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 Rehabilitation programs are available for males, females, geriatrics and pediatrics

 The most common cases that attend rehabilitation courses at rehabilitation hospital of
Ismailia city include
1) Hemiplegic patient either due to accidents or strokes
2) Joints deformity patients (shoulder-elbow-fingers-knee-even lumber and
cervical vertebrae deformities) mainly from accidents or arthritis
3) Patients with neurologic disorders such as (facial nerve palsy – cerebral palsy
especially children)
 The hospital is well provided by all exercise and physiotherapy devices needed for
special rehabilitation programs for each case and the programs are supervised by a well-
trained physiotherapy specialist who provide that with the following notes on most
commonly applicated programs in the hospital:

Rehabilitation program for hemiplegic patient

 It involve both physical, psychological and social aspects as it starts by passive exercises
supervised and helped by the doctor including flexion and extension of main joints as
(elbow-shoulder-knee) in the first two or three sessions followed by active exercise
conducted by the patient independently helped only by specially designed apparatuses
first with no loads then with increasing loads according to improvement to gain more
 In addition to muscular exercises nerve stimulation in done through certain wave
emitting devices to enhance muscle power and stability
 Psychological and social aspects of the program has limited application but it involve
some advices how to cope with the new life style specially personal hygiene and
transportation either stick or chair wheel helped
Rehabilitation program for patients suffering from joints deformity
 It is mainly physical and involves the following steps:
1) Nerve stimulation through ultra sound waves for minutes (10-15)
2) Joint exercise through its special movements

Facial nerve palsy rehabilitation

 Facial nerve stimulation through specialized short wave devices
 Exercise of facial muscles through very simple exercises such as (closing and opening
mouth and eye looking at mirrors to ensure symmetry-moving affected muscles from
diseased to healthy sides)

Cerebral palsy infants

 Rehabilitation programs for those infants are effective only if started immediately after
the insult (whether hypoxic or birth injury) and it involves
1) Upper and lower limbs nerves stimulation also through waves but no cerebral
hemispheres stimulation
2) Muscular exercises helped by specialized doctors

Other less commonly applicated programs are those done for females after obstetrics or
gynecologic operations to treat pelvic adhesion by waves

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