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Nama : Lovita Salsabila Balkis

NIM : P27820119022

Kelas : Tingkat I Reguler A

A. Using Object Complements

Using any of the verbs listed below, write five sentences about your ideal pet, whether real or
imagined. Include an object complement in each sentence.

Make consider call think appoint

name declare elect choose find

1. My dog likes to make a fuss

2. Animals my pets are selected for the race
3. Need to consider buying a pet again
4. He would love to choose a good pet

B. Write five sentences about a place that you have visited within the last year. Include the
indicated Types of subject complements in your sentences. You may want to use some of the
following linking verbs in your sentences.

appear feel grow seem be sound

become remain look smell taste stay

1. (Predicate nominative)
The house feel empty

2. (Predicate nominative)
I look a dog in the park

3. (predicate adjective)
The Bromo’s weather sound is quite

4. (predicate adjective)
In the Kenjeran Beach, Lontong Balap taste delicious

5. (predicate adjective)

Prambanan Temple stay beautiful and magnificient long ago

C. Using the nouns or pronouns in parentheses, rewrite each sentence so that it contains an
indirect object. (Remember to place the indirect object between the verb and the direct

1. Ralph saved a ticket. (Pamela)

Ralph saved Pamela a ticket

2. . Dr. Prankas offered his professional opinion. (Michelle)

Dr.Prankas offered Michelle his professional opinion

3. Chris made his special meatless chili. (Kevin)

Chris made Kevin his special meatless chilli

4. The stand-up comedian promised an encore. (his fans)

The stand up comedian promised his fans an encore

D. Write five sentences about a party, concert, or other event that you have recently
attended. Structure the sentences in the manner requested.

1. (Compound Subject)

Maya and Lina are watching a concert

2. (Compound Predicate)

Nita eats while talking at a birthday party

3. (Compound Subject, Compound Predicate)

Nisa and I are singing at the concert

4. (Compound Predicate)

I was having a concert while they were waiting for me

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