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In 8-10 sentences briefly explain at least 6 types of tests that allow

teachers to monitor students’ performance comprehensively.

From the previous lessons, we have learned different types of assessments but it does not include how
to deepen our understanding of students. I’ve chosen some tests which I think is appropriate to
understand the learners better. First, a personality test will help you to get to know a student since by
this assessment, it focuses on their whole aspect or you will know what kind of background they have,
the unique characteristics that differentiate them from each other. Second, the aptitude test will help
them evaluate their capability in their chosen fields whether they are fit in that area or not. Third, a
diagnostic test will help the teachers to understand how far the students have understood the lessons
and to keep track who’s aren’t or are keeping up with the discussed lessons. Fourth, an intelligence test,
it detects their mental proficiency, this also helps to understand students who perform poorly and
proficiently. However, we have these called multiple intelligence whereas everyone can found their own
strength of field. Fifth, a socio-metric test, it identifies the interactions of the learners during group
works whether they engage well or not to one another. The last one is subjective test, a test where
students put their opinions through their perspective and understanding. In conclusion, these types of
assessment will determine the different aspects of the learners’.

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