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Supporting lecturer :

Lailatun Ni’mah, M.Pd.

Member Group :

1. Muhammad Dzikria Iman Budhicita 1860101223280

2. Vike Al Qurniawati Adi Ningsih 1860101223286

3. Siti Faizatun Nisa 1860101223288

4. Ahmad Hafiz Ihwan 1860101223303



Praise be to God Alright for the blessings of his grace, and that we were
given the opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled “Sentences
Verb” is properly and correctly, and on time.

The paper is structured so that readers can know how important

application of English language in daily life. This paper was compiled with help
from various parties. Both parties come from outside as well as from concerned it
self. And because the aid and help of God almight. These papers can be finally

This is a paper about “Sentences Verb” and deliberately chosen because in

this day and age the us of english need to have the support of all those who care
about the world of education.

The compilers also tanked to Mrs. Lailatun Ni’mah as the teacher/tutors in

english subject. Who have many professor help compilers in order to complete
this paper.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Altough this
paper has advantages and disadvantages.

Thank You


PREFACE .......................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I ....................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1

A. Backround ................................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulatian ................................................................................... 2

C. Our Purposes ............................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................... 3

DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 3

A. Understanding and Characteristics of Sentences verb ................................... 3

B. Use of Sentences Verb ................................................................................. 3

C. Based on its Structure Sentences Verb ......................................................... 4

D. By usage Sentences Verb ............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER III .................................................................................................... 7

CLOSING .......................................................................................................... 7

A. Conclusion .................................................................................................. 7

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 7

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 8

A. Backround

Solahudin (2013, p.79) argues that "The sentence or Sentence is a series

that expresses a concept or thought feeling." From this understanding it can be
explained that sentences are composed on sentence-forming elements or better
known as structural elements sentence. In general, the sentence structure consists
of a subject (usually the word object), predicate (usually a verb/verb/to be),
object and complement.
The types of sentences in English include: Declarative Sentence, Interrogative
Sentence, Imperative Sentence, and Exclamatory Sentence. While the types of
sentences based on the form of the subject and The predicate can be divided into
three types, namely Simple Sentence, Compound Sentences, and Compound-
Complex Sentences (Solahudin, 2013, p. 105).

English is a universal language that is used and learned by all countries in

the world. When someone has just learned English, they may be confused in
understanding English verbs. Verb in English has a verb definition. Just like
Indonesian, English also knows the names of verbs or verbs. Of course in one
sentence it has one verb. Because the requirements of a sentence or sentence are
at least consisting of a subject and a verb. There is a subject (perpetrator) and
there is a verb (verb or activity) carried out by the actor/subject.

Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in grammar research
just like learning letters is the first step to be able to read and write. From
studying the parts of speech we begin to understand the use or function of words
and how words join together to make good communication. means. To
understand what a part of speech is you have to understand the idea of putting
similar things into a group or category.

B. Problem Formulatian

1. Understanding and Characteristics of Sentences verb

2. Use of Sentences Verb

3. Based on its Structure Sentences Verb

4. By usage Sentences Verb

C. Our Purposes

1. To know Understanding and Characteristics of Sentences verb

2. To find out Use of Sentences Verb

3. To find out Based on its Structure Sentences Verb

4. To find out By usage Sentences Verb

A. Understanding and Characteristics of Sentences verb
A group pf words, with a or more units of finite verb, that makes a complate
sense or expresses a complete thought, is called a sentence.
While what is meant by a verbal sentence is a sentence that has a verb. therefore
in verbal sentences there is no need to use to be (is, am, are).
Terms or features of the sentence :
1. A sentence generally begins with a capital letter & ends with a full stop (.)
or a question (?) or an exclamation mark (!)
2. Has a complete meaning and idea
3. Has a subject and a predicate
4. Using conjunctions, when it has more than one clause

B. Use of sentences verb

Verbal sentence shows that something happened, or there is an action
performed in the sentence. Therefore, the sentence uses a verb that shows an
action or work.
The formula for making a verbal sentence is one that is generally well known,
namely (subject + verb + object). There is s/es in verbs and nouns. The affixes to
these verbs depend on the subject used in a sentence.
(+) S + Verb (s) + O + Adv (opsional)
(-) S + do/does + not + Verb + O + Adv
(?) Do/does + S + Verb + O + Adv ?
Discussion one by one :
 Subject is someone or something that does or is described by the verb.
 Verb itself is an element whose function is to tell what the subject is doing
or how the subject is doing.
 Objects are elements that are given treatment by the subject.
 Description is something that clarifies the information in the sentence.
Of course, the example sentences are arranged with complete elements and
we can easily distinguish them. However, in daily use, we will find sentences
that do not have such complete elements, or even with such a structure.
However, the most important thing when we can call writing a sentence, in
the context of this sentence structure, is the availability of a subject and
predicate. So, as long as there are these two elements, it can already be called a
sentence (of course accompanied by a capital letter at the beginning and
punctuation at the end).
Therefore, when reading an article, it is necessary to pay close attention to
the pattern of the sentence, in order to be able to analyze these elements. For
example, to distinguish which is the subject and which is the object.

C. Based on its structure sentences verb

There are four types of sentences that we can learn together. Here are the
discussions one by one.
A. Simple sentences

single sentence is a sentence with one Clause of one subject and one
Single sentence, this is like a simple sentence, because there is only one
clause that makes up the sentence, which is one subject and one predicate.
Example sentence: I bought batagor.
B. compound sentences

compound sentence is a type of sentence consisting of two or more

independent clauses connected by coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor,
but, or, yet, so), semicolon (semicolon), and conjunctive adverb (besides,
futhermore, hence, however, instead, nevertheless, so, then, therefore,
example of compound sentence:
1. I like coffee but it affects my ability to sleep.

2. I'm going to my cooking dass and then I'm meeting my friend at

the book store.

C. complex sentences

A complex sentence is an English type of sentence consisting of one

independent clause and one or more dependent clauses in the form of
adverbial clauses,adjective clauses, or noun clauses.
Examples of Complex Sentences:
1. I didn't buy the car because it was too expensive. (adverbial clause)

2. He's buying a house that needs repair. (adjective clause)

D. Compound-complex sentence

Compound-complex sentences are types of sentences resulting from a

combination of compound sentences and complex sentences.
Examples of Compound-Complex Sentences:
1. My father, who works as a consultant, doesn't make much money;
therefore he sells stuff on the side.

2. He told me that he would call me when he got home, but he never


D. By Usage sentences verb

A. declarative sentence
A declarative sentence is a type of English sentence used to make
statements that can be facts or opinions.
Examples of Declarative Sentences:
1. I think they're coming tonight.
2. The earthquake struck just 10 km underground.
B. Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative sentence is a type of English sentence used to create
questions such as:
1. Yes No Question
2. Alternative Question
3. WH-Question
4. Tag Question

Examples of Interrogative Sentences:
a) Do you really thing so? ( yes-no question)
b) Why did you quit your last job? ( wh-question.)

C. Exclamatory Sentence
Exclamatory sentences are a type of sentence to express strong feelings
through exclamations. This type of sentence ends with an exlamation mark
Exclamatory Sentence Examples
1. What a beautiful craft!
2. Don't let him come in!

D. Imperative Sentence
Imperative sentence is an English type of sentence for making commands,
requests, or instructions. This type of sentence ends with a full stop or an
exclamation mark if it involves strong feelings.
Examples of Imperative Sentences:
1. Please take off your shoes here.
2. Have a seat.

A. Conclusion
Understanding and characteristics of Sentences verb. A group pf words,
with a or more units of finite verb, that makes a complate sense or expresses a
complete thought, is called a sentence. While what is meant by a verbal sentence
is a sentence that has a verb. therefore in verbal sentences there is no need to use
to be (is, am, are).
Use of sentences verb. Verbal sentence shows that something happened, or
there is an action performed in the sentence. Therefore, the sentence uses a verb
that shows an action or work. The formula for making a verbal sentence is one
that is generally well known, namely (subject + verb + object). There is s/es in
verbs and nouns. The affixes to these verbs depend on the subject used in a
sentence. Therefore, when reading an article, it is necessary to pay close
attention to the pattern of the sentence, in order to be able to analyze these
elements. For example, to distinguish which is the subject and which is the
There are four types of sentences that we can learn together include: (1)
Simple sentences, (2) compound sentences, (3) complex sentences,(4)
Compound-complex sentence.
By Usage sentences verb. (1) declarative sentence, (2) Interrogative
Sentence, (3) Exclamatory Sentence, (4) Imperative Sentence.

B. Suggestion

Thus we created this paper to add to our knowledge, especially about

pawning. In writing this paper we feel far from opportunity. Therefore readers
should provide feedback and additions to our paper. If in this paper there are
many mistakes and something that deviates from what is actually before and
after, we thank you very much.


Yulia, Wilma. 2013. "Sentence Types (Tipe-Tipe Kalimat Bahasa

bahasa-Inggris, diakses pada 04 Juni 2023 pukul 21.05.

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