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Regine Fatima V.

Explanatory Essay#1

What Is It To Be Small?

Is small a hostile adjective to be used in describing things? What if it will be used in

describing a country? There are a lot of factors to include that would validate one’s criticism in

claiming such things. Based on Nick Joaquin’s discussion, with regards to smallness of country,

it is quite an opener to know facts about our reality and the mentality the people in a country

have. Small has something to do to production, growth, and physical attribute of a thing that

would include one’s contentment as well.

Based on Nick Joaquin’s context, about the “Heritage of smallness”, this simply states

that Philippines is a country which can be labeled as small due to its people’s satisfaction to the

things that are below the standards or quality. Obviously, we are always forced to maximize

what is available in front of us instead of providing more. The mentality that Filipinos have has

been the problem that hindrances the country for faster development. Since then, we are stuck in

being a 3rd world country or the progressing country. The time had passed which also could make

us ask if where are we now exactly. Our country has a cheap rate when it comes to services that

made other country to hire more Filipinos. Overseas Filipino Workers are the living proof of that

statement, we are easily to be convinced by the salary rate they offer because we are used of

getting less.

From the statements of Nick Joaquin, the “isang kahig, isang tuka” lifestyle of majority in

Philippine population says it all about being small. We earn for the compliance of eating and
providing basic needs, but usually is too short to provide the needs. In life, there will be days

when we cannot function well to do our job, but because of this lifestyle we are forced to get our

health compromised. This is not a healthy cycle when we aim for betterment. We cannot blame

everything on people, the government who is responsible also have something to do with

opportunities we get. With this being said, there are no progress for the general because

communist exists. Poor people get poorer in time, maybe because of factors but we cannot force

things to be align to our beliefs and values when it is not. We act what we think is beneficial but

thinking for a way to have a quality life requires education and opportunities.

Another is the “Ningas Cogon” which says that we are only good at starting things but

not good in consistency of it. We get tired easily to the things we do especially when we

compare our life to others. As per the third paragraph it stated that we are earning today to

provides the needs for today as well. We get impatient because we got the mindset to just settle

to the job that will provide especially in the easiest form of job. This as well will is one of the

hindrances to development. Every goal requires consistency to a routine.

When you start at being small it does not mean you will end up there, that is why

globalization and progress in generation happen to improve the history to make better future for

future generation and to change the mentality that holds us back from trying to get out in our

comfort zone. We maybe small in geographic aspect but the mind that has no limitations and

open for knowledge is what will make us in the above as well and leave being a 3rd world

country. The law of attraction is powerful that our mind will reflect to the result of action. Think

like a winner and you will be a winner. Romanticizing resilience should stop and let us build a

nation that will increase many aspects in general and majority.


Joaquin, N. 2013. Heritage of Smallness.

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