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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


The Oxford Education Project for the First Cycle of primary Education 2
The elements that make up visual language 2
Composition in Arts and Crafts 2
Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language 2
Appreciating different artistic forms 3
Techniques and materials 3
English in the class (Introduction and language aims) 3
Language aims 3


Materials for the pupil 4
Materials for the teacher 5
How to convey a unit 6


Objectives 8
Contents 8
Evaluation criteria 11

Basic competences and subcompetences 13


First grade unit programmes 19

Provisional distribution of contents 19
Unit 1. Strings of beads 19
Unit 2. Coloured marbles 22
Unit 3. Discovering new forms 25
Unit 4. Shining light 28
Unit 5. T-shirts 31
Unit 6. Composition and size 34
Unit 7. Take measures 37
Unit 8. Creations 40
Unit 9. Fairytale summer 43

Second grade unit programmes 46

Provisional distribution of contents 46
Unit 1. Dots and colours 46
Unit 2. Mixing colours 49
Unit 3. Other shapes 52
Unit 4. Solids 55
Unit 5. Points of view 58
Unit 6. On the horizon 61
Unit 7. Small giant 64
Unit 8. Personal expression 67
Unit 9. Let's fly! 70

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


The Oxford Education Project for the First Cycle of Primary Education

The theoretical foundation of this Arts and Crafts project —for the First Cycle of
Primary Education— is based on comprehension, expression and representation.
Through these concepts, various aspects of pupils’ interior and exterior worlds will be
related to each other.

It is hoped that through this project pupils will develop two important abilities: the first,
the ability to become aware of representation in Arts and Crafts and the second, the
ability to express ideas and feelings by means of these representations.

With these premises in place, it is obvious that pupils should develop sufficient skills to
freely manipulate the techniques and resources available to them in this area. At the
same time, they should establish their own code for using these skills for personal
expression; this will be different for each individual and will be influenced by the socio-
cultural context in which their education unfolds.

In this First Cycle, above all, the concepts of ‘aesthetics’ and ‘signifying’ will be worked
on. The point of reference will be the pupils’ own work, so that they will come to
appreciate and enjoy Arts and Crafts compositions. In the development of the project,
five basic subject areas are taken into account.

The elements that make up visual language

The ‘elements’ of visual language are understood to be those things that can be given
expression within a plane or a space, intentionally and creatively. The expressive
ensemble of these elements, called ‘graphic signs’, is found in dots, lines, splodges,
shapes, textures and colour.

Composition in Arts and Crafts

In Arts and Crafts, ‘composing’ is a synonym for ‘ordering’. In this sense, and given the
age of the pupils, the principle objective of this section is in making appropriate use of
the space available, while demonstrating a certain degree of fluidity and skill. From
here onwards, a large number of the activities proposed by the project are directed at
improving hand-eye coordination and correctly orientating oneself in the plane, by
means of drawing lines, dots and splodges, in different ways and in different directions.
They are also directed at helping pupils learn how to adequately fill in areas and
shapes using colour and collage.

In short, it is hoped that pupils will develop their own aesthetic criteria, favouring the
norms and resources necessary towards this end.

Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

Drawing occupies a very special place in this project. Whilst there are a number of
activities involving freehand drawing, there is also ‘directed drawing’, copying and
tracing in all of the teaching units.

This area is taught because drawing is a discipline and a language one must learn in
order to communicate more fully, and more effectively, with others. Gaining this skill will
allow pupils to give expression to their work with greater freedom and originality.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Appreciating different artistic forms

At this point the project aims, in a simple and measured way, to develop in pupils of
this age an interest in and liking for works of art in their different forms (painting,
sculpture, architecture, photography, etc.), as well as traditional and popular arts and
crafts within their reach.

There are also activities designed to help pupils appreciate works of art, as well as the
most general features of each work, in order to either imitate them or recreate them.

Techniques and materials

As regards techniques and materials, the project uses a short and simple list of these,
according to the realities of the classroom. Activities lean principally towards drawing,
colouring and creating motifs, using the characteristic instruments found in a pencil
case: coloured pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, paints, etc.

At the same time, there are activities involving cutting out paper, card and cloth; using
collage, stamping, sgraffiti, etc. Finally, it is worth mentioning the activities in which
two- and three-dimensional motifs are created.

English in the class (Introduction and language aims)

The main aim of the Arts and Crafts in English class is in involving children in activities
that help them to learn the language, because we believe that this class involves
intellectual and emotional exploration, expression and communication. Children learn
by doing and communicating.

Using English will be vital and indispensable for the teacher and the children, and also
they will experience the new language by using it in enjoyable activities. In this way, the
Art and Craft session will become their favourite class. This book will help the teacher
to accomplish both the language and artistic aims.

Language aims

 To improve fluency in speaking and listening skills, by talking to the teacher and
to other children about themselves, their home, their family, etc.
 To make them use their English knowledge and learn more, revising and
practising vocabulary about different topics (e.g. geometry, shapes, colours,
animals, etc.).
 To practise expressing feelings and ideas about the world around them, using
words to express opinions, likes and dislikes, and using different verb tenses.
 To read instructions and practise giving and receiving them.
 To exercise their writing skills.
 To express words related to artistic forms (e.g. colour, shape, line, position,
distance, shade, texture, movement, etc.) and different materials.
 To develop different skills in organizing, representing, exploring.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Characteristics and structure

Given the peculiarities of the subject and the activities requiring work in two
and three dimensions, the pages of the Pupil’s Book are in landscape
format and of an ample size. The paper, also, is of suitable density and
porosity so that it can be worked on using pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and
paints, and used for even more complex techniques such as sgraffiti,
stamping and cutting out.

The Pupil’s Book for the First Cycle is divided into nine units, three per term;
these are thematically related to the topics covered in parallel subjects, in
similar units.

Three-dimensional work is possible through pages made up of pieces that

children can cut out, and that allow the construction of objects associated
with the theme of the unit. The pages are designed so that cutting out and
assembling the pieces is relatively easy; at the same time, a degree of
effort, precision and attention to detail is required.

What is the content of the units?

The units are made up of different types of activities. These could be:

The basic content of the unit is presented through a simple activity.

An activity immediately applies what has just been worked on, using a
different technique from that which was used in the initial presentation.

This is an activity at a higher level of difficulty or combining the concepts
worked on with others that were already studied. Generally, a range of
materials are suggested to encourage creative diversity.

Assessing the historical facts on the subject

The units always include an exercise involving the reproduction of an
interesting work, related to the concepts worked on in the unit or to
areas in parallel subjects.

These works are always significant examples of a type, and facilitate the
development of an appreciative and curious attitude towards art in the
pupils. Furthermore, the activities encourage the development of
creativity and free expression, given that, along with the original work,
other versions are shown that use the techniques, materials and
pedagogical content studied in the unit as well as in previous units. This
page ultimately proposes an exercise in which creativity and personal
expression are key.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Working with the pencil

From the outset, pencil is used in general sketching and simple shading.

English work
In the Teacher’s Book each unit offers indications and suggestions
about how to exploit the lesson in English.

Teachers may or may not follow these suggestions, but they will always
find instructions for doing so, if they want to.



This constitutes suggestions to help the teacher. It is made up of the following


The Pedagogical Proposal

The Pedagogical Proposal aims at facilitating the teacher’s task. It contains
suggestions for work that match the sequences presented in the pupil’s

Its structure therefore corresponds to that of the pupil’s book. In each of its
units, the following content is offered:
 Presenting the context of the unit and listing the pedagogical
resources that can be used in its development.
 Programming the objectives, content and evaluation criteria of the
 Reproducing the pages of the Pupil’s Book, suggesting how they can
be developed pedagogically.

Working in English
Each unit is divided into three parts to help the teacher with the English.
1. Vocabulary.
Words that you will probably use or need to develop the lesson. This
section will be especially interesting for non-native English teachers.
2. Materials.
What the teacher and the children need, or what they could use to
do the activities in different ways.
3. English in the classroom.
Suggestions about how to work with the Arts and Crafts activities
and the language at the same time.

Working in English won’t be a problem for children. Arts and Crafts in

English becomes their favourite subject at school because they learn while
having fun.

The Educational Project

The Educational Project consists of the development of theoretical
elements; these elements are fundamental to the Oxford Project for the First
Cycle of Primary Education. It constitutes an aid for centres in elaborating
their educational project. Each centre should convey the official curriculum
by means of study programmes in keeping with the characteristics of their

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

The Educational Project contains or takes into account:

 ... the psycho-pedagogic characteristics of pupils at this level of
 ... the pedagogical foundations.
 ... the methodology.
 ... the pedagogical programme for the First Cycle of Primary


Arts and Crafts is possibly one of the most popular subjects amongst pupils of
primary school age. They tend to be eager and impatient to take hold of materials
and begin working straight away.

Precisely for these reasons, it is advisable that Arts and Crafts sessions be
undertaken in a relaxed atmosphere that will maintain pupils’ curiosity and
empower their creativity and self-expression. At the same time, teachers should
take care not to allow spontaneity and natural enthusiasm to degenerate into an
uproarious atmosphere that will impede work.

In order to make the most efficient use of the time available for the subject, it is
necessary to plan each session in an orderly fashion, marking the stages of the
teaching process with a strict degree of discipline.

The teaching unit

The pupils’ ages in this First Cycle do not allow for deep reflection and
analysis as regards the content or methodological focus of a particular
theme. Nevertheless, it may sometimes be convenient before teaching a
unit to explain to pupils what they will be working on and how the unit will
serve them at a later date.

This short introduction, which will stimulate pupils’ initiative and curiosity and
instil a sense of security in them, could consist of a brief overview of the
unit. Comments could be made about the pages and the exercises
contained on them, demonstrating how these relate to each other. In this
way pupils should be able to appreciate the progressively greater
complexity and variety of materials and techniques they will be employing,
as well as the richness of the themes they will be studying.

Planning the materials and tools

The materials and tools used in the teaching units are those that pupils will
usually carry in their pencil cases. Nevertheless, foresight is needed in
recognizing that other materials may be necessary to complete some of the
exercises, such as old magazines, cards, pieces of cloth, etc.

A lack of foresight as regards the materials required for a session could

result in the activity becoming a failure, and in frustrating some of the pupils.

To this end, it is recommended that a space is reserved on the department

notice board so that recommendations can be made.

Preparing the classroom

Given that in most centres there isn’t a special classroom for Arts and
Crafts, a few things should be taken into account. The teaching units

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

contain activities that could generate a certain amount of disorder, resulting

in dirtying of pupils’ clothes, their tables and the classroom environment in

In order to avoid the possibility that Arts and Crafts sessions become an
inconvenience for pupils, and that they refuse to take part in certain
activities, it will be necessary to adopt some preventive measures. The
following are suggested: pupils should have a specific shirt or T-shirt for the
Arts and Crafts session; tables could be covered with large plastic sheets; a
bucket of clean water and sponges should be ready in advance, which will
be useful for washing hands and tables. It will also be useful to have
clotheslines and pegs for drying paintings, as well as a secure place in the
classroom to display models and constructions.

Attention to vocabulary
In editing the work order of the units, as well as the comments that appear
in each, pupils’ capacity for understanding has been taken into account.
However, it is worth mentioning that, inevitably, words and phrases specific
to Arts and Crafts will arise, such as stamping, graphite, collage, sgraffiti,
stamping with a die, etc. Pupils would not be expected to know these ahead
of time.

Given that it is important for pupils to express themselves correctly using the
vocabulary of the subject, the teacher can facilitate the comprehension of
the activities, and knowledge of the vocabulary required for these, by first
explaining the meaning of unknown terms. It would be helpful if these
explanations were practical, i.e. within a context of experimenting and
manipulating techniques, procedures and materials.

Preliminary activities
The preliminary activities suggested at the start of each unit in the Teacher’s
Book will bring the pupils closer to the content of the unit. These will help
the teacher find out what prior levels of knowledge and ability pupils have;
they will bring into relief the creativity and motor skills of each child.

The Arts and Crafts sessions are brief. Sometimes there isn’t time to
complete all the activities suggested in the Teacher’s Book or the Pupil’s
Book. Given this, the teacher should choose those activities that seem most
appropriate to his or her group and, if necessary, adapt them to their
particular circumstances.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)





1. Sensitively observe and be aware of examples of Arts and Crafts in the

immediate environment.
2. Analyze and assess the aesthetic qualities of works of Arts and Crafts.
3. Express and represent sensations and experiences, autonomously and with
initiative, by means of Arts and Crafts processes and techniques that give rise
to emotional equilibrium and the communication of emotions.
4. Explore and experience the expressive and communicative possibilities of
different materials, instruments and modern technology.
5. Discover expressive meaning through of Arts and Crafts.
6. Become aware of aesthetic characteristics in works of Arts and Crafts.
7. Begin analyzing and interpreting art images in nearby cultural and historical
8. Begin understanding critically the social significance, value and function of
visual culture.
9. Begin to identify, understand and use certain artistic codes found in works of
Arts and Crafts in the immediate environment.
10. Enjoy, assess and respect the Arts and Crafts compositions created by
11. Enjoy, assess and respect the artistic efforts that come from cultural heritage.
12. Discuss and debate opinions about works of Arts and Crafts, to be able to
enrich one’s point of view.
13. Learn to plan the phases necessary to complete a piece of work, individually
and as part of a group.



Unit 1. Strings of beads

 The dot and the line, and their expressive qualities.
 Compositions and series with dots, lines and splodges.
 Tracing and enhancing the outlines of figures.
 Drawing the features of a human face with a pencil.
 Cutting out and making paper characters.

Unit 2. Coloured marbles

 The primary colours; combinations in series.
 Mixing primary colours to obtain secondary colours.
 The ‘temperature’ of colour: hot and cold colours.
 Using digital tools for colouring.

Unit 3. Discovering new forms

 Shape as an element of Arts and Crafts language.
 The figurative shape and abstract shape.
 Copying drawings on a grid.
 Knowing the norms of conduct in guided visits.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

 Making a Christmas card.

Unit 4. Shining light

 Light and shadow as determining components of the volume of objects.
 Light and dark colours as effects of light.
 Variation of visual perception as a function of the focus and origin of light.
 Delineating areas of light by means of lines or colour splodges.
 The pressure of the stroke and blurring using pencil.
 Modelling and decorating objects with plasticine or clay.

Unit 5. T-shirts
 The stamping technique and its application onto objects, using perspective.
 Distance as an element that distorts the size, colour and shape of objects.
 The horizon line; horizon line perspective.
 Placing elements in space, taking account of the size-to-distance

Unit 6. Composition and size

 Experimenting with the composition and order of elements that make up a
 The grid as a resource for creating symmetrical compositions.

Unit 7. Take measures

 The order of elements in a composition.
 Natural proportion and aesthetic proportion.
 Disproportion as an aesthetic resource.
 Double and half as concepts of measurement and proportion.
 Drawing by Fernando Botero.
 Drawing elements in proportion.

Unit 8. Creations
 The elements of visual language and creativity.
 Designing letters and words.
 Compositions using patterns and rhythms with lines, splodges and dots.
 Parc Güell by Antoni Gaudí.
 The pencil in the decoration of objects.
 Combining Arts and Crafts techniques as a creative resource.

Unit 9. Fairytale summer

 Fantasy as a means of generating characters and situations.
 Colour and texture applied to fantasy.
 The plane, the line, the splodge and colour used to represent fantastical
 Getting to know legendary characters, stories and places.
 Transforming objects for artistic purposes.
 Paris at night by Marc Chagall.
 Making a mobile using summer objects and some sunglasses, applying
various techniques (alone or combined).
 Creative interpretation of everyday situations associated with fantasy: the
night, dreams.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Unit 1. Dots and colours

 The dot and the line, and their expressive qualities.
 Compositions and series using dots, lines and splodges.
 Finishing drawings using coloured dots.
 Cutting and tearing paper to make decorative motifs.
 Composition 8 by Piet Mondrian.
 A digital tool for creating dots.

Unit 2. Mixing colours

 The primary colours: harmonic combinations.
 Finishing drawings according to a key, using primary and secondary
 Mixing primary colours to obtain secondary colours.
 Colouring in scenes using hot and cold colours.
 Making a scene containing three-dimensional effects.

Unit 3. Other shapes

 Modelling simple geometric shapes with plasticine.
 The figurative shape and the abstract shape.
 Making figurative shapes using splodges of colour.
 View of the bay by Juan Gris.
 Making a scene containing three-dimensional effects.

Unit. 4 Solids
 Deconstructing an element into its different planes.
 Finishing off and colouring in a sphere using effects for volume and
 Shading in scenes by varying the intensity and direction of the stroke.
 The bedroom by Vincent van Gogh.
 Understanding the norms of conduct during guided visits.

Unit 5. Point of view

 The horizon line
 Finishing volumetric objects in perspective by using a model.
 Incorporating elements into a scene, taking perspective into account.
 Composing a scene in three dimensions.

Unit 6. On the horizon

 The horizon line.
 Three trees by Claude Monet.
 Cutting out and gluing paper to make three-dimensional scenes.

Unit 7. Small giant

 Composing scenes using elements in useful disproportion.
 Drawing elements, ensuring appropriate size for their distance.
 Pablo drawing by Pablo Picasso.
 Finishing off scenes by adding elements in appropriate proportion.

Unit 8. Personal expression

 Creating motifs and elements starting from simple shapes.
 The parrot and the siren by Henri Matisse.
 Using lettering in decorating objects.
 Combining expressive techniques as a creative resource.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Unit 9. Let’s fly!

 Fantasy as a means of generating characters and situations.
 Drawing fantastical scenes and characters.
 Creating imaginary scenarios by adding appropriate objects and characters.
 Applying techniques and materials appropriate to one’s expressive
 Making an element in three dimensions.




1. Identify and describe the natural and human-made environment.

2. Represent the natural and human-made environment expressively.
3. Express personal experiences and sensations through Arts and Crafts.
4. Observe and identify expressions of Arts and Crafts in the immediate
5. Observe and identify expressions of Arts and Crafts in media where the image
6. Independently create two-dimensional compositions.
7. Independently create three-dimensional compositions.
8. Use drawing as a means of expression and representation.
9. Apply simple two-dimensional techniques using suitable hand-eye coordination.
10. Apply simple three-dimensional techniques using suitable hand-eye
11. Identify, enjoy and assess artistic works in the immediate environment.
12. Identify the main elements of a work of Arts and Crafts.
13. Create images in a spontaneous way based on personal experience.
14. Recognise and differentiate the expressiveness of a range of supporting
15. Use the expressive resources provided by a range of supporting materials, in a
personal way.
16. Respect the norms necessary to create Arts and Crafts compositions
individually or in a team.
17. Value, respect and look after the materials and space used to create Arts and
Crafts compositions.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


In recent years, several EU countries, including Spain, have worked together with the
goal of identifying basic and key learning principles.

The EU defines the term basic or key competence as “a combination of skills,

knowledge and attitudes which are adequate to the context. Basic competences are
those which everyone needs for personal performance and development, as well as
for active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.”

The Spanish curriculum, adapted to the specific circumstances and characteristics of

our educational system, identifies and includes eight basic competences:
1. Competence in linguistic communication.
2. Mathematical competence.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world.
4. Processing information and digital competence.
5. Social competence and citizenship.
6. Cultural and artistic competence.
7. Competence in learning how to learn.
8. Competence in autonomy and personal initiative.

The aim of incorporating these competences into the educational curriculum is to focus
learning. As a result, students integrate such learning, relate different types of
contents, use learning effectively when necessary, and apply it in different situations
and contexts.

The basic competences are not considered minimum common learning. In fact, there
are wider learning proposals which should focus instruction on identifying essential
contents and assessment criteria.

The basic competences do not replace the elements presently included in the
curriculum: area or subject objectives, contents, methodology and assessment criteria.
However, they complement these elements by proposing an integrative focus oriented
toward the application of acquired learning.

Based on this objective, it can be inferred that the competences are not mastered
through a unique curriculum area or subject. Each of the areas contributes to the
development of different competences and, in turn, each of the basic competences is
achieved as a result of working in several areas and subjects.

The selection of different types of contents —concepts, procedures and attitudes—

should ensure the presence of the contents directly related to the acquisition of the
basic competences, or with certain aspects of such competences, but should not be
limited to them. At the same time, the selection should include other contents that
allow achieving each and every one of the area or subject objectives.

The assessment criteria should serve as the main reference to identify the
developmental level of the abilities included in the area or subject matter, as well as
the acquisition level of the basic competences.

Measuring competences is a good indicator of the quality of the education system. In

these terms, the Ley Orgánica de Educación 2/2006, of May 3 establishes that at the
end of the second cycle of Primary Education and at the end of the second course of
Mandatory Secondary Education, all the public funded schools will perform a

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

diagnostic assessment of the basic competences reached by the student body. It also
establishes that the educational administration will be responsible for such
assessment, which will be aimed at training and orientation for schools and at
informing families and the educational community as a whole.

Basic competences and subcompetences

Previously we have indicated which are the basic competences that make up our
educational system, competences that by their own formulation are, inevitably, quite
generic. If we want them to serve as a reference for educational activity and to
demonstrate the real competence achieved by the student (in evaluation, for example),
we have to clarify them far more, breaking them down, always in relation with other
elements from the curriculum. In what we call subcompetences, which are not intended
to be more than types of operating statements that are the consequence of the
integrated analysis of the curriculum in order to achieve some functional learning,
expressed in a fashion that allows for their identification by way of different educational

In this area and first grade, these subcompetences and the units in which they are
applied are the following:



Competence in linguistic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Communicate, verbally and in writing, 7, 8, 9
simple messages.
Apply language usage rules, as well as
linguistic and non-linguistic skills to 8
exchange communication.
Use specific vocabulary from each area
as an instrument for language 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Apply the actions that define linguistic
communication (speaking, reading, 7
writing …) to specific purposes.
Communicate at a progressive 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
competence level in a foreign language.

Mathematic competence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Identify and organise objects according to 3, 5, 6
particular spatial criteria.
Manage basic mathematical elements,
such as different types of numbers,
measurements, symbols, geometrical 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
elements, etc. in real situations and in
simulations of daily life.
Apply mathematical information to 1, 2, 5
different situations and contexts.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Competence in knowledge and 2, 5, 7

interaction with the physical world
Develop the ability to interact with 2, 5
surroundings and to solve problems
involving objects and their locations.
Recognize the importance of the fact that
all human beings benefit from progress 7
and that progress should preserve natural
resources and diversity.

Processing information and digital 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Manage different basic concepts of
languages (textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible), as well as 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
their guidelines for decoding and
Relate specific languages with the most
frequently used forms of media to display 2

Social competence and citizenship 9

Participate actively and responsibly in
group learning activities, respecting the 9
group’s operating rules.

Cultural and artistic competence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Develop an open and critical attitude that
respects diversity of artistic expressions,
as well as sensitivity and aesthetic sense, 1
in order to understand, value and enjoy
artistic expression.
Demonstrate desire and will to develop
aesthetic and creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative, imagination and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
creativity to express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, resources and
conventions of different artistic
languages, as well as the most significant 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
works and expressions of our cultural
Express ideas, experiences and feelings
by means of different artistic means such
as music, literature, visual and scenic arts 6, 9
and the different forms of the so called
popular arts, and use some of their
expressive resources.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Show eagerness to participate in cultural

life and to contribute to the preservation
of cultural and artistic heritage, of one’s 3
own community as well as other

Competence in learning how to learn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Develop skills to obtain information and
assimilate it as personal knowledge,
making relationships and integrating the 4, 5, 7
new information with prior knowledge and
personal experience.
Apply new knowledge and skills in similar 1, 2, 3, 6, 9
situations and in different contexts.
Manage effort, assess oneself and accept 8, 9
Learn from others and with others. 8

Competence in autonomy and 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9

personal initiative
Assess what is done and self-assess,
draw conclusions and evaluate 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
improvement possibilities.
Demonstrate assertiveness and flexibility,
as well as social skills to relate to others,
cooperate and work in groups: empathise 8
with others, value others’ ideas,
communicate and negotiate.

W: Workshop

In this area and second grade, these subcompetences and the units in which they are
applied are the following:



Competence in linguistic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Communicate, verbally and in writing, 6, 8
simple messages.
Apply language usage rules, as well as
linguistic and non-linguistic skills to 3, 5, 7
exchange communication.
Communicate thoughts, emotions, life
experiences, opinions, ideas, and ethical 4
and critical judgements in a coherent way.
Use specific vocabulary from each area
as an instrument for language 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Apply the actions that define linguistic 9

communication (speaking, reading,
writing …) to specific purposes.
Communicate at a progressive 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
competence level in a foreign language.

Mathematic competence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Identify and organise objects according to 4, 5, 6
particular spatial criteria.
Manage basic mathematical elements,
such as different types of numbers,
measurements, symbols, geometrical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
elements, etc. in real situations and in
simulations of daily life.
Apply mathematical information to 1
different situations and contexts.

Competence in knowledge and 5, 6, 9

interaction with the physical world
Adequately perceive the physical space
where life and human activity develop, 5, 9
both at a large scale and in the immediate
Develop the ability to interact with 6
surroundings and to solve problems
involving objects and their locations.

Processing information and digital 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Manage different basic concepts of
languages (textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible), as well as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
their guidelines for decoding and

Social competence and citizenship 4

Have skills to participate fully and
emotionally in civic life, which means
building, accepting and practising social
rules in agreement with democratic 4
values, exercising rights, freedom,
responsabilities and civic duties, and
defending the rights of others.

Cultural and artistic competence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Demonstrate desire and will to develop
aesthetic and creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative, imagination and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
creativity to express through the use of
artistic codes.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Know the main techniques, resources and

conventions of different artistic
languages, as well as the most significant 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
works and expressions of our cultural
Express ideas, experiences and feelings
by means of different artistic means such
as music, literature, visual and scenic arts 9
and the different forms of the so called
popular arts, and use some of their
expressive resources.

Competence in learning how to learn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Develop skills to obtain information and
assimilate it as personal knowledge,
making relationships and integrating the 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
new information with prior knowledge and
personal experience.
Apply new knowledge and skills in similar 3, 8
situations and in different contexts.
Manage effort, assess oneself and accept 6, 8
Demonstrate personal competence in
order to stimulate motivation, self- 3, 7
confidence and the joy of learning.

Competence in autonomy and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

personal initiative
Assess what is done and self-assess,
draw conclusions and evaluate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
improvement possibilities.
Demonstrate assertiveness and flexibility,
as well as social skills to relate to others,
cooperate and work in groups: empathise 8, 9
with others, value others’ ideas,
communicate and negotiate.

W: Workshop

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Below, the programme for each one of the 9 teaching units is completely developed in
which the contents for this first grade has been organised and sequenced. Their
corresponding teaching objectives, contents, evaluation criteria and basic competences
associated with evaluation criteria and activities have been indicated in each one of


The provisional distribution initially anticipated for the development of the 9 units in
which the grade has been organised, in accordance with teaching materials used and
the academic load assigned, is the following:

First evaluation: units 1 to 3

Second evaluation: units 4 to 6
Third evaluation: units 7 to 9




Pupils will be able to:

1. Demonstrate fluency and spontaneity in the use of the visual elements of Arts
and Crafts.
2. Use with ease the different supporting materials with which an Arts and Crafts
composition is created.
3. Use correctly the most appropriate tools necessary to carry out a particular
4. Orientate themselves appropriately within two-dimensional space.
5. Make objects in three dimensions.
6. Understand instructions, and through them create an Arts and Crafts
7. Use the basic elements of visual language to communicate, and receive,
personal thoughts and feelings.


I. The elements that make up visual language

Graphic signs
 The dot and its expressive qualities: colour, size and concentration.
 The line and its expressive qualities: type, thickness, colour, direction
and meaning.
 The splodge and its expressive qualities: colour, size and texture.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 With dots: a series of rising and falling rhythms, horizontally from left to
right, and vertically from up to down.
 With lines: straight lines, curved lines, wavy lines, broken lines and
spirals, drawn vertically and horizontally. Orientated left-right, up-down,
and vice versa.
 With splodges: filling the given space, applying colour uniformly.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

The line or stroke
 Tracing and enhancing the outlines of shapes using various materials.
 Following continuous lines with uniform precision.
 Varying the strength of the line by varying the pressure of the pencil on
the page.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Looking at an adapted version of a work of art (Joan Miró) in order to
observe, analyze and reproduce it, using the skills of Arts and Crafts
already learnt.

V. Techniques and materials

Three dimensions
 Cutting out, finishing and mounting paper characters and their clothes.
 Experimenting with different materials
 Paint, wax crayons and pencils.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Understand and know how to use visual elements in an exploratory way in what
they do in Arts and Crafts.
2. Can appropriately use the different supporting materials available, taking into
account the possibilities of each as a means for visual expression.
3. Can distinguish the characteristics of the most common materials and tools
available, and use them in working on Arts and Crafts.
4. Appreciate the available limits of planes and space, and make conscious use of
that available space.
5. Can make voluminous objects, maintaining a sense of equilibrium and
6. Respect the precise order in which the procedures for creating something are
carried out.
7. Can use different graphic elements to express themselves and explore different
results, either creating their own projects or using the models that are given to

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Apply mathematical 4, 5 p. 5, 7
information to different
situations and contexts.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 4, 7 p. 5, 7, 9, 11
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Develop an open and critical 1, 2, 4, 5 p. 5, 9
attitude that respects diversity
of artistic expressions, as well
as sensitivity and aesthetic
sense, in order to understand,
value and enjoy artistic
Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 5, 7, 9, 11
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 1, 2, 3, 6 p.9
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 6, 7 p. 11
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Differentiate and recognize the basic colours.
2. Use colour appropriately so as to express a situation or a sentiment.
3. Correctly use appropriate tools in order to demonstrate techniques that show
what they do.
4. Recognize different colours in nature and organize them by tone and
5. Create Arts and Crafts compositions based on observing nature.
6. Understand and follow visual instructions and suggestions in order to create
something in Arts and Crafts.
7. Use the basic colours with different tones in order to create shades of colour.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 The basic colours: red, blue, yellow, black and white. Applying
secondary colours, for example, by filling decorative motifs or elements
using different techniques: paints, pencil, crayons, felt-tip pens, etc.
 Primary and secondary colours: decorating and colouring objects using
secondary colours, which are obtained from mixing primary colours.
 The temperature of colour: hot and cold colours. Applying the
temperature of a colour freely and imaginatively when applying colour to
scenes or landscapes.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 With dots: applying the basic colours, using splodges of uniform colour
to fill in shapes.
 With stripes: applying the basic colours, filling in stripes and looking for
the contrasts, sequences and rhythms of each colour.
 With mixtures: experimenting with and trying out mixtures of primary
colours, in order to fill in shapes with the secondary colours obtained
from them.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

The line or stroke
 Controlling the pressure, thickness and direction of the line when tracing
and drawing the outline of a figure, using different materials: pencil, felt-
tip pen, crayons, paintbrush, etc.
 Filling in shapes with continuous and uniform strokes.
 Filling in shapes, respecting the outline as the delineating factor in
applying colour.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Creating and experimenting with new compositional strokes and

V. Techniques and materials

The collage
 Colouring in, cutting out, sticking and mounting a moveable object
related to the countryside and the autumn.

Trying out materials

 Obtaining secondary colours. Creating shades and tones of one colour.
 Using different types of paper: smooth, rough, matt.
 Cleaning, fixing and caring for equipment (paintbrushes, pencils, felt-tip
pens, etc.).
 Colouring with a computer drawing programme.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Know when to use the basic colours and can use them.
2. Can express sensations and emotions using the colours chosen.
3. Can distinguish the characteristics of the most common materials and
instruments available to them, and use them in what they create.
4. Can be aware of, differentiate and recognize the basic colours in nature.
5. Can freely represent the colours of the objects that surround them.
6. Respect the order in which the correct procedures required should be carried
7. Can be aware of and differentiate the shades of a colour, and the temperature
that each shade expresses.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 1, 3 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Apply mathematical 7 p. 13, 15, 17, 19
information to different
situations and contexts.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Develop the ability to interact 4 p. 19, 21
with surroundings and to
solve problems involving
objects and their locations.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 5, 7 p. 13, 15, 17, 19
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.
Relate specific languages 2, 5, 6 p. 19
with the most frequently used
forms of media to display

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 p. 13, 15, 17, 19
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 5 p. 13, 15, 17, 19
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 p. 15, 19, 21
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 3, 6, 7 p. 13, 17
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Recognize and use shapes as a means of communication.
2. Define and create simple shapes and forms.
3. Differentiate the concept of ‘shape’ from the other elements that make up the
Arts and Crafts language.
4. Design and construct simple shapes in two and three dimensions.
5. Study, analyze and deconstruct shapes.
6. Know and apply the necessary techniques to develop and modify shapes.
7. Use the basic elements of visual language to communicate and receive
personal thoughts and feelings.


I. The elements that make up visual language

The shape
 The shape as an element of the Arts and Crafts language.
 The splodge as a generating element of shape.
 The figurative shape and the abstract shape.
 Discovering and defining figurative forms out of abstract splodges.

The expressive qualities of the splodge

 Colour and texture as defining elements of shape.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Transferring shapes by means of a grid.
 Filling in shapes using uniform splodges.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

The line or stroke
 The geometric form and the artistic form.
 Drawing different objects and motifs starting from the same shape.
 Making lines, dots and splodges in order to create figurative shapes.
 The geometric line and the artistic stroke as elements that define a

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Decorating objects and motifs by means of geometric and artistic
 Applying strokes to shapes and filling them in to create decorative
patterns and rhythms.
 Experimenting with and creating new compositional strokes and
 Knowing and following the noms of conduct during guided visits.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

V. Techniques and materials

The collage
 Colouring in, cutting out and gluing simple shapes to create a more
complex three-dimensional form.

Experimenting with materials

 Applying a variety of techniques to create works of Arts and Crafts.
 Using discarded materials as a resource to simulate visual effects,
decorations and overall aesthetics.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can express themselves by means of designing figurative and abstract shapes.
2. Can develop simple shapes using the basic elements of the Arts and Crafts
3. Can distinguish the characteristics of the most common materials and
equipment available, and use these in their work.
4. Can create complex constructions in three dimensions, using simple shapes.
5. Can discover, through observation, those elements that make up a specific
6. Can use various Arts and Crafts resources to define and create different
7. Experiment with the graphic elements of the Arts and Crafts language, in their
personal creative work and in others suggested to them.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Identify and organise objects 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 p. 25
according to particular spatial
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 p. 23
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 23, 25, 27, 29
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 23, 25. 27, 29
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.
Show eagerness to 1, 7 p. 29, 31
participate in cultural life and
to contribute to the
preservation of cultural and
artistic heritage, of one’s own
community as well as other

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 23, 27
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 p. 23, 31
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Reproduce and represent shapes graphically in two and three dimensions.
2. Learn about, and use correctly the resources and materials necessary to create
Arts and Crafts objects in three dimensions.
3. Use tone adequately in order to represent the light and shadow of a lit object.
4. Understand how light behaves on three-dimensional objects.
5. Construct complex three-dimensional motifs by first combining other, simple
6. Demonstrate facility in applying the Arts and Crafts language to represent three-
dimensional motifs on a flat plane.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Light and shadow as determining elements of the volume of objects.
 Colour tones, both light and dark, as effects of light and half-light on
 ‘Full’ volume and ‘empty’ volume.
 The planar figure and the volumetric figure.
 Representing three-dimensional objects in a plane through the
application of light and shadow.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Filling in shapes, differentiating the depth of their form.
 The direction of light and its angle onto the volume of objects.
 The ‘personal’ light of objects and the light projected on them.
 How visual perception varies depending on the focus and position of the

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

The line or stroke
 Filling in shapes to demonstrate their volume.
 Using line or stroke to represent three-dimensional shapes in a plane.
 Using line or stroke to delineate areas of light and areas of shadow.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Understanding the effect of light in bringing out the definition of
 Observing and understanding how light behaves in natural and urban

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

V. Techniques and materials

Experimenting with materials
 Applying paints and crayons to achieve contrasting effects between light
and dark.
 Experimenting with the stroke of the pencil to achieve lights and
shadows, by varying the pressure and position of the pencil on the


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can represent two- and three-dimensional shapes graphically.
2. Can differentiate the characteristics of the most commonly available materials
and equipment, and use these in their Arts and Crafts compositions.
3. Can produce the appropriate colour tones in order to create the effects of light
and shadow on an object when it is lit.
4. Observe and recognize the effects of light on an object.
5. Can make complex objects from simple elements.
6. Can express the sense of an object’s volume on a flat plane through Arts and
Crafts elements and resources.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 2 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 1, 3, 5, 6 p. 33, 35, 37, 39
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 33, 35, 37, 39
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 33, 35, 37, 39
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 33, 35, 37, 39
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 2, 3, 6 p. 33, 37, 39
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 3, 6 p. 35, 39
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Recognize and represent the different positions of an object.
2. Understand that distance, size and colour are factors that modify the perception
of an object.
3. Draw one or more objects in the plane, using the appropriate perspective.
4. Represent objects and motifs on a plane in which a horizontal line has already
been drawn.
5. Fully appreciate the size-to-distance relationship in order to represent different
motifs on a plane where horizon line perspective is already present.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Distance as an element that distorts the size, shape and colour of
 Making sketches of different objects, varying the distance between them
and the viewing point.
 The horizon line and the vanishing point; horizon line perspective.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Placing objects in the compositional space, paying attention to their size
and their colour intensity.
 Relative and comparative proportion. Solving problems related to Arts
and Crafts in which size, colour and proportion are involved.
 Experimenting with different objects of different sizes, in which the size–
to-distance relationship is involved.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

The line or stroke
 Tracing and finishing figures and objectes.
 Drawing motifs and objects in a range of positions and from different
points of view.
 Discovering the different ways in which a particular object can be

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Using colour appropriately to determine the closeness or distance of an
 Giving light to scenes or landscapes in which the horizon line is present.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

V. Techniques and materials

Experimenting with materials
 Using paints and crayons to highlight distance and size and create
 Using the stroke of the pencil to obtain gradations that represent the
closeness or distance of objects on a plane.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can represent objects in the plane from different perspectives and in a
personalized way.
2. Can progressively introduce new factors into their creation of real objects.
These factors will make different parts of their work stand out.
3. Can represent perspective amongst the objects that make up a work of art,
using Arts and Crafts elements that are within their reach.
4. Can represent objects and motifs on a plane, using the horizontal line as a
reference for establishing perspective.
5. Can construct an appropriate size-to-distance relationship between objects,
applying the results of their own experiences in their work.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 2 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Identify and organise objects 1, 3, 4, 5 p. 43, 45, 47
according to particular spatial
Apply mathematical 1, 3, 4, 5 p. 41
information to different
situations and contexts.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Develop the ability to interact 2, 5 p. 43, 45, 47
with surroundings and to
solve problems involving
objects and their locations.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 3, 4, 5 p. 41, 43, 45, 47
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 41, 43
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 41, 43, 45, 47
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 2, 3, 5 p. 41, 45
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Use the space sectioned off on a plane appropriately.
2. Place various figures on a plane using personal aesthetic criteria.
3. Apply Arts and Crafts techniques to compose scenes whose elements appear
balanced and ordered in the plane.
4. Learn about framing, ‘edging’ and close detail, in order to reproduce sections of
a work of Arts and Crafts.
5. Adequately apply different forms of composition: in L-shapes; in Z-shapes;
using symmetry.
6. Use colour and perception appropriately to give effect to the sensations of
weight, order, balance and harmony in a composition.


I. The elements that make up visual language

The compositional plane
 The grid as a resource for copying and transferring figures from one
plane to another.
 Symmetrical and asymmetrical composition.
 Achieving different harmonic compositional effects through placing
elements differently.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Harmony between the elements of a composition.
 Using different Arts and Crafts resources to achieve the effects of order,
weight, balance and harmony.
 Framing and ‘edging’.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Drawing different versions of the same theme, varying the position of the
 Finishing figures along their axis of symmetry.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Observing and discovering the most interesting parts or areas of a
composition in close-up.
 Discovering different compositional shapes: in a circle, in an ‘L’, a ‘T’, a
 Using compositional resources to express oneself in Arts and Crafts.

V. Techniques and materials

The collage
 Cutting out, gluing and making motifs in three dimensions.
Experimenting with materials
 Using the stroke of the pencil as a compositional resource.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Knew what they intended to achieve when they sectioned off a space on a
2. Can create harmoneous and aesthetic representations that they have carefully
3. Can express compositional balance by means of the Arts and Crafts techniques
4. Can use framing, ‘edging’ and close detail as artistic resources, and then
experience the results.
5. Can use different kinds of composition in the work that they do.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 3, 5 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Identify and organise objects 1 p. 49
according to particular spatial
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 3 p. 49, 51, 53
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 49, 51, 53, 55
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 49, 51, 53, 55
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 49, 51, 53, 55
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Express ideas, experiences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 49, 51, 53, 55

and feelings by means of
different artistic means such
as music, literature, visual
and scenic arts and the
different forms of the so
called popular arts, and use
some of their expressive

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 51, 55
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Compare the sizes of a range of objects and notice the proportion and
disproportion of objects by looking at them.
2. Create a series of objects that maintain relative proportion within themselves.
3. Recognize and use the concepts of ‘double’ and ‘half’.
4. Use artistic elements to draw motifs in proportion to one other.
5. Create scenes and motifs in which deliberate disproportion is used as an artistic
6. Represent elements of nature graphically and proportionately.
7. Know the vocabulary associated with these processes and techniques and use
it appropriately.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Order between the elements of a composition.
 Comparative proportion and relative proportion.
 Natural proportion and aesthetic proportion.
 Disproportion as an aesthetic resource.
 ‘Double’ and ‘half’ as concepts of measurement and proportion.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Proportion as a determining factor in achieving harmony and balance
between the elements that make up our natural environment.
 The use of space as a delineator and a resource to achieve proportion
 Occupying space with elements that maintain their comparative and
relative proportions.
 Creating artistic motifs in which proportion is subordinate to aesthetic

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Sketching and drawing elements in proportion to each other.
 Correcting disproportionate elements through sketching and drawing.
 Representing graphically and proportionately motifs given in advance.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Proportion and disproportion as determining aesthetics factors.
 Observing and representing elements of the environment: objects,
animals, etc.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

V. Techniques and materials

Experimenting with materials
 Experimenting with new shades of colour in order to illuminate scenes.
 Using a pencil to obtain dark and light contrasts, as well as intermediate


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Analyse and assess proportion between different objects.
2. Represent series of objects that maintain a fixed proportion amongst
3. Create or recreate Arts and Crafts compositions using the concepts of ‘double’
and ‘half’.
4. Draw motifs proportionately.
5. Deliberately use disproportion as a creative resource in their works.
6. Represent elements of nature graphically, respecting their proportion.
7. Demonstrate knowledge and use of appropriate vocabulary in order to express
themselves orally.




Competence in linguistic communication

Communicate, verbally and in 7 All
writing, simple messages.
Use specific vocabulary from 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.
Apply the actions that define 7 All
linguistic communication
(speaking, reading, writing …)
to specific purposes.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 57, 59, 61, 63
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Recognize the importance of 6 p. 59, 63
the fact that all human beings
benefit from progress and
that progress should preserve
natural resources and

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 57, 59, 61, 63
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 57, 59, 61, 63
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 57, 59, 61, 63
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 3, 5 p. 57, 59, 61, 63
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1 p. 57, 59, 61, 63
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Represent original ideas and projects graphically.
2. Use the elements of Arts and Crafts effectively–shape, colour, volume, texture–
to carry out creative projects.
3. Apply lateral, vertical and closed symmetry in the development of Arts and
Crafts projects.
4. Know the Arts and Crafts language and use it correctly.
5. Use the Arts and Crafts resources to design titles, headings, letters, numbers
and other conventional and unconventional symbols.
6. Apply a personal style to creative work.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 The elements of visual language and creativity.
 Lines, dots and splodges as elements of imagination and personal
 Shape and colour in the decorative motif.
 Compositional patterns and rhythms in decorative elements.
 Symmetry at the service of personal expression.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Designing and making letters.
 Filling out space harmoniously and in balance with personal decorative
 Composing patterns and rhythms, alternating their shapes and colours.
 Filling out space by means of signs and graphic gestures, alternating
shapes, colours and textures.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Filling out uncompleted rhythms, patterns and borders.
 Designing and colouring in letters.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Looking at a sculpted work in order to analyze and reproduce it using
known expressive resources.

V. Techniques and materials

 Using tempera and wax crayons to illuminate scenes with contrasting
 Using a pencil to achieve different shades of grey and blurred effects, in
order to achieve a variety of textures.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Imagine, plan and bring into being personal projects graphically.
2. Elaborate projects appropriately using the expressive resources discovered and
acquired in the units covered so far.
3. Carry out work based on vertical, lateral and closed symmetry.
4. Express themselves correctly, using the vocabulary of Arts and Crafts acquired
so far.
5. Express themselves by means of conventional and unconventional symbols
that they have created individually using previously learnt expressive resources.
6. Appreciate Arts and Crafts work of their own and of other pupils’, using personal
artistic criteria.




Competence in linguistic communication

Communicate, verbally and in 4 All
writing, simple messages.
Apply language usage rules, 4 All
as well as linguistic and non-
linguistic skills to exchange
Use specific vocabulary from 4 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 3, 5 p. 67, 69
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 5 p. 65, 67, 69, 71
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 p. 65, 67, 69, 71
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 p. 65, 67, 69, 71

resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Manage effort, assess 1, 6 p. 65, 67, 69, 71
oneself and accept mistakes.
Learn from others and with 6 p. 65, 67, 69, 71

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 6 p. 65, 67, 69, 71
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement
Demonstrate assertiveness 6 p. 65, 67, 69, 71
and flexibility, as well as
social skills to relate to
others, cooperate and work in
groups: empathise with
others, value others’ ideas,
communicate and negotiate.

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Imagine characters, beings and situations that are alien to reality and bring
them into being by means of Arts and Crafts.
2. Represent imaginary situations graphically, demonstrating aesthetic taste.
3. Learn about fantastical characters and situations from popular culture and
contemporary fiction.
4. Appropriately combine Arts and Crafts materials to create artistic compositions
based on fantasy.
5. Express themselves to others using appropriate vocabulary, both orally and
through work done in Arts and Crafts.
6. Interpret and analyse works of Arts and Crafts based on fantasy.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Fantasy as an unlimited capacity to imagine characters, beings and
situations that are alien to reality.
 The elements of visual language at the service of imagination and
fantasy: colour, shape, texture and volume used from a free and
imaginative starting point.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

The compositional space
 Legendary and mythical characters and settings as determining
elements in the development of imagination and fantasy.
 The elements of Arts and Crafts –the plane, line, dot and splodge– at
the service of imagination and fantasy.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

The line or stroke
 The line or stroke and the freehand or geometric line at the service of
fantastical expression and representation.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Learning about and appreciating characters, myths and legends by
means of literary texts or expressive images from past or present times.
 Creating and designing graphic situations in which fantastical characters
and objects play a role.
 Creating objects and dramatic representations in which fantastical
objects and characters play a role.

V. Techniques and materials

The collage
 Colouring in, cutting out and making a summer mobile.
 Experimenting with materials.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

 Using paints and crayons to illuminate scenes using contrasting colours.

 Using the pencil in order to obtain contrasting effects, such as dark and
light, by varying the pressure applied.
 Manipulating objects from daily life to transform them through artistic


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Use their imagination to create personalities, scenarios and situations alien to
2. Express imaginary situations intentionally and aesthetically, using Arts and
3. Learn about and show interest in fantastical characters and situations from
popular culture or contemporary fiction.
4. Create works of Arts and Crafts based on fantasy, using the most appropriate
5. Express themselves correctly using both oral language and the language of
Arts and Crafts.
6. Analyse, criticize, assess and respect other pupils’ Arts and Crafts




Competence in linguistic communication

Communicate, verbally and in 5 All
writing, simple messages.
Use specific vocabulary from 5 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Social competence and citizenship

Participate actively and 6 p. 75, 85
responsibly in group learning
activities, respecting the
group’s operating rules.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.
Express ideas, experiences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
and feelings by means of
different artistic means such
as music, literature, visual
and scenic arts and the
different forms of the so
called popular arts, and use
some of their expressive

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 1, 2, 3 p. 76, 79, 85
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.
Manage effort, assess 4, 6 p. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
oneself and accept mistakes.

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 4, 6 p. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Below, the programme for each one of the 9 teaching units is completely developed in
which the contents for this second grade has been organised and sequenced. Their
corresponding teaching objectives, contents, evaluation criteria and basic competences
associated with evaluation criteria and activities have been indicated in each one of


The provisional distribution initially anticipated for the development of the 9 units in
which the grade has been organised, in accordance with teaching materials used and
the academic load assigned, is the following:

First evaluation: units 1 to 3

Second evaluation: units 4 to 6
Third evaluation: units 7 to 9




Pupils will be able to:

1. Learn about and recognize the elements that make up visual language: the dot,
the line and the splodge.
2. Occupy the space available in a balanced way.
3. Acquire correct coordination and precision in drawing lines and shapes.
4. Discover, assess and interpret works of art from a personal point of view.
5. Experiment with different materials so as to elaborate Arts and Crafts
compositions of their own.
6. Respect and value their own work and that of others.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 The dot: colour, size, thickness; dispersal and enclosure.
 The line: colour, thickness, direction and sense.
 The splodge: colour, size, surface and texture.
 Light and shadow: shading and range of greys.
 The shape: figurative and abstract.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Filling in shapes with dots of different colours and sizes.
 Decorating motifs using the line as an expressive resource.
 Creating and designing a project using strips of paper.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Drawing dots and lines freehand so as to obtain figurative shapes.
 Going over the outlines of given motifs.
 Cutting out paper shapes by hand and using them to create Arts and Crafts
 Following a model to draw and fill in splodges.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Decorating motifs with lines, dots and splodges.
 Expressive compositions that use discarded materials.
 Analysing and interpreting works of art and discovering new techniques.

V. Techniques and materials

 Experimenting with various techniques
 Understanding the airbrush digital tool for colouring in with dots.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can express themselves artistically through the use of dots, lines, and coloured
2. Can occupy the space in a plane in a balanced way using aesthetic
compositional criteria.
3. Can draw lines and fill in shapes neatly.
4. Can express personal views on a specific work of art, using what they have
learnt in Arts and Crafts.
5. Can create expressive compositions using and experimenting with different
techniques and materials.
6. Can assess with due respect their own work and that of others.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 2, 3 p. 5, 11, 13
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.
Apply mathematical 2, 3 p. 7, 9
information to different
situations and contexts.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 5 p. 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 4, 5, 6 p. 5, 7, 9, 11
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 4, 6 p. 5, 7, 11
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Differentiate and use the basic colours.
2. Know and make use of combinations of the basic colours.
3. Correctly use the techniques and tools necessary to obtain mixtures of colour.
4. Distinguish colours correctly and classify them by tone and ‘temperature’.
5. Create Arts and Crafts compositions by mixing colours.
6. Create Arts and Crafts compositions by following the criteria already


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Colour: primary colours; secondary colours.
 The most fundamental combinations of basic colours and their results.
 The temperature and tone of basic colours. Hot and cold colours. Light and
dark colours.
 The range or gradation of colours.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Filling in shapes according to colour keys.
 Decorating motifs using different tones.
 Applying colour tones to express certain situations.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Drawing coloured lines freehand in one direction, to achieve a dense effect.
 Controlling the stroke when filling in shapes, being careful with the direction
and pressure of the stroke.
 Going over outlines using both thick strokes and fine strokes, to obtain
different textures.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Decorating motifs using different tones and temperatures of colour.
 Analysis and interpretation of works of art and discovering new expressive

V. Techniques and materials

 Cutting out, folding and gluing plane shapes to obtain two-and three-
dimensional motifs.
 Using liquid pigments to achieve mixtures and tones of a colour.
 Experimenting with various techniques.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can recognize the basic colours and can use their own criteria to apply them.
2. Can discover and experiment with the basic combinations of the primary
colours using different materials and techniques.
3. Can adequately use the techniques and tools necessary to obtain certain
4. Can classify colours according to their tone and apply these criteria when they
create their own pictures.
5. Can use combinations of colours intentionally, as well as the techniques they
know and the materials available, to create their own Arts and Crafts
6. Know and understand the procedures necessary to create expressive




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 2, 4, 5 p. 15, 17
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 15, 17, 19, 21
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 15, 17, 19, 21
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 15, 17

resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 15, 17
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 2, 3, 5, 6 p. 15, 17, 21
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Discover different shapes that exist and use them as an expressive resource.
2. Recognize and differentiate figurative and abstract shapes.
3. Acquire correct coordination and precision for cutting out shapes with scissors.
4. Design and make Arts and Crafts compositions using a variety of different
5. Discover, assess and interpret works of art from a personal point of view.
6. Experiment with different materials to construct and deconstruct shapes.
7. Use appropriate materials and tools to work in two and three dimensions.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 The shape as an element of visual language.
 The figurative shape and the abstract shape.
 The simple shape and the composite shape.
 The expressive shape and the geometric shape.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Filling in figures using shapes of different sizes and colours.
 Decorating motifs using shapes as an expressive resource.
 Transferring shapes by means of the grid technique.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Drawing expressive or geometric shapes freehand.
 Using the line, the dot and the splodge to make expressive shapes.
 Transforming abstract splodges into figurative forms.
 Tearing pieces of paper into shapes, and using these in Arts and Crafts
 Following a model to draw and fill in shapes.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Decorating motifs using a range of shapes.
 Analysis and interpretation of works of art, and discovering new expressive

V. Techniques and materials

 Cutting out, folding and gluing plane shapes to obtain motifs in two and
three dimensions.
 Using an ordinary pencil to achieve aesthetic effects.

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Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can use shapes as one more element of the Arts and Crafts language.
2. Can distinguish between the figurative and abstract shape.
3. Can fill in figures and motifs using previously cut-out shapes.
4. Can create compositions by grouping together different shapes.
5. Can express personal criteria artistically, regarding a particular work of art.
6. Can create Arts and Crafts compositions by experimenting with a diverse range
of materials and techniques.
7. Can make constructions in two and three dimensions, making adequate use of
the necessary tools and materials.




Competence in linguistic communication

Apply language usage rules, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
as well as linguistic and non-
linguistic skills to exchange
Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 p. 23, 27
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 23, 25, 27, 29
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 23, 25, 27, 29
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 23, 25, 27, 29

resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 27, 29
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.
Demonstrate personal 4, 5, 6 p. 23, 25, 27, 29
competence in order to
stimulate motivation, self-
confidence and the joy of

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 25, 27, 29
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Differentiate and recognize the three spatial directions.
2. Discover and assess these three directions in Arts and Crafts compositions.
3. Know and use different representative techniques in relief.
4. Use colour to achieve the effect of volume when representing shapes on a
5. Know the possibilities of different modelling materials to create works in three
dimensions and use them.
6. Know, assess and interpret works of art from a personal point of view.


I. The elements that make up visual language

The concept of volume
 Modelling materials: plasticine, clay.
 The line: straight lines, curves.
 Colour: light and shade.
 The plane: cutting out, sticking, and rolling up.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Filling in figures using modelling materials.
 Decorating motifs using modelling materials and colour pigment.
 Achieving a volumetric effect by drawing straight and curved lines.
 Applying shading to achieve a volumetric effect in planar shapes.
 Personal interpretation of a known work of art.
 Creating and combining artistic elements for use in publicity.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Modelling and using diverse shapes to create Arts and Crafts compositions.
 Defining an object’s regions of light and shade by means of drawing and
 Defining a body’s three dimensions by drawing lines and other decorative

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Making Arts and Crafts compositions from discarded materials.
 Analysing artistic work and discovering new expressive techniques.
 Understanding and observing the norms of conduct during guided visits.

V. Techniques and materials

 Using the ordinary pencil to achieve aesthetic effects.
 Experimenting with modelling materials: plasticine, clay, papier maché, etc.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can recognize width, height and depth in a volumetric object.
2. Can correctly distinguish between two -and three- dimensional works of art.
3. Can apply different pictorial techniques to represent volume in objects.
4. Can use colour and the ordinary pencil to achieve dimensional effects in their
two-dimensional compositions.
5. Can interpret known works of art using personal criteria and a variety




Competence in linguistic communication

Communicate thoughts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 All
emotions, life experiences,
opinions, ideas, and ethical
and critical judgements in a
coherent way.
Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Identify and organise objects 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 31, 33, 35, 37
according to particular spatial
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 3, 4 p. 31, 33, 35, 37
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 31, 33, 35, 37, 39
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Social competence and citizenship

Have skills to participate fully 5 p. 41
and emotionally in civic life,
which means building,
accepting and practising
social rules in agreement with
democratic values, exercising
rights, freedom,
responsabilities and civic
duties, and defending the
rights of others.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 31, 33, 35, 37, 39
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 31, 33, 35, 37, 39
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 31, 33, 35, 37, 39
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 2, 5 p. 33, 35, 39, 41
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Differentiate and recognize objects by their shape and size.
2. Use spatial concepts appropriately.
3. Discover the different positions a body can occupy in space.
4. Recognize and represent objects from different points of view.
5. Apply the size-distance-proportion relationship appropriately.
6. Clearly and simply represent objects in the plane using perspective.
7. Use colour tone and the size of objects as resources to achieve perspective.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 The space and the plane.
 Size, proportion and distance.
 Position and point of view.
 The tone of colour.
 Proximity and distance.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Representing objects graphically at an appropriate size, depending on their
closeness to, or distance from, other objects already present.
 Creating and designing compositions in which objects are situated in
different planes to suggest depth.
 Applying proportion and disproportion relatively, in order to demonstrate
great expressiveness in one’s work.
 Cutting out and sticking figures in appropriate sizes and proportions so as to
finish given motifs.
 Applying a shading technique to figures to achieve the effect of volume in a

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Designing and drawing objects of different sizes and shapes in different
 Defining the different positions of objects in a plane by means of drawing
and colour.
 Defining the position and volume of a body by drawing areas of light and
 Cutting out and gluing shapes onto paper in order to achieve an effect of

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Decorating motifs in two and three dimensions, using appropriate resources
to produce depth.
 Making Arts and Crafts compositions using discarded material.
 Personal analysis and interpretation of a known work of art.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

V. Techniques and materials

 Cutting out, folding and sticking planar shapes to achieve the effects of
depth and perspective.
 Discovering new expressive techniques.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can correctly represent the figurative shape and the relative size of objects.
2. Can situate objects appropriately in the plane and in space, given prior
3. Can recognize and draw an object in different positions.
4. Can represent the shape and size of an object graphically by varying its own
5. Can create and design scenes in which motifs demonstrate a clear size-
proportion-distance relationship.
6. Can apply the basic rules of perspective in their own compositions.
7. Can use shades of colour and proportion as resources for achieving the effects
of proximity or distance.




Competence in linguistic communication

Apply language usage rules, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
as well as linguistic and non-
linguistic skills to exchange
Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Identify and organise objects 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 p. 45, 47, 49
according to particular spatial
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 45, 47
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Adequately perceive the 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 p. 43, 47, 49
physical space where life and
human activity develop, both
at a large scale and in the
immediate surroundings.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 43, 45, 47, 49
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 43, 45, 47, 49
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 43, 45, 47, 49
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 p. 45, 47, 49
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 43, 47, 49
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Recognize and differentiate the different parts of a plane (upper, lower, left and
2. Position different artistic motifs on a plane in a suitable form, using aesthetic
3. Position various motifs graphically in relation to a given axis (the horizon line; a
line of symmetry).
4. Recognize the importance of the placement of the horizon line and how
different positions achieve certain effects.
5. Discover artistic possibilities through folding planes along their axes of


I. The elements that make up visual language

 The plane and the box in space.
 The regular line of symmetry.
 The horizon line as a reference point.
 The splodge as an expressive element.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Selecting and copying different motifs in different situations in the plane.
 Looking at, going over and colouring in different framed motifs.
 Creating Arts and Crafts compositions by using the stamping technique.
 Personal interpretation of a known work of art.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Freehand drawing and colouring of previously chosen motifs.
 Going over the outlines of a given shape and then colouring it in.
 Making figurative shapes by means of different strokes on abstract splodges
made by stamping.
 Drawing symmetrical motifs in order to create rhythmic patterns.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Decorating objects in two and three dimensions, using splodges and
rhythmic patterns.
 Analysis and interpretation of works of art.
 Discovering new expressive techniques.

V. Techniques and materials

 Cutting out, folding and gluing planar shapes to achieve motifs in two and
three dimensions.
 Experimenting with a range of materials: paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, wax
crayons, etc.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can correctly orientate themselves in space and in the plane.
2. Can adequately position artistic motifs on a plane, given a prior indication.
3. Can represent motifs graphically on relation to the horizon line and the axis of
4. Can frame a diverse range of artistic motifs using aesthetic criteria and
expressive intention.
5. Can use the horizon line as a reference point to correctly situate the elements
of a composition.
6. Can use the expressive resources provided by the line/stroke to create
7. Can create stamps by means of folded planes.




Competence in linguistic communication

Communicate, verbally and in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
writing, simple messages.
Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Identify and organise objects 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 p. 51, 53, 55, 57
according to particular spatial

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Develop the ability to interact 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 p. 51, 53, 55, 57
with surroundings and to
solve problems involving
objects and their locations.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 51, 53, 55, 57
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 51, 53, 55, 57
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 51, 53, 55, 57

resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 p. 51, 53, 55
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal
Manage effort, assess 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 51, 53, 55, 57
oneself and accept mistakes.

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p. 51, 53, 55, 57
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Differentiate and recognize the relationship between sizes and their contribution
to artistic expressiveness.
2. Discover the different perceptions we have of the size of beings and objects as
a function of factors such as distance, age and their own natural way of being.
3. Apply the laws of comparative proportion and relative proportion.
4. Learn to use proportionality as a resource to express artistry appropriately.
5. Recognize and correctly use the concepts of ‘half’ and ‘double’ to translate Arts
and Crafts work into other media.
6. Know, assess and interpret works of art from a personal point of view and
7. Use and apply the necessary resources to create compositions in which
proportion is the primary concept.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Comparative size and relative size.
 Natural proportion.
 Distance and point of view.
 Colour and light in relation to distance and size.
 The copy within the plane; transforming an object to double or half its size.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Drawing adult animals and their offspring in proportion.
 Colouring and filling in motifs, attending to their qualities of size and relative
 Achieving the effect of proportion by means of plots and outlines.
 Personal interpretation of a known work of art, increasing it to double its

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Achieving comparative proportion by representing various figures (adults
and offspring).
 Defining size and proportion by means of prior plotting and delineating.
 Drawing uniformly to represent the effects of volume, size and proportion.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Artistic representation of works in the immediate socio-cultural environment,
where proportion between different elements is the main point of interest.
 Discovering and acquiring the habit and skill of estimating proportion in
works of art.
 Creating Arts and Crafts compositions in which proportion plays an
important role.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

V. Techniques and materials

 Using an ordinary pencil to achieve effects of light and shade.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can recognize how to correctly increase or decrease the size of an object,
doubling or halving its size.
2. Can position and assess specific forms in space, attending to their size, colour
and nature.
3. Can differentiate and recognize shapes whose proportion is either comparative
or relative.
4. Can use expressive effects to give their compositions proportional harmony and
5. Can interpret a work of art using their own personal criteria.
6. Can know and apply the resources necessary to achieve proportion between
the different elements in their works of art.




Competence in linguistic communication

Apply language usage rules, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All
as well as linguistic and non-
linguistic skills to exchange
Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2 p. 59, 61, 65
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 59, 61, 63, 65
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 59, 61, 63, 65
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 59, 61, 63, 65
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 59, 61, 63, 65
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal
Demonstrate personal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 59, 61, 65
competence in order to
stimulate motivation, self-
confidence and the joy of

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 59, 61, 65
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Discover the processes necessary for transforming figures.
2. Generate a series of decorative techniques when given a initial shape.
3. Create decorative patterns starting from a simple module.
4. Interpret a known work of art from a personal point of view.
5. Use different techniques to express feelings and sensations appropriately.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Transformation in Arts and Crafts.
 The module (the simplest form).
 Aesthetic variations of conventional signs.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Generating new shapes and creating evolutionary series.
 Applying colour to enrich the aesthetic aspect of certain motifs.
 Creating a composition by combining different variations of the same shape.
 Using plotting and other drawing techniques to modify the aesthetic features
of a shape.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Creating and drawing imaginary objects and then transforming them into
 Cutting out simple silhouettes for use in decorating other more complex
 Composing textures based on modules made of different materials.

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Creating expressive motifs for use in decoration.
 Using discarded materials to decorate objects and places.
 Interpreting artistic compositions in two and three dimensions.

V. Techniques and materials

 Cutting out expressive shapes and grouping them together to create an
artistic composition.
 Using a mixture of techniques.


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can transform figures by applying the necessary processes.
2. Can generate new shapes from other given shapes.
3. Can design simple modules and group them to create aesthetic patterns.
4. Can interpret known works of art from a personal point of view.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

5. Can complete motifs and enrich their aesthetic appearance.

6. Can express themselves using various artistic techniques combined with their
own personal criteria.




Competence in linguistic communication

Communicate, verbally and in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All
writing, simple messages.
Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.

Mathematical competence
Manage basic mathematical 1, 2, 3, 5 p. 67, 69, 71
elements, such as different
types of numbers,
measurements, symbols,
geometrical elements, etc. in
real situations and in
simulations of daily life.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 67, 69, 71, 73
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 67, 69, 71, 73
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 67, 69, 71, 73
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Competence in learning how to learn

Apply new knowledge and 3, 4, 6 p. 69, 71, 73
skills in similar situations and
in different contexts.
Manage effort, assess 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 67, 69, 71, 73
oneself and accept mistakes.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 67, 69, 71, 73
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement
Demonstrate assertiveness 4, 6 p. 69, 71
and flexibility, as well as
social skills to relate to
others, cooperate and work in
groups: empathise with
others, value others’ ideas,
communicate and negotiate.

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)




Pupils will be able to:

1. Develop the capacity to imagine fantastical situations and personalities.
2. Express real situations adequately by means of drawing and other expressive
3. Know and apply various expressive techniques for developing artistic work.
4. Interpret popular stories and legends from a personal point of view.
5. Construct and sequence real or fictional scenes and personalities.
6. Relate and compare characters and situations from past popular literature with
characters and situations from an imaginary future.
7. Respect and assess their own work and that of others.


I. The elements that make up visual language

 Fantastical characters, situations and objects.
 Shape and colour at the service of creativity and fantasy.
 Texture as an expressive element of characters and situations.
 The plane as a physical space in which real and fantastical stories and
sequences are developed.
 The defining line in shapes and textures.
 Volume and colour as a means of free expression and creativity.

II. Compositions in Arts and Crafts

 Finishing off scenes by drawing and colouring in characters and objects.
 Decorating motifs using different expressive techniques and resources.
 Using the techniques of rubbing and sgraffiti to achieve effects that
demonstrate certain personal characteristics.

III. Drawing as an Arts and Crafts language

 Drawing fantastical objects, characters and situations: derived from popular
literature or from one’s own imagination.
 Cutting out, folding and gluing shapes to achieve compositions with real or
 Filling in and drawing concrete and abstract shapes to express an idea or a

IV. Appreciating different artistic forms

 Reading popular stories and looking at images from these.
 Artistic imitation and reproduction of characters and situations from the past.
 Analysis and assessment of known works of art.

V. Techniques and materials

 Cutting out shapes of different sizes and textures.
 Using the ordinary pencil to obtain shading and other aesthetic effects.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)


Pupils will be able to show that they:

1. Can create characters and situations using their own imaginations.
2. Can use expressive techniques adequately to bring their fantasies alive.
3. Can recognize and classify works of art in terms of the expressive techniques
with which they have been created.
4. Can interpret, modify and complement popular stories and legends.
5. Can identify and put together real and fictional scenes and characters.
6. Can differentiate literary creations from the past, comparing and relating them
to those from the present.
7. Can assess and respect their own work and that of others.




Competence in linguistic communication

Use specific vocabulary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
each area as an instrument
for language enrichment.
Apply the actions that define 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 All
linguistic communication
(speaking, reading, writing …)
to specific purposes.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Adequately perceive the 1, 5 p. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
physical space where life and
human activity develop, both
at a large scale and in the
immediate surroundings.

Processing information and digital competence

Manage different basic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
concepts of languages
(textual, numerical, iconic,
visual, graphic and audible),
as well as their guidelines for
decoding and transferring.

Cultural and artistic competence

Demonstrate desire and will 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
to develop aesthetic and
creative skills, and
demonstrate initiative,
imagination and creativity to
express through the use of
artistic codes.
Know the main techniques, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
resources and conventions of
different artistic languages, as
well as the most significant
works and expressions of our
cultural heritage.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)
Arts and Crafts. First cycle (Primary Education)

Express ideas, experiences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 75, 79, 85

and feelings by means of
different artistic means such
as music, literature, visual
and scenic arts and the
different forms of the so
called popular arts, and use
some of their expressive

Competence in learning how to learn

Develop skills to obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 p. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
information and assimilate it
as personal knowledge,
making relationships and
integrating the new
information with prior
knowledge and personal

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative

Assess what is done and self- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85
assess, draw conclusions and
evaluate improvement
Demonstrate assertiveness 3, 7 p. 75, 79
and flexibility, as well as
social skills to relate to
others, cooperate and work in
groups: empathise with
others, value others’ ideas,
communicate and negotiate.

*All the subcompetences detailed in this section are developed using English as the common
language, which will allow pupils to communicate in a progressive level of competence in a
foreign language.

Project Look and Think (Oxford Education)

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