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Valencia, Mark Christian E.

Bs Pharm 1 - A

Group Leader Dilemma

Read through the attached powerpoint presentation and understand the situation it showed you.
After fully reading and analyzing the attachment answer the following questions:

1. Who are the two people you would choose to be included in your group? Why did you pick
the said person?
- I will pick the knowledgable and hardworking. I picked them because there will be a good
dynamics between the group mates. Despite the perfectionist attitude of the knowledgable
group mate, the hardworking group mate will do everything to achieve his/her standards.

2. Were your answers based on past experiences with group projects? If yes, what were your
feelings while working with them?
- Yes, I do feel confident with group mates like them because we can easily work out our
differences with our roles in our groups.

3. Do you think almost all established groups had the same problems and sentiments as you did
when they started forming their groups? Are these “birthing pains” (initial problems) necessary
for the growth of the group? Defend your answer.
- Yes, because most groups encounter problems at the start because they need to sort out their
differences first. As time passes by they learn to adapt to each others different qualities and
attributes as group mates so they learn to adjust and compromise until they will start to do better.
From the sorting out of the encountered problems to a group that performs better is indeed a

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