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3rd Week Assignment

Name : Afdal Luthfi

Nim : 18063047
Major : Electrical Engineering

Question ?
1. What is definition of Industrial Automation?
2. List some reasons about Advantage and Disadvantage of Industrial Automation
(at least 3)
3. How is future development of Industrial Automation and its impact to our daily
1. Industrial automation or numerical control is a system utilization control like a
computer used to control industrial machines and process control to replace
operators human power. Industrialization itself is a deep stage implementation of
mechanization, where the concept of mechanization remains machines industry
carried out by humans as operators by placing machines as assistants in accordance
with work requests physical, which is clearly a massive decline in human needs as
censorship, it is also related to mental work.
2. Advantages of Industrial Automation
1. Reducing the cost of facilities at companies that run automation
2. Reducing the cost of company equipment in companies that run automation
3. Broader and more formal communication network
4. The existence of social contributions
5. All work can be done easily and quickly
6. Suppress any work termination
7. Make it easier to search for data on companies that use automation systems
8. Can save production time
Disadvantages of Industrial Automation
1.May lead to a reduction in the workforce
2. The costs required to perform automation in a company are enormous
3. Make employees who work lazy to work
4. In its utilization, difficulties often occur in the procurement of materials /
5. Make employees dependent with ease in utilizing automation
6. The company will assume that it does not need a lot of employees
7. Can increase the number of unemployed among the community
8. There will be indifference between the existence of fellow employees

3. Future developments in industrial automation and their impact on our daily

The development of industrial automation has a profound impact on our lives in
the future, because as we have experienced today in the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0, technology has had a huge impact and has an impact on our lives.
industries in Indonesia have used a lot of automatic control systems.
According to Tjandrawinata (2016), the rapid development of information
technology is currently taking place in all fields of automation, new technologies
and approaches that combine real, digital and fundamentally.[2]
Moreover, in the future Indonesia will also be heading for the era of society 5.0.
In Society 5.0 a large amount of information from sensors in physical space is
accumulated in cyberspace and analyzed by artificial intelligence, and the results
are fed back to humans in physical space in various forms.
There are several impacts of industrial automation development in daily life,
including good and bad impacts
Good impact: All work can be done easily and quickly and can save production
Adverse effects : Can lead to a reduction in the workforce and can increase the
number of unemployed among the community

References :
Agus Putranto,dkk.2008.Teknik Otomasi Industri.Jakarta : Direktorat Pembinaan
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Tjandrawina, R.R. (2016). Industri 4.0: Revolusi industri abad ini dan pengaruhnya
pada bidang kesehatan dan bioteknologi. Jurnal Medicinus, Vol 29, Nomor 1,
Edisi April.

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