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Mata Kuliah/sks : Media Pendidikan/2sks
Grup/Seksi : 2 LA/201920630045 (Kls. Internasional)
Prodi/Pelaksanaan : S1. Pendidikan Teknik Elektro/ WFH
Dosen Pembina : Dr. Ridwan, M.Sc.Ed

:Directions: 1. Answer all questions correctly, then send your answers individually through
the WA (document) group
2. Answers are submitted no later than Monday, 15st June 2020. at 9.30 am

1. Write some communication components in the learning system, give examples and
explain their relationship with learning media. Why does Shannon's communication model
need to be known by teachers?

2. Explain the functions and principles of using media in learning with examples (five
items per each)!

3. Why is the development of communication and information technology (ICT) so important

and useful in learning? Describe briefly and precisely:
a. Utilization of ICT in the development of instructional media in schools and
b. The impact of the use of ICTs in the vocational education system and its solutions

4. Write down the type of media your group assignments, the topic of the material, the
target/students, and the learning objectives presented. then explain:
a. The concept and reasons for choosing the media used for the material above!
b. The plans and steps for making the media.
c. If you have suggestions / input from classmates during the presentation, what
improvements you did?
d. How do you judge the effectiveness of the media, and provide the results of your
e. Attach one of the interesting views / main concepts of the media displayed

Congratulations on the exam and good luck

Catatan : 1.Anda boleh menjawab soal-soal di atas dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris
2 Bekeja sendiri, tidak berkompromi dengan teman.

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