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Lorete I, Russell Joseph L.



(Bible: Real Talk)

The month of January was declared by President Rodrigo Duterte as the “National Bible
Month” celebration. The National Bible Month was guided by the theme “Bible: Real Talk” and
the verses Psalm19: 7-8 and 2 Timothy 3: 14-17. The theme presented was unique, however it
gives a very impactful meaning especially to the youth. A few months ago, the church declared
this year as the year of the youth. The church saw that the youth today are going through many
issues and struggles. Because of that, the church suggests that the bible should be the foundation
of their lives and it should be highlighted in their lives as the one true source of life that can “real
talk” them into having more hope, clarity, and comfort.

As a member of the youth, I learned to be more faithful to God. The theme of the national
bible month taught me to be more obedient and Christ-Centered. Because to be honest, I often
read the bible. I just read it when I like and when it is required by our teacher, which should not
be. I felt that I disrespected Jesus and His teachings. I felt selfish. The theme of the national bible
month helped me realized that the teachings contained in the bible is the “real talk” in life. This
is because it is true and it teaches no error. I learned to be more obedient by which Jesus is the
perfect example of it. Jesus obeyed His Father many times in the Scriptures, which inspired me
to be more obedient to my parents. Jesus inspired me to become a more obedient person by
following rules and regulations everywhere and by being more responsible when my parents are
giving instructions for me to follow. I also learned to be Christ-Centered by which the bible has
“real talked” me to be closer to God. The Bible helped me to have courage and to be more strong
in life. The Bible helped me understand that in every sufferings and mistakes, there are a lots of
lessons to be learned, lessons that will give me inspiration and strength to go on in my life. Also,
the bible gave me hope in life. There are many bible verses that talks about being resilient in life
(ex. Phil 4:13). These verses enlightened me to believe more in God and have faith in God.
Because with God, I can surpass all the challenges in life. Overall, the bible helped the spiritual
aspect of my life to develop and to be stronger. It gave me an opportunity to share to others
Christ teachings and inspire them that it is the “real talk” in life.

The impact of this years’ bible month celebration theme for me is that the bible teachings
is the true “real talk” in life. This helps me realize that Christ teachings, the wisdoms contained
in the bible are the things that the youth like me needs to inspire other people to be more faithful
to God. It is very evident in today’s generation that many of the youth has been nawalan ng
landas sa buhay and they need a new beginning to be able to correct their lives. They need hope
to be able to regain courage and strength. They need to be comforted and understand. But first
they have to accept Jesus and His teaching in their lives. They have to realize that the “real talk”
in life are the teachings contained in the Scriptures. They need to accept it for them to be
enlightened, to be comforted and through accepting God and His teachings they will have a new
hope. Because God is our comfort, our hope and our enlightenment.

I challenge myself to spread the Word of God. To help my fellow youth to be inspired
and be empowered by the bible as an instrument to be closer to God. Also, I challenge my fellow
youth to spread the Word of God. To be a catalyst of change for our fellow youth. To enlighten
them with the bible. Inspire them to read and reflect to the teachings of Christ. Let us work hand
in hand in carrying out Christ mission. Let us be inspired by the true real talk in life, the Word of

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