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A Day in the Life…

Again, another long day has passed at the office. Today was one of the more stressful
days as me and the team tried to develop a different design of rollercoaster. The A team also
went to go check out this plot of land for one of our new projects. That is just a few of the tasks
we took care of today. At 5:30 am my first alarm goes off to wake me up. This gives me a good
amount of time to get ready and be to the office by 6:45. On my ride to work I tend to stop and
get Dunkin’ Donuts just to get my take of caffeine for the day. Once I get to the office, I greet all
my employees and get them exhilarated for the projects and tasks we must complete today. In
the morning I typically have work to do on the computer such as check emails, reach out to
sponsors, check employee complaints, and other stuff of this sort. Here at Woods Inc. we have
multiple teams for certain jobs such as the A team which is our team that checks out different
land for new parks/rollercoasters. I received an email from an investor in Canada about land that
had potential. I sent the A team along with my social media producers to take pictures to promote
a possible new project. Once I finished my office work, I head to the RC development center to
check out the new design. At the development center it can get chaotic fast because its multiple
people wring different codes and using many different programs to design our rollercoasters.
They must follow specific protocol to get things done right. They also must be very flexible
because they are constantly moving positions to check over the different types of algorithms and
codes. Also if there any mistakes that are noticed later on down the line, you have to able to own
up to it because one mistake can lead to a line of problems. Now is about 11:45 and its time for
lunch. I usually get Chick-Fil-A but I packed my lunch for today. All my duties are done for
today but I’m going to stat and help because this is what I love to do. I looking over the
blueprints for our new design and loving the thought put into it because its very different and
innovative. I also notice that some of the buzz bars have not been placed correctly and could hurt
the passenger. I call the maintenance team to look at it and weigh their options to find a solution.
Now I’m drained and ready to go home and get ready for the next day as the CEO of a Roller
Coaster Manufacturing Company

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