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Project #3: Text As Image

This project will introduce you to the text editing tools in Adobe Illustrator. This project will help you view
type as an object and understand its formal and aesthetic qualities. The project will introduce typography
and its basic use in graphic design.

What is typography?
Typography is the process used to arrange letters and words. It is essential that graphic designers learn
how to handle type with experimentation and imagination, while being aware of established typographic

Use Adobe illustrator and use only type (no images) to create a poster that expresses the meaning of a
word. Keep your word a secret. During critique the class will try to predict the meaning of each poster
without prior knowledge of your word.

Start by brainstorming and make a list of words that lend themselves to visual representation (adjectives
and verbs work the best). Feel free to use a thesaurus or dictionary.

Choose one word from your brainstorming exercise. When designing your poster think about the position,
spacing, size, and style of fonts that can help the viewer interpret the meaning of the word. Upload your
final poster to BlackBoard.

DOCUMENT SIZE: Tabloid, 11”x 17”

Upload to Black Board

Graphic Design ARTS-2313- De La Rosa. J.

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