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Angelet M.




Nick Vujicic in physical appearance he is incomplete. He is a disabled person but going beyond
that physical appearance he is complete. He inspires many people. He helped other people who
are in need physically, emotionally and also spiritually. He is contented what he has now. In his
journey of his life, he encountered many people, people who bullied him, people who pulled him
down, people who insulted him. But through these experiences, he realized what’s really the
value, purpose and destiny of his life. In life of Nick Vujicic, no matter what you are disabled or
not, we should respect each other. Let us not be insensitive. Let us be sensitive because we don’t
know that person is attempting to commit suicide. We don’t know that person is hurting inside.
So let us be careful in our words that will come out to our mouth. Because words can kill people.
And we should look to people beyond the physical. No matter how beautiful or handsome, how
popular or how intelligent you are. If you don’t know how to respect, how to be humble, in short
if you don’t have a good heart. No one will stay, no one will like you. And Nick Vujicic said that
“You are beautiful just the way you are” in this line I think it tells us that when we’re down, no
matter how we get insecure to other people, no matter that we are flawed. Still we are beautiful
in our unique way. There’s something unique within us that others don’t have. So still be proud
for being you because there are people who will accept you no matter how worst you are, still the
true will stay in your life. Also, don’t forget to love ourselves, you can learn how to value, to
love, to care for other people when you do it first on yourself. In the 2nd video we watched, the
world needs hope, the world really needs direction and the world really needs the truth. And
when you are alive, you have a gift, a gift of growing. We encounter many obstacles and trials in
life but we can overcome this by not giving up and also by having faith in God. Because there’s
hope in life, we should be strong to face these things. Jesus wrote our story. So we just believed
in His plans. He has a better plan for us. God’s ways are higher than ours. His thought are higher
than ours. If we have Jesus everything that we need is fulfilled. God is listening in our prayers.
Maybe we think God is not listening because we don’t see, we can’t feel that are prayers were
answered. God is moving in a mysterious way, maybe now we can’t understand why is it
happening but in the end we will realize that there’s something waiting for us that is more than
what we have expected.

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