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In this material we will learn more about the alphabet in English, the letters used
to write words or sentences, in the form of vowels and consonants. In this material will
start from the letters in alphabets, simple sentences to increase your skills in English.
How to read alphabet in English:



A ei Ay
B bi: Bee
C si: Cee
D di: Dee
E i: Ee
F ef Eff
G ji: Gee
H eits Ay-tch
I ai Eye
J jei Jay
K kei Kay
L el Ell
M em Em
N en En
O éu Oh
P pi Pee
Q kju: Cue
R a:/ar Are
S es Ess
T ti: Tee
U ju: You
V vi: Vee
W dΛblju: Double-you
X eks Ex
Y wai Why
Z zi Zee

Some words that start with Alphabets a - z:

1. a : angle : sudut 14. n : narrow : sempit
2. b : blasting : peledakan 15. o : oil : oli
3. c : coal : batu bara 16. p : protection : perlindungan
4.d: drilling equipment : alat pengeboran 17. q : quarry : tambang
5. e: emission : emisi 18. r : rock : batu
6. f : fire : api 19. s : safety : keamanan
7. g : ground : tanah 20. t : tunnel : trowongan
8. h : hole : lubang 21. u : unload : membongkar
9. i : inspection : inspeksi 22. v : vehicle : kendaraan
10. j : job : pekerjaan 23. w : warning : peringatan
11. k : kerosene : minyak tanah 24. x : x-ray : sinar x
12. l : landslide : tanah longsor 25. y : yurt : tenda besar portable
13. m : montain : gunung 26 z : zone : zona

Example sentences to say "like":

1. I like diamond.
2. You like art.
3. We like Indomie.
4. They like hunting.
5. He likes sport.

Note the use of "likes" and "likes" in the above sentence.

1. like is used in sentences with subjects: I, You, We, They.
2. likes used in sentences with subjects: He, She.

Example sentences to say "don't like":

1. I do not like diamond.
2. You do not like art.
3. We do not like Indomie.
4. They  do not like hunting.
5. He does not like sport.

Note the use of "do not (don't)" and "does not (doesn't)" in the above sentence.
1. do not use in sentences with subjects: I, You, We, They.
2. does not use in sentences with subjects: He, She

Example sentence questions and answers:

1. What activities do you like?
     Jawaban : I like reading and travelling.
2. What activites don't you like?
    Jawaban : I do not like reading and travelling.

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