47
Emotions and Feelings

Unconditionally loving people build with and loyalty. Fear can be replaced by the
love, use what they have built with love, “Courage of Desperation”.
give it away to one who needs it with love,
ask nothing in return, and, when what has Grief, Sadness
been built no longer serves the good of the
whole, they can destructure what they have Physical losses and separations are
built and let it go back to nature, with love. inevitable. Sadness and grief are feelings
related to the pain of such loss and
Unconditionally loving people realise that separation. Healthy grief is also a process
the enlightened response to that enables us to heal ourselves of sadness
“imperfections” in themselves or others is of losing what we love. Our ancestors
to work towards healing them. They no learned that to wail together, to shed tears
longer waste their time and energy in and to comfort those who are grieving
complaining about or attacking what they released the pent up pain, brings people
see more as “undeveloped” or “unskilled” together in mutual support, sharing, and
rather than imperfect. They do not seek to love. Shared grief fosters group love and
find perfection in what may only be the bonds of family, tribe and nation.
undeveloped or immature. Rather, they see
the underlying perfection that exists in the Admiration
process of healing. They can “see” the oak
tree in the acorn, and do not complain at
the acorn that it is not yet an oak tree. Admiration is a feeling that draws the young
to copy the good qualities they recognise,
Anger desire and love in others, usually older
people. Domestic, hunting, or artistic skills,
love and wisdom, all these are handed on
Anger has to do with survival. Anger is a because the young admire them and want
lift in adrenaline level that enabled our to emulate them. Admiration promotes
ancestors to fight to protect or feed their growth. It bridges the gap between
own kind. Now it arises in us when we see generations. If pure, it brings an experience
an injustice or a threat to our own kind, or of the flow of love and joy, and helps the
even to plants and animals. Its wise use individual become a valuable member of the
can energise us to make improvements, and group.
enable beneficial changes in our
environment to be made. Anger and love Guilt
combined give us courage, or “Fire in the
Heart”. Anger is fuel, power to act
assertively (to move outwards from where Guilt is a feeling that arises to remind us
we stand) when what we love is threatened. when we have done (or are about to do)
Sharing our struggles against threatening something that could be harmful to
forces brings us together. ourselves or others, our group. The inner
promptings of guilty conscience do arise in
Fear us when we are going against life, against
the universal laws of love, or are exploiting
someone or some part of nature . We do
Fear is also to do with survival. It is a lift not always listen, and consequences catch
in the adrenaline level that enabled our up with us. Getting back on track and acting
ancestors to flee when what they loved was once again in accordance with universal
threatened. It enabled them to survive by laws brings relief from mental stress,
developing caution, and right timing. Love restoring inner harmony and peace. Guilt
and fear combined contributed to learning is therefore in some way related to
when to withdraw, and thus to the promoting the survival of the group.
development of wisdom. Successful
survival from frightening circumstances When our ancestors listened to someone tell
brought excitement, the thrill of living of their mistakes in a non-judgemental way,
close to the edge, heightening a sense of it unlocked love and compassion in the
aliveness. Joint survival brings us closer hearts of the listeners towards the guilty one.
together, strengthening bonds of friendship Such sharing healed not only the guilty one

48 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

but also any listener who realised that Imagine what life would be like if we
“there but for the grace of God, go I.” had no way of being sensitive, no way
If they acknowledged that there was a of knowing when love was needed.
part of themselves that was like the When seen in this light, in their primary
offender, to a degree that part of them form emotions are our allies .
was healed too.
If they are fully used at the right time,
Thus you can see that the primary the primary emotions are not stored in
(healthy) emotions when safely any harmful way in our bodies, nor do
expressed are basically good, and can they produce a chain reaction of harm
promote growth, both of individuals and in our relationships. Our experiences
groups. of each emotion helps us to discover
what we really do love, teaches us more
They foster growth through the about the mystery of love, and when and
experience of sensitivity. The last five how to love more. Emotional sensitivity
each have a relationship to love, as they is a necessary ingredient for right group
unlock an opportunity for love to be relationships (in the family, workplace,
expressed. Each one opens the door to nationally, and internationally).
an opportunity to use goodwill. Such
emotions set us in motion in a growthful, •Unconditional love can be used to heal
life-enhancing way. and unify,
•Anger can be used to empower, correct
injustice, produce beneficial changes
•Fear can be used to protect, and to help
survival by using wise caution
•Admiration can lead to growth,
development of skills and talents
•Guilt can lead to enlightened self-
correction when you have gone “off
target”, wandered off the course set by
love, and thus it helps group survival.

The Distortions of the

Primary Emotions

However, the primary emotions can also

become “distorted”. I use the word
“distortions” to distinguish the valuable
primary emotions from the more
unfriendly effects that happens if the
good outcomes of the primary emotion
do not take place. The “distortions”
occur when the love which previously
could have been unlocked and flowed
after an experience of anger, fear, grief,
admiration, or guilt, becomes blocked.
Then the energy becomes negative, turns
in upon ourselves or out on to others in
harmful ways. These distortions are
definitely not “user friendly”.

The Distortions of the Primary Emotions are like a bad dragon,

they "drag on" your energy and ability to love.

Heart of Healing I 49
Emotions and Feelings

•Distortions of anger Victim of Terrorism - Gwen

It is vitally important to recognise the Gwen lost a child in a terrorist attack upon
distortions of anger, (unhealthy anger). The a plane. Her anger and frustration turned
primary anger is not producing any benefits in upon herself and she became very
depressed. She would cry for almost
anything. Naturally people were very
sympathetic to her in her terrible suffering.
But deep down she wanted to have the
chance to kill the terrorists who were
responsible, and often fantasized exactly
how she would do it, and even how she
could torture them before she did it, to make
them pay for what they had done. Later
she realised that she was in danger of
becoming just as ruthless and inhumane as
those whom she condemned. She did not
really value or want that for herself. Nor
did she value letting her bitterness turn upon
herself and create illness.

Victim of Satanic ritual - Shona

(survival, correction of injustice, beneficial
change in the environment etc.), and the Shona came as an adult to heal the effects
energy is deflected into causing harm. of a terrible childhood experience. When
she was six she had been placed with trusted
These distortions are sometimes called friends of the family when her mother went
secondary anger (secondary because the into hospital. These friends had turned out
primary beneficial purpose did not get to belong a Satanic cult and had forced her
fulfilled) and can be any of the to participate in a ritual in which a baby was
following:- killed, but somehow this was able to be kept
a secret. When she told the authorities she
(i) To sulk, hold grudges, lay blame, was laughed at. Her parents also disbelieved
become critical, silently withdraw, to her - how could she say such awful things
plot or carry out revenge, to harbour about family friends? She had suppressed
harmful thoughts, to gossip, to attack. the whole affair in her mind until she could
stand it no longer. Over several years of
Plotting revenge - Jason therapy she had been helped to release some
of her deep anger at the injustice and sadism
When reviewing his day, Jason suddenly she had witnessed. As the anger surfaced
realised that he had spent his whole day for healing she realised that she wanted to
plotting revenge upon someone. torture and kill those who had done the child
Everyone else thought he had just been murder. She herself was becoming like
picking apples! He realised how if he them... This made her feel even worse.
allowed these thoughts to continue he Only when she came to do the forgiveness
would end up picking a fight with Robert, process was this pain healed.
or spreading malicious gossip about him.
He pulled himself up short and self- (iii) To explode, become violent, attack,
corrected this thought pattern because he do harm to self or others, to drive or
did not want to become that kind of operate machinery recklessly. To bring
person. it into the home and attack the ones you
love instead of changing what needs to
(ii) To cry tears of grief which look like be changed in oneself, at work or
sadness, but underneath lies the elsewhere.
bitterness and spitefulness of repressed,
even murderous rage.

50 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

The Urge to Violence - Bruce certain needed inner qualities, and became
capable of dispelling the symptoms of
Bruce’s father had been an alcoholic, and premenstrual tension within minutes of
used to beat his mother in front of him. His remembering to do it. She discovered that
mother had suffered this in silence, keeping she did not have to have her body
it a secret from the family doctor and the physiology controlled by her repressed
neighbours. Bruce used to explode at school memories. As she healed her memories
and hurt other kids who irritated him in the with the forgiveness processes, her body
slightest manner. He really loved the family restored itself to a more harmonious
dog, but sometimes he would become pattern.
enraged with the dog and beat it. He became
known as a bully, and lost many friends, (v) Sweet “Yes, dear” negativity, - the
which only angered him more. “martyred’ or “doormat” stance in life.

After he learned to drive and got his licence, Being passively hostile - Ian
he quickly had minor accidents. One night
coming home from a party he had a serious
accident, badly injuring an innocent
pedestrian, who turned out to be one of his

(iv) To carry the anger, suppressed, like

a volcano waiting to erupt. The anger at
one’s mistreatment as a child can erupt
years later in abuse of one’s own spouse
or children. The “perpetrator” (once a
“victim”) often feels powerless to prevent
these powerful and dark forces from
erupting from the unconscious and
victimising others. There can be times Married to Mabel, a rather domineering
of feeling quite powerless alternating woman, Ian was a very meek and mild kind
with these explosive outbursts. of person. Mabel used to tell people how
she had to “get him to do things” and the
Child abuse and hormonal disturbance - cunning ways she would manipulate him
Fay into doing them if she knew he really did
not want to do them. He would always
Fay’s mother had suffered from postpartum say “Yes, dear”, but their lives were by and
depression and later from severe large empty and joyless. They both
premenstrual tension. She used to become developed chronic illnesses.
physically and verbally abusive of Fay for
two weeks of every month. Fay grew up (vi) Despair, self-hatred, shame, disgust
determined never to have children of her at oneself.
own lest she become like her mother and
damage them, as she felt she herself had An adult survivor of incest - Leonora
been damaged. She also became extremely
irritable premenstrually. There was fear of
becoming pregnant every month. Leonora had many complaints in her pelvic
As she got into her forties she experienced organs, her “female parts” as she called
great inner conflict about whether to have a them distastefully. She saw many
child or not. Time was running out for her. specialists for these troubles. She had
She learned how to centre her consciousness many operations in “that part” of her body.
in her true Self, and to apply the forgiveness In desperation she sought out some in-
process. She did exercises for healing her depth psychotherapy. Gradually the fact
own “inner child”, and for harmonising the that she was an adult survivor of incest
different conflicting parts of her personality. emerged. She felt so ashamed. This was
She came to a fully conscious decision about so painful for her to acknowledge, but her
whether to conceive a child. She practised

Heart of Healing I 51
Emotions and Feelings

symptoms cleared up after applying the

forgiveness process to the unhealed (viii) Destructive behaviour, use of
memories. alcohol, drugs, smoking, substance abuse
- all used to diminish the pain of hurt and
After this, the symptoms then would only anger.
recur if she became very stressed. She
found she could use them as a kind of Substance abuse, an escape from
indicator to let her know when her needs suffering - Nina
were not being met, and that it was time to
take stock, accept responsibility and do Nina was brought before the courts for
something positive. She almost came to see disturbing the peace, sniffing glue and
them as her friends and teachers. truanting. The more respectable residents
of her neighbourhood were very critical of
(vii) Illnesses. her - she was the “bad girl” in the street.
After her trust had been gained, and she
Negative emotions and stress can affect the could tell her story without fear, Nina turned
tension in the muscles, especially jaw, out to be outraged by the sexual abuse she
shoulders and spine, altered the blood flow was suffering at home. She was very thin.
to the joints. They can cause breathing or She had had no one she could trust to turn
digestive problems, and changes in pressure to in her pain and humiliation, and had
in the circulation or the eye. They can cause turned her rage upon herself, and taken the
alterations of the body’s normal cycles of glue to anaesthetise herself to her emotional
appetite, sleep, glands, sexual and pain.
reproductive patterns. They may be a cause
of altered immunity - increased (ix) “Harvesting” and storing the
vulnerability to infections or autoimmune resentments to bring them up later.
diseases. They may contribute to delayed Thinking “attack thoughts” about others
healing. - wanting them dead or ill.
Unhealed, they may lead to unnecessarily Guilt about making a death-wish - Stella
prolonged or excessive use of medical
investigations and treatments. For these When her father refused to allow teenage
symptoms of the underlying negative Stella to wear red nail varnish, she was
emotion are more often diagnosed and incensed, and “wished him dead”. This
accepted by both patient and doctor as symbolised their relationship at that time,
“diseases”. Objectified by the labels, they and she often held that thought in her mind.
no longer are perceived as inner processses Years later she came to a forgiveness
in the energy patterns and life story of a seminar and made a connection about how
unique person. her bitterness and hate for her father (and
her guilt about that) had affected her
Think how much medication is daily relationship with him and other men, and
prescribed world-wide to suppress the she had not been able to make a good
symptoms of unacknowledged or unwisely relationship with any men since that time.
expressed anger and fear, let alone sadness,
guilt and envy! Just for a moment imagine (x) Accident proneness from lack of
all the tranquillisers, sedatives, concentration.
antidepressants, sleeping tablets, painkillers,
antacids, anti-asthma drugs and so on Imagine all the accidents that happen in a
prescribed in the world in a single day piled single day worldwide because people are
up. How many houses or even city blocks not managing their emotions wisely. How
would it fill? It is a worldwide multi- many hospitals does it fill? Imagine what
billion dollar industry, and we are talking else could be achieved worldwide if all this
in terms of tons not milligrammes. Imagine money, talent, and resources went into
what else could be achieved worldwide if education, training in managing the
all this money, talent, and resources went emotions and freeing love.
into education, training in managing the
emotions and freeing love.

52 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

A child labelled “clumsy” becomes a (xii) Chain reactions where the unwise
bad driver - William or too forceful expression of anger leads
to further damage to relationships, and
William was often told “Don’t drop storing up the ammunition...
things - you’re so clumsy” when he was
young. He got more and more angry Slanging matches lead to divorce.
inside, had trouble at school, and Donovan and Laura
became a “problem” - to himself and
others. When he was old enough to For this couple, minor disagreements
learn to drive, his father predicted he
would have accidents, which he did.
Inside he was full of unexpressed anger.

(xi) Taking it out on others, antisocial,

or criminal behaviours. Taking
revenge. The symptom may present
as problems at school or in the courts
rather than in the clinic.

Trouble at School from the anger of usually led to arguments. Each argument
a delayed Grief Reaction - Lester became an occasion to bring up all the
previous ones, and each became louder
Lester lost his father suddenly and in and more abusive. Alcohol stimulated the
very distressing circumstances (violent venom in each of them and they were able
suicide) when he was just about to to shout all the nasty things about each
become a teenager. He seemed to cope other’s families.
very well at the time, but he was really
taking care of his distressed mother, They would recite their rosary of
becoming “the man in the family”, and grievances with increasing forcefulness,
losing his childhood all at the same neither really listening to the other at all.
time. About a year later he began to Long after the divorce, they could still
cause trouble at school and at home spell out in detail all the petty blemishes
with violent outbursts. His rage was in their partner’s character, and each
coming to the surface. family bore grudges against the other for

(xiii) Very indirect expression (sometimes called tertiary anger). This means you
pass it on to others, and it does not even look like your anger.

What me? I just

do not understand
why they are so

Heart of Healing I 53
Emotions and Feelings

Examples of tertiary anger include: it towards changing what she could see
(a) keeping others waiting by being needed to be changed in her environment.
late, (as in the story of Margaret at the
beginning of this chapter), In her story, you begin to see that there is a
(b) making mistakes, “forgetting” way that the force and energy of anger can
(e.g. messages), become harnessed. Wild horses were once
(c) never quite reaching or keeping trained and harnessed with great skill by our
agreements, ancestors to plough the land and harvest
(d) interrupting, good food from the earth. Agriculture was
(e) acting confused, essential before civilisation could develop.
(f) having accidents. In our time we can learn to harness and
wisely use the energy of the “wild horses”
In tertiary anger, there is usually denial by of our anger. The nuclear age requires us
angry one that he or she is in any way angry to do this, for the safety of all the children.
or resentful. The effect is to make others A new kind of civilisation will emerge when
upset, angry or irritated. This can be done we all learn how to use the practical power
so subtly that it looks as if another person of unconditional love and forgiveness to do
is not only the angry one but also the cause this.
of the disturbance. It may be done
consciously (deliberately “stirring the pot”),
but is more often done unconsciously. You •Distortions of Fear.
remain unaware you are doing it. It may
take considerable openness to let yourself
become aware that you have been doing this
kind of behaviour.

A useful thought to contemplate is:

“You are rarely upset for the reason you
think”. There was usually something that
happened earlier that is still smouldering on
unhealed in you, which is triggered by the
present anger-provoking situation. Finding
that and healing it with forgiveness is what
is needed to set you free.

If any of these are happening to you (or

someone you know), it could help to ask
the question “Does it really serve me or
anyone else to use the energy of the anger
in this way? What is the beneficial purpose
to which all this energy could be put?”

An opportunity is offered to you whenever

“Distortions” (unhealthy fear) of primary
there is anger in you, to increase your
fear can develop, especially in one who as
compassion, and develop stronger love.
a child had their fears denied, or were not
firmly and lovingly supported in
But — anger and love can be used
overcoming them. They include:
constructively together - Florence
•Panic attacks
Florence Nightingale changed the face of
•Obsessive and compulsive thoughts and
nursing, bringing it out of its dark age and
primitiveness during and after the Crimean
(to cover over the fears)
war. When asked what motivated her, she
•Chronic anxiety states
said, simply, “Rage.” She mastered the art
•Perception of the world as unsafe,
of combining the energy of her anger with
her powerful love, by constructively turning

54 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

•Perception of others as untrustworthy • Prolonged “numbness”

• Sabotaging yourself in order to keep (inability to feel or express your feelings),
“safe” • Anger
You avoid situations perceived as too risky (and any of its distortions, above),
or dangerous. This diminishes your • Prolonged or recurrent bad moods,
opportunities for growth. • Prolonged or recurrent depression,
•Perception of yourself as powerless • Prolonged self-pity
(This has been called the “victim” stance in (a series of losses creates a belief-system
life. It can lead to resentful, non-assertive that “bad things always happen to me”)
behaviour - acting like a “doormat” or • Prolonged crying “inappropriately”
“martyr”). long after the event (the crushed tears of
long ago),
If you were victimised as a child you were • Building a hard insensitive outer shell
powerless compared to the adult aggressors through repression of feelings,
and abusers. Whole nations oppressed by • Isolating oneself from others.
totalitarian regimes are in a similar situation. • Prolonged bad feelings about oneself
In trying to hide humiliation, beliefs like “I • Guilt towards the lost person
have no power”, or, “I will never have often related to regret at having done or not
anything to do with anger” come into having done certain things before the loss
existence. The will is used to repress the occurred (“If only I had (or had not) done
hurt feelings and memories, instead of x...”).
setting goals that develop potential. This • Feeling unreasonably bound to fulfil the
kind of belief system can operate long after last expressed wishes of a dying person
it is appropriate for self-preservation. that you had no time to discuss or agree to
at the time. Not feeling free to make your
Powerlessness and potential violent rage own decisions because of this.
can coexist • The worst grief is for the “loss” of
At times the one-time victim can flip over unconditional love not received as a child
into anger, exploding with rage, frightening in those children whose lives were
or abusing someone else. Sometimes the virtually empty of this quality when
rage sneaks out as hostile spiteful thoughts, growing up. Years later, when the child
or manipulative behaviour. has become an adult, there can be a state
very like chronic grief, associated with
• Distortions of Grief. very low self-esteem. The tragedy is, if
Human reactions to losses vary. The this is not “seen” for what it is, and gets
stages of healing after loss have been labelled or medicalised as a sickness.

Never received any unconditional love as

a child - Hamish

Hamish had had twelve foster homes as

a child, and been to twelve different
schools. As an adult he lived alone,
chronically depressed, unwilling to talk
to people or risk a relationship with a
woman. He had been given many kinds
of drugs and treatments for his
“depressive illness”.

discovered by pioneers such as Dr. I asked him to say the words “I am basically
Elizabeth Kübler Ross. The clean and good. I am worthy of being
distortions (unhealthy grief) arise if you loved.” This was so stressful to him his
get stuck in any one of these phases and body weakened measurably, his breathing
fail to complete the healing process.. became shallow. He could barely whisper
You can get stuck in: the sentence, so greatly did this go against
his belief system that he was unlovable and
unworthy. He felt he had no choice but to

Heart of Healing I 55
Emotions and Feelings

believe this. have it for yourself. “If I can’t have it then

no one will have it...” Sometimes it seems
As he re-established the flow of love easier to destroy the good in another than
towards himself again, he gained to take the time and effort to develop it in
confidence. He started to speak to others, yourself...
he developed a fruitful relationship with a
woman, he took up motor-racing, and If you have envy you will tend to harm the
succeeded in winning against men half his one you envy - in thought, speech and
age. action. Treachery becomes possible. You
can even “justify” your actions. Because
It was through love that he completed his all this goes against the universal laws of
grieving for his lost childhood, and moved love, this leads into self-hatred and finally
on into a whole new chapter of his life. self-destruction.

•Distortions of Admiration. •Distortions of Guilt.

(i) First comes competition. In a

competitive society, you want to do as well
as, then better than, the one you admire. The
pay-off for society in competition is Unhealthy guilt is feeling bad beyond what
improved performances, but only initially. is needed to quickly get yourself back on
In the longer term, cooperation and sharing target, back to living in accordance with the
best in yourself. Unhealthy guilt could
serve better. well be called “feeling bad about feeling
bad”. There is a belief that you yourself
(ii) Then comes jealousy. are “bad”. You blame yourself for failing
to live up to an inner code of behaviour.
Jealousy means you want to possess what Such a code may have been derived from
the admired one has so they no longer have teachings from your parents, teachers, peer
it. This can lead to theft of coveted property group, or church. Such a code may be a
or ideas, or possessiveness of the person you wise one or an unwise one - only the quality
admired. of wisdom will show you the difference.

(iii) Then comes envy. (ii) The Belief in Punishment - either in

its inevitability, or its desirability, or both.
Envy means you want to destroy even the
good you see in the one you admire. Anger In this scenario, you have acquired an
might mean wanting to destroy anything bad underlying belief that because you have
that threatens you. Envy wants to destroy failed to keep the code, then you are yourself
the good - even if that means you cannot are “bad”. You have sinned, and must now

56 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

be punished. if you imagine you are bad and must be

punished, your own unconscious mind
There have been many different teachings starts to act upon this picture. It turns it
about such things as the nature of “hell” or into a goal. Then you create the
“bad karma”. Most of them are tinged with “punishments” in this life yourself.
this underlying assumption that “badness Such “punishments” can be physical,
must be punished”! This theme runs right emotional, mental, or by holding back
through many childrens’ stories and most the growth of your potential. This can
religious teachings. Many of these be done by making yourself ill,
teachings were used in the past by authority depressed, having an accident, not
to intimidate people into submission, - taking up the good opportunities life
submission either to parents, to a religious offers you, staying in bad relationships
organisation or to the state/church/military or situations and not doing anything to
complex. Fear has been used to control either improve the situation, nor leaving
people. The truth can easily become for something better. The underlying
distorted when the power-hungry seek to belief is “I am not worthy. I do not
control others. deserve better. I do not deserve .... to
get well,... to be forgiven,..... to have
When you were younger, you too may have good relationships,... etc.” The
been indoctrinated with a belief in accumulated damage this belief system
punishment, or you may have simply has done and continues to do to the
absorbed it from the mass consciousness of world in incalculable.
those around you. The belief that “sin” or
“bad karma” must be paid for runs very For many people this process of a belief
deep in many cultures. There are many in punishment becoming actualised has
proverbs in line with this belief system: occurred largely unconsciously. It has
“Spare the rod and spoil the child” (is a to be brought up into awareness in order
recipe for child abuse). “No pain, no gain”(a for it to be healed.
recipe for masochism), often reversed into
“No gain without pain”. Pain, punishment, The “Belief in Punishment” is an
penalty, all seem to come from a similar imperfect understanding of the Law of
root. Punishment and pain are linked in our Cause and Effect, Action and Reaction,
minds. The idea that “Punishment is a or Sequence and Consequence. This law
deterrent to others” is insidious - yet a exists in the universe quite
moment’s reflection would cause us to ask, independently of ourselves. For all
if this were so then surely the world would effects there is a preceding cause or
be free of violence and theft by now? The chain of causes.
fact is that violence begets more violence.
Abused people themselves become abusers. Energy follows thought. Thoughts
Bitter resentment in the hearts of the produce results. Certain thoughts lead
punished ones emerges years later. to certain kinds of outcomes. Thoughts
are inner “actions” that are followed by
Belief in “punishment” must be changed outer actions. We are therefore able to
into belief in the value of joyful self- create using our minds. Our universe is
correction - that is, simply learning how to not chaotic. There are fundamental laws
do things better next time. If you are for us to discover and use. Among these
spending your time working out how to is the law that govern the process
contribute, how to do things better next whereby thoughts become materialised.
time, and especially if you are doing so The world is as it is because of the way
joyfully, then there is no space or time for people have collectively thought in the
remorse. Regret and remorse are a waste past. The world of tomorrow will be
of energy. This energy could be put to better the way it will be because of the way
use. Self-condemnation tends to prevent we think hour by hour today and
beneficial change. tomorrow. Anything that we feel is
“wrong” with our world is not a
Because your unconscious mind acts on the punishment, it has been brought about
pictures you make with your imagination,

Heart of Healing I 57
Emotions and Feelings

by the way we and others thought but harmful. Perhaps the caretakers were
erroneously in the past. It is a consequence even mentally ill. To accept the truth of your
of the collective thinking - the beliefs, own innocence can be a vital part of healing.
attitudes, desires, perceptions, motives, and The Self-forgiveness process heals both
so on, both wise and unwise. “Unwise” “true” and “false” guilts.
means that natural laws are ignored.
(iv) Self-hatred.
If you jump out of a skyscraper you do not
break the law of gravity, you break you own Any of the above distortions of the primary
bones. This is not a punishment. It is a emotions can be accompanied by self-
consequence of ignoring natural law. To criticism and denial of one’s true Self. You
get it right you would need to understand forget or deny your true nature as a
the law of gravity, and the laws of miraculous being. A Child of Life. A Child
aerodynamics. Then you have a choice - to of God. A Child of the Universe. Hatred is
stay in the building, or to build a hang- simply blocked love, and if you do not love
glider, and either way you can be safe. You yourself you cannot love others. If you do
have mastered the situation by utilising your not love yourself you hurt yourself or others.
wisdom and knowledge of natural law. You adopt destructive behaviours, and your
inner growth ceases - until the time comes
If you want to fly to the moon you need to for an awakening. Self-hatred begets hatred
learn about and master other natural laws of others. Hatred of others begets self-
(astronavigation, radar, computer science, hatred.
rocketry, and the group endeavour needed
to get a million or more people to cooperate, (v) Failure to experience guilt.
among many others). Then you can do that
safely and successfully. Not succeeding There are two causes of this distortion of
would not be a punishment - only a natural guilt that need to be distinguished.
consequence of insufficient understanding
or misapplied knowledge of natural laws. (i) Firstly there may be those who do
harmful things because of having been
Hence the importance of mastering the emotionally damaged in childhood. Or
natural laws that govern thought and right physically damaged by such factors as
relationships and work in alignment with alcohol or drug damage when they were in
them. If we use these to think aright from their mother’s womb, or illnesses, injuries,
now on, we will produce beneficial effects. malnutrition or toxic chemical damage to
Each person can as an individual add their the brain during or after birth. Such a
contribution to ending the erroneous, damaged person cannot experience guilt
damaging but deeply entrenched collective because they do not have the necessary
illusion - the belief in punishment. equipment in the physical nervous system.

The forgiveness process is learning how to (ii) Secondly there are those who have a
use the mind more in accordance with the normal physical equipment, and yet seem
natural laws of love and right relationship. to experience no guilt. There are no physical
factors that could provide an explanation.
(iii) False “Guilt” Fortunately this is not common. Those who
cannot experience any feelings of guilt, who
False guilt can be felt by children who have are therefore unable to use its promptings
been abused. You blame yourself for the to correct their harmful thoughts and
wrong behaviour of adults (“I must be bad, actions, are condemned to a terrible life of
or these bad things would not be happening first creating evil actions, and then being
to me”). You were innocent. As a child hated by many during their lifetime and
you often think that the behaviour of adults afterwards.
was somehow O.K. - after all, at the time
you did not know anything different. It can It is one of the characteristics of evil that it
be very hard for a child to come to the seeks to inhibit or destroy the potential for
realisation that those who were supposed spiritual and beneficial growth of others,
to take care of them was not only unloving while at the same time projecting out the

58 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

belief that other people are wrong and that families have been influenced by the
the evil one is right (as in acts of racial Victorian era, the depression or the world
prejudice and genocide). wars, - may have found great difficulty in
getting in touch with their true feelings. It
Can you imagine how awful your life could is a natural defence mechanism both to
be if you were unable to experience any kind repress feelings of pain and to project blame
of internal self-correction tendency, if you onto others. Emotional repression and
had no “guilty conscience” to prompt into blaming others may have helped many
wiser ways of being? people to face the hardness of those times.
But there was a price to pay as harm came
to relationships from projection, and to
Cathartic therapies
health, from repression.

It can be helpful, even necessary, to act To overcome this tendency, in recent years
out your feelings harmlessly to get them therapies emerged to help people
out of your body - this is called catharsis. acknowledge and express their eelings more
•It may bring relief to you to beat out fully. Psychodrama, gestalt therapy,
feelings of deep hurt and anger with a rebirthing, primal scream therapy, hypnotic
piece of garden hose on a pillow, and age regression, bio-energetic body therapies
shout out the words that got stuck in your and so on, all helped people to discover,
throat, your outrage at the injustices that acknowledge and re-own their feeling
occurred, and so on. •It may bring relief nature and the links between their emotions
to scream out the fear you felt when you and their body.

By allowing the acknowledgement and

release of emotions, cathartic therapy can
prevent the acting out of bad feelings on
others. However, releasing emotion on its
own does not always lead to healing. Bad
feelings and unconscious emotional charge
may build up again; recurring negativity
may need to be discharged over and over
again. Continually replaying the negative
feelings records them deeper and deeper
into the nervous system and memory. Thus
healing does not always occur after reliving
and releasing bad feelings. Sometimes, (as
in the case of Shona, the victim of the
Satanic ritual), it brings to the surface
murderous rage and a feeling of self-
condemnation and depression over realising
that one is not so different from the “enemy”
as one thought.

If healing does not occur, and nothing else

is done, you may have to continue to release
were terrified and victimised. •It may feelings every time they build up again. The
bring relief to wail and cry out the grief safety valve is released for a while, but
and sadness of your losses in life. discharging bad feelings has to be repeated
•It may bring relief to confess to an over and over. Repeated catharsis without
unconditionally loving listener any forgiveness imprints the recording deeper
actsabout which you still feel guilty. and deeper into the memory without
changing its negative effects on behaviour.
There is definite value in therapies which
enable you to get in touch with your The cathartic therapies are a good
repressed feelings and express them counterbalance to the former times of
harmlessly. Some, particularly those whose repression of feelings. For some people,

Heart of Healing I 59
Emotions and Feelings

however, the pendulum swings too far the changed after a good emotional work out).
other way. An overemphasis upon feelings
may develop. “Getting into my feelings”, Working with cathartic therapies since 1979,
“going with my feelings”, “letting it all I gradually became convinced that it is very
hang out”, “going with the flow”, “I’m important to go beyond the stage of merely
working at opening my heart centre”, are releasing feelings for complete healing to
some of the many expressions used during occur. The incredible change in Shona after
this stage of trying to heal the emotional she completed her forgiveness process
nature through releasing feelings. Yet the sealed my belief about this - she succeeded
one whose “heart centre “ has been so in forgiving the “unforgivable” and obtained
opened is not necessarily more relief from life-long unhappiness. Catharsis
unconditionally loving, responsible or alone had not done this, it had prepared her
group conscious than before. He or she for it however.
may simply be more expressive of their
feelings, and not always appropriately. It
can be a step in the right direction, but
The Emotions and Feelings
sometimes the new emphasis upon “going
with my feelings” has been used quite self-
servingly and destructively.

There is a distinction between (i)

becoming more aware and sensitive about
emotions, and releasing them, and (ii)
using emotional sensitivity to become a
powerful agent of love and goodwill.
There is a difference between releasing
feelings and using one’s sensitivity to
know when, where, and how to practise
compassion, goodwill and patience.

Catharsis wisely used and especially if Key points to remember - fast

followed by forgiveness, can be extremely track
valuable. Applying the forgiveness
process will heal the cause of the energy
build up and prevent the need for repeated 1. The Purpose of the Primary Emotions
catharsis. is to provide sensitivity, knowledge about
when love and goodwill are needed, and
To summarise the benefits of catharsis: energy for growth.

• It can act as a safety valve, preventing 2. The Primary Emotions produce

bad feelings coming out in a harmful way. benefits when expressed in an appropriate
• It can sometimes bring information to
mind about events that have been 3. Primary Emotions get “distorted”and
repressed and “forgotten”. unhealthy if their beneficial purpose is
not expressed. Harm can then occur.
• It is certainly good exercise!
4. The distortions of anger include:
• It can clear the mind. This is good Sulk; grudge; blame; criticise; withdraw;
because it can be quite difficult to think revenge; gossip; attack thoughts; pseudo-
straight when emotionally overwrought. grief; bitterness; spite; violence;
After a complete catharsis (20 minutes or perpetration of abuse; exploitation; passive
more), the mind clears and the forgiveness hostility; despair; self-hate; shame; disgust;
process becomes easier. I have even seen illness; chemical abuse; storing
the process become possible for a person resentments; accident proneness; anti-social
when before catharsis it was not possible behaviour; chain reactions of passing on the
(He said, “I cannot forgive!”, but this anger to another (tertiary anger), and more.

60 Heart of Healing I
Emotions and Feelings

5. Anger combined with love can be used

very creatively, the energy channelled into
constructive service.

6. Distortions of fear include:

Panic attacks; phobias; obsessions; chronic
anxiety; “victim” stance; self-sabotage etc.

7. Distortions of grief include:

Numbness; bad moods; depression; anger
with its distortions; self-pity;
“inappropriate” weeping; building a hard
shell around oneself; cutting oneself off
from people; prolonged bad feelings; guilt;
illness; feeling tied by real or imagined
promises that were not negotiated, etc.

8. Distortions of admiration include:

Competition; jealousy; envy.

9. Distortions of guilt include:

Excessive remorse; regret; belief in
punishment as inevitable, or desirable or
both;false guilt; self-hatred; failure to
experience guilt when it is appropriate;and
evil behaviour (“hate is good, love is bad”).

10. Cathartic therapies can be valuable

for getting in touch with repressed emotions,
and for discovering unconscious material.
It is wisest to know in advance how to use
the forgiveness process and to apply it to
any material that is brought to the surface.

11. It is unwise to direct the anger at the

offenders. It is wiser to release it from the
body in a compassionate way and proceed
straight on to the forgiveness processes.

Heart of Healing I 61
Will & Mind

selection in the mind as a composite filter

The Will and the whereby the total amount of sensory
Mind information is simplified into perceptions
which then condition the behavioural
It is an illusion that to develop your heart
qualities means you must “get out of your This is so important that I will repeat it.
head”. It is intelligent love that is needed The will acts at an earlier stage in the
in the world today, more than ever before. process to set goals, attitudes, beliefs,
Mind, will and heart go together, and are imaginings, and memory selection in the
not to be seen in opposition, or separated mind as a composite filter whereby the
further in any way. For most people total amount of sensory information is
unconditional love and forgiveness simplified into perceptions which then
processes can only be generated through the condition the behavioural outcome.
right use of the mind itself, and by an act of
will. Later it may then become more The behavioural outcome or result includes
spontaneous, a skill that is practised largely all external patterns of energy and
unconsiously. behaviour, and also the internal feelings,
mediated by the glands and autonomic
Look at the diagram of the levels of the Will nervous system which inevitably follow on
in mind processing (p. ). It is a very from the pattern created by the mind-set.
simplified model of how the human mind
works. The will does not directly affect behaviour.
Notice how someone addicted to drugs, for
The Will example, can exhaust themselves trying
hard to stop themselves putting the drug into
The will is used to set in the mind its themselves, and then say “I have no will
goals, beliefs and attitudes, choose what power”. Take away the drugs, and they will
is selected from the memory and how it use every method, even violence, to get
will be perceived, and the images (or some more. They may sacrifice job, money,
visualisations) that are held in the family, and reputation to get the drug -
“mind’s eye”. sacrifices that might well be thought heroic
if done in the service of humanity. For the
It is involved in making choices, making addiction at least, they have plenty of “will
decisions, setting goals, initiating action, power”!
eliminating what is non-essential, and
sustaining tension until goals are fulfilled. Underneath the addiction, may be found an
To maintain right intention, right attitudes, array of important but unmet basic needs.
clear perception, right recollection, right Beneath the strong drive to get more of their
thought, and right inner and outer speech drug, the person’s goal (consciously or
are all functions of the will. unconsciously) might in fact to be to turn
off emotional pain by using the drugs. To
• Right actions inevitably follow whenever get pleasure, or numbness, even if only
the will is used wisely. temporary and illusory, is better than
• Harm is likely whenever the will is denied, constant emotional pain. An unconscious
abdicated, used carelessly or unwisely. goal might be to punish themselves because
they feel badly about some past happening.
The will is concerned in the formulation Or it might be to avoid the pain of the
and setting in place of the perceptual withdrawal symptoms. Their attitude to
filter, or mind-set. The will does not act stopping the habit may be a negative one
directly upon behaviour and their image of it may be that “it will be
terribly hard work”. They may only recall
It is very important to note that, contrary to from memory times of they or others have
popular belief, the will does not act directly labelled “failure”. The will is being used,
on behaviour. It acts at an earlier stage in but unskilfully. They are not in charge of
the process to set and maintain goals, their will from the level of the personal self,
attitudes, beliefs, imaginings, and memory but rather the will is being used from the

62 Heart of Healing I
Will & Mind


Personal Self Will

Subpersonality will, SOMEONE ELSE'S

emotional reaction WILL










Perceptual Filter or Mind-set, made

up of Goals, Attitudes, Beliefs,
Imaginings, and Memory selection

A Model of how the Mind works

Heart of Healing I 63
Will & Mind

level of the addiction subpersonality, - People do not lack will power. They
which is driven by unmet needs and simply do not know how to direct their
emotional reactivity, not by the higher will into positive actions because they
purpose of expressing unconditional love. have not been taught how to use their
will rightly.
A more skilful use of the will would be make
a new choice, - to set and maintain a goal Training the will
to love themselves and their bodies, to adopt
an attitude and belief that it can be done The skill and art of values clarification and
comfortably, and an image of themselves making wise choices has not yet become a
succeeding, coupled to memories of times formal part of the parenting and education
when they were successful at something. If of children. The tendency has been to tell
not, the old pattern will run on indefinitely children what they should do - then the
causing harm to themselves and others. “choices” offered to the child are really only
whether to conform or rebel.
You will discover later in this book how the
right use of the will is crucial to the To teach children how to make wise choices
forgiveness process, being the removal of involves a willingness to give increasing
the conditions that were blocking love, responsiblity to children as they grow
independently of the behaviour of others. older:-
Forgiveness of self and others is a powerful • to discover and clarify their deepest values
part of recovery from addictive patterns. in relationship to their own life and the life
The practise of the forgiveness process of the larger whole in which they live
strengthens the ability to use the will wisely. • to create alternative strategies by both
logical and lateral thinking for expressing
these values in an enduring way in everyday
Development of your ability to use your situations
will wisely • to predict the consequences of their various
alternative actions
You develop your conscious, wise and • to apply their values to their choicemaking
loving will by, among other things: about both goals and means to attain those
• choosing goals only in accordance with goals. This is accomplished through the
your deepest values skill of weighing up the benefits of different
• considering benefits and burdens of courses of action against the burdens of not
different courses of action in the light of following them, and by comparing
your deepest values, outcomes of different courses of action with
• by assessing your priorities and the each other
consequences of different actions, • to decide upon a particular goal and the
• by choosing a course of action to the best attitude with which to carry out that goal
of your ability, • to use their imagination and memory
• by planning, selection process wisely and creatively
• by manifesting your plan with rather than merely have these processes
affirmations, by will-statements, by driven by emotion and moods
visualisation of the chosen goal, • to create a plan, gather resources and carry
• by persisting with the plan, the chosen out the plan
course of action despite obstacles, • to learn from mistakes without being
• by practise of the following qualities, blamed for those mistakes; better still, to
whichever are not well developed enough receive encouragement if mistakes are made
in you purpose, energy, dynamism, self- and approval for having learned from
mastery, self-control, self-disciplne, mistakes
synthesis, concentration, courage, one- • to evaluate their own progress
pointedness, organisation, focussed
attention, daring, determination, integrity These principles are well described in the
decisiveness, resoluteness, promtpness,
persistence, endurance, patience, and

64 Heart of Healing I
Will & Mind

book “He Hit Me Back First!” by Eva Fugitt qualified with how it is to be accomplished
(see references) in which she describes how in specific terms (the italicised words). It
she successfully introduced these principles is also set into a definite time frame.
to some “unteachable children” in a primary
school under very adverse social conditions, Goals that are congruent on all levels
and the benefits that occurred. Two other (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual;
excellent resource books are “Values subpersonality, personal self, and Higher
Clarification” by Simon, Howe and Self) have the greatest leverage. Goals
Kirschenbaum, and “The Act of Will” by formed only on the physical and emotional
Roberto Assagioli. principle of “go for pleasure; avoid pain”
do carry much drive. However, to overcome
Mind-set these kinds of goals, we need to go to the
mental and/or the spiritual level to reset
A mind-set is a combination of goals, them more wisely.
attitudes, feelings, thoughts, memories,
belief-systems, “facts”, prejudices, ideas, Goals can arise both from our needs, our
symbols, images and expectations which wants, and from our unconscious as well as
controls how the mind perceives incoming our conscious choices and higher purposes.
sensory data. It thus powerfully affects the
output of the mind’s activity, behaviour and Attitude
energy patterns. In the diagram, you can
see that it is the will that formulates and puts An attitude is a filter established and
the mind-set in place. What the mind-set sustained by the will, that modifies or
consists of, of course, depends upon from qualifies what the mind perceives and how
what level the will is being employed. a particular goal will be accomplished.
Attitudes help to set and modify goals.
Goal Attitudes “colour” how the road to the goal
is to be travelled.
• A goal is an objective established and
maintained by attitudes and the will. Motivation

• Right inner and outer speech is needed in Motivation is the inescapable tension
the correct setting of goals. produced by an existing and unachieved
goal. The mind ceaselessly searches ways
• To eliminate a negative goal, a positive to reduce tension by bringing about the
goal must be set which conflicts with it, goals we set — whether they have been set
substitutes for it, and finally replaces it consciously or unconsciously, wisely or
entirely. unwisely . If it cannot reduce the tension
by expression (action), it may seek to
Example: “I am going to try hard to stop eliminate tension by resetting the nervous
smoking” must be replaced by something system - for example to an unhealthy muscle
like “I may have wanted to continue to tension, blood pressure, or depression. “I’m
smoke but more than that, right now I will not tense” says the person, as they clench
to love and to take good care of my body their teeth and get tight muscles in their head
joyfully, to breathe fresh air comfortably, and spine, and take their tablets for their dis-
every day from now.” Wrong speech has ease.... Such tension is inevitable until
been used to set the first goal, for it the person learn how to take control of their
immediately conjures up an image of minds.
someone smoking and struggling hard to
stop. The trap is that to “try hard to stop” Setting goals for others without their
something it is psychologically implied that participation and agreement is a recipe
you have to go on doing it so that you can for endless tension. Please note that
go on trying hard to stop it! The mind when you set a goal for another person,
produces exactly the behaviour set by the you experience the tension if they do
goal. The second version is wiser because not meet your expectations to fulfil that
it creates a positive mental image, therefore goal for as long as they do not do so!
one conducive to success, and the goal is

Heart of Healing I 65
Will & Mind

In this light it is you who punish yourself if your power away to the other, they being
you continue to set goals for others. the only one who can relieve your tension.
If the other person fails to meet your
You may also remember how demands, you have condemned yourself
uncomfortable you have been whenever to the tension. You are punishing yourself
someone else set goals for you that you did for the failure of the other person to meet
not agree with. Demands that expectations your demands. Why would you do that
be fulfilled make tense both parties. to yourself unless you were unloving to
The forgiveness process will heal this kind
of damaging and unecessary tension and Other people’s expectations of us can be
self-punishment. The tension can be internalised (especially in childhood) and
removed by cancelling your demand that the then become the conscious or unconscious
other person fulfil your goal for them. expectations we hold of ourselves. We may
believe we have chosen them when in fact
Success we merely adopted them . Example: “I
must achieve ( i.e please my parents) - or I
What most of us call “success” is actually am not good enough”. We then carry this
the relief from tension that is obained by tension, sometimes for years.
achieving a goal.
The forgiveness process has much to do
For some people “success” is obtained by with reassessing the way goals have been
the fulfilment of an expectation created by set in the mind-process, and changing them
other people (e.g. parents or society) for to ones that heal the disturbed body patterns
them - that is, what is best for others. This of tension.
pattern sets up a constant feeling of having
to please others to have approval and thus Visualisations or images
self-esteem. In this sense it is addictive
and can lead to striving at the expense of Visualisations are pictures in the mind that
others. It can also be associated with a can also tend to act like goals. This is how
feeling of never being good enough. an architect works, the building she designs
in her mind’s eye becomes a fact.
For others, “success” is the fulfilment of Everything around you was a thought once.
goals that are personally set and satisfying Energy follows thought. Energy especially
- what is best for “me”. follows mental pictures. Energy flows into
the pattern or template which they make.
The highest form of success is to fulfil the This is how athletes constantly improve
group conscious goals and plans of your their performances. This is also why that
Higher Self - what is best for the Whole which a person fears (imagines) tends to
Earth. Then you will have inner peace. become their experience. It is a truism to
say that it is wisest to visualise only wise
Expectations goals!

Expectations are goals set by one person for Vigilance and discipline over your
another, with an underlying demand and mind-sets is essential
threat to cut off love and goodwill if the
expectation is not met. They are the core The will and mind-processing is always in
structure of conditional love. use. Goals will always be in effect, even if
it is only the goal to not set a goal! Unless
This is a very important fact. If you hold you decide to set them yourself consciously,
expectations and demands of another you goals will be set in your mind
will not get relief from your tension until unconsciously, based upon unmet needs,
the other has fulfilled your demands, or wants, and changeable patterns of emotional
you change your own mind-set (goals for reaction. The mind process faithfully
them) yourself. In this sense you have generates behaviour on the outer physical
chosen tension for yourself and given plane from the thoughts, beliefs, goals,
attitudes, and visualisations you have set.

66 Heart of Healing I
Will & Mind

It is like a word-processor that faithfully and

eternally will print out spelling mistakes An important part of the forgiveness process
unless someone comes to correct the errors is that it will give you the opportunity to
that were once placed in the software. sort out your value system, and learn how
to set goals consciously and develop a
It is worth repeating that, contrary to what hierarchy of values. In this way you will
most believe, the will does not seem to act learn to set your goals according to your
directly on your behaviour, but rather upon higher values and purposes in life and not
the perceptual filter, the mind-set, which is be dominated by your less important wants
made up of your goals, attitudes, beliefs and and emotions.
images, plus what you choose to recall from
memory. If you are hungry as you reach a Goals can be set consciously and
new town, your goal is to eat, and you will unconsciously.
tend to “see” the restaurants or food shops.
On the other hand, if you want to buy a Your emotions can set goals for you if you
house, you tend to “see” the real estate do not pay attention consciously. If you are
agents. You behaviour follows your upset enough, you may even want to die,
perception, and you go in the direction and your mind may accept this as a goal.
compatible with your goal. Your body (behaviour) faithfully tries to
help you achieve your goals. It “makes a
Competing goals copy” of your goal. If you set a goal to die,
your body may find a way to do that for
If you have several goals, you will tend to you. It may literally believe what you say
resolve the conflict by acting on the one that and act upon it. It is your instrument.
has the greatest motivation for you. This
will be a reflection of your hierarchy of
values and how you define “success”. The It is most important not to set goals when
others will be put on hold for a while. (In emotionally upset, as these goals can
the above example, if you are very hungry, become set in the mind and persist
you will probably eat before going to the unconsciously. It is better to decide to
real estate agent. But if you are desperate defer goal-setting until one is calm again.
to buy the house before someone else, you A phrase like “I’d rather die than carry
may forego your meal to get your bid in on like this....” made when under great
first). The more you value the achievement stress can become accepted as a goal by
of a particular goal, the more energy you the unconscious mind. It is better to set
will have for achieving it. the goal to defer goal setting until one has
healed the emotion.
If you want to overcome a bad habit, you
will have to find a more valued goal to Unwise goals that have gone unconscious
compete with it. can rarely be overcome by the direct
application of the will, and it is this which
Hierarchy of values leads to confusion over so-called “lack of
will power”.
Your goals reflect your values. Most people
have not thought much about their value A common example is the situation of one
system, and have not consciously decided who has an addiction, say to cigarettes. The
what they value most. Often their goals are reason for continued smoking is usually not
set haphazardly by how they feel at the time. conscious. Who would consciously set a
They generally want to have pleasure and goal to engage in self-destructive, disease-
to avoid pain. But because feelings are so producing, antisocial behaviour that
prone to change, they cannot hold a damages their own bodies and those of
purposeful course towards any worthwhile adults, children and babies nearby?
long-term goals. They are as if they were
in a boat adrift at sea that had no rudder. However the underlying goal may be to get
Knowing your higher values gives you your relief of tension, or even anger, and the
rudder and your direction. person knows no other way to meet this
need for inner peace. Or, the person may

Heart of Healing I 67
Will & Mind

have have had an unhappy childhood, felt goals and mind-sets based upon reactions
unloved by others, and grew up lacking self- to unmet needs, and desires for pleasure and
love, love of life, belief in their own to avoid pain. The subpersonality “wills”
competence. This may have led to an illness are needs-driven, and based upon emotional
wish in order to get caring, even to an reactions to unmet needs.
unconscious death-wish, to escape their
pain. The act of smoking is quite compatible The personal self puts in goals and mind-
with these kinds of goals, is it not?. sets based upon what would serve the
individual best. The personal self “will” is
Obviously until such a person can value based upon more conscious choices, serves
peace enough to find another way to meet the individual, and may or may not be
that need for peace, until they can love aligned with the will of the Higher Self. The
themselves enough to want to take care of personal self is ultimately responsible for
their bodies more wisely, until they love life choosing the level of mind-sets and goals
more than death, their smoking habit will that will be used.
persist no matter how hard they try to
change the behaviour directly. Frightening The Higher Self offers goals and mind-
them with the dangers of smoking will sets based upon what would serve the
generate more problems in the form of “group” best - with ever-increasing
mental pictures of negative outcomes. Their inclusiveness to the meaning of that word -
negative goal were formed in the first place family, nation, humanity, the planet. The
on the level of the emotions, at times of pain Higher Self offers goals that put group good
and unmet needs. A higher (more (the good of the planetary life) ahead of
worthwhile and valued) goal must be personal good, and relinquish the lesser for
substituted, set and maintained in place long the greater.
enough for the habit to finish of its own
accord. You can choose which level you will operate
on as you become more conscious of how
Indirect ways of resetting goals include the your psyche is put together.
use of the imagination, creative
visualisation, exercises, rituals, stories of
successful outcome. Their use is a skillful
application of the personal will to control
goals and attitudes from a higher level. “I
will to love myself enough.... “ “I will to
find a way to learn to be at peace....”

You will immediately see the connection

with the process of forgiveness here, which
is the “removal of the conditions in the mind
that blocked the flow of love”.

The mind ceaselessly searches for ways to

bring about the goals that have been set, to
reproduce patterns from the mind-sets that
are currently being held in place, whether
they are wise or unwise , or have been set
consciously or unconsciously. It is in this
sense only that we largely “create our own

Different levels of the psyche set the mind

filters (goals, attitudes, beliefs,
visualisations and selections from
memory) in different ways.

The emotions and subpersonalities put in

68 Heart of Healing I
Will & Mind

The Will and the Mind different levels of the psyche.

7. Attitudes modify how the goal will be

accomplished - for example you can decide
whether to do your forgiveness work
joyfully or miserably.

8. Motivation is the inescapable tension

experienced until an existing goal has been
accomplished, if it be a goal for yourself.
If you have set an expectation (goal for
another) you will still feel tension until it is

9. Any tension you feel arising from goals

you have set in the past for any other person
is now your choice. It can be removed any
time by cancelling your demand that the
other person fulfil your expectation. You
can prevent yourself getting tension and
pain from others not fulfilling your
expectations by changing your demands
into preferences that you can let go of, and
in due course not setting expectations at all.

Points to remember fast track 10. Expectations are goals set by one person
for another with an underlying demand or
1. The will places and holds in your mind threat. If the expectation is not fulfilled, love
the current mind-set of goals, attitudes, will be withdrawn.
beliefs, images (visualisations) and how the
memory is to be used. 11. Visualisations are pictures in the mind
that affect goals (e.g. compare “It’s going
2. The will does not act directly upon to really hard work and boring to do this
behaviour, only upon the mind-set. chore” with “We’ll find a way to make
this chore light and easy”).
3. The will can be used skilfully or
unskilfully. The will-skill can be learned. Even on their own, visualisations can be
accepted by the unconscious mind as goals
4. There are ways of retraining the will, and acted upon (as in the self-fulfilling
through understanding how it functions and prophecy of ssomething that has been feared
applying that knowledge. for a long time actually happening).

5. Mind-sets are combinations of goals, 12. Negative goals can only be overcome
attitudes, feelings, thoughts, memory by substituting positive goals that are more
selections, beliefs-systems, and so on that highly valued.
affect how the mind perceives incoming
sensory information. Mind-sets have a 13. A sound hierarchy of values is
powerful effect upon the output from the essential to right choices of goals, beliefs,
mind in the form of behaviour and energy attitudes, and images.
patterns. This is so consistent it could be
said to operate according to natural law.
This knowledge can be used to control and
alter undesired behaviour and cultivate
desired behaviour.

6. Goals are objectives that can be set from

Heart of Healing I 69
Nature of Love

The nature of love 1. The first level of love -

Conditional Love.
“Levels” of love is probably a better
word than “distortions” when refering to This can include many styles, - “Taking care
love. There are so many ways the word of others”, “Self-martyring”, “Rescuing”,
“love” is used and each can be seen as “Social Activist Saving Society”, “Fighting
refering to a different level in the for Peace even if I have to kill someone to
evolution of love. “Love” is a word used get it”, “I’m only trying to help you, damn
to describe many kinds of feelings as well you!”, and so on, when the root motivation
as the flow of goodwill unconditionally is basically to help one’s own self-esteem.
from one person to another.
“Love is energy and substance as real Conditional love is the commonest kind of
as dense matter. That substance can be love. It has a number of characteristics,
used to drive out diseased tissue and including the underlying belief that there is
provide a healthy substitute in place of a bargain, an exchange. This can be very
he diseased material which has been difficult to “see”, and what I am about to
eliminated” (Alice Bailey, Esoteric write may be difficult to accept or
Healing p. 102) understand at first.

Thus sometimes to “love” is used to mean It can go like this. “Because I love X , X
to “want”, “desire” or “like”, as in “I love should....(behave in a certain way)..... (and
my golf” or, “I love cake”. It can mean the if they did, I would feel more
feeling of desire for something which gives comfortable...)” Underlying this usually
pleasure, as in romantic love, sexual love. unspoken reasoning, there is a demand that
some kind of expectation must be fulfilled,
It can also be used to mean maternal love, which goes like: “If X does not meet my
paternal love, brotherly or sisterly love, expectation, I will withdraw my love and
caring for another; also mateship, goodwill.”
companionship, and different forms of
group love. These have varying proportions This may never have been made explicit,
of wanting something from the other and negotiated or agreed upon with X, but it is
willingness to contribute to the life of the there in your mind. The expectation may
other. even not be known to your conscious mind
until X disappoints you. When X does not
In practise, many expressions of these forms meet the expectation, you experience
of “love” are highly conditional upon the disappointment and pain. You react. Your
loved person or object meeting some love is withdrawn. Only then do you realise
expectation in the mind of the one “giving” that you had any expectations of the other
the love. If the conditions are not met, the person. This kind of “love” has been used
love is withdrawn, and can even be quickly as a bargaining counter in an attempt to
replaced by hatred, resentment, anger, grief, manipulate the other person. It may have
envy, guilt. It was never unconditional, even been done this way in the belief that it
though it may have felt like that while the was “for their own good”. However doing
conditions were being met. this to a person teaches him or her to do the
same to others. It is not usually experienced
Love differs in quality if you direct your as your having been loving.
love towards someone who is
(i) more powerful or advanced than you, Many of us have “given” this kind of love
(reverence) to others by rescuing another person or
(ii) of equal power and development, persons. Our motives may have been
(mutuality) mixed, genuinely seeking to give service
(iii) of lesser power and development, ( and yet also wanting something in return.
benevolence). You can get “love” from the one you serve
and approval from others in society for
taking care of someone. If your self-esteem
is not high you may only feel good about

70 Heart of Healing I
Nature of Love

yourself as long as you are in such a role. real agenda? At an unconscious level, not
You love others to get love back. Your all helpers want all those under their care
situation is precarious. You are meeting to recover.
your own needs for self-esteem through
loving-by-rescuing those weaker than Having given your all, you may become hurt
yourself, and if the weak one becomes that the dependent one is not grateful. You
strong, you may find yourself subtly are trapped if you must take care of people
sabotaging their progress. Or, if the one to have self-esteem - you are dependent
being “helped” rejects your help, you may upon the approval of others. Yet you feel
become angry, and may even seek out reluctant to go on serving if there is no
another needy person to rescue, rather than exchange. “Rescuers” easily become
rejoice in the progress and strength of the “reluctant martyrs”, and this is a recipe for
one you thought you loved. “I was only burn-out. You can feel used or victimised
trying to help them, now look how they treat by the very people you are trying to help.
me, damn them!” may be your reaction. You manipulate to make them feel guilty.
How could “love” have turned so quickly The ones you are “loving” in this way can
into anger, rejection, attack? When your feel resentful. This is called hostile
“love” was rejected, did you feel as if you dependency. It is truly a difficult art to help
were being rejected, even attacked? others in the way that meets their true needs
Love is not making the object of the love and with respect for their empowerment.
feel comfortable superficially. If I induced
that reaction in you, I would not merit your To love conditionally is to give away your
confidence and trust and in the long run I power to the one “loved”. You have made
would not thus hold your respect. Love is them responsible for your happiness and
that far-seeing wisdom which seeks to keep unhappiness. You have become hostage
alive in the object of that love those to your own expectations - “I will love
sensitivities which will guarantee safe you (and feel good about myself)
progress. Love is, therefore, guarding, provided you are .... disadvantaged, male,
stimulating and protective. But it is not a or female, pretty, handsome, good, clever,
personal matter. It is a positive protection white, black, richer, poorer, sicker than
but does not lead to that negative attitude me.......etc.....” Or, “Because I love you,
of being cared for on the part of the one you must promise me that you will.....”
who is the recipient of the love. It is the Or, “If only you loved me you would
stimulating power of divine love which I know what I want and give it to me.
seek to pour out upon you and upon all Because you don’t read my mind and
whom I serve as Master and Teacher. This know what I want, and give it me means
will lead you wisely to protect yourself from that you don’t really love me....”
glamour, illusion and personality reactions, (Actually how would you stand it if they
also from error and prejudice in order the could read your mind!)
better to serve both Humanity and Love is a process of determining action
Hierarchy. Ponder on this. (Alice Bailey upon the basis of the ultimate good of the
DNA II p. 683) individual or the group, and the
immediate reaction of the personality is
Sometimes doctors, nurses, social workers, secondary. Love is not emotion or
therapists, parents, teachers, and many other sentiment, and which is not related to
kinds of “helpers” fall into this trap. The feeling (which is a distortion of love). It
test is - does the helper love the “good” is the fixed determination to do what is
patients or students (those who are best for the whole of humanity, or for the
compliant and grateful) more than the “bad” group (if the larger concept is not
ones (those who are rebellious or possible to you), and to do this at any
ungrateful)? If that is so, how can that be personal cost and by means of the
wise, for statistics suggest that the uttermost sacrifice. The love demanded
“rebellious” patients may improve quicker, of us is neither emotional nor sentimental.
and rebellious students sometimes achieve It is intensely practical, and expresses
better in later life? Did not the helper want itself in service and cooperative activity.
the best for all of them? Or was the motive It seeks to aid all movements that benefit
to get something from them? What was the humanity and are in line with the new

Heart of Healing I 71
Nature of Love

incoming era. ............. True love has no you are an angry person inside you can
time for these reactions (emotional easily find things and people on the outside
reaction, outcry of horror, self- with whom to be angry. If you are a fearful
centredness and personal discomfort), person inside, you will find the world a
because the work of alleviation is entirely threatening and scary place, your
engrossing. The man who loves his vulnerability attracting those who might
fellowmen is mentally poised and prey upon you.
intelligently working; he is mobilising all
his forces for the service of the hour. A “What you do not forgive, becomes a part
truly compassionate heart is not of you. Until you learn to forgive, the
emotional. (my underlining) (Alice unforgivable can keep “happening” to
Bailey, Externatisation of the Hierarchy) you”. (Caroline Myss)

To love conditionally is to set yourself up • The second level - “tough” love

for disappointments. While it is true that
the universe will nearly always meet your The important difference between this level
needs - it will not always meet your wants and the level of conditional love is the way
in the way you expect and demand of a self-esteem is involved. If you were loving
particular person as a condition for you to conditionally, you may have needed the
love them. other person to be weaker than you or to be
grateful to you in order for you to feel good
Another characteristic of “loving” at a about yourself. If you perceived the other
conditional level, is that having made others person to be more powerful than you, you
responsible for your happiness and become needed their approval to feel good about
burdened to the point of burn-out, when help yourself. It can be hard, it can even seem
is offered to you, you may say, “No thank unnatural, to love people who did not need
you, I am just fine. I can manage.” There you or favour you, or who disappointed you
is an unwillingness to receive, to be open greatly.
to love and help. Lack of self-love, lack of
an enlightened self-image and lack of self- At the second level, tough love, your self-
esteem act as blocks to the flow of respect and self-esteem are strong enough
unconditional love and life energy. that you can give better care to, rather than
take care of, another. Such care will be
Rescuing by “helping”, may come out in based upon a truer assessment of the needs
the form of social activism for some of both yourself and the other. You are less
important cause, even for peace. Rescuing dependent upon the approval of others for
society. Yet you are still caught up with your your self-esteem. You are freer to take more
own anger and fear. Your good intentions positive action. You do not make the other
may come out like: “I will fight for my kind person responsible for meeting your needs.
of peace - even if I have to hurt or destroy You are willing to act on your own behalf
someone to get it”. With this pattern you to get your own needs met.
may find yourself oversimplifying issues.
You may become easily angry with other At this level you can confront a person
people who hold different points of view. caringly, and you are able to stimulate a
The underlying pattern is “I will love you sense of responsibility in the one loved, and
provided you adopt my point of view...or to do this without creating false guilt. You
do what my parents did....or did not do.... feel: “I love myself enough to love you. I
or what my race, religion, country, or party can serve you without manipulations.” You
believes is right...(or whatever). If you do can also receive love with openness. You
not, I will attack you.” The unhealed anger do not push love or offers of help away. You
and unforgiveness can lead to perpetrating can even ask for it openly without demands
the same outrages that were condemned or manipulations.
when they were done by others, as can be
seen in many parts of the world today as This kind of love has been given the name
ancient hatreds continue to take their toll. of “tough love” in the area of substance
abuse counselling because with it you are
Inner negativity can act like a magnet. If

72 Heart of Healing I
Nature of Love

able to confront people caringly to prevent and Torkom Saraydarian among others, and
them continuing on a destructive course. many patients and students for stimulating
me to think more deeply about some of
If you are a social activist, at this level you them. They may stimulate you into
are able to separate out people from their discovering more for yourself:
actions, and you are more focussed upon
issues than personalities. You give the other Unconditional Love is...
full responsibility for their actions, and you
are willing to take responsibility for you • Unconditional Love is an act of will. It is
own. You can negotiate assertively - that not a feeling or an emotional reaction.
is, firmly and without putting the other party Think of the difference between “falling in
down. love”, and “growing in love” through all
difficulties and conflicts in a relationship.
The keynote is the development of
responsibility. • Unconditional love is becoming more than
you were. It is enlarging your self.
•The third level - Unconditional
Love. • Unconditional Love is an act of mental
and spiritual will, it cannot and does not take
The mystery and depth of Unconditional place upon the emotional level, which is
Love cannot really be fathomed, explained where the problems first register. It is not a
or reduced to words. We all recognise its feeling, it is the directed use of energy.
presence and magic. Perhaps it will be
centuries before we have understood even • Unconditional Love is extending yourself
a fraction of it. Perhaps there is no limit, in the service of the spiritual growth of
and we shall go on discovering more and yourself and/or another.
more. The profound and thought-provoking
quotation at the start of this chapter points • Unconditional love in action means
to something we intuitively know is true, goodwill, helping people to meet their basic
especially if we recognise that “diseased needs, and also gives attention to their
tissue” includes diseased emotions and higher needs.
thoughts as well as physical tissue.
• Unconditional Love is to call forth a sense
And yet, as human beings, we are moving of responsibility, and help someone develop
towards being able to express it more fully. a capacity to make wise choices.
In the depths of our being we yearn to
understand it, receive it and give it. It has • Unconditional Love can be to point out a
been evolving over the centuries through us. person’s weaknesses, firmly - but caringly,
Stand well back from the earth’s history for with the intention to help their growth, and
a moment and see how it is steadily by taking care to find the right language, so
revealing itself through us, humanity. that there is strengthening of the person, not
a feeling of criticism and rejection. A fine
I have learned in giving seminars in different skill indeed. It gracefully offers an example
parts of the world that we can learn more of the missing quality or strength so that
about it by giving attention to it, by sharing others can absorb and use it.
it with each other, and by sharing our
experiences. There are no experts - the Inner • Unconditional Love is to challenge people
Self, and the people around us are our best lovingly to strive and attain, and discover
teachers. Most of us have only partial their talents, to be true to their talents and
capacity at this stage in our evolution to themselves.
express it fully, but we do have the capacity
to learn. There have been some Great • Unconditional Love is to help people
Teachers to help us on our way, however. lovingly to work on their habits and
weaknesses so that they become stronger.
Here are a few of the ideas that I currently To show them how to use their will
have about the nature of unconditional love. correctly.
I am grateful to Edith Stauffer, Scott Peck

Heart of Healing I 73
Nature of Love

• Unconditional Love is to help people learn point of synthesis of opposing points of

to cooperate with each other, and thus to view, which is usually done by revealing
overcome their separative tendencies. what the true needs of each side are to both.

• Unconditional Love is to engage people • Unconditionally loving people serve the

in working for humanity. cause of peace and goodwill in
extraordinary ways, and can often find ways
• Unconditional Love is to teach people to a fair solution of conflict that are not
lovingly yet firmly how to overcome their available to more emotionally charged
prejudices, resentments, pettiness, pride, people. Ghandi taught the value of learning
illusions, and other blocks to their own joy. to cooperate harmlessly with the good
intentions of others, even so-called enemies,
• Unconditional Love causes you to see for the true benefit of both.
what has really caused a situation.
• Unconditionally loving people have a
• Unconditional Love enables you to see long-term view. They realise that even one
through the outer appearances into the true time “enemies” can become friends if there
needs or yourself and others, without is enough patience and goodwill.
criticism of yourself or others .
• Unconditional Love may strongly • From the point of view of this book,
disapprove of a person’s actions, but unconditional love is seen as a willed flow
continues to have goodwill towards that of subtle energy from the Source of Life
person. It does not confuse the action with through the one loving towards the loved
the person doing the action. one.

• Unconditional Love causes you to see the • Unconditional Love does not
basic good in yourself and others.
• Unconditionally loving people quickly see
their own errors and joyfully self-correct • To surrender to weakness.
them. They love themselves, others and the
Source of Life, and therefore the whole of • To accept things that are harmful.
• To encourage weakness or irresponsibility.
• Unconditionally loving people can
maintain love and goodwill towards both • To accept dirt or ugliness in thought,
the apparent “victim” and the “oppressor” feeling or action.
in a situation.
• To exploit or use people.
• Unconditionally loving people seek to
radiate their inner harmony and joy, peace • To tolerate laziness.
and healing into any situation, however
negative. • To preach at people.

• Unconditionally loving people love • To manipulate or control people or their

independently of circumstances. That is, thinking - even “for their own good”.
they love without conditions or expectation
of reward; independently of the thoughts, Energy follows thought. In unconditional
feelings, and actions of others; and without love the thoughts are always loving,
wanting to be somewhere else other than therefore energy is always following loving
exactly where they are. They are present to thoughts and contributing to the life of the
whoever they are with at the time. loved one. In conditional love situations the
flow can be almost in the reverse direction,
• Unconditionally loving people are the one “loving” actually wanting
conscious of what serves humanity best. something from the loved one, and being
They do not react by immediately taking angry when it is not forthcoming.
sides in a conflict. They seek to common

74 Heart of Healing I
Nature of Love

Put bluntly, conditional love can be an grasp of the life and needs of all beings (I
attempt to control or possess the one so have chosen those two words with intent!)
“loved”. By contrast, unconditional love which it is the high prerogative of a divine
affirms the unique identity of the one loved Son of God to operate. It negates all that
and seeks to help the loved one to grow in builds barriers, makes criticism, and
the way that is consistent with their Higher produces separation. It sees no distinction,
Self, at whatever cost to the one so loving. even when it appreciates need, and it
produces in one who loves as a soul
immediate identification with that which is
Love is a growing inclusiveness loved. These three words (illumination,
understanding, and love) sum up the three
Another way of looking at the evolution of qualities or aspects of the intuition and can
love is to see how it becomes progressively be covered by one word, universality, or the
more inclusive as it develops. Of course, sense of universal Oneness. Love is free of
many of these experiences of love overlap the emotion which is characteristic of the
and do not occur in the exact order given life which most people live; love, in reality,
here. Under normal circumstances, a child is perceptive understanding, the ability to
starts life by loving its self and being recognise that which has produced an
concerned with its own wants and needs. It existing situation, and a consequent freedom
develops love for one other, usually the from criticism; it involves that beneficent
mother, then the father, and then any silence which carries healing on its wings
brothers and sisters, grandparents, pets, and and which is only expressive when the
extended family. Love for friends and inhibition aspect of silence is absent and
teachers joins these, then love for a special the man no longer has to still his lower
other, and perhaps a series of special others nature and quiet the voices of his own ideas
before founding a family. Having one’s own in order to understand and achieve
children and sharing this experience with identification with that which must be loved.
others gives a sense of group and Can you follow the beauty of this concept
responsible love for the children of others. and comprehend the nature of this silent
This is joined by increasing love of group, depth of understanding? (Adapted from
nation, and finally the family of nations and Alice Bailey DNA & Externalisation of the
all the creatures of the planet. The love Hierarchy)
embraces all creation. To some extent love
grows with increasing awareness of others.
If the love nature does not evolve more or Journey from martyred rescuer to
less upon those lines it is because some of tough love, and beyond - Joan
these experiences did not happen or were
disturbed and disturbing in some way.
Needs were not met or role-models for Joan was married to an alcoholic. She
healthy love were not available. The “loved” him by keeping his alcoholism a
commonest block is that love for oneself is secret from the neighbours, employers and
not fully experienced and developed and the family, by driving him home when he
therefore love of others is built upon a shaky was drunk, and putting him to bed. She
foundation. This must be repaired before would clean up the vomit from the floor
love for others can be fully developed. The when he drank too heavily at home. To
Forgiveness Process can be seen as a explain the bruises on her face and arms
process or retraining exercise which moves when he beat her, she told her doctor that
any who use it from earlier stages of love she had fallen down some steps. She told
towards the goal of being able to express the same kind of white lie when her husband
Unconditional Love. beat the children. She resented all this
Love is that inclusive, non-critical, magnetic bitterly, but felt she had to suffer, because
comprehension and attitude which (in group she did not deserve better. She felt martyred
work) preserves the group integrity, fosters by this situation, even virtuous. She never
the group rhythm and permits no secondary looked angry, yet underneath was thinking
personality happenings or attitudes to mar how badly life treated her.
group work. Love is that synthetic, inclusive

Heart of Healing I 75
Nature of Love

When her husband died, she married down, in fact she is speaking to a higher
another alcoholic, believing that she could level within him. She is calling forth his
help him mend his ways. The same sort of sense of responsibility in an adult way.
disappointments happened again. She felt
even more badly treated by life. Tough love merges progressively with
unconditional love as she widens her
She decided to do some personal growth. perspective to include more. She applied
She learned to value and love herself, the forgiveness process to events with both
independently of her role as a “martyr”. She husbands, to events with her mother and
became strong enough to learn about father, and people in authority when she was
alcoholism and co-dependency. She got up a child, and to a previous sexual partner
the courage to talk to the family doctor about whom she felt had treated her badly. Even
what was happening, and this stimulated to one of the children, whom she knew she
him into learning more about alcoholism did not love as much as the others, because
and families. Her doctor had never he reminded her of her first husband, and
suspected alcoholism in her husbands. They because the pregnancy had not been fully
had been on good social terms, and one of desired by her. Inside herself, both of her
her husbands had once worked with him on husbands, and her parents, she began to see
a project. the patterns of “hurt children” whose needs
were not met adequately.
Eventually came the time for a caring
confrontation with her second husband: “I (The “hurt child” is that part of you that
love you enough, and I love myself enough, reacts now in a similar way to the way you
to want to do something about what has did whenever you were going through
been happening between us and in this unhappy experiences in your childhood).
family. We all deserve better. I feel very
badly about what has happened and is still No matter how unpleasant her husband’s
happening. Something has to improve. I behaviour and criticism of her became at
invite you to join with me in making things times, her inner peace remained
better. You have three months to think about undisturbed.
this. I am willing to support you through
any treatment that is needed for your alcohol She reviewed her own past mistakes with
dependency and difficulty in dealing with compassion, and learned how to self-
your anger. I am willing to do family corrrect her patterns of thinking, believing,
therapy, group therapy, personal growth, reacting and acting - with joy. This journey
couple counselling - anything, to improve of self-development became a celebration
our family situation. We both share the of life for her.
responsibility. If, after three months, you
do not wish to join me in this project then I When talking to the children and to others
will separate from you and do what I need about him, she confined her talk to
to do to change my own patterns of emphasising his good points, and even when
behaviour. I am tired of this sort of thing thinking about him she no longer “bitched”
happening repeatedly in my life. We will about all his bad ones.
both still have a responsibility towards the
children, and I will not let my feelings She continued to be aware of her own basic
interfere with how I relate to you when we needs and sought to meet them effectively,
are co-parenting them. They deserve what yet harmlessly.
is fair. I will still have goodwill towards
you. I will however take responsibility for She became more aware of how both of her
myself and the children’s future.” husbands got to be the way they were
because certain of their basic needs had not
You can see here Joan’s shift into a tougher been met when they were children. She
level of love. She is strong. She is asserting began to understand how rescuing them had
more powerfully on behalf of her needs, the met some of her needs - but not in a
needs of the children, and the true needs of functional manner.
her husband, for only by taking action
himself will he heal. She is not putting him She found herself getting ideas during her

76 Heart of Healing I
Nature of Love

quiet moments about how the situation The Nature of Love

between her and her husband could be
improved. She became open to inspiration
from a Source within her.

She found herself open to receive ideas

about how the situation could be aligned
with what was fairest to her, to her husband,
to the children, to the other relatives such
as the grandparents, to the childrens’ friends
and so on. She was becoming wiser.

She found that the atmosphere around her

began to improve in subtle yet perceptible
ways, both at home and at work.

She came to respect herself for what she Key points to remember
was, as well as for what she was doing.
1. There are “levels” of love
She began to enjoy whatever she was doing,
there was more humour, people sought her 2. The ability to love is evolving.
out, her life at her workplace was no longer
just a refuge from unpleasantness at home, 3. The quality of love varies according to
it became more fulfilling and she was the perceived gradient of power between the
offered a better position. parties in a relationship.

Her own physical health problems began to 4. Conditional love is based upon (usually
improve. She threw away the tranquillisers unexpressed) expectations. Love is
and sedatives that had been prescribed for withdrawn if the conditions are not fulfilled.
her. She was finding peace within herself.
5. Some “helping”, “rescuing”, and “social
In short, she was now loving towards activism” is based upon conditional love.
herself, others and the Source of life, and Something is wanted back to give self-
this was increasing steadily. A gate had esteem to the “helper”. If not the “helper”
opened, and an indefinable energy was may become angry or fearful.
flowing through her and out into her
surroundings. In due time, her own capacity 6. “Tough Love” defines a relationship in
to heal others was released and she was able which the one loving is not dependent any
to be of real service to families where more upon the loved one as their source of
alcohol or drug dependency was a problem, self-esteem.
or rather, the symptom of blocked love.
7. Unconditional love is able to love both
the oppressed and the oppressor, to see their
true needs, and work towards the fulfilment
of those true needs. Unconditional love is
an act of will, directing energy in a
purposeful way. It is not a feeling. It is
inclusive. It is conscious and dedicated to
what would serve the human family best.

8. To love unconditionally is to be a
conscious trustee, and to use and direct
the flow of Life Energy in the most
positive way possible.

Heart of Healing I 77
Belief Systems

emotional “atmosphere” in which we

Belief Systems and live, and the emotional energies that
Unconditional Love pass through us. Patterns of thought also
form an “environment”, and that certain
core beliefs can be even more important
An Ecology of Mind in producing harm - to ourselves and
those around us. In fact, the presence
of the physical and emotional toxins is
We all tend to draw conclusions from the a reflection back to us of the presence
events around us. When we were hurt of such “toxic beliefs”.
we drew conclusions, some of which
became set in our mind as “truths” - our
map of the “The-Way-the-World-IS”. Mental ecology is coming into being. We
While these conclusions may have are learning how to become
contained some aspect of the truth, they “environmentally aware” of the contents of
rarely contain the whole truth. our own minds. We are learning the
importance of taking better care of the
mental atmosphere in which we live and in
We know that our environment can become which our children grow up.
physically polluted (by toxic chemicals in
food or water, or by different forms of
radiation, for example). Ecology is the
study of environments. It comes from a
Greek word meaning house. Understanding
how everything relates to everything else
in our environment helps us to “get and keep
our house in order”.

There are levels of housekeeping.

Environmental awareness and a willingness
to manage the environment in a sustainable
manner is crucial if we are to sustain life on
earth. Most of us realise that now. It is
basic housekeeping for our planet Earth. We
have been helped by many wonderful
people who have been able to “see” what
has been happening to our planet and bring
it to our attention in books, radio and TV
programmes. They are enabling us as both
producers and consumers to become more I had been working with the forgiveness
ecologically responsible stewards of the process for several years before the full
physical matter of our “house”, the significance of this dawned upon me. Now
exquisitely beautiful air, earth and ocean it becomes more and more obvious to me
that is our home. as I work with people. Forgiveness is
mental and emotional housecleaning.
A growing number are also realising Physical effects follow from this. I hope
how negative emotions also can form a now to be able to show you how this is so.
toxic environment if they persist and are Thoughts and beliefs seem to act rather like
not healed. Emotional ecology is jelly-molds - they have a certain “shape”
coming into being - witness the growing and keep producing results and effects that
number of books and courses on how are replicas of their pattern.
to get in touch with your feelings; and
how to manage your anger and grief, When you have an experience, especially
overcome your fear with confidence, if you have been hurt, your emotions act
and guilt feelings with self-esteem, and upon your mind to make it generalise from
so on. We are being helped to become the experience you have undergone. You
more responsible stewards of the tend to draw conclusions. For example, if

78 Heart of Healing I
Belief Systems

someone of the opposite sex has caused you people would exploit her, and that she was
hurt, then your mind may conclude that all not good enough to deserve a job anyway.
persons of that sex are untrustworthy. This She envied her husband earning money,
can than become fixed as a belief system resented the time he spent at doing so, yet
that you hold in your mind. Because energy felt that he, too, was being exploited and
and action follow thought, you may then should be paid more. She felt I was
attract the kind of conditions in your life exploiting her even when she paid among
that reinforce this belief system. It then the lowest fees I ever asked.
becomes a “truth” for you, a kind of rule
about the way life is. Eventually the belief It turned out that for all of her childhood
system can become so powerful as to and teenage life until she left home, her
remove all evidence to the contrary from parents had given her her pocket money on
your perception of the world. Sunday and said: “Now put that in the
church collection.” She had felt more and
Each person’s world-view is formed by more resentful about not having any money
countless examples of this process, forming of her own. She therefore never acquired a
patterns in the mind. Like plumbing or belief that women could have and manage
electrical house-wiring, it can become money. Her parents did not believe in
outdated over time. women working outside the home. She had
never believed that as a woman she could
This process creates most of our core beliefs have a job. Brought up in a thought
about ourselves, men, women, life, the atmosphere that frequently centred around
world, authority, sex, money, family, how the idea that she was sinful, wicked and
time should be spent, religion, politics, should be punished, she concluded she was
children, parenting, the Source of Life itself, very undeserving. So much so that she had
everything, in fact. never believed that she deserved to have a
job, or to spend money upon her own self
Your belief system may work well enough development.
for you, by and large. If this is so, your life
will be happy, productive, meaningful, and Forgiving her parents, the church and
joyful. You will be freely able to express (partially the first time), herself, produced
goodwill to all who come your way, to be quite a transformation. She started to look
unconditionally loving, and to be creative younger, took an interest in personal
with whatever talents you have. But if this development, got a good job, and eventually
is not so then your belief system needs was able to use her money as an expression
attention. Like the plumbing and old of her gratitude for services received. Her
electrical house-wiring, belief systems need relationship with her husband and family
upgrading from time to time, for what may went through a series of crises in which all
once have worked well enough can become of them were offered the opportunity to
unsafe. grow. Instead of feeling weak and
martyred she became assertive enough to
If you have learned negative beliefs from take action to meet her own needs and create
upsetting experiences, you may have a better life for herself.
generalised from those experiences in a way
that now restricts your ability to make wise However, she did not love herself enough
choices. What follows below is an example to complete her forgiveness agenda or the
of how this process worked out in the life self-forgiveness process, or to forgive her
of one of my students, to show the principle husband fully at this time. Only several
at work. years later, after going through a separation,
did she do this. For several years she
omitted to give herself the gift of the very
Low self-esteem and mixed process that would help her obtain complete
attitudes towards money - Merle relief, and become a fully contributing
member of her community.
Merle always felt she was being ripped off. It is important to recognise how lack of self-
She did not have a job. She believed that love can sabotage a person’s process of

Heart of Healing I 79
Belief Systems

forgiveness. By recognising this and I am guilty - and must be punished

tackling it early on the needless delay I have no power, I am helpless
caused by partial forgivenesses can be I am a victim
avoided. I am too small
I am dirty
Here are some of the beliefs that some of I am blemished
my clients and students have discovered in I am not perfect
their minds. Instead of blaming themselves I am unlovable
for believing these things, however, they I cannot take what life offers me, in the way
decided to adopt the attitude of being of love, opportunities, or joy
delighted to find them, so they could change I must take revenge - it is right to exact pain
them more quickly and easily, before they when I have been hurt
did any more harm :- I want to kill....
I am to blame
Negative Beliefs I cannot stick by my deepest values - I am
drawn from the work of 50 people - not strong enough
“jelly-molds of the mind” I am bad
I always hurt people
1. About Self I’m not worth much
I am not safe
I am all alone
I am alone - no one can or will help me
I do not deserve love
I do not even deserve to be forgiven or to
practise forgiveness
I can only get love by striving and achieving,
by performing, by working, by meeting the
expectations of others, and not by being
I am not responsible
I must not be too successful
I am unworthy. I am a nuisance. I am I cannot be honest, I am basically dishonest
remote. I am conspicuous. I am not I am clumsy
allowed to be seen. I am invisible, no one I never get anything right
notices me. It’s not worth trying. I am in a I always hurt others
capsule, walled off from people. I am I have no right to be here
wrong. I am weak. I am always being I am not acceptable
steam-rollered and... I have no patience
There is no good in me
I am always controlled by women. Poor me, I always have bad things happen
I am always being walked over. to me
I will always be neurotic. My opinions do not count
I will never get my priorities right. I am ugly
I will never succeed in doing what I want I am not free, I cannot make choices
to do. I have no will power
It is all my fault. No one is interested in me or my needs
I cannot be understood or heard. No one listens to me
I am always getting persecuted I am responsible (for my mother’s (or
I will never trust men father’s) illness, for my parents’ marriage,
I will always get hurt in relationships unhappiness, divorce, for my children’s
I will get ill or die drug taking, or it could be any other person’s
I am incapable of making good decisions situation or condition...)
I cannot trust my feelings about people I am responsible - if only I had been there,
I have low self-esteem this tragedy would not have happened, now
I will be punished if I show my feelings to I must be punished.
others I am responsible for everything
I must always be in control

80 Heart of Healing I
Belief Systems

I am not adequate (as a woman, as a man, it is so obvious?

etc) I am unlovable
I want to die, I have no right to exist
I want to kill myself I am not real
I am a horrible person I can never be the “perfect” mother (father,
I am too vulnerable son, daughter, doctor, nurse, teacher,
I am incapable of giving worker, employer, whatever, etc.....)
I am not connected to my body, I am not I can only feel good about myself if others
real (= a tendency to go away mentally tell me I am OK - but can I really believe
from present situations) them when they do? - not really....they are
I am sickly, frail, lost, lying...
I always get confused I cannot even trust myself, let alone others...
I am cruel, must take advantage of others I am dishonest
to get my needs met I am very good at making excuses
I am incompetent I am good at sabotaging myself
I am nasty I have a problem
I must over-achieve to get love and I am dumb, and dumb people do not succeed
recognition I am a misfit, an oddball, no one wants me
I will always have “my” paranoia to be part of their family or group
I cannot think clearly I cannot say “Yes” or “No” and mean it.
I am not worth talking to I waste time
I cannot discuss things - my thoughts or My body is too horrible. It is physically
feelings - with anyone unacceptable to others.
People will not understand me - I cannot I am not wanted
communicate adequately I will repeat the same mistakes my mother
I cannot be open (or father) made - there is no escape from
I will always be judged and found wanting this
I will always be overwhelmed by my I will hurt my children like my mother did -
emotions I must never have children
I am stupid, people will laugh at me, so I I will always be fat
cannot participate in life, in games, or fully I am predestined to get cancer (or
express my sexuality depression) like my mother (or father) did
I must use alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc., I am unpleasant
to (i) “be myself”, to (ii) “hide myself”, or I hate myself
(iii) to diminish my pain. I cannot stand up for my deepest values
I cannot release my creativity (in art, I must continue to feel ashamed
music, poetry, writing, etc) I will be used by others
I must get ill, I must not live into a bitter I must make myself as small and
old age, it is better to die young insignificant as possible
I am afraid to accept my inner beauty, I am unproductive
I must destroy my beauty because it makes I am devious
others jealous I am a liar
I must take on the pain of others - if only I I must always prove myself right, be perfect,
could take away the pain of my daughter, be best in everything
(mother, son, father, brother, sister, partner, I must not take any more risks
etc.,.......) - then I would be a better person I can only be liked if I do what others want
I cannot commit myself totally to anything me to do
I cannot be independent If I do what I need to do other people will
I am to blame get hurt
I cannot love I am not allowed to show my
There is something wrong with me disappointment
I don’t have enough love I am not allowed to succeed and earn a lot
I am “selfish” and do not deserve the good of money
in life If I show my feelings then I am weak - and
I will be found out and other people will I have to be “strong” to be liked - so I will
never love me - I must hide my hide my true feelings
imperfection, but how can I do that, when I am not allowed to be content

Heart of Healing I 81
Belief Systems

I must be aggressive to get noticed

I am full of aggression Did you notice any that you have? Can you
I am responsible for other people’s lives think of any you have that are not listed
I must correct other people for their own here?
good, I must always tell them when they
are wrong Many people have a collection of favourite
I must be active all the time or I am bad negative beliefs, and are amazed to discover
My needs are not important, other peoples’ that they are not the only ones who drew
needs are more important, and no one will negative conclusions from their traumatic
meet my needs experiences. There are other people out
I do not belong anywhere, there is no space there burdened down by such core beliefs.
for me You would never suspect when you meet
All my relationships will be sorrowful them casually. Often they themselves do
I am only a sex object not know that they were carrying such
I am worth less than my two brothers (or negative beliefs until they examine
sisters) themselves deeply or do a forgiveness
I am the wrong sex process. You are not alone if you have
I am full of sin negative beliefs.
I have bad karma
I MUST BE PUNISHED (e.g. with illness, Negative beliefs can be changed and
accident, unhappy relationships, healed - but you must become aware of
unsatisfactory jobs, choosing men (or them first.
women) who can not love me etc., ...) (This
core belief must be one of the commonest Obviously you have to be willing to give
dis-eases around) the time and effort needed to detect them
I must be banished before you can change them. It will need
I am damned effort on your part. But negative beiefs keep
I cannot cope producing negative results. Only by
I always block myself changing such beliefs can you prevent the
I need more than anyone can give me - it is harm they do if they stay buried in your
hopeless mind. Is not your mind one of your most
I cannot ask for help precious attributes, deserving such loving
No one will help me care and maintenance?
I am incapable, I cannot do things
I will be left alone in my old age Opposite beliefs can coexist - Nicole
I will become sick or crippled in my old
age Nicole had a continuous feeling that she was
I don’t have enough energy both “invisible” and “too conspicuous” at
the same time. In the street she felt people
After this self-examination of the contents were watching her, looking at how peculiar
of their minds, they could all “see” how their she was. At the same time she felt that they
beliefs acted as “jelly-molds” and kept might walk into her from not having seen
reproducing effects in their lives which her. This belief system naturally allowed
replicated these themes. her to have only rather limited kinds of
relationships with others.
As a child she had had a disease called St.
Did you find that list rather heavy going? I Vitus Dance, or chorea. This was a
have deliberately given it in full so that my complication of a streptococcal infection,
readers can realise the massive weight of and had caused her to have many unsightly
negative beliefs that a sample of only 50 twitching movements over which she had
people have been carrrying around inside no control, for several weeks. During this
them. Imagine what that means world-wide. time she was not allowed to come into the
We have to become aware of the immense family sitting room when visitors came to
amount of negative thought and belief in the house, but had been confined to her
the world in order to transform the thought bedroom at the end of a long corridor. She
atmosphere we and our children live in.

82 Heart of Healing I
Belief Systems

concluded that she was both unsightly and Women stink

ugly, and also “not to be seen”. Women can be punished, hit, used,
Women don’t have minds
Forgiving her parents, the visitors and the Women talk too much
doctors who may have recommended this Women carry all the burdens on their
isolation, for their lack of understanding of shoulders
her child’s need to be seen and heard as a Women are too strong.
human being, was needed to relieve this Women are too powerful
pattern for her. Women are powerless
Women are controlling
From this story you can also see how Women have no control
sometimes actions are taken by a helper to Women will always dominate me
relieve his or her own pain rather than to Women are manipulative
meet the true needs of the person needing Women are to blame
the help. In this case perhaps the parents’ Women are second class
and doctor’s embarrassment, or belief that Women cannot be trusted
the child would feel embarrassment, was Women will always leave me
given greater weight than the child’s needs Women are to be avoided
to belong, to be seen and accepted as Women are victims
normal, no matter what. Women are monsters
Women must be meek, non-verbal, quiet
Take a deep breath, we have not finished Women are always jealous
on negative beliefs. Here are some of the Women are always jealous of me
other negative beliefs from the same 50 My mother wanted to get rid of me - so all
people — about other people, and life women will do the same
3. Beliefs about Men
2. Beliefs about Women

No man can be trusted

Men will always leave me Men do not
mean “I love you” in the reliable way that
women mean it. Love does not change
their behaviour Men can make me feel
worthless Men are unreliable Men are
immature Men take out their revenge on
me Men are to blame Men are the
Thinkers Men are dominant Men are
stern, disapproving Men always humiliate
people Men are specially good - or bad
Men are despicable Men are weak Men
are a bunch of pigs! Men are punishing
Men are dismissive (of me/my ideas)

Women have to “put up with” men.

Women are mean. Women are dangerous
Women will try to imprison me Women
are too attractive - I cannot keep my
course when they try to attract me - I am
too susceptible Women are strange
Women are inferior Women are weak
Women are incompetent and...
Women are far away, they are inaccessible
to me
Women are frightening
Men are in control of everything
Women are mad
Things have to be kept secret from men or
Women are filthy

Heart of Healing I 83
Belief Systems

they will hit me, even kill me

Men are jealous
If I show my beauty, men will kill me
7. Beliefs about Sexuality
Men use me
Sexual expression is to be avoided
Strong male (or female) energy is dangerous
4. Beliefs about Therapists, Sex is hurtful
Doctors, Teachers... My sexuality is unacceptable
I cannot accept other people’s sexuality
Doctors (also nurses, teachers, counsellors In sex, people exploit each other, and people
etc) are arrogant, untrustworthy, will want to exploit me
dangerous... none of them can help me
Doctors misuse their power and I cannot 8. Beliefs about Love
trust them
Therapists are “The rapists”
Love is always conditional
Those who say they love me can never be
5. Beliefs about Authority trusted
Love always leads to a lot of pain
Authority is mean, If I let myself love too much, the one I love
Authority is hurtful, will always betray I must hold back
Authority is not for my benefit my love...
They, (the government, the bureaucrats, the
police, the organisation etc.) are to blame 9. Beliefs about Money
Other people decide about my life
They do not listen to me Money is dirty
They will try to stop me developing Rich people must have ripped other people
off to get rich
6. Beliefs about the world, Life, I can only be rich by taking away from
God others
Rich people are bad
I would be bad if I became rich
Life is terrible, not worth living, not worth My father (mother) would not really like it
the effort if I became rich
God is to blame I must never be rich
Relationships always end in pain - it’s not There is not enough to go around
worth the bother I want, but cannot have, more
Life cannot be trusted I never have enough
Life is a painful struggle People, especially doctors, nurses, and
The world is a dangerous place teachers of personal growth, should work
It’s not safe here for me for nothing, or at least very little — if they
People are easily misled were really concerned about loving people.
The world is unjust I should not have to contribute much. It is
The world is a hopeless place, and I cannot my right to have health without contributing
change it or working for it.
Life is too hard I can’t afford to spend that kind of money
Life is like Hell on my health (while at the same time
Life is very tiring spending more money on some or all of the
Life is a job, a duty, to be got through, there following — car, alcohol, cigarettes, the
is no joy TAB, fancy new clothes, cosmetics,
Life is a waste of time entertainment...)
The world is not much fun, it is oppressive
Duty is a heavy burden, inescapable The above collection of negative beliefs
The world is threatening is a selection drawn from the
The world is full of illusions - I cannot be forgiveness work of only fifty people
true to myself in this world over a twelve month period. You can
There is never enough time

84 Heart of Healing I
Belief Systems

see how widespread and deep are such searching for those who will give them love
negative beliefs. Any of the above or compliments. Yet they cannot receive
beliefs would block the flow of love in into themselves the compliments or love
the person’s life considerably. because they do not really believe the givers
of them are sincere. Sometimes they hardly
Negative beliefs such as these must be even hear appreciation when it is offered
recognised and acknowledged with genuine love. It cannot get past the
(compassionately and without filter of “I am unlovable”.
judgement) before they can be changed.
These unhappy people do not recognise that
The process of forgiveness will include their “lovableness” does not actually depend
converting them into wiser, more upon the behaviour of other people. But
compassionate and understanding since those who do not believe they are
truths. It is mental housecleaning. It is lovable tend not to get loving relationships,
caring for the thought “environment”. this reinforces their belief that they are
unlovable. This creates a downward spiral.
Your beliefs are the conclusions you came The “truth” of their past experience creates
to in the past, reinforced over time by and reinforces the negative belief about
experiences that confirmed them. They are themselves that leads to that “truth”
also thoughts. Energy , and action, follow happening to them again and again.
thought. Everything around you now was
in some way the product of someone’s After identifying their negative beliefs, the
thought - your house and all its contents, people who contributed the above examples
your clothes, the street, your car, this book... could easily see how the effect of a belief
They were all invisible ideas in someone’s tending to act as a self-fulfilling prophecy
mind and then they became physical reality. had been creating their lives in almost the
The way the world is today is the product exact image of their negative beliefs. They
of how people thought in the past, and the woke up to this by thoroughly doing the
world of tomorrow is hourly being built by stage of the forgiveness process in which
our thinking today. We are each responsible all the negative conclusions and beliefs
for how we think, for the contents of our formed at the time of trauma are brought to
mental household. No one else thinks your light.
thoughts except you.
Perhaps you, the reader, can now begin to
Thoughts produce results. Thus, since you notice what is the state of the mental
are responsible for your thinking, you are environment - your own and that of those
responsible for your results. A negative around you — in your family and work
thought produces a negative result. A place. And for the future of yourself and
positive thought produces a positive result. other earthdwellers, you will now “see” the
The results you get reinforce your belief. importance of healing such beliefs on both
The results you get tend to be fairly accurate an individual and a larger scale. We all need
reflections of the thoughts you have been to do our mental housecleaning. These
holding in your conscious and unconscious negative beliefs are rather like dirty dishes
mind. In a way, the world you perceive is a - they have simply not been washed, but
kind of mirror, and can be used to help you have accumulated in the house. No amount
to “see” what has been in your mind. of analysis of the problems you have, nor
finding justification in past unhappiness, nor
Someone who believes that they are blaming those you hold to be responsible,
unlovable will “see” the world through that nor taking of medication to suppress the
mental filter. They do not see the same effects of such negative thoughts (and
world as one with the opposite belief. They associated emotions) on your body, will
will not enjoy relationships as much as alter the fact that in the end, the “dishes”
someone who has greater self-love, who will have to be washed clean. A dish-iatrist
believes that they are lovable. They may or plate-ologist will not help you, except to
avoid relationships to avoid the pain of tell you what the problem is to be labelled
rejection, or seek out many relationships, and how it came to develop over time.
Blaming others or the government will not

Heart of Healing I 85
Belief Systems

help you. Belief Systems

What will really help is “washing the

By us, each of us, individually. Me. You.

We are responsible.

As it unfolds, the forgiveness process will

include your healing of all such negative
beliefs and thoughts. The important point
here is to see the importance of unearthing
as many of them as possible, joyfully, so
that they no longer continue to lurk in the
recesses of the mind, producing the negative
results in your life.

Key points to remember Fast


1. Our perceptions of our experiences form

the basis for conclusions. The conclusions
form a pattern, a “map of the world” in our
mind; our own self-image; our belief

2. These conclusions can become

generalised and fixed as belief systems -
about self, men, women, relationships,
children, authority, life, God, the world, sex,
money, and so on. Because we perceive the
world through a filter that includes these
patterns, what we see tends to reinforce
these beliefs. Our core belief systems have
a considerable effect upon what happens in
our lives. Beliefs tend to actualise and
reinforce themselves like self-fulfilling
prophecies until they are changed.

3. A great many people carry a large number

of negative, or “toxic” beliefs that block the
flow of the energy of love in their lives, and
lower their self-esteem.

4. Healing negative beliefs is included as

an essential part of the Forgiveness

86 Heart of Healing I
Forgiveness - what it is and what it is not

Forgiveness —
what it is and what it The definition we use in this
book is that forgiveness is the
is not cancellation and permanent
removal of the conditions in your
mind that block the flow of love -
independently of the behaviour of
others .
Removing myths and It involves the healing of your
misunderstandings memories and of negative belief
It would be wonderful to have a different It involves the creation of a new
word that we could all agree upon, and pattern of responses to any
which did not upset some people, but so far future situations similar to the
I have not found a satisfactory alternative. traumatic events of your past.
To do my best to avoid problems the word
itself creates in people’s minds, I have tried
to avoid writing about “forgiveness” and In a sense, any form of process or ritual
instead to write about that successfully removes the conditions
that are blocking the flow of love can be
“The forgiveness process” called a forgiveness process.

The form of forgiveness process that will

Forgiveness is not a moral issue, it is an be given later in this book is not the only
form that can be used, and I hope that people
energy dynamic Gary Zukhav
will adapt it into many other forms once they
have understood the principles involved.
This is what is meant in this book when the The form I use with people is the way it is
word “forgiveness” appears. Forgiveness because I like to be very comprehensive and
as a definite process. It is also a skill. Most teach people the reasons for each stage, but
people have not thought about it as a process simpler forms will need to be worked out
or a skill - yet it is a process that leads to for children, and different language styles
unconditional love. There are definite steps will be needed to fit in with a person’s
to it. cultural and educational background. It is
also possible to shorten it as you will see
By analogy, cleaning our teeth is a process later, once you have mastered the longer
or skill which we all learned at one time. process.
Some of us do it well already, others less
so, some do not know at all how to do it at Resistances to the word
all well. My dentist recently taught me how
to do it better than I had been doing it before. “forgiveness”
A skill can always be improved. It is
worthwhile taking good care of our teeth,
removing the debris that would cause decay
if left unattended. It is also worthwhile
learning how to forgive, for the removes the
emotional and mental debris that can cause
even greater harm. It is worthwhile learning
how to improve such a skill at any time.

One of the most useful ways to think of the

forgiveness process is to think of it as a kind
of skill of mental and emotional
housecleaning. For your own sake, it is as It is very important to honour the resistance
worthwhile taking good care of your mind, some people have to the word
emotions and body as it is of your house. “forgiveness”, because this can stem from
After all you live in them. times of pain in childhood. As children we

Heart of Healing I 87
Forgiveness - what it is and what it is not

may have received very mixed messages “too easy to do and therefore meaningless”
about love and forgiveness. Those with (as one person said to me once). It does
authority over us, parents and teachers, for take a certain amount of willingness,
example, may have shown us a double thoroughness, time and persistence.
standard, recommending one thing and
practising another. Many people, as I once • Using the forgiveness process does not
did, share a reluctance to use the word mean making other people change, or
forgiveness and may be suspicious of apologise. You can only change yourself.
anything to do with it. If you have a problem It is no use saying or believing that the other
with the word “forgiveness” this section person must now change because you have
may be helpful in finding the origin of that forgiven them! That would be to place
difficulty and removing it, so you can keep another condition upon your love.
going and get the benefits of what comes
later. • Using the forgiveness process is not
something you “have” to do. You can only
do it you are willing and choose to do so.
Using the forgiveness process
does not mean....... • Using the forgiveness process is not
something you do “at” another person, or
• Using the forgiveness process does not even tell them that you have done, especially
mean allowing the other person to continue with the intention to put them down. That
harmful actions. It is not really loving to would be a form of attack, not love.
anyone to fail to help them stop hurting
themselves or others. Using the forgiveness process
does mean:
• Using the forgiveness process is not the
same as pardoning someone. Pardoning is • Making a choice to heal your past and
letting someone who is guilty of a crime move on.
off a punishment that society has deemed
merited. You can pardon someone and still • Making a choice to no longer respond in
hold resentment towards them. Pardoning your body with pain, tension, dysfunction
can be an act of love. It can also be a self- or disease because of what happened in the
righteous act devoid of true forgiveness. past or the wrongs done by others.

• Using the forgiveness process does not • A willingness to love yourself, your body,
mean being a “doormat”, “victim”, “weak”, and all your past “selves”.
a “martyr”, or becoming helpless and
passive. These are most often done from a • Being kind to yourself. It is kind to you to
very unforgiving stance. They are the stop punishing yourself for the wrongs done
prisons made of refusal to heal the pain, not by others.
the freedom of unconditional love.
• The healing of memories, especially of
• Using the forgiveness process does not your Inner Child. To not forgive is to delay
mean that you lose being “right” (if you the healing of your Inner Child, and in a
were right) or that you lose the chance of sense to continue the abuse. The Child in
proving the other person “wrong” (if they your memory needs love to flow again. The
were wrong). Doing those things is only forgiveness process is balancing your
justification and often creates further cycles painful memories with clear images of what
of resentment. Doing the forgiveness would have worked for you and met your
process however gets you off the need to needs fully, and this is good for your body
prove yourself “right” and the other person physiologically.
“wrong” before you start to love again. It
ends the need to find a scapegoat to blame. • The healing of negative beliefs. It is
recognising and changing negative beliefs
• Using the forgiveness process is not “too into beliefs that work positively for you.
painful” or “too difficult” to do. Nor is it

88 Heart of Healing I
Forgiveness - what it is and what it is not

• A process which occurs according to conception to the present, through all their
certain natural mental and emotional laws. traumatic times, with compassion.
Just as understanding the laws of gravity
and aerodynamics help us make airplanes • A way of using your memory correctly.
that fly safely, understanding something of That means you learn to use your memory
these psychological and spiritual laws helps to remember the lessons you have learned
us to be able to work with forgiveness and and better ways of acting in the future. You
create more loving relationships. give back responsibility to others for their
part in what happened. It enables you to
• A process that has definite steps that can love yourself as you were in the past. This
be learned. is far better than remembering only the hurt,
and recycling the grudges built up in
• An active process. It is definitely not reaction to the hurt.
passive. It brings in the use of the will.
• Something which is a joy and a celebration
• A process which enables you to confront of your power to love.
others in a strong assertive yet humane and
caring way if you should ever need to do • A process which makes you free - free to
so. choose your path without being controlled
or led by your emotional reactions based
• A process which helps you to stop being a upon past experiences. By accepting and
“doormat”, “victim”, or “martyr”. It is an forgiving the past you are enabled to change
end to the “blame game”. your patterns of response to it, in the present
and future.
• An empowering process which makes you
stronger - it restores to you the power of • A private healing which takes place more
Self-determination. inside you than the outer form suggests. It
is what happens inside you that counts more
• A process which strengthens your will as than just going through the form of the
well as your love. process.

• A process which is easy when you are • A definite energy change in you and around
willing to set yourself free, and to learn how you.
to do it.

• A process of changing your own thinking,

feeling, and behaviour - not other peoples’.
You can’t change others - you can only
change yourself.

• A process which you choose to do because

you value love more that hate. It enables
you to act out of your higher values. It is
making choice for love, not fear or hate.

• Recognising your deep values - what really • A process which can improve the
counts for you - and seeing that these values atmosphere and communication in families,
were not destroyed by your times of pain, relationships, workplaces, committees,
but may even have got stronger. organisations, parliaments, internationally...

• A way of cultivating and increasing

wisdom. It is a willingness to use wisdom,
compassion and understanding as you view • A process which can sometimes be
events from the past. telepathic. Perhaps it always is. The love
released by it flows between people, even
• A willingness to see a bigger picture and over long distances, in a mysterious way.
see each person’s life whole, from Following a forgiveness process,

Heart of Healing I 89
Forgiveness - what it is and what it is not

connections have sometimes been re-

established between people after long From what has been written earlier, and
periods of estrangement and bitterness. especially after you have done the
Forgiveness Process, you will see that this
• A process which expands your was really a misunderstanding about the true
consciousness, and enlarges perception, or nature of forgiveness. She had returned to
gives you another way of “seeing”. punishing herself for the wrong done by
• A basic need of all human beings. If we
do not learn how to forgive we remain less For Hannah to be able to use the forgiveness
than we can be. We need to give process to help her heal herself, she would
unconditional love as well as to receive it. have to change her belief that what had been
done to her was “unforgivable”. She would
• A willingness to be at peace. have to realise that she was continuing to
take punishment into herself for what the
• A willingness to live as a Higher Self, a others had done - and decide that she did
Soul, in the context of wairua. not want to do that any more. But in order
to make that decision she would have to love
• The forgiveness process is largely missing herself enough to do that.
from our usual education and parenting
systems. If we were not taught how to do And here is the catch. People who do not
it, it is because our teachers and parents love themselves enough to make the
themselves were not taught how. If we had decision to stop punishing themselves often
learned about its benefits and how to do it, have a belief that they do not deserve to get
we would certainly want to do it. Its general well, or to have good relationships. Below
use would change the atmosphere or energy the threshold of consciousness, they still
field of both nuclear and extended families believe they must be punished, and sabotage
(the whanau) and nations. their own healing. They believe that they
must have been “bad”, or bad things would
• The forgiveness process can be taught and not have happened to them. Therefore they
learnd. It will soon be included in our tend towards not using the forgiveness
educational process. process when they could do so and get relief.
It is a vicious circle in which the negative
belief causes the negative result that
A cautionary tale - a reinforces the “truth” of the negative belief.
misunderstanding about
It is here that the process of self-forgiveness
forgiveness - Hannah for false guilt, and to heal the inner child is
so desperately needed to break into the
When she was a child, Hannah had been vicious circle and change this insidious and
badly emotionally abused by adults. By damaging belief system.
middle age she was a woman with many
health and relationship problems. She was What we do not forgive becomes a part of
obese, had undergone operations for many us. Until we learn to forgive, the
conditions, and was being treated for “unforgivable” can still happen to us.
arthritis and depression. She was often
beaten by her alcoholic husband and after The more negativity there is in the Primary
one battering she developed problems with Love Relationships testing (i.e. for love flow
her spine and bladder. She found it very to and from mother, father, Higher Self,
difficult to relate to doctors or any lower self, and the Source of life — see Ch
“authority” figures. Her condition 4.1), the more likely is the rejection of
improved when she partially forgave the forgiveness. The pattern can be detected
most damaging parent. Later she early by this testing and the person warned
deteriorated. She was found to have taken against their own tendency to sabotage
back the forgiveness and to be once more themselves by terminating therapy before
hating that parent, now deceased some the forgiveness agenda is completely healed.
years. “I will never forgive!” she said. The Primary Love Relationships must be

90 Heart of Healing I
Forgiveness - what it is and what it is not

healed as quickly as possible, and the Making other people change

situation remains precarious until this has Compulsory
been completed. Something you do “at” another person
Too difficult or too easy
In twelve years I have only seen three
occasions when people rejected the 4. The forgiveness process is:
forgiveness process after careful (but failed) What sets you free to love and express
attempts to enable them to understand goodwill again
understand (i) the nature of the process, and An energy dynamic
(ii) this self-sabotage dynamic. All had Makes you stronger and more able to
negativity in all four quadrants of the confront injustices
Primary Love Relationship testing (see A free choice
later). In the same period of time I have not Empowering
seen a single harmful side-effect in those Strengthens your will
who successfully complete their work. Increases your wisdom
A joy and a celebration
Private and internal
What Forgiveness is and is not Improves the “atmosphere”
Sometimes, perhaps always, telepathic
A basic need
Able to be taught and learned as it has
definite steps.

Key points to remember fast track:

1. Because of the adverse reactions some

people have to the word “forgiveness” it can
be wiser to use the phrase - “using the
forgiveness process” to describe what we
are doing here.

2. The Forgiveness Process is the

cancellation and removal of all the
conditions in you that are blocking your
unconditional love - independently of the
behaviour of others. It is a healing process
that sets you free of negative beliefs by
changing them and healing painful

3. The forgiveness Process is not:

Condoning or permitting harm
Being weak, “doormat”, “victim” “martyr”
Losing your rightness or proving the
wrongnesss of the other

Heart of Healing I 91
Difference between Forgiveness of Others and Self-forgivene ss Processes

This subtle change in energy patterns

The difference can have beneficial consequences
between Forgiveness upon the physical plane in due
course. Physical healing may
of others and the Self- certainly improve, but even if the
physical condition cannot improve,
forgiveness processes there can still be major healing in
How can you love yourself if you do relationships, or in the process of
not love others? How can you love dying.
others if deep down you do not love
yourself? Though the two None of us is an island. We live in a
forgiveness processes differ, it is sea of energies which is the larger life
probably wiser to consider these as of the planet. You can never be “out
two aspects of the same overall of relationship” with another person,
process, for they weave together to even if you never see them again or
form a tapestry. The design is the they have died. The memories live on
blueprint for restoring the capacity to and have their effects. So the question
love. It has been rare in my is, how are you going to improve the
experience to find someone who has quality of that relationship so that it
seriously blocked love for another does no further harm - or better still,
person or persons who does not also does some good? Forgiveness of
have a serious problem with self-love. others forms part of the science and
Likewise, someone who has serious art of right human relationships.
difficulty with self-image and self-
love will have blocked love for others The Self-forgiveness process
in many relationships. Examples of
how the two processes can be This is more concerned with healing
interwoven will be given after they the splits or divisions within your
have each been described in detail. own psyche. In doing so you learn
increasingly to identify with (that is,
become identical to) your true nature,
The forgiveness-of-others the Higher Self. From this level love
process flows through the all the layers of
your personality and can bring
This will be of value in all cases of healing to your body, your emotions,
pain, tension and disease that have your subpersonalities (especially to
their roots in your reaction to the the Inner Child) and to beliefs in your
actions of another person. In energy mind that have blocked love between
terms it restores your own energy the parts of your own psyche.
pattern to health, it enables you to be
open to increasing the flow of love This change in subtle energy pattern
and life energy from the Source can have important consequences for
through you, and to form a “bridge” your own health, but it extends
of unconditional love between you outwards and benefits those around
and the other person. Having you as well. As you complete this
identified and removed the blocks in you find it easier to love and have
yourself to the flow of love, you as a compassion for others whom
personality reach up to draw in from previously you thought you could not
your Higher Self the qualities you love. Forgiveness of others becomes
need, and then radiate them outwards easier. Forgiveness makes whole both
deliberately to the one you are the forgiver and the one forgiven.
forgiving. As you forgive others, self-
forgiveness becomes easier, and you Love thy
come to love your own self more neighbour
completely. as thyself

92 Heart of Healing I
Patterns of Goodwill

Seven Patterns of You separate the action from the doers.

Goodwill You may not like the actions of others.
Yet you continue to send them love and
goodwill as people even though you may
Peace of Earth, Goodwill to all not like what they are doing and you may
communicate your preferences firmly and
Many people say this at Christmas time. clearly. You also ask for and listen
Religions other than Christianity have carefully to their point of view, without
their own occasions for remembering interruptions, so that you can come to
about the need to practise goodwill. understand it fully. Try this pattern out
There is a Goodwill Festival which an for a period of several weeks to assess this
increasing number of people celebrate in for yourself. You may be astonished at
June each year. But what is goodwill? the difference in your life.
Peace is not likely to come without
understanding what it is . It is loving to yourself and others to know
what your needs are, and to express your
This chapter sets out to give an answer. It needs and preferences clearly. If you do it
does not pretend to be the whole answer, without demands that your expectations
but will help us to understand more about be fulfilled by a particular person in a
the nature of unconditional love and particular way, your inner peace remains
forgiveness undisturbed.

In putting unconditional love into action, Clear communication is an essential

there are seven Patterns of Good Will component of goodwill in any
which can be learned and which will relationship. It is “letting it be known”
make the task easier. and “letting it be heard”. This means
listening skills as well as knowing your
Each pattern is a combination of a goal, own needs and being willing and able to
an attitude towards that goal, a certain express them clearly. Without clear
kind of openness, and a willingness work communication a breakdown in the flow
towards that goal. You set these patterns of love and goodwill can occur easily.
in your mind by an act of your will. With it, the relationship can flourish
1. Clear communication
I highly reccommend the book
With this mind-set you have the goal of “Conscious Loving” by Gay and Kathryn
being precise, accurate and clear to others Hendricks is for understanding and
about your own needs and preferences. developing this skill. There are many
You also have the goal of listening to the other good books and courses on
needs and preferences of others with the improving listening and communication
intention to understand them fully. You skills.
have the goal that all communications are
to be fully understood. You are willing to Need for training in Clear
check and recheck that this is so until it Communication as children
becomes so. Ron and Sibyl

You will learn in doing the Forgiveness When Ron and Sibyl settled down
Process that there is a way of learning to together, they both wanted to please each
express your preferences clearly. You other as far as they were able. They were
learn to do this without the demand that dedicated to creating a harmonious
other people or life should meet them in relationship. One problem in the way of
exactly the way you think that they this was that Ron liked to go to bed early,
should... You communicate them very rise early and to be very regular about
clearly however. It is an important step in this. If he was woken after only one or
keeping the flow of love and goodwill two hours sleep he would be unable to get
through you unobstructed. off to sleep again and become very tired

Heart of Healing I 93
Patterns of Goodwill

and irritable next day. separate room on occasions when there

was marked disparity in times of retiring
In principle Sibyl said she also liked to go to bed. They gave priority to using times
to sleep and rise early. But she also liked other than when they were desperate for
to stay up late at times. Sometimes she sleep for intimacy.
worked late shift, then she would need to
lie in the morning, and hate to be The most important outcome of their new
disturbed by Ron when he rose early. Her arrangement was not so much the better
times of sleeping were more erratic than quality of sleep, though that was
Ron’s. This pattern of partners having important. It was the sense of cooperation
incompatible sleep rhythms is not and sharing that happened as each tried to
uncommon in many couples - does it genuinely communicate their needs
sound familiar to you? Some have called without pressure, and to listen to the other
it the “Owl and the Fowl” tendency - the one’s perspective. Their sleep improved
night bird and the early bird. and so did their times of intimacy. This
could not have happened without clear
When they were tired from disturbed communication.
nights, their relationship would become
strained by their irritability. However, The other six Goodwill Patterns do not
they did not want to sleep in separate have any simple English words that can
beds, for both held the belief that this be used to describe them. This may be
would be bad for their relationship. Each the reason that we do not “have a handle
of them somehow felt that if only the on them” yet. They are ancient Aramaic
other one would understand then they words that described these patterns, but
would change their behaviour to fit in. “If Aramaic is a dead language now.
only you loved me enough you would Aramaic was the language used by the
change your sleep pattern to fit in with writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls about two
mine (...and then I would be able to love thousand years ago. It was the Aramaic
you)!” was the underlying but Code of harmonious conduct found in one
unexpressed thought system. of the Dead Sea Scrolls called the
Khabouris Manuscript that inspired Dan
Because neither of them came from a MacDougall and Edith Stauffer to develop
family that understood about basic needs the Unconditional Love and Forgiveness
and the value of expressing them clearly, Process as a psychological tool.
this pattern of tension continued for six or
seven years. They had never had a role Aramaic words are quite beautiful, so I
model for giving and seeking clear will include them at the beginning of each
communication in childhood. They felt description. Perhaps you will enjoy them
trapped between lack of sleep and a too, and start a process of bringing them
deteriorating relationship. into our everyday language by using them
and sharing their meaning with others.
Finally as a result of studying this They are truly beautiful tools for
material on forgiveness and unconditional psychospiritual transformation. Ponder
love they realised the value of honouring upon them and the meanings that underlie
the basic needs of each other, of them. You will “build them in” to
communicating them clearly and yourself by giving them attention and
brainstorming how each person’s needs practising them. Use them often in
could be met. In this case the basic needs conversations with others. Explaining
were for sleep and right touching, their meanings, exploring them with your
tenderness, gentleness, including time for friends, and using them will bring them to
high quality sexual relating. life for you.

They listened to each other. They had the

goal to understand each other and find a
way to meet their needs. They succeeded
in creating a sleeping arrangement that
worked for both of them, by the use of a

94 Heart of Healing I
Patterns of Goodwill

2. Kenoota:
Kenoota, fairness to all, makes conflict
Doing what is “Fairest-for-All” less harmful to children - Luke and
With this mind-set you have the openness
and willingness, and the goal, to work This couple’s marriage was not working
towards whatever is Fairest-for-All in any for them, and they consulted me at the
situation. You are open to discovering time of impending separation. They held
and working towards whatever is Fairest- the goal of separating from each other, but
to-All in any situation, and you find wise on learning about Kenoota, they decided
ideas coming to you from your Higher that they were determined to conduct their
Self. By contrast, if you are closed down marital separation in whatever way was
by holding on to strong negative emotion, fair for each other, the children, the
beliefs, or hostility, these ideas will not children’s’ friends and the grandparents.
Despite many difficulties and challenges,
the separation went ahead with noticeably
less damage to them or the children than
is usual in such situations.

The strivingtowards fairness to all leads to

healing compassion - Celeste and Nat

Most days we read or hear of violent

crime in the news, and the increasing
prison population. Nat had been
convicted of a violent crime and was in a
prison with other dangerous men. Such
reach your mind, and you will be sceptical men have largely been “written off” by
and pessimistic about their very existence. society. Celeste did not write them off,
Fairness to All is an essential attitude for even though she herself had suffered
all of humanity to cultivate if we are to abuse, rape, and violence in her life. She
continue to survive on this planet, for the held a more hopeful vision. As a regular
principle will lead to fair sharing of the prison visitor she was able to win the
earth’s resources with each other and all confidence of a group of men. She was
other species of earthdwellers. It lies at eventually able to let them hear from her
the heart of true righteousness. firmly, gently, and in a dignified manner,
Kenoota needs to become as powerful an how it felt to be attacked and violated.
instinct for racial survival as the Nat’s tears began to flow. Other men also
individual survival instinct was for the began to cry. Their tough outer shells
individual. began to soften. They were able to share
• This mind-set is to replace the goal of their own histories of having been abused
grasping or working towards revenge (no as children. Her forgiveness of her own
matter how subtly and apparently molesters, and her sincerity and
innocently done). dedication enabled her to do this. It
enabled these tough men to get in contact
• This mind-set is to replace the attitude of with their own hearts, and start healing
demanding “justice”. What is interpreted their own Hurting Child Within.
as “justice” will be different according to
the country in which you are living. There was love at the core of even these
(Sometimes there can be contamination of hardened offenders. She helped them to
the desire for “justice” with the intention begin to discover it. This surely was
to get revenge). fairer-to-all, rather than letting them
languish in negativity, to emerge still
• It substitutes for these an attitude of filled with hate after their punitive
mercy and of sharing resources in a sentences were over, only to reoffend. It
manner that is fairest-for-all. took great courage to do what she did.
There had been quite strong opposition to

Heart of Healing I 95
Patterns of Goodwill

her visiting these prisoners from various their children the gift of a good self-image
“pillars of the community” who could not and a living atmosphere that was positive.
see what was “fairest-to-all” and wanted
these men punished very severely rather 4. Makikh:
than healed. Her purposeful love and
goodwill were impersonal and strong, To be open
enabling her to overcome obstacles that (i) to seeing the true needs of yourself
would have daunted a less forgiving (ii) to seeing the true needs of others
person. from their perspective
(iii) to enabling these needs to be met in
3. Khooba: a harmless manner, if it is practical for
you to do so.
Looking actively for and giving
attention selectively to the good With this mind-set you are willing to have
the goals of :-
With this mind-set you have the (i) understanding the true needs of
willingness and the goal to be open to yourself
looking for and seeing the good in (ii) understanding the true needs of others
yourself and the other persons. You also from their position
look for and energise selectively the (iii) receiving inspirations as to how these
potential good that can come out of a needs can be met, from your Higher Self
situation, no matter how challenging it (iv) using the wisdom of your Higher Self
seems. This is like selectively watering to see the difference between needs and
the flowers instead of just the weeds in wants, and to discern what is practical and
your garden. You help the good to grow possible for you to do.
by selectively giving it energy in this way, (v) being willing to do whatever you can
instead of letting what you don’t want to ensure the needs of others are met, if it
grow. You feed the good and withdraw all is practical for you to do so.
attention from the bad. This is, of course, (vi) being willing to take responsibility
also what Celeste was doing, and it is true for the meeting of your own needs in a
that if you concentrate on developing any harmless manner, and empowering
of the Goodwill Patterns the others tend to yourself to do so.
become entrained also.
This could include taking consideration of
• This mind-set is to replace the attitude the needs of the “larger group” into
of only looking for, seeing and reporting consideration (and you have to decide
the bad, either in yourself, others, or in what the word “larger group” means to
life itself. It replaces critical thinking and you in this context - family, company,
gossip, (which is not fair-to-all), with the nation, humanity etc).
right use of speech and thought.
Very deeply understood, this mind-set will
Luke and Muriel (continued) bring long-term harmony and prosperity
to all parties, on every level to which it is
Children usually spend time with each of applied - physical, emotional, mental and
their parents after a parental separation. spiritual.
Sometimes hurt partners cannot stop
themselves attacking the other partner To practise Makikh effectively you need
through the children. This can be done in to know what the Basic Needs are. They
subtle ways, by telling the children about have been described in Ch 3.1 already, but
the bad characteristics of the other. they are sufficiently important to warrant
being included here as well. Memorise
Muriel and Luke made the decision to them if you can, refer to them frequently,
achieve a situation that was fairest-to-all and be prepared to use them all the time
(Kenoota). They looked for and told the in your strategy for creating right human
children the best in each other so the relationships around you.
children could identify these parts in
themselves (Khooba). They passed on to

96 Heart of Healing I
Patterns of Goodwill

List of Basic Needs SEXUAL:

Needs are necessities of life, and failure in To accept and respect one’s own body and
their being met leads to diminishment, the bodies of others. To accept feelings
failure to fulfil potential, and maybe and urges as proper and vital (even if
illness or death. The most important choosing to not always act on them). To
needs may have a different pattern of learn the difference between sexual and
emphasis for different people, or for the affectionate touching, and be comfortable
same person at different times in life. with either. To accept one’s need for
“Special love” and “Special hate” psychological and physical intimacy
relationships are often based upon (sexual intercourse does not always
expectations of meeting or not meeting remove loneliness and estrangement). To
needs. learn what it is to be a man or woman,
and how to be with a person of the
Being “for-giving” means being open to same or opposite sex appropriately. To
others getting their needs met as well as accept one’s sexuality and the sexuality
our own. “Do unto others as you would of others. To accept one’s desire to
have them do unto you” takes on a more reproduce, protect, and nurture children
practical meaning as we become aware of or, to find a channel for one’s creative
each need in turn, and examine our energies that is wise, loving and
behaviour around it, in ourselves and satisfactory.
(bold type shows the needs that have
figured prominently in the forgiveness To grow, to develop our potential, and to
work of people with whom I have have challenges. To be curious, to find
worked. I imagine this shows a direction out, to know, to understand, to seek
for improvements in the education of meaning, to achieve progress, to gather
parents and children). the resources that one needs while still
recognising the needs of the whole of
PHYSICAL: which one is a part (ecosystem, groups
etc.) To choose, to make choices and
Food, liquids, shelter, sleep, oxygen, learn how to use Time skilfully and
light, warmth, exercise - all of good wisely, from what happens. To learn how
quality and in the right amount. Enough to develop one’s capacity to love. To
moneyflow, or ideas on how to get it train oneself in the right use of the will.
harmlessly. (access to enough of the
earth’s energy. How much is “enough”?) AESTHETIC NEEDS:

PSYCHOLOGICAL: Beauty and artistry in sound, form and

colour. Fun and humour.
To have security, to receive love, (incl.
affection, right touching, tenderness, FREEDOM:
gentleness, mutual trust with absence of
fear), to be cherished, to belong (to To speak and to be heard. To choose.
family, group, or tribal tradition), to be To do what one believes is right for
deeply understood, to be deeply oneself if it is harmless to oneself and
accepted and recognised, to , to be others. To inquire. To defend oneself. To
forgiving, to be forgiven, to have self- be just, to be honest, and to be fair and to
respect, to have self-esteem (esp. from receive fairness.
parents or parent figures.) To give love.
To love one’s self (one’s parts, one’s SPIRITUAL NEEDS:
history (especially the Inner Child), one’s
potential) To grow and expand. To improve one’s
skills (spiritual or otherwise). To develop
skill in using the transpersonal
attitudes:- to learn and practise true

Heart of Healing I 97
Patterns of Goodwill

humility (Makikh), to learn and practise choice and use our will to set goals and
fairness to all (Kenoota), to learn and make this happen.
practise unconditional positive perceptive
love (Khooba), to learn and practise Perhaps one of the most important things
loving self-diagnosis and self-correction anyone can do is to develop a stable
of errors in the mind (Abilii), to learn and hierarchy of values which will enable
practise peace and peace skills (Rukha), decisions to made easily by reference to
to learn and practise holistic or synthetic it. For example “I value developing
vision (Dadcean Libhoun). To learn and courage, love and trust more than fear,
practise unconditional love. security and stagnation” could enable one
to risk meeting someone at a deeper and
To know one’s deepest values, and to more satisfying level than otherwise. To
develop a stable hierarchy of values by stay with the need for security may mean
which to make decisions. that the need for personal growth is
neglected. The forgiveness processes are
Meaning: To relate to others, based upon meeting higher needs and
individually, in group, and as a human upon valuing unconditional love more
family, in meaningful ways. To relate to than its opposites, fear and laziness.
something greater than oneself. To
recognise a scheme of things in which we We are responsible for meeting our own
have a part - a pattern in which we needs, and our demand that certain other
logically belong, with a purpose to people meet our needs in the way we want
account for the vicissitudes of life. To as a condition for us to love ourselves,
have a sense of inner life - an “essence” them or the Source of Life is one of the
impregnating matter, some subjective, underlying causes of our need for using
spiritual, “plus” factor, no matter what it the forgiveness process.
may be called , which links us with some
wider field suggesting continuity. At a The basic needs must be met before the
very deep level each human being knows higher ones can get much attention. It is
they are part of something larger than self, hard to work for beauty if one is starving.
larger than the life visible to them, larger But our higher needs remain crucial to our
than the earth-system, more than three- development, and abandoning our higher
dimensional. To have a loving attitude needs and values to meet our lower needs
towards the Source of Life. causes us distress in the long run. What
we call crises are sometimes a time when
To have order: To learn how to contact a higher need or value is crying out for
one’s own inner source of peace and fulfilment.
express the peace and other qualities
latent within the Higher Self Harmony.
To seek for truth, and to understand
ourselves - our composition and why we • The mind-set of Makikh is to replace not
function as we do.. To trust life. caring what the needs of others are.

There is a deep need to serve others and • This mind-set is to replace thinking that
develop one’s potential. you know what the other person needs,
based upon your own beliefs and past
Hierarchies of Needs and Values: We experiences about what was good for you,
value getting our needs met. We also and without checking out if this is true
value developing certain skills and higher from their point of view.
qualities. We cannot escape the fact that
our thoughts and behaviour reflect our • It is to replace ignoring what your own
hierarchies of needs and expressed values needs are until you are drained out,
- things, thoughts, actions that we value (unless there is an over-riding purpose to
more than other things, thoughts and be accomplished and you choose to make
actions. Our expressed values may not be that sacrifice willingly).
in accord with our deepest values,
however, unless we make a conscious • It is to replace imagining that someone

98 Heart of Healing I
Patterns of Goodwill

else will just know what you need without A schoolteacher asked me for some
you working it out clearly for yourself or sleeping tablets. “Why do you want
communicating it to them. It is to replace them?”, I asked. She said she was so
imagining that you can read another uptight about the children in her class, she
person’s mind or that they can read yours. could not sleep. I suggested we try
It replaces mind-reading with clear acupuncture and relaxation training first.
communication. It invites you to check She slept badly the first night, then slept
out if you really know what is needed. It very well thereafter. She thanked me for
enables you also to see the difference not immediately reaching for the
between needs and wants. prescription pad, and for teaching her how
she could overcome the problem
• It is to replace a constricted view of the naturally, without becoming dependent
“group” with a more ecologically sound upon drugs. Her need was for inner
and broader vision. What does not serve peace, not drugs.
humanity and the earth does not serve any
individual in the long run. Uncovering asnd meeting true needs
brings harmony
• With Makikh, you do feel “attacked” by Luella and Jake
others. You can see that their unpleasant
behaviours stem from ignorance, the fact This teacher was plagued on a school
that they do not yet know how to meet camp by one especially tiresome and
their needs harmlessly. This stems from disruptive boy, Jake, who spent much
the fact that they did not learn how to do time hitting other children and being
this earlier in their life. They have not uncooperative.
had their needs met properly at some time She asked him, “What do you need?”
in the past, they may even have been He said, “I need them kids to leave me
seriously abused. You realise that you are alone.”
not the real target of their anger, but their She said, “If they left you alone, what
frustration with their situation and the would you like to do then?”
people who hurt them in the past. If you He replied, “I would go into the bush and
can find a way to show them how to meet play.”
their needs in a more functional manner, Luella went on, “And if you were playing
the unpleasant behaviour will cease. alone in the bush, what would you need
Meeting needs brings prosperity as well He said, “I would like a friend to come
as job satisfaction - The Taxi Driver and play with me.”
She said, “Is what you are doing, hitting
A friend of mine arrived at an airport, and the other children and being unpleasant to
wanted a taxi to a hotel that was quite everyone, getting you that friend?”
close to the airport. He had heavy Jake replied, after some thought, “No.”
luggage. The first taxi driver declined to She said, “How could you act now so that
take him there, saying that he preferred to you might end up playing with a friend in
wait for a passenger who wanted to go a the bush over there?” He immediately
greater distance. He said the short quietened and became sociable, making
distance was not worth his while. A many good friends while at that summer
second taxi driver said the same. camp.

Then a taxi driver across the road hailed Luella was not able to discover the reason
him. “I will take you there”, he said, and why Jake was so unhappy (though seh
later he added, “I make a fortune taking guessed it was probably troubles at home,
passengers on all the short rides.” He was which as a busy teacher with many kids to
willing to meet the need, and he supervise she might not have had time to
prospered. deal with). However, by applying her
knowledge of Makikh in even this small
Uncovering and meeting true needs brings way she enabled Jake to learn how to
satisfaction - Rachel identify his needs accurately and to take
responsible steps to meet them

Heart of Healing I 99
Patterns of Goodwill

harmlessly. Learning that he always had a failure, unworthy, bad, sinful etc., and do
choice about how he reacted, and could not deserve anything good, and
take actions that benefitted him as well as substituting the belief that you and others
others, was perhaps the most important deserve to love and be loved now,
thing he had learned for many years in the independently of the past behaviour of
school environment. yourself or others.

Sometimes the true need is a change of • This mind-set is the cure of mental
internal attitude stress. There is no peace without it.
Evening Review (backwards) is a tool for
Simon was a health professional who developing Abilii - Harry
returned home exhausted after a
particularly hard day’s work. He was due One evening Harry reviewed his day
to give a talk that evening. There was looking (without self-condemnation) for
nothing he felt he would rather do less. any errors that needed to be corrected. He
He felt as if he would just like to curl up had felt tired and irritable all day.
and watch TV or go to sleep. He looked,
and felt, very negative. He did this backwards in his mind’s eye,
because he knew that to review the events
Muscle-testing revealed the particular of the day forwards would replay any
pattern of emotional negativity, and the painful patterns from the hurtful events
missing qualities were willingness to be back into his nervous system. So instead
joyful for others, and generosity. of being unhappy about his day, he saw
Awareness of this was immediately all the apples going back on the tree, and
followed by a surge of just those qualities laughed.
from within. He now knew what he really
needed. Within minutes his physiology As he did this, he realised that all day
had returned to normal, he felt energised while he had been picking apples he had
and enthusiastic. The talk was very well actually been plotting revenge against
received, one of the best he had given. someone. He had “forgotten” until now
Did he really need TV, a rest, or a change that he had done this, and was now well
of attitude? aware that if he did not correct this in his
mind quickly, it could lead to a chain
5. Abilii: reaction of unpleasantness or even
violence. Instead of allowing this
Removing the blocks to love from your negative pattern to persist, he wasted no
mind — with joy! time in further bitterness or regret, but
quickly and joyfully thought of ways to
With this mind-set you are willing to forgive and understand his “enemy”
examine your own mind carefully to better. After he had done this, ideas began
discover any “errors in the mind” that are to flow of ways to understand his
blocking the flow of love, and to adversary’s needs better, and ways to help
correcting them quickly through them to be met. He became open to
forgiveness - and with joy! receiving creative ideas about how to
reach out to his enemy and bring about
• This is to replace denying that there are harmony between them.
any errors in your mind, and thus
believing or trying to prove that you are He would never have got these ideas if he
right and others are wrong, (which leads had not done this exercise in right human
to criticism, defensiveness and relationships. Now he could also “see”
arrogance), and substituting humility and the good that could come out of a
joyful self-correction in their place. situation that he had previously regarded
as totally negative. He could use the
• It is to replace believing that there are so situation to grow up in love and
many errors in you that you are guilty, a understanding. Unconditional Love can
grow in situations of conflict.

100 Heart of Healing I

Patterns of Goodwill

6. Rukha: woman who used to clean the hospital

ward at a hospital where I trained. As she
The home, source, or well spring of went from bed to bed, she “settled” the
peace within patients down, one by one, in a wonderful
way. Her own peace radiated out into the
Using the mind-sets so far described : ward. By contrast, most of the nurses and
(i) You can clear the errors (blocks to doctors were rather busy and stressed, and
love) from your own mind - Abilii. the atmosphere would become ruffled,
(ii) You can do your best to understand edgy, uneasy during the staff ward round.
and meet the needs of yourself and others It was always better if Daisy came around
wisely - Makikh. after the doctors’ rounds. I am sure she
(iii) You can communicate accurately and was a natural healer. She was “at home”
understand precisely - clear in Rukha.
(iv) You can truly work towards whatever Rukha, Inner Peace, radiates
is fairest to everyone - Kenoota. Bernard
(v) You can give your complete attention
to amplifying the good in yourself, others On one occasion in a group weekend
and the situation - Khooba. workshop, the group was doing a
meditation on Rukha. Bernard had been
With the mind-set of Rukha you can also called away and came back into the room
choose to be calm and serene - even when in the middle of this, and said afterwards
under attack or harassment. You have how he had felt the power of the quality
done the best you can - and the source of Rukha emanating from the group, almost
peace is within you. like a warm wind that exerted pressure on
him as he entered the room, settling him
With Rukha you are willing to lift up into profound inner peace. The work of
above the emotional and mental concerns the group was wonderful that day.
into the realm of consciousness we call
the Higher Self, Soul, or Wairua. It is I have felt this peace during meditations
here that peace reigns and is at home. before group meetings when each
You are willing to make your home there, member focussed their attention on this
and to be your True Self. quality, inviting it in. Our deliberations
then went forward in a much better
• This mind-set is to replace inner turmoil manner than if we had not done this mind
and confusion with mind-calming. calming exercise at the outset of our
meetings. I often imagine how schools
• This mind-set is to replace the pretence and parliaments beginning their sessions
that all is well when it is not, with clarity. with such mind-calming exercises could
enhance their results.
• This mind-set opens the door to
receiving intuitions. 7. Dadcean b’Libhoun

When you are truly at peace, you can The ability to see the whole
radiate a special quality of energy into
your surroundings. You can become a This mind-set is being willing and open to
true peacemaker. One person doing this taking a wider and wider view, and to
in an office, a clinic, a shop, an operating developing holistic vision. You see the
theatre, a shopfloor, wherever, can make a network of interconnection between all
huge difference to the atmosphere. Think people in a situation, as well as the
of someone you know who does this. You relationships that exist throughout past,
can recognise this quality easily. present and future. It underlies our new
ecological way of seeing our planet and
Rukha, Inner Peace, radiates - Daisy the interdependent needs of all those who
dwell on the Earth as a whole, as well as
I well remember Daisy, a warm-hearted the needs of smaller groups and

Heart of Healing I 101

Patterns of Goodwill

individuals within that whole. I am then in awe of their inner beauty,

their courage, their love, and the many,
With this mind-set you see the beauty of many other qualities that I can see
all relationships. You sense the inner emerging through their Whole Life. That
realities as well as the outer. You glimpse is why I chose the name Whole Life
the Divine Pattern for growth and Endeavours for the work I do. We see
challenge that lies within all relationships, people whole.
just as a pattern of beauty lies deep within
the essence of a flower. You see how love With this wider vision, all things are
can emerge from even the most painful connected, the person’s past, present and
situations, and how to help that happen. future, all the people and families with
whom they have been connected. There
v This mind-set is to replace narrow comes to me a deeper compassion,
vision. You see many more sides of a unconditional love, understanding and
question. You get intuitions about what is patience than I had before.
the best course of action. You feel greater
understanding and compassion. Seeing the “big picture” is in itself
Understanding and compassion grow Karen
together. Whenever I have been open to
give enough time and to take a very full Karen had troubles with her children and
history from someone, I have learned as her husband, and felt criticised for not
much as I can about their whole life. being the perfect mother, lover, wife,
Then I have been able to come closer to housekeeper, breadwinner, and more, - for
seeing the whole truth about them. not being Superwoman in fact. Others
found it easy to say that she should be
I try to find out better able to cope, so she felt judged and
• how it was for their mother when she condemned by others as well as herself.
carried them, “I am a failure” she said. But what of the
• how their birth, infant feeding and broader view?
bonding went,
• how their infancy was, and their Her own infancy and childhood had been
• childhood and very stressful. Her father had been an
• teenage years. alcoholic, and her mother had been
When I have learned about overburdened. The background was one
• their peak experiences and crises, of poverty. She had been a colicky baby
• their times of deprivation and abuse, and her mother had the stress of very little
• their traumas and losses, sleep when Karen was tiny. Karen had
• about the kind of parents, teachers, been sexually abused. She lacked role
• the family they grew up with, models for contented mothering and good
• about their illnesses, partnering. Many of her basic needs had
• about their times in hospital, not been met.
• when I search out the history told and
untold that may still control their family’s After her own marriage she had a
beliefs (like the experiences of World miscarriage, developed infection after
Wars or the Great Depression for surgery, and became infertile. Unpleasant
example), gynaecological investigations and
• when I know how they see their lives procedures followed. Eventually she was
and what meaning they give to their able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to
experiences full term. In fact she had three children in
• when I know enough - then it is clear to three years - but without enough
me that the person in front of me has emotional or physical support. The
triumphed, and has done the very best pregnancies were difficult and some
they could, with the equipment they had deliveries were very traumatic. She had a
in the past. All tendency to judge or period of depression after one of them.
criticise falls away. She had been without enough sleep for
years. Her needs had not been met at

102 Heart of Healing I

Patterns of Goodwill

this time in her life either. blocks to love) with joy instead of self-
Her husband’s job was one with long • Taking time to practise serenity and
hours and plenty of stress. It had taken inner peace, even when circumstances
quite a long time for the realisation to were not conducive.
dawn that the traditional male role of • Being more aware of the
being “out there” fighting in the interconnectedness of their own, their
commercial jungle was not what was children’s and each partner’s past, present,
needed. They were both stretched, and future, and of the beneficent plan that
she was stretched to the nth degree. Their guides our evolution.
needs were not being fully met.
In less than a year, the changes in her
I saw before me an incredibly strong were remarkable. The latent perfection in
person, burdened with self-denigration her, the quality of the Higher Self, was
and many beliefs from her family of even closer to the surface than it had been
origin - and the families that her parents before, radiating from her independently
had come from. of the circumstances. They were
providing their children with the priceless
She was in fact coping with the gift of seeing adults grow openly in spite
challenges in her life in an amazing way. of difficulties. They were able to
I could see that the present difficulties demonstrate to them that the enlightened
would not last for ever. Her devotion to response to imperfection is not to
ideal mothering was powerful and condemn it but to work at healing it.
driving. She had already triumphed, she Further crises came to both of them, as
triumphed every day and would do so they will to us all, but their ability to cope
again. and their style of coping was itself
beautiful to watch. Those of us near to
As we took the overview of her life and them could see the flower of soul growth
brought into focus her life history, her unfolding and the flow of unconditional
strengths and resilience, she gradually love increasing.
began to see herself in a different light.

With some guidance, she applied the Rakhma:

forgiveness process to all the residual
traumatic memories. She relinquished the Rakhma is all of them brought together
belief systems of yesterday in favour of — Unconditional Love in Action
ones that were from her own inner
wisdom. She has found a vocation for Rakhma, is behaviour (both thought and
which she is beginning to train. She is action) that is the inevitable outcome of:
increasing her strength, wisdom, and Clear Communication
unconditional love - consciously Kenoota - Fairness for All
cooperating with the soul’s intent for her. Khooba - giving selective attention to
In addition to forgiveness work, she and good, and energising it
her partner began to apply the Goodwill Makikh - meeting the true needs, not the
Patterns listed above. These became their wants
guiding beacons, their truest friends: Rukha - Inner Peace, independent of the
• Fairness-to-All (to themselves, their behaviour of others
children, the children’s grand-parents, Abilii - Joyful removal of the blocks to
each partner’s friends, the children’s love from one’s own mind
friends... and so on...). Dadcean Libhoun - taking the larger,
• Looking for the good in each other, holistic view
others, and challenging situations, - and
amplifying this. Rakhma is Unconditional Love in
• Working out the true needs and making thought and action.
sure that they got met, as best they could It is inclusive love
• Correcting the errors in their minds (the All included, none excluded.

Heart of Healing I 103

Patterns of Goodwill

Cultivating the Patterns of

Right human relationships will only be Goodwill
brought about by the teaching and
application of these mind-sets on a large
scale. Because the words for them have
been lacking in our language we have not
had a good grasp of them. Their
dissemination is vital. They are survival • You can imagine yourself taking the
skills for ourselves and for the planet. time needed to create peace within
yourself before coming to a decision or
course of action.
• One simple way to do this is to use
• GoodWill is what we use to do the voluntary control of your breathing
forgiveness processes, to remove pattern. Take care to breath fully and
whatever is blocking loveflow and to deeply, especially in the abdomen, not
bring forth the energy of love through our only the upper chest, because breathing
personality. tends to get locked in to the upper chest
• GoodWill is what you use to set and when one is uptight. Discover the
maintain the goals in your mind to differences this makes to you.
develop and practise the Goodwill
Patterns that have been described above. • Another way is to use the Self-
• GoodWill underlies all unconditional identification exercise.
love. Unconditional love is an energy
dynamic. It is not sentimental. It is • Another way is to imagine lifting your
impersonally personal love. awareness up into the centre of your
Unconditional love wills towards the very Higher Self or Soul, a place of beautiful
best outcome both for humanity and the Light and Love above your head and
person loved, even if it costs much effort. resting there, at Home in Rukha, the place
It is independent of the behaviour of of Peace. You imagine yourself doing this
anyone else. Unconditional love does not long enough to bring all your parts into
happen by accident. You have to make it harmony, calm and peace before coming
happen, you have to “goodwill” it to to a decision or response.
• GoodWill is being willing to make it • Give this quality of Rukha your
happen, and to persevere, finding ways attention. Notice this quality when you
round all obstacles. see it in others — your friends and
• GoodWill causes unconditional, acquaintances, and in the news, or books
inclusive love to go into in action, and to that you read. Write an anonymous letter
expand its area of application. of gratitude to people who demonstrate
• GoodWilling is a step towards creating this quality for the inspiration they have
Peace on earth. A step that any one of us given you. This is a very powerful way of
can take. When enough of us do it, a cultivating a desired quality in yourself.
critical mass will be reached, a chain
reaction will occur. The critical mass will • Imagine a symbol that for you captures
be reached by just one person (who is the the essence of Home in Rukha. Make a
last person needed), practising Good Will sketch of it and place it where it will re-
in the place where they find themselves. mind you of this quality often, even when
That person could be you. you are thinking of other things — in your
home, office, classroom, by your bed, on
a door that you pass through often, on
your fridge, etc...

• Imagine and visualise the benefits it

brings to yourself and others as you
practise Rukha, — being centred in Peace.

104 Heart of Healing I

Patterns of Goodwill

• Gradually you will find you are that you read. Write an anonymous letter
maintaining an attitude of Inner Peace of gratitude to people who demonstrate
increasingly throughout every day. this quality for the inspiration they have
given you. This is a very powerful way of
Makikh cultivating a desired quality in yourself.

• You can imagine yourself finding out • Imagine a symbol that for you captures
what each person’s basic needs (your own the essence of Kenoota — or Fairness to
and the others) are in a situation. All. Make a sketch of it and place it
where it will re-mind you of this quality
• Use the List of Basic Needs (listed in often, even when you are thinking of
both Ch 3.1 and 3.9) to help you do this. other things — in your home, office,
Imagine how those needs could be met classroom, by your bed, on a door that
and what could you do to help this along. you pass through often, on your fridge,
• Give this quality of Makikh your
attention. Notice this quality when you • Imagine and visualise the benefits it
see it in others — your friends and brings to yourself and others as you
acquaintances, and in the news, or books practise Kenoota, — seeking to discover
that you read. Write an anonymous letter and actualise whatever would be fairest-
of gratitude to people who demonstrate to-all in all situations.
this quality for the inspiration they have
given you. This is a very powerful way of • Gradually you will find you are
cultivating a desired quality in yourself. maintaining an attitude of Kenoota
increasingly throughout every day.
• Imagine a symbol that for you captures
the essence of Makikh. Make a sketch of
it and place it where it will re-mind you of Khooba
this quality often, even when you are
thinking of other things — in your home, • You can imagine yourself keeping your
office, classroom, by your bed, on a door attention focused only upon what is the
that you pass through often, on your good, or potential good, in the other
fridge, etc... person(s), in yourself, in a relationship, or
a situation.
• Imagine and visualise the benefits it
brings to yourself and others as you • Imagine yourself focusing selectively
practise Makikh, — seeking to meet the upon the good that could come out of the
true needs of all in any situation. situation. Notice that you can choose to
visualise yourself simply withdrawing
• Gradually you will find you are attention from the “bad” so as not to feed
maintaining an attitude of Makikh it any more energy. As you choose to
increasingly throughout every day. give it no more energy at all, it dies of its
own accord. The enlightened response to
imperfection is not to attack it, but to seek
Kenoota to heal it. You are watering the good
plants pulling out the weeds.
• You can imagine yourself discovering
and working patiently and effectively • You imagine yourself honouring the
towards what would be Fairest-for-All in potential for healing in future situations
the situation (more than for only legal by thinking, and doing certain quite
justice or revenge). specific things, making this pattern
relevant to your everyday life.
• Give this quality of Kenoota your
attention. Notice this quality when you • Give this quality of Khooba your
see it in others — your friends and attention. Notice this quality when you
acquaintances, and in the news, or books see it in others — your friends and

Heart of Healing I 105

Patterns of Goodwill

acquaintances, and in the news, or books see it in others — your friends and
that you read. Write an anonymous letter acquaintances, and in the news, or books
of gratitude to people who demonstrate that you read. Write an anonymous letter
this quality, for the inspiration they have of gratitude to people who demonstrate
given you. This is a very powerful way of this quality for the inspiration they have
cultivating a desired quality in yourself. given you. This is a very powerful way of
cultivating a desired quality in yourself.
• Imagine a symbol that for you captures
the essence of Khooba. Make a sketch of • Imagine a symbol that for you captures
it and place it where it will re-mind you of the essence of Abilii — joyful self-
this quality often, even when you are correction and removal of the blocks to
thinking of other things — in your home, love in yourself. Make a sketch of it and
office, classroom, by your bed, on a door place it where it will re-mind you of this
that you pass through often, on your quality often, even when you are thinking
fridge, etc... of other things — in your home, office,
classroom, by your bed, on a door that
• Imagine and visualise the benefits it you pass through often, on your fridge,
brings to yourself and others as you etc...
practise Khooba, — selectively drawing
forth the good and potential good in • Imagine and visualise the benefits it
yourself, others, relationships and brings to yourself and others as you
situations — in preference to the bad practise Abilii, — joyful self-correction
(which I have facetiously called “Nooka”, and removal of the blocks to love in
or “NoOKa”!) yourself.

• Gradually you will find you are • Gradually you will find you are
maintaining an attitude of Khooba maintaining an attitude of Abilii
increasingly throughout every day. increasingly throughout every day. It is
the key to the relief of mental stress.

Dadcean b’Libhoun
• As you imagine your future you can
imagine yourself easily able to remove • You can imagine yourself able to take
from your mind all the blocks to love, the wisest, most inclusive possible view
joyfully. You check if there are any of a situation.
“errors” in your own mind that need to be
corrected, joyfully. • You are able to include all the
interconnections of people with each
• You search deeply and honestly, and other, and with nature, and of past,
easily replace the negative patterns with present and future causes and effects. You
the positive ones (for example, are increasingly able to “see things
intolerance with tolerance, impatience whole”. You see the benefits that come to
with patience, criticising and blaming you and those around you from doing this.
with compassion and constructive action,
pride and arrogance with humility, • Give this quality of Dadcean Libhoun
pessimism with hope, hate with your attention. Notice this quality when
unconditional love and joy, and so on). you see it in others — your friends and
acquaintances, and in the news, or books
• See the difference it makes to your that you read. Write an anonymous letter
future behaviour as you imagine yourself of gratitude to people who demonstrate
doing this. This truly is good quality this quality for the inspiration they have
therapy. given you. This is a very powerful way of
cultivating a desired quality in yourself.
• Give the cultivation of Abilii your
attention. Notice this quality when you • Imagine a symbol that for you captures
the essence of Dadcean Libhoun. Make a

106 Heart of Healing I

Patterns of Goodwill

sketch of it and place it where it will re- • Imagine and visualise the benefits it
mind you of this quality often, even when brings to yourself and others as you
you are thinking of other things — in your practise Clear Communication.
home, office, classroom, by your bed, on
a door that you pass through often, on • Gradually you will find you are
your fridge, etc... maintaining the skill of Clear
Communication increasingly throughout
• Imagine and visualise the benefits it every day.
brings to yourself and others as you
practise Dadcean Libhoun, — being able
to see and act out of an understanding of The Evening Review
the “big picture”.
This is a well-proven technique for
• Gradually you will find you are cultivating any of the above qualities even
maintaining an attitude of Dadcean more effectively. It is used by athletes
Libhoun increasingly throughout every and others who seek to improve their
day. performances.

At about 5 pm you find a place to be quiet

Clear Communication and you review your previous 24 hours
backwards. Doing it backwards avoids
• You can imagine yourself able to your playing unpleasant events through
communicate clearly and with love. You your nervous system and emotions again.
can share your point of view, your needs Watching the “movie” backwards
and your preferences, clearly and firmly. introduces an element of fun and humour
that makes the work far more effective.
• Instead of with rancour, you imagine (eg. watching the apples you picked go
how you will speak and act strongly yet back on to the tree, the food you ate go
caringly. Instead of reacting with back in to the fridge...)
judgement or criticism of yourself or
others, from now on you respond As you do this you are looking for times
lovingly. when there were opportunities to practise
any of the above qualities you are seeking
• Without being defensive or attacking to cultivate.
you are clear and firm about your needs
and perspectives. You observe without judgement but with
compassion, how you behaved at those
• Give this quality of Clear times. You waste absolutely no energy on
Communication your attention. Notice regret for any errors you think you made.
this quality when you see it in others — You are learning, and on the way from
your friends and acquaintances, and in the ignorance and lack of skill, it is making
news, or books that you read. Write an mistakes that leads to skill and wisdom.
anonymous letter of gratitude to people
who demonstrate this quality for the You then imagine how you could have
inspiration they have given you. This is a done it better, and set the goal to
very powerful way of cultivating a desired accomplish that skill better next time an
quality in yourself. opportunity presents itself, and imagine
that in action.
• Imagine a symbol that for you captures
the essence of Clear Communication. Ideas will come to you from your own
Make a sketch of it and place it where it Higher Self as to how you can develop
will re-mind you of this quality often, these qualities, and life will offer you
even when you are thinking of other opportunities to do so. All the people
things — in your home, office, classroom, whom you used to find troublesome will
by your bed, on a door that you pass now be your helpers in your task of
through often, on your fridge, etc... developing yourself along these lines.

Heart of Healing I 107

Patterns of Goodwill

Seven Patterns of Goodwill is the cure of mental stress.

6. Dadcean Libhoun: Seeing the Big
Picture Whole. Holistic vision, which
embraces all interconnectedness through
time and space. An ability to not confuse
the little picture for the Big Picture. An
ability to no longer confuse a partial truth
for the whole truth.
˙ Unconditional Love includes the willed
practise of these mind-sets or Patterns of
˙ Imagine a world in which these patterns
Key points to remember - fast track: were as much a part of everyone’s basic
training as reading, writing, sport, and
˙ The Patterns of Goodwill are mind-sets driving safely.
deliberately chosen and put in place in
your mind-processing to accomplish Note: The exercises for developing the
Unconditional Love in action. They are:- Goodwill Patterns are drawn from Edith
Stauffer’s book “Unconditional Love and
1. Clear communication of needs and Forgiveness”, (1987, published by
preferences. The book “Conscious Triangle Press), where they are called
Loving” by Gay and Kathryn Hendricks is “transpersonal mind-sets”, and from the
highly reccommended for understanding exercises for developing desired qualities
and developing this skill. There are now found in the psychosynthesis tradition.
many other good books and courses on
improving listening and communication They originate from the Aramaic Code of
skills. Conduct in the Khaboris Manuscript,
2 Kenoota: Working towards what is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (published
fairest-to-all. This is valued more than in 1970 by the Yonan Codex Foundation,
only justice or revenge. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.), which gives
3. Khooba: Selectively energising new insight into a potentially truer
(through careful inner and outer speech, meaning of the Sermon on the Mount than
and actions) the good in yourself, others is in English translations.
and situations, and withdrawing all energy
and attention from the negative. This is
valued more than seeing the bad in
yourself, others, and life, and giving
energy to that by talking about it,
complaining, gossiping etc.
4. Makikh: Seeing clearly and working
towards the meeting of the true needs of
yourself, others, and the Earth itself. This
is valued more than not caring about the
needs of anyone or yourself. It is valued
more than imagining you know what
someone else needs without checking it
out, and forcing your beliefs upon them,
because “it would be so good for them”.
5. Abilii: The joyful self-correction of all
errors in your mind (negative attitudes,
emotions, belief systems and imaginings)
which block the flow of love. It is valued
more than blaming and criticising
yourself or others, being miserable about
it, and consciously or unconsciously
producing punishments for those faults. It

108 Heart of Healing I

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