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Dan Lorenz Olbes

BSA – 1E
Globalization is a complex phenomenon that occurs at multiple levels and multiple aspects of
life. From culture, to tradition, to the economy as well as history, globalization involves the
creation of new social networks and the multiplication of existing connections. This was
certainly exemplified in the story: Gio, Latif and the Laksa as two people with different
backgrounds from different countries befriended one another and discovered each other’s
cultures and traditions. From the food that they eat, to the shows that they watch, to the history of
their countries, and their means of communication, globalization can be observed. I love the fact
that the side of globalization portrayed in the story is only the surface of the phenomenon – what
are its ideal effects on our lives. Migration is common, communication through social media
platforms, being open to other cultures, most of them are on the positive note of globalization
which gives us an idea of what we could be in the next few years if we are to embrace and
maximize globalization.

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