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Smaranda Almasan / Ioana Iacob / Oana Big (pouf.)

We humans, as many other animals, are very good imitators and we will
employ clever enough tactics as to manipulate other humans, or other
animals, for that matter.

This project explores strategies of 'faking it' - through a camouflage cape; a

painting of a screaming coyote; a sensual water bed; a normcore doughnut;
a well defined rain coat and a hard cactus bench.

We're suggesting a series of soft methods on how to look hard.

5 6 7

1 Smaranda Almasan, Coyote stealing the moon. PU foam, cotton.

2 Oana Big, Post-scarcity, softshell, cotton.
3 Smaranda Almasan, Coyote stealing the moon, mixed media.
4 Ioana Iacob, Cuckold raincoat, PVC foil, acryl, cotton.
5 6 7 Oana Big, Post-authenticity, laser print, oil on canvas.
8 Oana Big, Post-aspirational, laser print on cotton.
9 Ioana Iacob, Cuckold waterbed, PVC foil, latex, cotton.

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