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1.1 Background

Interest in learning is a very influential factor in the learning process. According to the
Big Indonesian Dictionary, interest is a relatively sedentary trait in a person. Interest is very
influential on one's activities, because with interest in doing something that interests him and
vice versa without interest someone is not possible to do something. Strong interest will lead to
persistent efforts and not easily discouraged in the face of challenges.

Many problems arise in the process of learning English. The problem that is often
encountered in the process of learning English is the low level of understanding and interest in
learning students. In general, there are still many students who don't like English subjects. When
the learning process, students sometimes look lazy, bored and bored so that the atmosphere of
the learning process is not created.

One of the factors that influence this is the low level of understanding and interest in
student learning. Interest has a very important role in learning. If subjects are not in accordance
with student interests, students will not learn with enthusiasm. The low level of understanding
and interest in students' learning in subjects is also influenced by the way teachers teach. The
learning process that is often used by teachers is monotonous. Great interest has an effect on
learning achievement, because if the material learned is not in accordance with the interests of
students, students will not learn as well as possible because there is no attraction for him.

As an example of conditional sentence type 3. Conditional sentence type 3 is a

presupposition sentence that is used to express wishful thinking that is expected to occur in the
past, but it does not happen and is not possible because the time has passed. This is almost the
same as conditional type 2. The difference is, if type 2 does not occur because something is 'not'
done, then type 3 because 'not yet' is done. If type 2 uses simple past tense and past future tense,
then type 3 uses the past perfect tense and past future perfect tense.
The type 3 conditional referstoan impossible past conditionan ditsprobable past result.
The sentence softype 3 conditional are truly hypothetical and unreal and hence is also known as
past hypothetical conditional.

In the sesentences :

 The tense in the if-clause is the past perfect simple (had + past participle) or
progressive (had been + verb+ing).
 The tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional (wouldhave + past
particicple) or the perfect continuous conditional (would have been + verb+ing).

Examples :

 If I had been more careful, I would not have had an accident.

 I would not have had an accidentif I had been more careful.
 I would not have been awake if they had not made that noise.
 I would have been sleeping if they had not been making that noise.
 If we had started earlier, we could have finished on time. (ability)
 If we had startedearlier, wemighthavefinishedontime. (possibility)
 If we had been correct, we could have participated again. (abilityorpermission)
 I was sitting in the balcony because it was very hot. If it had not been very hot, I would
have been sitting in my office.
 She was wearing a rain coat. If she hadn't been wearing one, she would have got wet.

Note :

Both would and had can be contracted to 'd. In this case remember two rules:

1. Would never appears in theif-clause so if 'd appears in theif-clause, it must be

abbreviating had.
2. Had never appears before have so if 'd appears after a pronoun just before have, it must
be abbreviating would.

2.2 Problem
The identification of the problem in the life of learning in English department of
PBI 2 – PBI 5 three semester UINSU in Academic Year of 2018/2019 are:

 When is conditional type 3 used?

 Where is the if clause when used in conditional type 3?
 What is the function of conditional type 3?
 Why on type 3 use past perfect tenses?
 Who can use conditional type 3?
 How to easily learn conditional sentence type 3?

3.3 Formulation of the Problem

Conditional sentence type III is the part og grammar. There are only a dizen or so
features needed to desccribe sentence in the writing, included for PBI 2 – PBI 5 three semester.
Conditional sentence type III tell us what the structure of sentence are in a language, and how
they do and can combine into words. It’s hoped, students can improve be able to change sentence
to tenses both in speaking and writing.

3.4 Objectives of the Research

Based on the formulation above, the objectives of this research are describing the efforts
of using link media to improve writing or oral skill of the students of PBI 2 – PBI 5 three
semester UINSU and the investigate whether the students’ skill improves significanly
through that media.

3.5 Limitation of Study

To simplify this study the writer gives limitation as follows:

a) The study is focused on the use of link media to improve and measure students’ profiency
to make the sentence in Conditional sentence type III.
b) The students will be done only with students of PBI 2 – PBI 5 three semester UINSU
year of 2018/2019.
3.6 The Significance of Study
The researcher hopes this research will give some significance for:
a) English Teacher
This teqnique can help the teacher to understand the way to handle the students in
teaching passive voice , and it will give contribution to successful teaching learning
English especially in University.
b) Students
This technique is able to make students enjoy when they are writing or speaking English
Language with people, it make the students not ashamed to speak because it has mastered



2.1. Definition of Conditional sentence type III

Conditional sentence type 3 is a conditional sentence that is used when the result /
consequence of the condition is not possible because the condition must have been fulfilled in
the past.Condition is in the subordinate clause with the conjunction "if" subordinate, while the
result / consequence is in the main clause.

See also:

 If I were or If I was?
 If and whether
 Subjunctive "wish"
 Elliptical Construction
 Past Perfect Tense
 Kernel Sentence

2.2 Form of Conditional sentence type III

Conditional Sentence Type 3 formula

The conditional clause (if + condition) section uses past perfect tense, while the main clause
(result) part uses perfect capital (capital + have + past participle).

Complex sentence
 Subordinate clause (if + condition) = if + past perfect
 Main clause (result/consequence) = would / should / could / might + have + past

If-clause can occupy the beginning or middle of a sentence. When the if-clause occupies the
beginning of the sentence, the comma is placed before playing the clause.

Examples of Sentences of Conditional Sentence Type 3

 Example Sentences Conditional Sentence type 3

 + If you remember inviting me, I will be at your party.
Fact: but you didn’t remember
 If I had given the interviewer really good answers, I might have got a higher
position than you.
Fact: but I didn’t give really good answers
 - If the waiter is careful, he won't break many plates.)
Fact: but the waitress wasn’t careful

 ? If he had asked you for forgiveness, would you have forgiven him?
Fact: but he doesn't ask you for forgiveness

Inverted Word Order in Conditional Sentence Type 3

Inverted word order means the verb appears before the subject. This condition can occur
by removing the word "if" and exchanging the position of the subject and verb. The example is
as follows.

Normal :
 If you (S) had (V) saved your gold in a safety deposit box, it wouldn't have gone.
Inverted :
 Had (V) you (S) saved your gold in a safety deposit box, it wouldn't have gone.


3.1 Methodology of Research

This study is conducted at PBI 2 - PBI 5 three semester UINSU. This class was chosen as
field of the study because the writer has give the link each people to do the task during this mini
research text was given by the lecturer, so the writer knows the real condition of this class, and
the writer can identify the problems in teaching passive voice more easily. Secondly, the writer
suggests that innovation is need in improving student’s lesson ability for the better quality of

3.2. Location and Time

The writer selects of PBI 2 – PBI 5 three semester which is consist of 31 students in the
2018/2019 academic year as the subjects of the study.

3.3. The Technique of Collecting Data

There are 2 tecniques of data collecting applied in this study, they are giving test and
interview in order to support the data of teaching and learning process.
1. The descriptive test using the link methode which can be reference to write
descriptive text.
2. Interview is applied for the students about the passive voice lessons they have learned
with using the link application. From that interview the writer know how much they
understand it.

3.4 Data Analysis.

After conducting research on third semester students, researchers used classes pbi2, 3, 4
and 5 with many students 160 people and many respondents 160 students obtained students who
like to get structured or grammar lessons that are very preferred, the correct answers to the
results obtained are 77,75%, and 22,25% wrong answers. By processing the data as follows:

3.3.1 English Education 2


1 Mila Khairani 7 -
2 Sona Hazilah 5 2
3 Evi Sugiarti 7 -
4 Rifka Dwi Lestari 6 1
5 Nindya Ananda Putri 7 -
6 Nurul Adha Lubis 4 3
7 Bayu Nuriyanto 7 -
8 Imelda Aisyah Nasution 7 -
9 Anggi Rahmadani 7 -
10 Siti Chodijah 7 -
11 Nidya Putri Jamilah 7 -
12 Anisa Widya Sari 5 2
13 Nuraida 7 -
14 Miftahul Jannah 6 1
15 Arinda Salsabila 7 -
16 Qori Puji Asih Nst 7 -
17 Azuan Ali Hamonangan 7 -
18 Eka Haliah 6 2
19 Ajeng Aprilia Utami 7 -
20 Ummi Kalsum 7 -
21 Wanda Handayani 7 1
22 Cahya Ega Ananda 6 1
23 Munandar Pulungan 7 -
24 Zuhrotunnisa Saragih 8 -
25 Arpillah Dessi 7 -

26 Indah Maulina Siregar 5 2

27 Winda Nazriah 6 1
28 Sri Fani Damanik 7 -
29 Leni Maharani 7 -
30 Dewi Suzanha Hrp 5 2
31 Siti Aisyah Hsb 5 2
32 Dinda Rahmadani 6 1
33 Faridah Hsb 6 1
34 Ika Adelia Tjg 7 -
35 Dinda Rezky Br Sinuraya 6 1
36 Saut Marito Srg 7 -
37 Putri Rizky Dine 7 -
38 Mulia Aurora Yamsin 5 2
39 Asri Suci Ramadhani 5 2
Total 229 24

3.3.2 English Education 3


1 Ahmad Fairuz Batubara 7 -
2 Al Mar’atul Muti’ah 7 -
3 Desi Wulansari 6 1
4 Diah Ayu Ningrum 6 1
5 Fany Shafira Rahmadani 7 -
6 Hamidah 6 1
7 Hanifah Halim 7 -
8 Helkin 5 2
9 Irma Yuhani Sambo 6 1
10 Khairul Fadilah 6 1
11 Linggi Nur Hidayah 7 -
12 Mardiah 5 2
13 Maysarah Rizki 6 1
14 Mega Witjaksana 7 -
15 Mela Aprilia Harahap 6 1
16 Meriah Hati Lubis 5 2
17 Nanda Ramadhayani 4 3
18 Nazli Haswani 5 2
19 Nova Hartati Rambe 7 -
20 Nurhabibah F. Dalimunthe 7 -
21 Nurhalimah 7 -
22 Putriwi Richardo 6 1
23 Rizky Alianda 6 1
24 Rizky Febriansyah Ritoga 6 1
25 Robiatul Adawiyah Siregar 6 1
26 Sarnita 7 -
27 Saskia Fadjriani 7 -
28 Shara Khairunnisa 7 -
29 Siti Febriyanti 7 -
30 Siti Marlina Siregar 7 -
31 Sofiah Tanjung 7 -
32 Tara Yuanda Putri 7 -
33 Tzalyta Syalwa 7 -
34 Yana Hudriah 6 1
35 Sahfitri Hasibuan 5 2
Total 220 25

3.3.3 English Education 4


1 Ahmad Aji Hasibuan 7 -
2 Ajeng Tasya Larasati 7 -
3 Amaliah Robiatul A 7 -
4 Annisa Rahmadini 7 -
5 Arkana Hardy 6 1
6 Asmina Hasibuan 5 2
7 Ayu Amelia 5 2
8 Azizi Syafila Harahap 6 1
9 Bella Anggraini 7 -
10 Dinda meidilla Br. Bangun 7 -
11 Elsa Anggraini 7 -
12 Erra Auliana 7 -
13 Erra Malinda 7 -
14 Helmidah Anisyah Putri 7 -
15 Hilma Souryani 7 -
16 Hilzian Alfasya D 7 -
17 Kiflaini 5 2
18 Lahni Fikriya 6 1
19 Lanni Dariyati Hsb 6 1
20 Mahpuja Meilani 4 3
21 Mega Intan Sari Daulay 6 1
22 Meilina Safitri 7 -
23 M. Hidayat 7 -
24 Muhammad Syahfrizal 6 1
25 Nindia Putri Wulandari 7 -
26 Nordamayanti Tanjung 7 -
27 Nur Aini 7 -
28 Nur Hafsari Pasaribu 7 -
29 Nur Suci Anggriani 7 -
30 Nurul Aini Siagian 7 -
31 Nurul Amirah Srg 6 1
32 Nurul Atikah Lbs 6 1
33 Nurul Azirah Damanik 5 3
34 Ramayani Harahap 4 2
35 Ratna Levia Nst 5 3
36 Riski Rambe 7 -
37 Siti Hamidah Hsb 7 -
38 Siti Nurhaliza 7 -
39 Syahfikri Zein 6 1
40 Syahfikri Siregar 5 2
41 Syifa Qanita 6 1
42 Willy syari 7 1
43 Winda Hasrina Hsb 4 3
44 Windy Ariyani 7 -
45 Wulan Ridanti 7 -
Total 340 33

3.3.4 English Education 5


1 Ade Sinta 7 -
2 Ahmad Agam Gifary 7 -
3 Anggi Purnama 6 1
4 Anita Hanum 6 1
5 Aqla Shahnaya Putri 7 -
6 Dewi Khairunnisa 4 3
7 Dinda Khairisya Hsb 7 -
8 Erika Ananda 6 1
9 Fahrozy 7 -
10 Finny Ovy Hutami Hrp 7 -
11 Emma Elviani 7 -
12 Atikah Hafilah 7 -
13 Mizwar 6 1
14 Mayang Sari 7 -
15 Miranda Yulia Sari 7 -
16 M. Kevin Iqbal 7 1
17 Mutia Ayu Madini 5 2
18 Nada Sari 7 -
19 Nindi Afisha 7 -
20 Niken Alamanda 7 -
21 Naugur Hayani 6 1
22 Mahyani 7 -
23 Nazla Hama Dhiya 7 -
24 Nur Afifa 7 -
25 Nur Haliza Farahin 4 3
26 Meilinda Ritonga 7 -
27 Rahma Wiyah 6 1
28 Syafrida Laila 5 2
29 Nurmalina Hsb 7 -
30 Rohana 4 3
31 Fikyay Nadilah 7 -
32 Urfa Rozyika Sitorus 3 4
33 Ziljian Saka Sulaiman 6 1
34 Sofakil Hayati 5 2
35 Yuni Yanti Ritonga 7 -
36 Suci Elida Ramadhan 7 -
37 Annisa Ambia Puri 7 -
38 Santri Malinda 5 2
39 Siti Khadijah 5 2
40 Rahmadd Alridho 6 1
41 Zuliana 7 -
263 32

3.4 Research Result

The results of the data obtained from each class are very different. but there are some
people whose answers are all right. that is:
1. English education 2
The data obtained from this class there are 22 people who answered it all right. so
the percentage is 48.7%
2. English education 3
From this class very few of their answers are all correct. Only 16 people from 35
students. And the percentage is only 17%
3. English education 4
The data from this class is pretty much the answer is correct, but it doesn't reach
50%. so the correct number of answers is 24 out of 45 students. and the percentage is
4. English education 5
And from what was obtained from this class, only 24 people out of 41 students.
and the percentage results are 36%

3.5 Diagram Analysis

Below is the number of correct and wrong answers from the entire class. all the correct
answers have been added together and so are the wrong answers. So even though there are some
answers that are not all right, but he is not all wrong either. The results can be seen in the
analysis data. And here is the result of the diagram:

Chart Title
pbi2 pbi3 pbi4 pbi5

Right Wrong


After finishing the whole steps of these classroom action research at PBI 2 – PBI 5
three semester UINSU, it can be concluded based on this research above. This research meant to
measure mastering students english stucture in Conditional sentence type III .
We can see detail information above in “ result of the influence Conditional sentence
type III in learning english” that it is influential making students better in English both oral and
written. So conditional sentence type III is influence in learning english.


Based on conclusion above the writer would like to give some suggestion:

1. For the students is better to keep their motivating in learning about Conditional sentence
type III.
2. They should study hard, more seriously and try to improve their ability in subject. So
that, the ability in Conditional sentence type III is growing.
3. And the last is they should enjoy processing.

That more students don’t able to understanding Conditional sentence type I


Parrot, Martin. 2000. Grammar for English Language Teacher. Cambridge University Press.

jornal Dayang's writing "my action research on conditional sentence type III” efforts to increase
passive voice understanding through random games said grade X5 Senior High School 1

 Fundamentals of English Grammar (FOEG), Betty Schrampfer Azar, 1985, pretice-hall,

Inc.p. 205

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