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• PERIL: extreme danger

ADJ. deadly, dire, grave, great, immediate, hidden
VERB + PERIL: be at/in - put sth in - avoid, face -We face the immediate peril of being bought out by another company.
PREP.: of - All aboard were in grave peril of drowning.
PHRASES: at your - Ignore these warnings at your peril.

• THREAT: A statement that you will harm or punish someone if that person does not do what you want.
ADJ. dire, terrible | empty, idle | implied, veiled | explicit | physical, violent | verbal | bomb, death, suicide
VERB + THREAT issue, make, utter | receive | carry out | lift, withdraw | reduce | give in to
PREP. Against
Definition 2: Possible danger
VERB + THREAT be, pose, present| consider sth (as), perceive sth as, regard sth as, see sth as, view sth as. | Face, meet
PREP. - Under Many wild plants are under threat of extinction. - From the threat from overfishing - of a threat of
violence – to: the junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority

• JEOPARDY: in danger of being damaged or destroyed

• HAZARD: Something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage

Prep For: Holes in the pavement are a hazard for people. To: The burning of industrial waste is a hazard to human
ADJ. big, great, major, real, serious | constant | possible, potential | hidden, unexpected, unseen | environmental,
industrial, natural, occupational | health | fire
PHRASES: exposure to a hazard. Try and reduce your exposure to hazards such as poor quality air.
VERB + HAZARD cause, create, pose | be exposed to, encounter, face| avoid | eliminate, minimize | cope with, deal
with, negotiate.

• VENTURE: to proceed especially in the face of danger

VENTURE + NOUN capital, funds, money
PREP. By a cooperative venture by firms at the science park
VERB + VENTURE embark on, undertake| establish, set up | join (in), join sb in
PHRASAL VB Venture into something: to become involved in a new business activity
PHRASAL VB Venture on / upon something: to do or try something that involves risks
SAYING: Nothing ventured, nothing gained: used to say that you cannot achieve anything unless you take risks.

• DANGER (noun):The possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed
PREP of The danger of a fire in the home increases during the holidays.
VERB + DANGER be, constitute, pose, present, represent | be exposed to, be in, court, face, flirt with|cause, put
someone/something in| be fraught with, involve
PREP -in danger: We weren't in any danger. -in danger of: The plant is now in danger of extinction. -out of danger:
They ran until they were out of danger.

• VENTURESOME (adjective): a person who is willing to take risks, or an action or behaviour that involves risks.

• MENACE: Someone or something that is dangerous and likely to cause harm. Someone or something that annoys or
threatens you.
ADJ. growing, increased, increasing the growing menace of drugs | serious
VERB + MENACE pose the menace posed by car fumes | combat, counter Shop owners are struggling to combat the
menace of armed robbery.
PREP. - To He's a menace to society.
Definition 2: Threatening quality
ADJ. hidden, quiet, silent ‘Where do you think you're going?’ he said with quiet menace.
PREP. With eyes glittering with menace
PHRASES an air of menace: The scar down his face added to his air of menace.

• COMMINATION (Noun): a threat of punishment or vengeance

 Risk (verb): to expose to danger; to lay open to the possibility of loss. He risked all his  money  on betting on
that  horse.
 Record (noun): (in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has
never yet been beaten. The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon
 Put up with (phrasal verb): to bear patiently I  cannot put up with all this  noise.
 Deal with something (phrasal verb with deal verb): to do something to make a situation work or to solve a
problem. How will we deal with these problems?
 Focus on someone/something (phrasal verb with focus verb): to give most of your attention to someone or
something. Try to focus on the most important facts.
 Endure (verb) endure verb (EXPERIENCE): to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful. We had to
endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
 Face (verb) (DEAL WITH): If you face a problem, or a problem faces you, you have to deal with it: This is one of
the many problems faced by working mothers.
 Face (verb) (DEAL WITH): to deal with a difficult situation. I can’t face climbing those stairs again.
 Battle (verb): to try hard to achieve something in a difficult situation. He had to battle against prejudice to get a
 Put sth into sth/doing sth (phrasal verb with put verb): If you put time, work, or effort into something, you
spend a lot of time or effort doing it. We've put a lot of effort into this project and we want it to succeed.
 Campaign(verb): to organize a series of activities to try to achieve something. He's spending a lot of his time at
the moment campaigning for/on behalf of the Conservative Party.f
 Competitive: wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people
 Addictive: a set of characteristics that mean that you very quickly become addicted to drugs, food, alcohol
 Participant: a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity
 Spectator: a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part
 Win: to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a competition, election, fight, etc.
 Beat: to defeat or do better than
 Take part in something: to be actively involved in something with other people
 To train for: to prepare someone or yourself for a job, activity, or sport, by learning skills and/or by mental or
physical exercise
 Successful: having achieved a lot, become popular, and/or made a lot of money
 Sense of achievement: a proud feeling of having done something difficult and worthwhile
 Setting off: to start on a trip
 Itchy feet: to start to want to travel or do something different
 Make a go of: to try to make something succeed, usually by working hard
 Going down with: to start to suffer from an infectious disease:
 Goes without saying: used to mean that something is obvious:
 Culture shock : a feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they do not known
 Go back on: to fail to keep a promise, or to change a decision or agreement:
 See me off: to watch someone leave on a trip
 Luck: the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as
a result of your own efforts or abilities
 Opportunity: an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to
do, or the possibility of doing something
 Chance: an occasion that allows something to be done
 At stake: If something that is valuable is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost
 Ambition: a strong wish to achieve something
 Dream: something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely
 Belief: the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true
 Big: large in size or amount
 Substantial: large in size, value, or importance. 
 Vast: extremely big. Cannot go with a risk.
 Obsession: something or someone that you think about all the time
 Infatuation: strong but not usually lasting feelings of love or attraction
 All consuming passion: taking all of a person's time and attention: being the only thing a person thinks about
 Hardly: only just; almost not

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