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FUAA - Dept.

de idiomas

B2 - English - Graham Selkirk

Friday, August 28th, 2020

Topic: Education

Grammar: Past conditional (3rd conditional)

Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs

Are tests the best way to evaluate students?

Combine (combinar)

Constructivist model vs. Traditional model

Assignment (asignatura)

Knowledge (conocimiento)

Theoretical (teorético)

Should there be university entrance exam?

enrollment (matrícula), enroll (matrícular)

Private vs. Public universities

It depends on the program

She is convinced.

An interview or essay for university entrance.

consistency or coherence

life stages, age groups

new skills

academic material

eduentretenimiento : edutainment

Grammar: Past conditionals:

3rd conditional: When there is a regret, or when something

was done incorrectly.

Ex. If Susan had studied, she might have passed her exam.

If [past perfect], [present perfect]


Should’ve “Shuda”
Could’ve “Cuda”
Would’ve “Wuda”

“Should’ve Could’ve Would’ve

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. It happened. That’s life. Get
over it.

Come: pres. COME, past. CAME, p.p. COME

I have come to help you!!!

To downgrade: decrease the score, number, the quality.

To upgrade: improve the quality, increase the score, the


I need to upgrade my wardrobe: I need to buy new clothes.

The hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm.

(Update: actualizar)


When the computer grades the exams, the grades are not

40% of British students saw their test scores downgraded.

Most of that 40% were from poor social strata.

The UK made a big mistake by replacing teachers with

computers when determining A-level scores.

What 3rd conditional statement can you make to address this


If the UK government hadn’t replaced the the teachers for

computers, more poorer students would have passed the

If the UK hadn’t implemented the algorithm, they wouldn’t

have got in trouble with the students.
Students in the UK went on strike, causing the government
to make a U-turn.

If the government hadn’t made a U-turn, the students in the

UK wouldn’t have gone on strike.

Teachers were more fair to students than the algorithm, and

the algorithm discriminated more against poorer students.

If the algorithm had been fairer to students, poorer students

wouldn’t have felt discriminated against.


Phrasal verbs: Take

A Phrasal verb is when a verb plus other words (usually a

preposition) are used together in one meaning.

Examples: Go out. = To date ; Ask out = invite on a date.

Take out = you pay for the date

When are they separable and inseparable?


Take care of: You should take care of your children.

Take out: I took my mother out to the movies. Please take out
the flowers from the garden.
Take on: I will take on a job.
Take to: She took to the piano like a fish to water.

List of phrasal verbs:


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