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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, No.

12 December 1981

Tadasu Takuma, Tsutomu Ikeda and Tadashi Kawamoto

Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry,
Komae-shi, Tokyo, Japan

ABSTRACT po, pl, pJ positive or negative charge density

; on a conductor
surface (given as boundary v-alue)
The paper describes a new method for calculating electric field and <P ; potential change caused by space charge
ion current caused by overhead DC transmission lines without using (D ; potential in the presence of space charge
the commonly used approximation, Deutsch's assumption. Unknown ; potential in space-charge-free field
space functions, i.e. potential, positive and negative ion densities,
are iteratively calculated from the coupled differential equations by Superscript + and indicate positive and negative ions,

the finite element method (FEM). The program is generally appli- respectively. Superscript p and n indicate that the value belongs to
cable to all monopolar and bipolar cases including grounded wires positive and negative conductors, respectively.
and wind. Emphasis is placed on numerical stability and reduced
hiuman task in the FEM computation.
Calculated results are shown including the effect of horizontal
wind in a monoplar and bipolar DC arrangements. The electrification of isolated objects or human bodies by ion
charges is one of the most important factors in designing overhead
SYMBOLS HVDC transmission lines. Also,-the electric field and the ion current
density on the ground are significant electrical environmental factors
e ; electron charge related to the biological effects. To solve these problems, the electric
Ey ; electric field strength on the ground field distribution distorted by the ion space charge flowing from DC
Eym; maximum of Ey conductors must be calculated. The field distribution is not given
E ; electric field strength in the presence of space charge (vector) by Laplace's equation but by Poisson's with the other equation(s)
Et, ; field strength in space-charge-free field for the ion movement.
E ; field strength change caused by space charge (averaged at a It is highly difficult to obtain the exact solution to the ion flow
node) field problem because of its nonlinearity; consequently, most cal-
F(<O; functional for solving o by FEM culations for HVDC lines or electrostatic precipitators have resorted
h ; height of a conductor to simplifying assumptions concerning the effect of space charge.
jn ; normal component of j on a conductor surface The simplest treatment may be the one used by Pauthenier et al. for
jy ; ion current density on the ground obtaining the time-dependence of charge magnitude on a conductive
Jym ; maximum of jy or an insulating sphere electrified in a uniform ion flow.1 This cal-
j ; ion current density (vector) culation takes into account the field change caused by the charge
Jc ; corona current per unit length of a conductor accumulated on the sphere, but neglects the effect of ion charge
k ; ion mobility flowing in space. This means the field distribution in space is
Kij; component of coefficient matrix (stiffness matrix) in treated not as Poissonian but as Laplacian, which is permitted only
potential equations by FEM for a very small ion current density, for example, about 4 x 10 2
Max ( a, b, ... ); maximum value among a, b, pA/m2 for a uniform field gap of 1 m with 10 kV applied.
Mi coefficient related to charge densities in potential equations A more appropriate assumption is that due to Deutsch, i.e. the ion
by FEM space charge affects only the magnitude and not the direction of
N total number of nodes the electric field.2'3 The assumption renders the problem manage-
ro ; radius of a conductor able by reducing a two-dimensional computation to one dimension.
R recombination coefficient of positive and negative ions Until now, corona losses and electrification in HVDC lines have been
s number of positively or negatively energized DC lines analyzed almost exclusively by this method.47 However, the
v ; ion drift velocity (vector) assumption is not true in general, although its validity has been
VO, Vi ; voltage of a conductor (boundary value) tested and verified by comparison with experiment in some cor-
W ; wind velocity (vector) responding actual cases.
xm ; shift of lateral position (x) where Ey takes a maximum value Sunaga has compared the approximate solution based on Deutsch's
so ; permittivity of free space assumption with the finite difference solution computed without the
; vertical angle of k-th surrounding element at a node assumption in a single conductor-to-ground arrangement.6 The
p ; space charge density approximation gives much the same results on the ground as those
obtained without the assumption over the range from directly under
the line (0=0) to the distance corresponding to the gap length. But the
two calculation methods yield very different values for 0 > 90, as is
shown in Fig. 1 in the following section. It should be noted here
that, on a surface 0 = 0 perpendicular to the ground from the bottom
of a single conductor, the assumption is valid strictly due to the
81 SM 341-7 A paper recommended and approved by the
symmetry of the arrangement. For more complex line arrangements
IEEE Transmission & Distribution Committee of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at having no such symmetrical surface and for cases when the wind is
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July blowing, it is doubtful whether the direction of the electric field
26-31, 1981. Manuscript submitted February 2, 1981; remains unchanged. According to recent calculation of ion flow
made available for printing April 9, 1981. electrification of isolated discs based on Deutsch's assumption by

©g) 1981 IEEE

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Sunaga et al., the calculated values did not agree sufficiently with The boundary condition- for 4) is
the measured ones in the horizontal bipolar arrangement.7 They
propose as a possible cause of the discrepancy the effect of wind and 0 ......... (6)
the error due to Deutsch's assumption.
Recently, Janischewskyj et al. have for the first time applied the on the surface of the ground and the grounded wires, and
finite element method (FEM) to solve the ion flow field problem
without Deutsch's assumption.9 Their computational algorithm is =Vi, i = 1, ...,s (7)
to obtain 4) from each of the two differential equations for assumed
p and iteratively correct p until the two functions 4) thus obtained on the surface of the energized DC lines. As FEM can be applied
coincide. They point out that corona losses obtained with Deutsch's only to the restricted region, an artificial boundary must be placed
assumption exceed both experimental values and those computed sufficiently remote from the conductors. As the boundary condition,
with FEM even in a single conductor-to-ground arrangement.10 we set 4) there equal to the potential in the space-charge-free field,
In this paper, we describe a new calculation method using FEM, which is accurately computed by the charge simulation method
the program construction and some of the calculated results in- (CSM).
cluding the effect of wind in a monopolar and a bipolar line arrange- The boundary condition for the charge densities is another dif-
ment. FEM is the most flexible of all numerical field calculation ficult point in the calculation, because it depends on the growth
methods. Comparing it with the finite difference method, we can mechanism of ions near the conductor surface, a condition dif-
divide at will the ion flow region (space) which always contains ficult to define. Sarma et al. have used the boundary condition that
disproportionately thin conductors in a vast domain. Furthermore, the electric field strength on the conductor surface in corona remains
it is easier to manage boundary conditions, especially Neumann's, constant at the onset value.4 On the other hand, Sunaga et al. have
using FEM. However, FEM calculation for ion flow fields has two proposed the empirical relation of the ion current density j with the
critical points of difficulty, numerical instability during the iterative surface field strength E on the conductor, j = b exp (a E).6-8 The
calculation and the tedious task of manually subdividing the region result of their calculation for a 0.5 cm conductor 1 m above the
into a large number of finite elements. To overcome the first dif- ground is shown in Fig. 1, where the charge density along the radial
ficulty, Janischewskyj et al. have proposed the application of direction from the conductor is compared between the approximate
Hermite-type elements, where field strengths at each node are also solution based on Deutsch's assumption and the finite difference
put into the simultaneous linear equations as unknowns.9 Here we method (FDM) solution. It can be seen that FDM without Deutsch's
apply a different method, upstream (upwind) FEM. For region assumption gives a nearly constant charge density around the
subdivision, we have introduced semi-automatic mesh generation in conductor surface irrespective of 0. In view of the fact that DC
the program. These points are explained in the following sections. lines are usually thin in comparison with the total space and also
distant from the ground and from neighboring lines, we used the
following assumption as the boundary condition for p+ and p7.
CALCULATION METHOD (e) The positive or negative charge density is constant on the surface
of each source conductor of the corresponding polarity. (Assumption
Assumptions and Equations of constant ion density source)
The following is assumed in the calculation. That is:
(a) All values are steady in time and two-dimensional (electric
field, ion current and wind velocity have only x and y components
in a section perpendicular to the transmission lines.) Non-uniform
p+=pi ,i=l ......... (8)
corona occurrences are not considered. on the surface of the positively energized conductors, and
(b) Diffusion of ions can be neglected in comparison with drift by
the electric field.
(c) Ion mobilities k+ and k- are constants independent of the field
p- =pJ, j=s++ 1, ................... (9)
strength. on the surface of the negative conductors, where s+ + s - = s.
(d) Thickness of the ionization region near the conductor can be
neglected. -finite difference solution
These assumptions have been generally adopted in ion flow ---approximate solution (Deutsch's assumption)
field calculations to date and are not discussed here. With these, i v
the equations which rule the bipolar ion field are; Vo-I OOkV
0.4 I/
t jo=0. 12X IO-12
Poisson's equation:
div grad F (p- p +)/eo .......................... ()

10 Xexp (0.46E)

Equations for current density:

0=0O' ~ pf- ni
D=0. 005m
j+=p +(-k+grad4) +w) ..... (2) 0.2
_ 90 0='
j-=p-(-k-grad4)-W) .............. (3)
o. I 180'
Equations for current continuity: 180°

div j +=-Rp+p U/e ............................. (4) b 20 40 60 80 100

distanoe from the conductor axis in cm

div ji = R p+ p /e ................ (5)
Fig. 1 Comparison of ion density calculated
This set of the equations also gives the monopolar field as a by FDM and by the approximate method
special case, if either p+ or p - is zero. The assumption (e) is more general than the assumptions used by
other authors insofar as the conductors are sufficiently thin, but

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pi and pj cannot be given a priori. They must be set to arbitrary a- U3 are given from the potential and the coordinates at the
values as input data and determined by comparing the values as three nodes of each triangle.
corona current thus obtained on the conductors with the actually To solve (16), we use the following functional as in the usual FEM.
measured values at the full-scale test.
F(,) =ff[ 2o {( 2 )2J + (p-- p+) tp dxdy ... (19)
Calculation with FEM
p is determined so that a set of node potential(potential change)
Equations (1) -(5) have three unknown space functions in bipolar
fields 4),p+ and p-. Using (1), (2) -(5) are transformed to oi (i = 1, N) minimizes F(p). This leads to the following set of
simultaneous linear equations for pi, if p+ p, and p in the second
term of the right side of (19) are approximated with the constant
v+ gradp+=-K (p+)2 +(kC .......... (10) values, respectively Pi+, Pi- andpi, over the region formed by con-
necting the centers of gravity in the surrounding triangles (hatched
area in Fig. 2):
v gradp =-k (p-)2 +(k- -
R)p+p ...........(11)
where v + = k grad ¢w .....................
+ (12)
v-= k-grad )+w ...................... (13)
Our FEM-approach to the problem is to iteratively solve (1), (10)
and (11) for either 4), p+, or p as an unknown function while
setting the others as known. However, a direct solution of 4) by
FEM may result in a significantly large numerical error near a con-
ductor surface owing to the very fast change of 4) relative to the
distance from the surface. To reduce this error, we divided 4) into Fig.2 Gravitationalcenterregion
the potential without space charge, I, and the potential change at i-th node
caused by the space charge, p, as

- =4+. ....................... (14) stoKij i= 7 Mi (p -Pi,

Then, j =.1 .N.. . (20)
A somewhat different expression is derived for the right side of
graddiv' =0 ...................... (15)
(20), if p+, p, and y in the second term of the right side of (19) are
also approximated with linear functions similar to ( 18) as in the first
grad div fp=(p~-p+)/eo ...................... (16)
term. However, because the two treatments give much the same
Boundary conditions for 4 are the same as in (6) and (7) for 4) on. result, we adopted the simpler expression of (20).
the ground, the grounded wires, and the conductors. The boundary The field strength at each node,
condition for 4 is not necessary on the artificial boundary. On the
other hand E -grad v -grad w. (21)

<= 0 ...................... (17)

is necessary to give ion velocities in (12) and (13). The value of grad
4 is accurately calculated by CSM, while grad is a constant in
on all the boundaries including the artificial boundary. Therefore,
the resultant potential 4) on the artificial boundary automatically each element from a linear approximation of (18), thus resulting in
takes the value in space-change-free field as mentioned in the pre- discontinuity at a node. In order to give a reasonable value at
vious section. point i, we approximated Ew (= - grad p) by averaging the value
For these boundary conditions, we compute I by the charge weighted with the respective vertical angle in the surrounding
simulation method (CSM) that is the most accurate numerical triangles as shown in Fig. 3:
calculation method for Laplacian fields. so is obtained from (16) with
P+ and p- as given values, which are then calculated from (10) and
(1 1) with 4) ( 4 + p) thus obtained, and this process is repeated to
get a final solution for 4), p+ and pT.
The whole region surrounded by the ground and the artificial E
boundary is subdivided into triangles with three nodes. It is
important not to generate any obtuse-angled triangles in the sub-
division. This is not a requisite condition, but it is a sufficient
condition for the off-diagonal components to be all non-positive in k
the coefficient matrix of the potitial equation formed from (16)
by FEM, which guarantees a stable solution of the equation.
Fig. 3 Vertical angle Ok at i-th node
Calculation of 4) and Field Strength
We approximate p in each triangular element as a linear function
of coordinates, namely Eo YSOk Ewk/l 1k ........................... (22)
.P =
cel + a2 X + cf3 y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.(18) We also tried averaging Esok weighted with the corresponding

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element area. This, however, gave larger numerical errors than In computing pi+ or Pi- from a total set of quadratic equations
(22) and was, therefore, not adopted. similar to (24) and (25) in the whole region, the computation pro-
ceeds from nodes lying on the surface of positively or negatively
Calculation of p+ and p- energized conductors gradually to. outward nodes with the distance
As described in the Introduction, when calculating ion flow fields, from the conductors. This process corresponds to the actual ion
considerable difficulty may arise from the fact that the iterative flow from energized conductors. Newly obtained charge densities
solution is very apt to become unstable. This is mainly because the are in turn substituted for values at neighboring points in (24) and
significant error caused by the numerical differentiation for the (25). The process is iterated until a final set of Pi+ and pi- is
first-order derivative is accumulated in each iteration, eventually obtained for given (. At some nodes on the ground or on the
resulting in divergence or oscillation of the solution. To overcome artificial boundary, no upstream element may exist for the positive
this difficulty, we applied the upstream (upwind) FEM to (10) and (negative) charge. As this means that no positive (negative) ion
(1 1). This is substantially a technique for approximating the arrives at thses nodes, at least not in the numerical sense, the
first-order derivative term solely by the derivative in the upper corresponding charge density is taken as zero there.
stream, which corresponds to the physical fact that the unknown
variable is influenced only by' the upper stream.'2 The principle is CONSTRUCTION OF PROGRAM
explained as follows by Fig. 4.
The ion flow field calculation program consists of the following
three steps.
Step 1: Semi-automatic mesh generation program
Step 2: Potential coefficient matrix generation program
Step 3: Iterative solution program
Before the calculation, the whole region is divided into several
blocks (quadrilaterals and triangles), as shown schematically in Fig. 5.
The order and coordinates of the vertexes of each block, division
k number (number of nodes) on each side of the blocks, and others
are used as the input data for Step 1. Six types of nodes are also
entered here: 1) nodes in the inner domain, 2) nodes on positive
conductors, 3) nodes on negative conductors, 4) nodes on grounded
wires, 5) nodes on the ground, 6) nodes on the artificial boundary.
7 Fig. 4 Upstream element for ion velocities
The upstream element for v+ or vr is defined at node i as the
triangular element having vector v+ or v- facing this node. It is conduotor artificial boundary
triangle ijk for v+ and ilm for v- in Fig. 4. Then, grad p+ in
(10), for example, is approximated on triangle ijk as

gradpi+=-i j b+ ik c .(23)
lbxc bxc
where b and c are the vectors formed by rotating ki and ji by a
right angle, respectively. pi, pj and Pk are the charge densities (a) arrangement
defined over the gravitational center region as shown in Fig. 2.
Equations (10) and ( 11) become 4 4

Viv.(-p bb+ i+_i c) _ k+(pi+) +Qt.k \ 41

+ _i -i pi -Pk
P -= + (_- e ) p Pi
/ \ subdivision number
Ibxcl bxcI
c 60 1 0
4 4 on a block side
4 5
....... (24)
v i -Pe+ Pi -Pm f)-=_ (p-)2 + (-_
lexf IexflI 70 1 so e 11

where e and f are the vectors formed by rotating mi and li by a right

(b) division by blocks (input for Step 1)
angle, respectively.
We regard (24) and (25) as a quadratic equation for unknown Pi+
and Pi-, respectively, with the other values considered given.
Vi+ and Vi- are given by (12) and (13) respectively using (21) and
(22). Then, as stated in Appendix A, the non-smaller root for Pi+
in (24) lies between 0 and the maximum among pj , Pk
if p t > 0, Pk+ > 0, and Pi- > 0. Similarly, the nonksmallerroot for
Pi- of (25) is between 0 and the.maximum among Pl-, Pm- and
Pi+, if pl-> 0, Pm- > 0, and pi+ > 0. These relations coincide with
the physical fact that the charge density of both polarities lies
everywhere between zero and maximum on the boundaries. Namely,
the upstream FEM assures the maximum principle on the boundary, (c) generated mesh (output of Step 1)
thus constituting a stable numerical calculation. Fig. 5 Schematic explanation of semi-automatic mesh generation

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Step 1 generates from the input data all the final triangular elements respectively, show the absolute and relative errors of E and j for the
in the entire region. As a mesh generation algorithm, each side of every case subdivided with 306 elements and 168 nodes. Analytical values
block is subdivided, not equally, but in an appropriate ratio cor- of E and j are also given in Fig. 7.
responding to the length of the two neighboring sides opposite to
co---o: error of E
each other. This is very important in FEM for ion flow fields
containing disproportionately thin conductors in a vast region. After x
loo x:error of
the generation, Step 1 also replaces the original node order with a
new dne to permit the easier matrix solution in Step 3. It outputs
all information on the generated elements and the renumbered nodes
onto a magnetic tape. This becomes input data for Step 2 together
> 10,N <
E j~~~~
with those for CSM, such as number, types, and coordinates of
contour points on the conductor surfaces as well as fictitious charges 0.
I ~ N
placed inside the conductors.
Step 2 generates the coefficient matrix Kij (stiffness matrix) of
potential equations given by FEM. Only the non-zero components
in the matrix are stored and transferred to Step 3. It also calculates
the coefficient matrix for fictitious charges in CSM, the inverse < 10 N
Fig.~~~~~~~~ Asoluteerro acltionfrFg
ueia oalultionfrFg
matrix of which is used in Step 3 to give the space-charge-free field
for a given set of conductor voltages. In addition to the output of
Sept 2, we input in Step 3, boundary values such as voltage and
charge density on energized (source) conductors, wind velocity, ion
mobilities, recombination coefficient, convergence condition,
maximum number of iteration and other such data.
A general outline of the calculation in Step 3 is as follows:
(a) Magnitudes of the fictitious charges for CSM are calculated
with the inverse matrix generated in Step 2. They give the potential co
N- I
'i and the electric field Epi for the space-charge-free field at any c o .0 x
node i.
(b) Charge densities Pi+ and Pi- are set as zero everywhere except at
the nodes on the surface of the energized conductors.
(c) vi is computed from (20) with the coefficient matrix generated
in Step 2 as explained in the previous section.
(d) Ion velocities vi+ and vi- are calculated from (12) and (13) ULJ 15 x\~ :roro N /
with E4 ,Ep, and w.
(e) The set of Pi+ and pi- is stored as Pi and pi- at this stage.
(f) A new set of Pi+ and Pi. is computed from (24) and (25) based
on the upstream FEM as also explained in the previous section.
(g) The process from (c) to (f) is iterated until Max ( - Pi+
- Pi- ) / Max ( i1, Pi- 1) converges below the prescribed
small value.

CALCULATED RESULTS 0.001 ro 0.01 0.

r in m
Comparison with an Analytical Solution
Ion flow fields can be expressed analytically only in a simple Fig. 8 Relative error for Fig. 6
cocylindrical arrangement as in Fig. 6 if a cylindrical conductor is
included in the region. All the values are expressed there with a
The agreement of the numerical with the analytical solution in
Fig. 8 is satisfactory if we take into consideration the fact that the
single variable r, distance from the axis. These analytical expressions
are given in Appendix B.
arrangement is extremely nonuniform with a high radius ratio (about
1000 between the outer sheath and the inner conductor). The
relative error is about 0.2% in both E and j except near the
ro=0.003m boundaries. The comparatively large relative error on the inner
Ro = 6. 144m boundary is due to the linear approximation of p with (18) which
Vo= 275kV inevitably results in a constant field strength in each element. At-the
Po =8. 854X 10-8C/m3 center of gravity, the numerical value agrees far better with the
analytical value even in boundary elements. Fortunately, this error
does not affect the iterative calculation because the numerical value
of E is not necessary to obtain p at the inner boundary nodes on the
conductor surface. The relative error is already very small at the
nodes next to the boundary nodes. The error of j near the outer
boundary (on the sheath) occurs mainly because of the very small
Fig. 6 Cocylindrical monopolar ion flow field absolute value of j there, as can be seen from the logarithmic scale
in Fig. 7. Neither will this hinder the calculation. In comparison
The arrangement of Fig. 6 was numerically calculated in x-y with measurement in ion flow fields including uncertain atmospheric
coordinates for twenty cases of various meshes and element factors, the accuracy of these figures is considered sufficient in most
numbers.11 Both the conductor surface and the outer boundary actual cases.
(sheath) were approximated with regular hexagons. Figures 7 and 8,

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Monopolar Case
Figure 9 shows the simplest monopolar arrangement of a 275 kV
conductor-to-ground. The value of the ion mobility was taken to be E
3X- -

2 x 10-4 m2 /V-sec. C 0.

I cI

> o.2
E x

ro=0. 003m
wind ~Po, Jc Vo=275kV .

(velocity: W.) T

Ey ly

grou nd

Fig. 9 Monopolar line arrangement 0 2 3 4 5

W. in m/sec
Figure 10 is the computed relation of Jc with the charge density Fig. 11 Effect of horizontal wind on Jc, Eym, and iym
pO given as boundary condition on the conductor surface when there (po - 8.854-x 10-8 C/m3)
is no wind. Jc is the corona current per unit length of the conductor
given by Wx=0Om/sec

Jc On+ +in
Jc=(in +
)ds -. --.......................... (26)
S 0.

-where S is the surface area per unit length and in the normal com-
ponent of j. In a monopolar case, either jn+ orjn- is zero. Jc increases E
with po, but more slowly than proportionately. 0



3 x,


Fig. 12 Distribution offield strength Ey on the ground
(po = 8.854 x 10-8 C/m3)
,o 5 10 15 20

Po in 0-8C/m3
Fig. 10 Relation of corona current Jc with boundary
charge density po (no wind)

Figure 11 shows the effect of horizontal wind Wx on Jc, Eym c 0.1

(maximum field strength) and iym (maximum ion flow density) on _t
the ground for a constant p0 of 8.854 x 10-8 C/i3. Jc gradually
increases with Wx, while both Eym and jym decrease because the ion
is driven to leeward by wind. This can be seen more clearly in the
distributions (lateral profiles) of Ey and jy on the ground in Figs. 12
and 13, respectively. The effect of wind is more marked on jy than
on Ey, because the effect on p is also superposed on j asj = k p E. x/h
The motion of an ion starting from the bottom (the lowest surface Fig. 13 Distribution of ion current density jy on the
at x = o) of the conductor might be approximately given by the ground (po = 8.854 x 10-8 C/rm3)
average drift in y-direction and effect of the wind in x-direction.
On the ground
In the case of Fig. 9, xm/h O. 1.1 Wx. This value of xm/h is very
Xm/hz Wx/(kVo/h) . ......................... (27) similar to that where Eym appears in Fig. 12. The position where
iym appears is about 1.4 times larger than the value given by (27).

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Bipolar Case the windward negative conductor.
Figure 14 shows the dimensions of the calculated arrangement Maximum ion current and field strength increase somewhat on the
Which consists of a positive and a negative 275-kV conductor and a leeward side (JyP and EyP) with a slight increase of horizontal wind
grounded wire. The following constants were used. (about 1 m/sec). However, all values except JcP decrease with Wx if
it exceeds 3 m/sec. Distributions of Ey and jy on the ground are
k+= k-= 2 x 10-4 m2/Vsec given in Figs. 17 and 18. It should be noted that negative values of
Ey and jy in these figures correspond to the positive conductor side
R= 1.4 x 10-12 m3/sec as EyP and j P, and vice versa since direction y is taken positive. As in
Figs. 12 and 13 of the monopolar case, the maximum of jy p or
Boundary charge densities po+ and po- were taken equal. This, jy%n) decreases more rapidly with increasing Wx than Bym. Gym
together with the equal ion mobilities for both polarities, always
The shift of the position x with Wx where Ey or jy takes a
results in a symmetrical field distribution to x=o when there is no
wind. Although k- is known to be usually larger than k+, these maximum value is nearly equal to that in the monopolar case.
That is, xm = h2 Wx/(kV) of (27) is the shift for Eym, and 1.4 xm
equal conditions for positive and negative charges were adopted
for iym.
deliberately as an example mainly to make an easier comparison of
the bipolar results with the monopolar results.

~ E

o. --C <
C .

r-' - 0.2
mu1- E -
XI : ~

Fig. 14 Bipolarlinearrangement Wx in m/sec

Fig. 16 Effect of horizontal wind on corona current on
Figure 15 shows corona current Jc versus boundary charge density the conductors and on maximum values on the
pO for no wind. Comparing Fig. 15 with Fig. 10, Jc is about 70% ground (PO = -= 8.854xxQ8 C/r3)
larger in the bipolar case than in the monopolar case if p0 is the same.
A _
3 - E
C: U.

XU -0.
_. x~~~~~

5 t0 x/h
Fig. 1 7 Distribution offield strength Ey on the ground
Po (-Po+=Po-) in 10-8C/m3
(Po = PO 8.854 x 10-8 C/rn 3)
Fig. 15 Relation of corona current with
boundary charge density (no wind) Comparison with Experiment
For the simplest arrangement of a single conductor-to-ground,
When there is wind, the field distribution is no longer symmetrical much experimental work has already been reported. The relation of
to x=o. Figure 16 shows the effect of wind on Jc, Eym, and iym jy to x on the ground converges on a nearly common curve, if
oh the positive and negative conductor sides, respectively. The they are normalized as iy/iym and x/h, respectively. Figure 19
contrary tendency of JcP and Jch in relation to Wx is explained by shows our experimental results in a smaller dimension for various
the effect of wind that drives the negative charge nearer to the conductor diameters and heights. The numerically calculated curve
positive conductor and hinders positive charge from approaching agrees well with the measured values.

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Concerning the effect of wind, there seems to be little experi- 0
mental data which can be used for comparison with the numerical
wind (W.) FVo=- 250kV Vo'=250kV
results described above. Fig. 20 (a) shows a distribution of the
average voltage of charged discs under the bipolar DC line arrange-
ment shown in the figure which approximately corresponds to that
of Fig. 14. This is one result of the long-term measurements per-
formed at the Takeyama Test Yard of CRIEPI.13 The discs were 1.5 unit .mT Th T T T T T IT 15T
m high above the ground and grounded through a 1010 S2 resistor. I 8 8 ~~~~~6.4 6.4
W. (m/sec)
* 2-3 -
A 324)
C" x 45J-
v7 5 -6
0) II
cq L- .
_* 14. 4
S -C
aE 4- (a) Measured disk voltage under horizontal wind
(averaged in summer, humidity 70-79%)

0. 15- W='Om/sec

< 0.05 ,
x/h c-_=
o -- LA,l
5. ) "IN,\.
Fig. 18 Distribution of ion current density on the ground -14.4 -6.4 XN -6.4 14.4
(pO pO
= - =
8.854 x 1Ok/m3) -0. 1-
-0.05 -i
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.

b) Calculated ion current density jy on the ground
forFig.14(replotted from Fig. 18)
h.h D Vo
m mm kV Fig. 20 Measured disc voltage and calculated ion current
E 0.1 density on the ground
-z 0 0.2 0.2 I
0 0.2 0.2 15
0.2 0.2 30 (and ion flow) distribution of HVDC transmission lines in the pre-
cn A 0.2 0.2 50 sence of wind without using Deutsch's assumption.
0.4 0.2 15 2. The calculation principle is to iteratively solve for either the
a) A 0.5 0.2 15 potential or the charge density (densities) by assuming the other
x 0.7 0.2 15 value(s) as given, respectively.
o 3. The upstream FEM has been applied to prevent numerical
C3 instability caused by the numerical differentiation.
4. A computer program based on this principle has been developed
0. 2 calculated so as to be very user friendly.
5. The field distribution in a monopolar and a bipolar example has
been analyzed including the effect of horizontal wind.
0 1.0
6. The followings are further refinements of this method.
(i) With the present program, the field distribution must be
x/h determined by trial and error from the boundary condition
Fig. 19 Measured distribution of ion current on the ground given by measured ion current. It is desirable to extend the
(no wind) program so as to calculate the distribution only with given
dimensions, conductor voltage and wind velocity.
(ii) Reasonable values of kt, k- and R in geometry of actual
The profile of the disc voltage shows a tendency (in relation to overhead lines as well as the effect of atmospheric conditions
x for a given Wx) similar to that of the calculated ion current density on these values should be studied and adopted in the calculation.
of Fig. 20(b). Contrary to the calculation, however, measured Iy (iii) The field distribution in transient or nonuniform conditions
increases considerably with increasing Wx. A more reasonable com- is also an important problem.
parison could be made by. adopting the field distribution given by
p0+ and po- that correspond to the experimental corona current
JCP and Jcn on the conductors. But these values were not measured Appendix A
in this long-term measurement.
If we express

CONCLUSIONS p$0Vi c -b Vi. *b

r= eovi c
1. A method has been proposed for generally calculating the field k+ lbxc I' k+ lbxc k+ lbxc

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Moreau-Hanot, "La Charge des Particules Sph6riques Dans un

and s= ekR Champ Ionis6." J. Phys. et le Radium Vol. 3, p590, 1932).
[2] W. Deutsch, "'Uber die Dichteverteilung Unipolarer Ionestrbme.
Annalen der Physik. 5. Folge, Band 16, pp588 -612, 1933.
(24) becomes [3] EPRI, "Transmission Line Reference Book HVDC to ±600 kV",
1976, pp73-75, pp96-99.
(pi)2 +(p+sP )Pi
P qP k+ -rpjj+=0 [4] M.P. Sarma, andW. Janischewskyj, "Analysis of Corona Losses
on DC Transmission Lines", IEEE Trans. Power App. and Systems,
The non-smaller root Pit is, Part I - "Unipolar Lines", Vol. PAS-88, No.5, May 1969,
pp. 718-731, Part II - "Bipolar Lines", Vol. PAS-88, No. 10,
Pio+ {/2 J(p+spt-)2 +4(qPk +rpj+ (P+spi)
= } October 1969, pp. 1476-1491.
[5] M. Khalifa and M. Abdel-Salam, "Improved Method for Cal-
culating DC Corona Losses", IEEE Trans. Power App. and Systems.
As the upstream FEM assures that vi+ forms an angle of less than Vol. PAS-93, pp.2-720, 1974.
900 with both - b and C, p, q, and r are all positive. This results in [6] Y. Sunaga and Y. Sawada, "Method of Calculating Ionized
Pio > 0 if Pk+> 0 and p.+ > 0. Field of HVDC Transmission Lines and Analysis of Space Charge
Considering that pio+increases with (p + spi-) and that p + spi- Effects on RI", IEEE Paper F79 708-9, 1979.
. p - pi- for P> 0, [7] Y. Sunaga, Y. Amano and T. Sugimoto, "Electric Field and
Ion Current at the Ground and Voltage of Charged Objects under
HVDC Lines." IEEE Paper 80SM 712-0.
Pio+ < 2{ (p _ pi-)2 + 4(rpj+ + qP k+) - (P -P [8] Y. Sunaga, "Electric Field and Ion Flow Distribution in the
Space around HVDC Lines (Part 2) - Investigation of the Accuracy
Furthermore, as pio+ increases with increase of any of pj4, Pk+ and of Simplified Calculating Method." CRIEPI Report No. 177081,
pi-v 1978 (in Japanese).
[9] W. Janischewskyj, and G. Gela, "Finite Element Solution for
Electric Fields of Coronating DC Transmission Lines", IEEE Trans.
Pio+.< Vl2 ,IPmax - p)2
+ 4(r +q) Pmax + (Pmax P)} Power App. and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No. 3, pp. 1000-1012,
May/June 1979.
where pmax = Max { Pj; PkX Pi [10] W. Janischewskyj and G. Gela, "Computation of Ionized
Field of DC Transmission Lines." IEEE-Meeting at Montreal,
It follows that pp. 1 -3, Oct. 1980.
[11] T. Ikeda and T. Kawamoto, "Finite Element Analysis of the
Pio PPmax Ion-Flowing Field Related to UHV-DC Transmission Lines."
CRIEPI-Report No. 67001, 1979 (in Japanesee)
Similarly, from (25) [ 12] M. Tabata, "A Finite Element Approximation Corresponding to
the Upwind Finite Differencing." Memoirs of Numer. Math., Vol.4,
0. Pio Max{P
PIPm PJ+ pp.47-63, 1977.
[13] Y. Murakushi, Y. Amano, S. Ogata and T. Takahashi, "Ion Flow
if plF> 0, pm- > 0 and pi+ > 0. Electrification Phenomena on the Objects under ± 250 kV Takeyama
Full-scale Test Line (7th Report)". CRIEPI Report No. 175513,
1975 (in Japanese).
Appendix B Analytical Expressions for Ion Flow Field of Fig. 6
Tadasu Takuma was born in Mie Prefecture, Japan, on September 30, 1938.
He received the B. S., M. S., and Ph. D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Tokyo University in 1961, 1963 and 1966, respectively.
(D = c- a r2 2
blIn r2+b2+b
r | (V) After a one-year service as a Lecturer of Electrical Engineering in Tokyo
University, he joined the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
p = t0 a /r2+b2 (C / m3) (CRIEPI), Tokyo, Japan in 1967. As a Fellow Research Engineer, he has been
engaged in the study of SF6 gas insulation and numerical field calculation. In
E= aTr2 +b2 /r 1974 and 1975 he stayed as guest researcher at the High-Voltage-Institute of
(V I m)
Technical University Braunschweig, West Germany. He received the Maxwell
Premium from the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Great Britain, in 1974.
j =eok a2/r (A m2)
Dr. Takuma is member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and
the Institute of Electrostatics of Japan.
where a, b, and c are constants given by boundary conditions. In
Tsutomu Ikeda was born in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, on May 8, 1950.
the case of Fig. 6, He received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Kyoto University in 1975.
a = 1.7006 x 104 (V/m), b = 1.7006(m), c = 1.0051 x 105 (V) In 1975 he joined CRIEPI, where he has been engaged in the study of numerical
calculation of nonlinear problems.
Mr. Ikeda is a member of the Mathematical Society of Japan.

Tadashi Kawamoto was born in Osaka, Japan, on November 26, 1953. He

REFERENCES received the B.S. degree in physics from Science University of Tokyo in 1979.
He joined CRIEPI in 1974 and has been engaged in the study of numerical field
[1] H. J. White, Industrial Electrostatic Precipitation. Addison- calculation by the charge simulation method and the finite element method.
Wesley Pub. Comp., 1963, pp 128 137 (M.M. Pauthenier & M.
Mr. Kawamoto is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.

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