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AREA -ALTITUDE RELATIONSHIP: To show the relationship between area and altitude a normal

histogram has been constructed where the abscissa shows the altitude in meters and the ordinate in sq.
km. The histogram reveals the vertical distribution of land in study area and thus helps in detecting its
surface. The histogram (Fig.5.a) shows that:
1) About 20% area of the basin lies below 300 meters altitude.
2) From 1000 meters to 1500 meters there is a regular relationship between area and altitude of a
normal drainage basin.

The sudden reduction in area from 1500 meters to 1600 meters, 1000 meters to 900 meter and there is
sudden reduction in area at 600 meters and 300 meters altitude. These breaks alter the regular relationship
between altitude and area thus interrupts the normal cycle of erosion.
ALTIMETRIC ANALYSIS: Altimetry depicts the frequency of summit in a region. The number of
altimetric significant level denote the number of erosion cycle as well as the estimation of the cycle of
erosion, the region has experienced (Singh, 1972). Thus, to verify the result obtained from area-altitude
relationship an Altimetric Frequency Histogram has been constructed. To prepare the altimetric histogram
the frequency of different ranges of absolute relief per sq. km grid has been counted. Like, area altitude
histogram the altimetric frequency histogram also reveals five major breaks at 300, 600, 1000, 1500
meters altitude.

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