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Activity 1:

Make research about the top 10 world issues in this time of pandemic.

1. Hunger.
Around the world the downturn of economic and rising unemployment will reduce
purchasing power that leads to worsening the global hunger problem.
“The number of people battling acute hunger and suffering from malnutrition is on the
rise yet again, and the upheaval that has been set in motion by the COVID-19 Pandemic
may push even more families and communities into deeper distress” says Antonio
Gueterres, Secretary General of the United Nations.
2. Unemployment.
According to Monetary Fund the global economy will contract 3% this 2020. This will
push unemployment up across the board. Moreover, this will predict unemployment rate
rise to 10.4% this year from 3.7% last year.
3. Vaccination Programs
Measles and polio vaccine programs are being postponed due to the fear that it will
contaminated or the contact needed to deliver them could spread corona-virus. At the
end of March, the World Health Organization recommended mass vaccination
campaigns must temporarily suspended this is to ensure the safety of health workers
protecting the people against preventable disease.
4. Climate
Since then the climate emergency has taken a backseat as policy-makers focus on
containing the pandemic. But the problem is difficult to take away in fact, 2019 was the
second-hottest year on record. Emily Kirsch, founder of Powerhouse Venture says “The
coronavirus has shown us the scale of the response needed to fight the climate crisis”
5. Unintended Pregnancies
United Nations warns that a lack of access to family planning with the coupled of
lockdowns and major disruptions to health services could result in 7 million unintended
pregnancies in the coming months.
6. Economy
In China, the greatest economic impact due to the pandemic has been on manufacturing
and supply lines, and consequently demand. The domestic restrictions have affected the
supply chains of big companies. Other source of major economic impact will be the form
of global firms deciding to either scale down production or move out.
7. Geopolitics
In times of pandemic it is expected to see a somewhat global order. This is likely to be
driven by the business and spending priorities of countries once they recover, how major
countries come to deal with China, and most of all by whether the UN adopts reactive
strategy not just against China but against the entities that believes are “fronts” of
Chinese interest.
8. Social Cost
As per International Monetary Fund prediction, 90 percent of all countries will experience
negative growth in real gross domestic product per capita. While the need to contain the
coronavirus, outbreak has generated similar priorities world over for most countries it is
choice between public health and economy.
9. Global Health.
The corona virus disease is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest
challenge we have faced during WWII. This affected the physical, mental and emotional
health of people around the world.
10. Domestic Violence.
Income loss and economic hardship can lead to feelings of economic stress and
consequent conflict. Quarantine can lead to decreased freedom and privacy, and higher
stress. It may also include the controlling behaviors as they struggle regaining sense of
control. During this pandemic, there have been reports from all over the world about the
significant increase in domestic violence. Moreover, Guterres, UN Secretary-General
pointed out a “horrifying global surge in domestic violence.”

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